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Hungry Eyes!

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Skiing, caught in a blizzard, leads to a teen's first dick.
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Skiing, caught in a blizzard, leads to a teen's first dick.


Are you a fan of Neapolitan ice cream or variety snack packs? If you are like me and enjoy having choices, this story may appeal to you. The story starts with an event, a storm. I give you three versions of what happens by changing the male main character.

The three stories don't fit in a single, neat category. I chose incest as it appears in all three versions. There is nonconsent sex in the third chronicle.

Of course, all characters are over 18.


Three drunk, twenty-year-old coeds lounged in their dorm room in their sleeping attire, talking, telling stories, playing Truth or Dare, and downing shots of whiskey. Marie said, "I have a good question. Tell us how old you were and whose cock, and by that, I mean a fully erect penis, you first saw and touched."

"That could be two separate incidents," Bev said.

"Yes," Marie answered.

"For me," Julie slurred, "it happened at the same time. I was eighteen, and the cock belonged to my grandfather (or my brother or a stranger)."

"What?" Bev screeched.

"Tell us everything," Marie demanded


"Grandma, I don't like the look of the sky," Julie said.

The sexagenarian stopped skiing, removed her goggles, and looked at the sky. "It is dark and ominous," she said. "We'd better head back to the cabin."

The cross-country skiers turned around and skied up a small incline as snow started to fall. The pretty, white flakes increased in number, the wind picked up, and the temperature fell.

"Grandma, the snowstorm is turning into a blizzard," the eighteen-year-old said. She sounded scared.

"Yes, we need to get back quickly. The shortest path will take us near the creek so be careful."

The two women slogged through the storm, propelling themselves by using their ski poles. They stopped periodically to clean the snow from their goggles and catch their breath. The old lady used these breaks to confirm that they were on the proper path.

She said, "I think the cabin is on the other side of that hill." She extended her arm and pointed forward and slightly to the right.

Julie pushed off first in that direction. They heard the sound of cracking ice, and the young woman fell ass or teakettle and landed face-first into the icy stream. Her weather-proof clothing ripped and allowed water to get to her inner layers. Her skis came off, and she hit her head on a rock. A trickle of blood ran down the side of her face.

Dottie stepped out of her skis, scrambled to help her granddaughter, and said, "Julie! Are you okay? Oh, no. You're bleeding. You need to get out of the water!"

The teenager was dazed and had trouble standing so Dottie went in the water to help her. "Come on. Let's get to the cabin where we can get warm and dry." She helped her get out of the shallow stream.

"Oh. My head hurts, and I'm cold," Julie said.

Dottie checked the head wound and said, "You hit your head and have a cut on your forehead. It isn't serious, but we need to get to the cabin."

^^The first version - the grandfather^^^

The women walked for twenty minutes to get to the cabin. The conditions were not dire. The air temp was twenty-nine degrees. The wind was blowing at 23 miles per hour which caused small trees to sway.

The problem was Julie was soaking wet. Dottie's exterior clothes had also gotten wet, but, unlike her granddaughter's, they didn't rip and allow the water inside. The clothing next to Dottie's body remained dry.

A large fire was burning in the fireplace and the temperature inside the main room of the cabin was 68 degrees, comfortable for the old man wearing jeans and a cable sweater. It was the best the rustic, old cabin could do on such a cold winter's day.

The door swung open, the women staggered in and fell to the floor.

"Oh, my word! Dottie, what's wrong?" Harold asked.

"Julie fell into a creek. Her clothes are soaked. We need to remove them. I think she's suffering from hypothermia."

Harold rushed over and said, "You're both wet. Dottie, get out of your clothes and warm yourself by the fire. I'll deal with Julie." His slim wife undressed.

Dottie's bronze-colored body had the wrinkles, splotches, and untoned muscles you'd expect of a sixty-five-year-old woman. Her breasts, belly, and her skin, in general, sagged. Her bush was a sparse thatch of wiry gray hairs that couldn't hide her cleft sex.

She went into the bathroom, dried her body, and returned wearing a towel and carrying another towel and a thermometer. She helped her husband undress the teen and they dried her wet body. She draped a towel over her granddaughter.

Julie was everything Dottie wasn't: young, lush, fit, and firm. She had stiff pink nipples on plump, firm breasts that didn't disappear when she lay on her back. The dark hair around her sex was sparse by choice. She trimmed.

"Julie! Julie!" Harold yelled.

"Mmmm," she mumbled. Her eyes were closed. Her skin was cold and her body was limp.

Dottie grabbed the young woman's wrist and checked her pulse. She said, "This isn't good. Her breathing is slow and shallow. Her pulse is weak. While we were walking, she was shivering, her teeth chattered, and when I talked to her, she was confused. Now she's cold and unresponsive. I suspect that her body temperature has fallen too low."

Harold, who was a big man, scooped up the slight teenager and said, "Run a hot bath. That'll warm her up."

"No. If she has hypothermia, we can't heat her quickly. When your organs are stressed by the cold, a sudden immersion in hot water could cause more damage and, possibly, a heart attack."

Harold gave his wife a confused look and asked, "What do we do?"

"Put her down," the retired nurse said. He did. "Touch her feet," she said. "See how cold they are? In an attempt to keep her brain and vital organs warm, blood flow to her arms and legs has decreased.

"If we rapidly warm her, the blood vessels throughout her body will dilate, and the cold blood in her extremities will flow to her brain and heart and that isn't a good thing."

"So what do we do?" the concerned grandfather asked as he knelt beside his naked granddaughter.

"We warm her slowly, but before we start let's determine how bad off she is. We need to know if this is a 'sit by the fire under a blanket' thing or more serious. Roll her over onto her stomach. I need to take her temperature."

He did as she requested and stared at the naked young woman's pale bottom. From her tan line, he knew that she, at times, wore a thong swimsuit. He chuckled and said to himself, "You little devil. I only get to see you in a one-piece bathing suit or a bikini with a full bottom. Now I know you're a bit of an exhibitionist."

His wife picked up the thermometer and said, "I want to know her core temperature. A temperature taken in the rectum is the best way to find the body's true temperature."

"Do you need some Vaseline?"

"No. You want to avoid using petroleum jelly because it can cause an inaccurate reading."

Harold reached over and put both hands on Julie's firm butt cheeks. He spread them, exposed her crinkled anus, and with hungry eyes looked at her butt hole and sex.

Dottie licked a finger, smeared the saliva on Julie's tight little hole, and shoved the thin, glass thermometer an inch deep inside her rectum.

"You can let go of her bottom, you old goat," she teased. Harold removed his hands. Dottie glanced at the clock on the wall and said, "We need to wait three minutes."

Dottie waited patiently. Harold's eyes leered and flicked from Julie's butt to his naked wife's cooch and big, saggy breasts. His wife said, "I see your wandering eyes. You haven't changed a bit. Still the horny teenager I met in high school."

"The day I stop looking at my wife when she's naked, is the day you can bury me because I must be dead," he said with a smile.

"There's the Irish charm I fell for," Dottie said. "One more minute. I'm certain her temperature is below 95 degrees. Your heart and other organs can't work normally at that temperature. Left untreated, hypothermia can lead to complete failure of the heart and respiratory system. We won't let that happen.

"If her temperature is between 90-95 degrees, she has a mild case of hypothermia. 82 to 90 degrees is considered moderate, and below 82 degrees is severe."

She pulled the thermometer out of her granddaughter's butt, looked at it, and said, "83 degrees."

"Do we need to take her to the hospital? It'll be tough in this blizzard," Grandpa said.

"No. Her temperature is low but in the moderate range. We can deal with it. Get the sleeping bag."

Harold returned with a rolled-up sleeping bag, removed the elastic cords, and spread it out on the rug beside Julie. While he was unzipping it, Dottie said, "Take your clothes off."


"You heard me. Take your clothes off. This girl has hypothermia. Throwing a blanket over her and putting her near the fire isn't enough and we need to slowly raise her body's temperature. The literature suggests doing it at a rate of two to three degrees per hour."

"What's the best way to do that?" Harold asked.

"We've gotten her out of her wet clothes and have her in a safe, warm place. We are all getting into the sleeping bag naked. Our bodies will warm her up slowly and safely."

"Oh," he grunted as he began undressing. "What if I know?"


"What if I get an erection?"

Dottie laughed and said, "Then you will be highly embarrassed and I will be amazed. I haven't seen you hard in months."

"It happens," he said defensively as his face turned red.

"Not often enough, old man."

Harold got naked. His penis was a limp tube of flesh in a field of gray pubic hair. He lifted Julie and laid her on the sleeping bag.

"Put her on her side. We'll spoon her," Dottie said. She placed her back against her granddaughter's front. Harold got behind the young woman and zipped up the bag.

"Get as close as you can to her, and throw your arm over both of us. By my estimate, we need to do this for four to five hours."

Harold pressed his flesh against Julie's flesh and cried out, "Damn! She's cold."

"Yes, she is." Dottie giggled and added, "Did your testicles retract inside your body? I bet your scrotum is a tiny tight sack. And you worried about getting an erection!" She laughed again.

They listened to an audiobook on Harold's cell phone for an hour. During that time, Julie's body went from unpleasant to touch to tolerable.

Dottie turned, faced her granddaughter, and said, "Julie. Julie, darling. How do you feel?" There was no response. Dottie looked at her husband and said, "Let's check her temperature."

She unzipped the sleeping bag, sat up, and grabbed the thermometer off the coffee table. She wiped it clean with a towel while Harold scooted back, pushed Julie onto her stomach, knelt by her, and spread her ass cheeks.

Dottie grinned at him and said, "You dirty old man! You like looking at and touching her tight butt!" He quickly removed his hands, blushed, and said, "Sorry. I thought it was necessary."

"I'm playing with you, you old fool," Dottie said. She giggled and added sarcastically, "Please spread the fine, firm butt cheeks of this teenager so I can get an accurate assessment of her condition."

Harold grabbed Julie's ass and pulled her cheek apart as Dottie licked a finger, wet the teenager's ass hole, and inserted the thermometer. She said, "I think she's getting warmer. When I first snuggled against her, she was so cold the contact was painful. Look at what being in contact with her has done to my nipples!"

"I have been studying your naked form," her husband said in his deep voice. "And you're stiff nipples caught my eye." He smiled.

"Really?" She played along, batting her eyelashes and smiling.

Harold moved closer to his wife, cupped a breast, and rolled a nipple between his thumb and index finger. His eyes glistened in a focused, ravenous way. Dottie imagined that's how a wolf looked at a rabbit. She pushed his hand away and said pleasantly, "Later. Concentrate on our mission."

She pulled the thermometer out, looked at it, and said, "We are making progress. She's two degrees warmer." She cleaned the device with the towel, placed it on the coffee table, and said, "Back to work."

Harold and Dottie spooned Julie. Harold zipped up the sleeping bag. They listened to more of the audiobook. Since Julie was no longer an iceberg, Harold was able to appreciate being close to her. He noticed the floral scent of her hair and the feel of her young, soft skin touching him. Half an hour into the second cuddling session, he got an erection.

"Damn it!" he said to himself. "This is embarrassing. I hope she doesn't wake up. Ahh. It's uncomfortable too because it's tilted down." He fidgeted, and eventually moved enough so he could reposition it.

"What are you doing back there?" Dottie asked.

"Ah. Ah. Getting comfortable."

"Stop moving. I was asleep."


His firm dick was trapped between his body and his granddaughter's butt. He tried to be still not wanting to draw attention to it, but it throbbed. He had to press it against Julie's ass to relieve his distress.

He held his breath the first time he shoved his dick against her and prayed, "Please don't wake up! Please. Please. Please."

"Oh," he sighed. He was thankful that the ache in his cock eased, that Julie didn't seem to notice, and that his wife hadn't discovered his boner.

When the second hour in the sleeping bag passed, Dottie rolled over, faced Julie, and said, "Hey, sweetheart, can you wake up for me?" There was no response.

"Harold, I'm going to pee. We'll take her temperature when I get back."


Dottie lowered the sleeping bag's zipper and crawled out. She grabbed the afghan blanket off the sofa, threw it over her shoulder, and went to the bathroom.

Harold moved away from Julie and she rolled onto her back. He pulled the sleeping bag open more so her breasts were exposed. Harold focused on them, licked his lips, and said to himself, "My goodness. What a nice pair and such pretty, pink nipples."

"Julie. Julie," he called out and got no response. He put his hand on her shoulder and gently shook her. Her eyes remained closed and her breasts wobbled enticingly. He shook her again and smiled as her boobs wobbled. Then, he sinned. He reached out, caressed her breasts, and tweaked her nipples. His hard penis twitched.

"We should take her to the toilet," Dottie said. She began speaking while in the hall and before she entered the main room. This gave Harold time to remove his hands before he was caught fondling the eighteen-year-old.

"Ah. Do you think so?" he answered. His face was red, his heart was pounding in his chest, and his erection had vanished.

"Yes. We both used the bathroom before we went cross-country skiing. That was six hours ago. I was about to burst. I'm sure she needs to go too."

"Can she if she's not awake. She didn't respond when I talked to her or shook her."

"Oh. Is that why her tits are out?" She gave him a smirky look and added, "We should try. There are techniques. Carry her to the bathroom."

Harold was six feet tall and two hundred pounds. He'd always lived an active life. He pushed the sleeping bag off himself and Julie and had no problem lifting the lithe, young woman. He took her into the bathroom, sat her on the toilet, and held her in place.

"Julie," Dottie said in a sing-songy voice, "time to go potty." She turned on the sink faucet setting it for warm water.

"I was hoping that being on the toilet would trigger her to pee even though she's not awake," Dottie said. "There are other tricks to try. Like the sound of running water. Stick her hand under the faucet. That's warm water. There is some truth to the sleep-over trick that placing a hand in warm water can trigger the urge to pee."

Harold put her hand under the water. They waited. Nothing happened.

"Hold her up straight," Dottie said. "I'll try another trick." She rhythmically tapped Julie's abdomen halfway between her navel and pubic bone. She explained, "This is where her bladder is. Stimulating this area could make her urinate."

Harold shifted from one foot to the other and said, "The sound of the water is making me have to go."

A few drops fell out of Julie. Then more. And finally, a forceful stream of urine.

"Good girl," Dottie said.

They watched the teen pee, and Dottie wiped her vulva when she was done.

"I've got to go," Harold said.

"In a minute," Dottie said sternly. "Take her to our bed first. I'm sore from lying on the floor."

They went into the bedroom, Dottie pulled the blankets and sheet aside, and Harold gently lowered his charge onto the bed. Dottie covered her and went and got her thermometer, cleaned it, and returned to the bedroom while Harold peed, washed his hands, and joined her in their bedroom.

"Temperature time," Dotted said as she held up the glass instrument.

Harold moved the blankets aside. Julie was on her side. He brought the knee of her top leg up toward her chest to give his wife access to Julie's anus. He enjoyed the view it gave him of her furry vagina for three minutes while Dottie waited on the thermometer.

She pulled it out, studied it, and said, "Good. Another three degrees. Hop in bed, old man. The plan is working."

They resumed their positions and snuggled against one another. Harold extended his arm and placed his hand on his wife's right breast.

"What are you doing?" Dottie asked.

"Staying warm and having some fun," he replied cheekily.

As they lay together, Julie made some noises and moved. She pressed her bottom against Harold's groan. The action caused a reaction and he got another erection. He slotted it in her butt cheeks and pressed it against her when his aching penis needed some relief.

Dottie spoke to her and got no response.

Julie's fidgeted and rubbed her bottom against Harold's boner, yet she seemed to be asleep. She repeated this a couple of times every ten minutes or so. Each episode scared Harold who thought she'd discover his erection.

The teen grunted, reached around, and grabbed his erect penis. She moved it out of her ass, and then squeezed and pulled on it as if trying to determine what it was. Her eyes opened, she tugged on his dick and looked over her shoulder into the wide-open, panicked eyes of her grandfather.

"Grandpa?" she said.

"Ah. Ah. Hi, Julie."

Dottie spun about and said excitedly, "Julie! Oh, you're awake." She sat up, the blankets fell away, and the teen saw her grandmother's boobs. She also noticed that she was naked.

"What's going on? Why are we naked and in bed together?"

"Do you remember?" Dottie asked. "We were skiing home because of the snowstorm and you fell in the creek?"

"Yes. I was so cold."

"Yes," Dottie said, pleased at her recollection. "We got to the cabin and you were wet and cold and lost consciousness as hypothermia set in. Your grandpa and I have been using our bodies to warm you."

"Naked?" A look of terror was on her face.

Dottie laughed, shook her saggy tits, and said, "Yes. We're naked because that's the best way to convey our body heat. We needed to slowly warm you so as not to harm your internal organs. The cold caused you to shut down all but the most vital systems."

Julie stared at her grandmother, taking it all in. As she processed the words she heard, her brain wanted more data about what was in her hand. She pushed the blankets out of the way and saw her hand gripping her grandfather's cock. She released it, and screamed, "Ahh!"

Her face turned red, and her head swiveled, looking at the penis and her grandparent's faces. Harold babbled, "Ah. Ah. Ah." Dottie laughed. Everyone looked her way.

"Julie, don't be upset. He's a man lying naked with two gorgeous nude women. Of course, he's going to get an erection. I'm guessing this isn't the first time you've had this effect on a man."

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