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How Rachel Discovered Cuckolding...


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My heart lurched. I remember incredulously thinking to myself, Why the fuck am I playing along?!

Mike choked on his drink and stifled a laugh, smirking intensely back at me after regaining his composure. My boyfriend obliviously joined in -- "Pieces of shit like him are just insecure they have to answer to a female boss... some men just can't accept that you have power over them and it's so sad, honestly..."

Mike and I stared at each other as I watched his lip curled into another smirk as soon as he heard what my boyfriend said, almost as if the idea of women having power over Mike was the most ridiculous thing he had heard... and, for some reason, I was inclined to agree...

But then, my boyfriend rubbed my leg and I snapped out of my gaze with Mike. He asked if everything was alright between Mike and I, and, well, I panicked, basically laughed him off, saying, "Of course! Everything is fine... Hey babe, can you come into the bedroom with me?"

I got up, all hot and bothered, left the couch, and went straight to my room. As soon as my boyfriend followed and came in, I told him to shut the door.

Honestly, I was going to tell him about what happened between Mike and I, right there and then... I knew it was the right thing to do. If Mike was going to be inappropriate with me, I needed to shut that shit down and fill in my boyfriend.

However,... the mood Mike put me in... I felt myself consumed with it. I was so hot and bothered from the way Mike treated me, how he talked to me, how I lost all semblance of that boss-bitch of a woman I was at work when he spoke to me... that the next minute, all I remember is me just pouncing on my boyfriend to relieve my sexual tension.

I kissed him hard before I immediately pushed him down to his knees and told him to pull my pants down. He obediently obliged, like he always does, and took my panties off too without me even asking. I grabbed a fistful of his hair and shoved his face into my pussy, my body language demanding that he eat me out right then and there as his back was against the door he just closed moments ago.

I moaned as I felt his tongue do circles around my clit... but soon after, I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket with a text message. My boyfriend's face was between my legs, so... I discreetly took my phone out... and, well... it was exactly who I had hoped it was...

1 Unread Message ― Mike.

I discreetly tapped on it while my boyfriend was still between my legs, going to town on my pussy...

"And here I thought you were gonna tell your boyfriend about our little chat... but from the sound of it, I guess not 😂"

The walls were not the thickest and, since we were literally right up against the door, Mike could hear me moan. I don't know why but it supercharged me, knowing that Mike could hear me whimper -- so I rode my boyfriend's face even harder: I turned around and shoved my ass in his face, pushing his head up against the door and demanded that he eat my ass out.

For some reason, even though Mike turned me on by the way he confronted me, I also hated that I lost control to him, that I wasn't in charge of him like I was with everyone else in my life. I channeled my dominating, boss-bitch-woman attitude and took it out on my boyfriend, pushing him down onto the floor while sitting directly onto his face. I gyrated my pussy all over his mouth, even bounced up and down on his tongue, as I completely dominated him on the ground. I asked him if he liked my ass in his face and didn't even lift my pussy up from his mouth to give him a chance to respond; all I heard was a muffled murmur as I kept forcing him to lick me. I quickly felt an orgasm building up in my body but I didn't want to cum like that. I wanted his dick inside me. So I pulled us both off the floor and yanked his pants down.

For a moment, I contemplated sucking his dick... something I hadn't done in months... but, I don't know, I just didn't feel like submitting myself to my boyfriend like that anymore -- instead, I wanted him to submit to me.

"Get on the bed so I can ride you. NOW!"

"Yes, babe, anything for you..." my boyfriend said as he obediently climbed into our bed.

I mounted him, furiously riding his dick while gripping his neck... and... well... my mind drifted towards Mike again...

I pictured Mike stroking his huge dick in the other room to the sounds of me moaning...

"Yes, baby, yessss." I cooed.

I then pictured him opening the door, snatching me off my boyfriend and taking me away to his room...

"Fuck, that feels so good babe!" my cooes turning into moans.

and then, I pictured Mike pinning me down in his bed and pounding me into oblivion with his big, fat, huge dick while my boyfriend was suddenly forced to listen to my much louder screams...

"Oh my god! Fuckkkkk!!! ― "

and I came so hard to my newfound fantasy.

Chapter 2

Well... the next few days were... interesting... to say the least...

Whenever my boyfriend and I were in the common area of the apartment, Mike would try and weasel into our conversation, constantly making big dick puns in-front of my oblivious boyfriend...

I was embarrassed every time he did because I knew he was poking fun at how much bigger he was than my boyfriend... honestly, I was going to confront Mike about it, to tell him to stop because of how inappropriate it was, even if my boyfriend never caught on...

But I never did.

I instead found myself becoming more and more horny every time Mike made a reference to his big dick in front of my boyfriend that only I would understand... kind of like when he first did it when I fired that guy at work.

Eventually... the horniness became overwhelming and sex with my boyfriend just wasn't cutting it for some reason. I'd fuck his brains out each night but was never satisfied by the end of it. Honestly, I started losing my mind, wondering what the hell was happening to me, until one night, after more unsatisfying sex, I was still horny as usual so I went on my laptop to search for porn while my boyfriend slept next to me. I thought, maybe, I just had to finish the job myself and cum on my own with my hand...

The thing is, I almost never watched porn before, because I would usually just pounce on my boyfriend if I was horny... well, when I started watching porn that night, I found myself gravitating towards specific amateur videos... videos that had guys with really huge cocks. I found subs like r/hugedicktinychick and r/amateurgirlsbigcocks on reddit, and I found myself imagining it was Mike and I in the gifs while masturbating. Well, it didn't take long for me to cum so hard that I had to bite down on the blanket I was sharing with my sleeping boyfriend.

As the days went by, I kept choosing masturbating to porn over fucking my boyfriend. I always pretended it was Mike and I in place of the people on screen, fantasizing how I would be screaming just as loud as the girls in the videos while my boyfriend was forced to watch.

I felt super guilty each time after I finished cumming... but, whenever I got horny, it was like all rationality went out the window and I had to finger myself to my newfound fantasy.

What really fuelled my newly discovered kink was that I would always wait for my boyfriend to fall asleep at night to start my porn-masturbation marathons. While he slept right next to me, I would lean my head next to his, sometimes even on his chest, while I masturbated to fantasizing about Mike and his huge cock, my boyfriend completely oblivious while he dozed off next to me. Luckily for me, my boyfriend was a heavy sleeper!

The guilt never stopped, though... I felt like a terrible person -- why was I getting off on the idea of cheating on my man? He was so loving to me, so affectionate, so supportive of me in every way possible. But my infatuation with Mike was growing stronger and stronger by the day, and I just didn't know how to stop...

I always reasoned with myself by saying, as long as my boyfriend doesn't know about this newly discovered side of me, then no harm done... besides, I was always super loving and caring towards him during the day. He did mention at this point that he noticed I had stopped initiating sex with him... I lied to him and just told him I was stressed at work...

Little did he know I was cumming my brains out every night while he slept right next to me, completely oblivious to me furiously rubbing my clit to Mike's big cock.

I got even braver and started to quietly moan Mike's name out loud next to my sleeping boyfriend while I came... I would even whisper to him how much bigger Mike is compared to him and how much I wanted to fuck Mike while he watched, how much I loved being Mike's slut, and how I can't even enjoy sex with my boyfriend anymore because my pussy only wanted Mike's cock...

Well, it wasn't long until my porn-searches for big dicks led me to... another discovery.

Something that would transform how I felt about all of this forever.

Something that would make me much more willing to come to terms with my newly found slutty desires...

I discovered cuckolding porn.

It was like my lust for Mike's bigger cock was suddenly validated. There were so many porn videos, so many subreddits, and so many erotica stories I found of other girls that had this same deep craving for a man more well-endowed, a man more masculine, more aggressive, more muscular ― just, more manly than their current boyfriend or husband.

It was a lot to digest. And by digest, I mean masturbate to lol. I kept picturing Mike doing the same things to me that the bull was doing to the girls in the videos, all while my boyfriend was forced to watch me being pleasured beyond anything he was capable of doing.

Well after a few days of blissfully destroying my clit to cuckolding porn, my city decided to have a policy change on who should come to work, as covid cases were steadily on the rise ― my manager called me one morning before I headed to the hospital to tell me that only essential staff were now deemed necessary to come in. In other words, nurses had to go to work (read: my boyfriend), while admins and managers (read: me) were asked to work from home...

I remember slowly lowering the phone down after my manager gave me the news...

I had to spend a full eight hours at home... while Mike was in the other room next to mine... alone...

I could feel my imagination jumpstarting its engines as my mind began racing, my heart fluttering, my stomach getting butterflies...

NO, I remember immediately thinking to myself, halting my fantasies dead in its tracks before I got too mentally carried away. This is not who I am. I'm a loyal woman who loves his boyfriend. Fantasizing about Mike in private is harmless but cheating isn't.

I went to break the news to my boyfriend that, for the first time since working there, I would not be going to work with him together. After explaining to him what my manager told me, he left for work and I retreated back into my room, firing up my laptop so I could get started on the day's tasks.

The first item on my agenda: Install Zoom so I could attend the virtual team conference call at 9:30am. Then, second item ―

suddenly, my day-planning was interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Babe?" I asked. "Did you forget something ― "

The door opened. It wasn't my boyfriend.

It was Mike.

My heart skipped a beat. Before I could ask what he wanted, he said, "Sooooooo, I heard you're joining team lockdown?" a smirk forming on his face...

"Oh... Mike... umm... yeah, haha, I guess so..." I eyed him, up and down, taking in his towering presence. He was wearing a dress-shirt and tie but was also wearing grey sweatpants for some reason ― it took me a minute to process his odd clothing combination until I realized he was wearing sweatpants because no-one would see them when he was on his Zoom calls...

I laughed. "That's some interesting work attire you got going on there..."

He smiled back. "You know, some days, I don't even bother putting pants on at all... might have to stop doing that now you're home..."

My mind was suddenly injected with thoughts of Mike in a pair of small, tight boxers... his thick, meaty cock being constrained by the stretchy fabric giving a very clear outline of what laid underneath...

Funny thing is, I didn't really have to use my imagination for very long ― my eyes naturally gravitated towards his crotch and saw that he already had a VERY visible cock outline through his sweatpants ―

" ― and, there it is." Mike interjected.

"Uhh, I'm sorry, what???" my eyes snapping back up to his face as my cheeks flushed red.

"You think I don't notice you always looking at my crotch, Rachel???"

My cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red. "Um.. what??? What are you talking about...?" I stuttered unconvincingly in my attempt to feign confusion.

"You're always glancing at my crotch. Why don't you just admit it, Rachel. You want my dick. Just give in and admit that you don't want to be the loyal, perfect girlfriend you think you are. Just admit that you want to know what my cock feels like inside of you. It's okay ― your boyfriend isn't here now."

I was stunned at his direct confrontation.

His abrasiveness and sudden willingness to address the sexual tension between us caught me off guard completely and made me realize how out of control my fantasies had become ― I could never cheat on my boyfriend; I AM a loyal girl.

I opened my mouth to scold him.

... but closed it after words failed to come out...

I could feel the boss-bitch woman in me quickly deflating and receding back, while, at the same time, a strong desire to submit towards Mike starting to replace her...

I watched him walk towards me as I felt myself simply keeping my mouth shut, unable to challenge or deny anything he was accusing me of, my legs rooting themselves to the chair I was sitting in, my eyes wide and looking up into his...

And then, he was suddenly standing right in-front me, his crotch at my eye-level, as he slowly took my hands and placed them on the waistband of his sweatpants...

I broke eye contact with him and looked down at where my hands were placed, each one on either side of his hips, his huge, shapely bulge only inches away from my face...

"Pull down my pants. Now."


... and I did what I was told.

No hesitation, whatsoever.

His cock sprung out and towered over my face.

"Holy fuck, Mike..." I slowly whimpered, feasting my eyes on what I desperately fantasized about for the past week.


Honestly, I wish I could tell you this is when my conscience kicked in and I put a stop to everything. I wish I could tell you I thought of my boyfriend, who had been so sweet and loyal to me for the past four years, and how I couldn't betray him...

It was my very last moment to back out...

The thing is... I caved...and I immediately shoved his cock in my mouth.

Nearly a week of pent-up lust was unleashed in that very moment. All of my fantasies about Mike's huge dick ― craving for it, dreaming for it ― hell, even rubbing my clit to it while I laid next to my sleeping boyfriend ― made it impossible to resist his naked cock once it was presented to me, right in-front of my face while my boyfriend was away at work...

As soon as I tasted him, I realized I was downright starving for his dick.

I moaned.

I whimpered.

I slobbered all over his thick, long shaft.

I was sucking his cock like my life depended on it.

His dick repeatedly rammed the back of my throat, causing me to squeal and choke as his dick kept frequently testing my gag reflex. His cock was so big, there was easily room for both my hands to stroke him off, one on top of the other, while I pumped my mouth up and down the top half of his cock. I bobbed my head as vigorously and as passionately as I could ― almost as if his huge size was making me want to work harder to please him, work harder to gain his approval, work harder to make sure he remembered my blowjob skills amongst the sea of women that have been in the very same position I was in that moment before me...

My tongue could feel every vein of his shaft, every contour of his head, every pulse of his rock-hard erection, completely filling up my mouth like no cock had before. I strained and struggled to fit his monster of a dick as far down my throat as I could, using every fibre of my body to resist gagging and regurgitating. The challenge was unlike anything I had experienced before ― I relished in it, completely committed to not letting go of his cock now that I finally had it in my mouth. I savoured his taste as my drool dripped down his shaft, just as I started to feel my own grool drip down my thighs from my completely soaked pussy.

Looking up at Mike while I slobbered up and down his huge dick, I could see his head tilted back, his eyes closed as he moaned in unison with me.

Who was enjoying it more ― him, or me?

As I was becoming more and more foregone in big dick heaven, we were interrupted by a sudden notification sound from my laptop ―

My 9:30am meeting was about to start!!!

I froze, Mike's cock deeply lodged into my throat, as I cursed over the fact that this meeting had to happen now, of all times.

"Why are you stopping!? I didn't say you could stop, did I?" Mike snapped at me.

I reluctantly withdrew his cock from my mouth, every fibre of my body begging me not to. "I have a meeting for work, like, right now! I'm sorry, Mike, it'll only take like 15 minutes, I swear... After it's done, I can totally keep sucking your cock?? I promise!!"

Mike looked displeased.

"Get up." He commanded.

I immediately obeyed, despite not knowing what he was up too.

He spun me around and pushed my head down onto my desk.

"Ugh! Mike, what are you doing?!"

He yanked my pants down, panties along with it, and spit on his hand. Next thing I know, his fingers were in my pussy, fingering my already drenched lips.

"...Ughhhh, Mike.... Oh, god... stop.... Please.... I have to join... this meeting... ugh!!"

He didn't stop. "So? Then, join it."

It took me a moment to process what he said, as I felt his fingers caress my soaked clit, making my eyes roll into the back of my head as I moaned long and hard.

"Ughhhhhh, fuck Mike!! I can't fucking join this meeting while you're playing with my clit like that!!"

"Did I fucking stutter, Rachel? I said, join your meeting. Now."

My knees went weak as Mike's deep, gruff voice commanded me what to do. I had no idea how he had this effect on me but I just couldn't say no to him. So, I put my AirPods on, slowly reached for my mouse and clicked the join button for the conference call meeting...

Mike slid down and started eating my pussy from behind. Just as I felt his tongue on my pussy, I let out a loud moan but immediately clasped my mouth as my webcam took a moment to turn on.

Suddenly, there were a dozen faces staring back at me on my laptop screen. I rushed to tilt my screen up so they could only see my face and not that I was bent over my desk... I lowered my hand from my mouth and pulled together every ounce of determination I had to make it look like everything was normal on my end. bbw smelltarkustrooper MP3 2022"free taboo stories"politician's wife seduced porn story"literotica daddy"subbieboygasm"gay sex stories""anal wife"triplel literoticaSex story huge size inches sister young “massive balls”following commands mdom audiol iterotica"incest sex"Oc transpo blues sex storieslirerotica lesbian likes older woman"daddy daughter porn""naked sister""literotica nonconsent""adult erotic stories"errantzebrabusty cousin make out story"literotica sister in law""futa sex stories"literotica gay male shaved cackdaddy midnight visit sexstories.comliterotica "boone tallen"Merry xmass with mom taboo sexstories"stories xxx"Sister in law in handcuff and shackle bondage literticaErotic lesbian babysitter stories literotica"cheating literotica""mother son sex"Lesbian orphanage sex stories"brother sister incest sex stories"bella edward literoticaold vicars wifes pornfemale chastity sex stories"cuckold creampie"sister is not naked cfnm story"cfnm literotica"literotivoyuerwebliterioca"xxx rated stories""futanari sex stories"post apocalyptic World literoticlit erotica anal wager"Literotical" sylvia final fling with brother and dad before weddingIncest fucking mum at the back seat fun erotic Summer subbatical litrotica storydominant son taboo storieslitroticasexstories"literotica big cock""incest fuck stories"QUEEN YAVARA-ADRIANNA-FREE NOVELS ONLINE"nipple torture"asstr nonono69the morrissons ch 27 literotica/s/through-the-side-door-pt-04lyricsmaster mom teaches sex"young incest stories"slut for bbc,sex stories,ooooooooh fuck yesswife dressed as christmas elf story"bestiality stories"Sex stories - Ms. Walker's Class Ch. 03literotica stepdaughter lavender aromaCirkon jungleLiterotica stories open marriage,sloppy seconds young guys old wivesHousewives and cheerleaders ch.20FuckingmrsAVAlliterotica boobs poemStories sex sissy blackmail crossdress master roommate"literotica chat"Mother in handcuff and shackles literticaliterotica Klassenfahrt"wonder woman naked"sexstoriesjohnnieblue44lesbian football sex storiesbaby pussy literotica"girls getting fucked""teen incest stories"rumours mzdeviancy literoticaerotic stories of me babysitting then i saw her naked little pussy"lily cade"camping with sis nonconsentual sex confessionbrahmin bdsm sex storyerotic couplings crying wolfkingbooruwa,wife,"cfnm stories"