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A confrontation of a cheating wife by a bisexual husband.
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This is a confrontation between spouse over one's long-term infidelities, i.e., cheating. To make it a bit more interesting (at least to me), the protagonist is a bisexual male married to a cheating wife. I tried to have the husband address several of the biphobic reactions folks have when learning a guy is bisexual.

There is no explicit sex in this story. I have chosen to place it in 'Loving Wives' as it deals with cheating and Literotica does not have a 'Bisexual' category. If it did, I would have placed this story there as I know not everyone wants to read about bisexual guys. That said, as previously mentioned, there is no sex, so nothing to be squeamish about. More a confrontation and unraveling of the lies told by one spouse to another. Hope you enjoy!

©2021. B.J. Black. All Rights Reserved.


By. B.J. Black

"JACK! We need to talk now!" Shelly said as she stormed into their home, slamming the garage door.

"Well, hello, honey. What seems to be the matter?" Jack called back, taking a sip of the scotch he poured in anticipation of his wife's homecoming. "I'm in my den!"

"Of course you are in your den! That's really the only place you are anymore!" Shelly groused under her breath as she walked down the hall to confront her husband face to face.

Walking into the den, Shelly thrust forward a manilla folder, shaking it at Jack. "What is this?!" she yelled as she barged into the den, stopping right in front of Jack's desk, waving the folder back and forth.

"Ah, yes. I see you got my delivery," Jack responded, looking directly into his wife's eyes.

"That is all you have to say to me? After nearly twenty-five years of marriage! You are an unfeeling bastard!"

"Really? I am unfeeling? Seriously? You are delusional. I do not know what I ever saw in you. You are a spoiled, selfish bitch! I don't know if the caring person I once saw was all an act or whether you just changed so drastically over the years, but do not test my patience. You really won't like the results."

"Is that a threat? Are you threatening me?" Shelly shrieked in response.

"You know me. You know I don't make threats. I am simply explaining to you what will happen if you don't sit down and shut up! You are going to listen to me now."

"How dare you! I will not stand for this!" Shelly thundered.

"I know. That is why I told you to sit down. Now, do us both a favor and sit your ass down so I can explain what is happening and why. Frankly, you should know the why, even if you can't fully bring yourself to acknowledge it. Are you going to sit down so we can finally discuss things, or are you simply going to go pack your clothes so you can leave?"

"Leave! This is my home! I'm not leaving! You! You are the one who is leaving! You want a divorce? Fine, I'll counter sue and you will lose and I'll take this house, all our assets and you will have to pay me alimony."

"Okay, I can see you are going to make this harder than it needs to be. So be it. Look!" Jack said as he pointed to the TV to the side which sprang to life when he pushed the TV remote's power button. The scene that appeared showed his naked wife in mid-coital bliss. Of course, the man with her was not Jack.

Seeing the picture on the tv seemed to take some of the wind out of Shelly's sails. She collapsed into the chair and just kept looking between the tv and Jack, her mouth agape. Finally, she asked, "Why?"

"I think that is my question." Jack replied, staring at Shelly, as she tried to figure out what that picture meant and how much Jack knew.

"Why do you have that picture, Jack?"

"Because my P.I. took it for me. Now, tell me, why were you with Dave Black?"

Thinking a bit, Shelly went with some of the truth. "I was with Dave to experience a big cock. I did, and that satisfied my curiosity."

"Hmmm. Okay. You never asked for permission from me. We were married when you did this. See that pair of earrings you are wearing in the picture? Those are the diamond earrings I bought you for our tenth anniversary."

"Hmm. Yes, I suppose you are right. But so what. What do you want?"

"What do I want? I wanted to be married to someone who loved and respected me as much as I loved and respected them. But I guess that won't happen."

"Oh, grow up Jack! Most modern women have a lover or two other than their husband." Shelly yelled back.

"Did I ever indicate that I wanted such a modern woman? No? I didn't think so. But if you will recall, we had that little discussion before we got married about fidelity and respect. Remember?" Jack asked, looking directly into Shelly's eyes, trying to see if she had any idea.

"Hmmm. Not quite. But, I'm sure you'll remind me." Shelly responded, watching Jack take another sip of his scotch.

"Come on now! It was such a major issue for you! You almost broke up with me and returned my engagement ring! Certainly you recall what prompted that discussion and how we addressed things so we could move forward and marry?" Jack responded.

"Jack, just stop! Either tell me or not! Frankly, I am getting tired of this." Shelly softly stated.

"Yeah, you are getting tired of this because you are just realizing that you are going to lose. But do you recall about two weeks before I proposed to you?" Jack asked, lifting his eyebrows to emphasize his question.

"Jack, I told you, stop with the riddles!" Shelly shrieked.

"Okay. Let me refresh your memory of those events then. About two weeks before I proposed, I decided I had to be completely honest with you and let you decide whether you wanted to continue to have a relationship with me. Ringing any bells?" Jack asked, watching Shelly's face.

"No, not really." Shelly replied.

"For crying out loud! At the time, you would have thought what I said to you was akin to me killing someone! Yet, now you can't recall? Okay, to remind you, I told you I was bisexual--that I was attracted to both women and men." Jack stated matter of factory.

"Oh, yeah, that." Shelly responded quietly.

"Yes, that. And your response? You went hysterical! You kept switching between sobbing and screaming at me. You said that I would cheat on you, that bisexual men were promiscuous and that I would bed anything that moved. You then stood up and left my apartment. I let you think about things and cool off for a bit. You didn't text or call me for five days. When you did, you just wanted to ask me why?" Jack reminded her.

"I asked you what you meant when you said 'why'? And you told me you wanted to know why I was bisexual or thought I was. You said, "If I am even going to consider this, I need to understand what brought this on." Jack said, being sure to get her quote right as he would never forget her question that night.

"As I told you then and I will tell you again now, it was a slow realization that I found both female and male bodies attractive. I told you I did experiment as a young guy and found that I enjoyed the experience of being with a guy. But, I also went out with girls and equally enjoyed being with them. So, I realized that for me, I could be attracted to more than one gender. As I told you then, I am attracted to people, not sex organs. You still didn't understand what I was saying, so I had to continue. I explained that while I was attracted to more than just females, I loved the relationship we had and looked forward to it continuing, but that it was your choice. You then brought up the alleged fact that bi guys cheat more. I shot that down and said, do you trust me? Have I ever not kept my word to you? I explained that to me, keeping promises to people I loved was very important. You stepped in and asked what that had to do with anything. As I explained, if I was in a relationship with someone and we both agreed to be exclusive, then that is what I would be. We had already had that discussion and had been exclusive for the past eleven months at that point. I pointed out that I had not cheated on you during that time and would not cheat on you as it would not be right. Now, do you recall what else I said that day?"Jack asked.

"Jack, as I told you, I don't recall that conversation!" Shelly exclaimed.

"Okay, then let me continue. I promised you I would not cheat, but that if I was ever tempted to do so, I would come to you and explain that we needed to break up and the reason was that I wanted to be with someone else. I swore to you that I would uphold that promise. You thought about it for a bit, finishing your glass of wine, and then said you could accept that. But you then wondered what would happen if I missed being with a guy after we had been together for a while. I told you that if that happened, I would be forthright and truthful and tell you, and break up before I did anything with anyone else. You agreed that would be acceptable. And we then retired to my bedroom and made love that night several times. I waited a week to see if you would change your mind, but you didn't appear to, so I then went ahead with my plans to propose to you."

"That's right! You proposed to me on our weekend away in the country at that small restaurant on the lake! You even got down on one knee when you asked." Shelly said, sighing while recalling the memory.

"Right, I waited and then I proposed to you. And you didn't hesitate and accepted. We had our wedding and swore we would be true to one another. Unfortunately, I did not know that I was the only one that took those vows seriously!" Jack stated, still looking at Shelly as he took another sip of his scotch.

"What do you mean? I took those vows seriously!" Shelly protested.

"Really? Maybe for a VERY short time. But then you became what you feared...a cheater!" Jack retorted, lifting his glass and using it to emphasize his point.

"No, honey! I was faithful to you until I had my recent fling with Dave." Shelly stated pleadingly.

"Ha! You must really think I am an unobservant idiot. What about Tom Taylor?" Jack spat back at Shelly.

'Oh shit,' Shelly thought, 'How does he know about Tom?'

"What was that sweetheart? Trying to stall for time to come up with a good story to convince me you are as pure as the driven snow?" Jack replied.

"No! Tom was just a very good friend. Why do you bring him up?" Shelly asked.

"Well, maybe because you cheated on me with Tom for YEARS. What? Don't look so surprised. I found out. I documented your affair then. So do NOT try and sell me some load of bullshit that you two were just good friends, you will only make me madder and I will take it out even more on you and all your lovers." Jack stated.

"Are you threatening me?" Shelly barked.

"Nope. You obviously aren't paying attention. I already covered this. I don't make threats. I am simply explaining what will happen. There is nothing you can do to stop it. I have already set the wheels in motion." Jack replied calmly, slowing taking another sip of scotch.

"Oh, come on Jack! It meant nothing. I love only you!" Shelly implored.

"You have a very interesting way of showing it!" Jack shot back.

"Okay, but if you knew, why didn't you confront me back then?" Shelly asked.

"Ah! Now you are asking the right questions. I asked myself that very question. Want to know what I decided the answer was?" Jack asked.

"Yes, Jack, I want to know why you did not confront me when you first found out and waited until now, over twenty years later, to do so." Shelly yelled out.

"It is very simple, my dear. I decided I would do what I wanted to do. What was best for me. I decided that what was best for me was to be involved in the day-to-day lives of my kids and be a part of their lives as they grew up. So, I documented every affair you had and waited until the kids were out of the house. Jeff just headed to college last month. I've taken the time since then to get all my ducks in a row. I am now ready to once again do what is best for me, which means leaving you." Jack stated calmly, watching Shelly for her reaction.

"Why Jack? You obviously knew what I was doing, and it worked. Why change things now?" Shelly asked.

"Ahh. Before, I did not want to risk not being part of my kids' lives. But, if you think back, you will understand that even back then I took pains to develop my own social life. As for why I want to leave, I think I can do better than a lying, cheating slut that has no respect for me. So I think I owe it to myself to go look for someone to share my life with that loves me as much as I love them. So, I will enforce the prenuptial agreement that you and your father insisted we sign before we got married. I will cite infidelity on your part. That means I got 70% of our marital assets and I keep all of my assets and my business. Also, I will not pay you any alimony, but will contribute to the kids' education." Jack explained.

"What? No! You can't divorce me on the grounds of infidelity! What will people think?" Shelly shrieked.

"Hmmm. Probably that you are a total slut. If they ask me, I will tell them the truth. If you try to pass the blame on me, I will ensure that you will be forced to become an ambulance chaser, as none of your other potential clients will want to work with you. I have told the kids I planned on filing for divorce and it was because you cheated. I refused to provide any further details. But I want you, if you try to down-play what you did or minimize the duration of your affairs, I will give them a complete summary so they can see for themselves and understand that I did everything I could to try and keep the family together." Jack stated.

"No, no, no! You can't tell the kids. They'll hate me!" Shelly implored.

"Yeah, you are not their favorite person right now. But, I told them that regardless of what you did to me, you would always be their mother and they had to figure out how they would have a relationship with you." Jack responded.

"You told them? Why?! Why did you do that?" Shelly shrieked, pushing her head into a pillow.

"I could ask you the same question. Why did you abandon our marriage so quickly? Why did you cheat on me with so many over so long a time? What did I ever do to deserve that?" Jack asked, somewhat wishing she would have an answer, but part of him expected that the reason was because she could.

"So, what do we do now?" Shelly asked quietly.

"We proceed with the divorce. You move out. We split our stuff. We move on with our lives. I look to find a partner I deserve. We be there for our kids. That's about it." Jack quietly responded.

"And before you ask, I have dated reports from private investigators of all the affairs I discovered stretching back over 15 years. So, you can try to fight the grounds, but you won't be successful. So find a lawyer and then let's finish up the details so we can both move on with our lives." Jack laid out for Shelly.

"But I don't want a divorce! I love you Jack! I want to spend the rest of my life with you!" Shelly implored.

"Honey, that ship has sailed! You don't love me the way I love you. Apparently haven't for the past 15 plus years. I don't know what made you think cheating on me was okay and that it was in keeping with our committed, monogamous relationship, but you did. Now, at least do me the courtesy of getting an attorney so we can hammer this out and move on. Hey, maybe Dave Black will welcome the news!" Jack stated.

"But, I don't love Dave. He was just sex." Shelly whined.

"Well my choice is to go my own way now. I chose this for me. This is no longer about what you want. You did what you wanted for the past 15 years and threw me away. I have already cried all the tears I am going to spill over the loss of our relationship. I did that 15 years ago. So, I have packed a bag, and it is in my car. I will spend tonight in a hotel and be back late tomorrow. That should give you enough time to make arrangements and pack some clothes to take with you. Now, before you get any ideas about having anyone come over to fuck you in my house or to come have a talk with me to persuade me to change my mind....don't look at me like that! I know who some of your criminal clients are and what they are capable of doing. I want to remind you that I have already filed the divorce. My attorney has all the PI reports, and I have secured copies all over the world. If anything happens to me, or you are not out of the house by 5 pm tomorrow night, or anything is done to the house or my things in it, those files go public, and your friends, colleagues and clients may find them on the web. Now, you probably think that you have a bargaining chip over me in that I am bisexual and no one knows, right?" Jack asked.

Shelly just stared at Jack numbly and said nothing.

"Right. Well, I am. But what you don't know is that I came out in my work life over 10 years ago. Folks know, but they really don't care. My friends know, my family knows, heck, even our kids know. So, it really isn't any leverage over me. So, please, just move out, get an attorney and let's be done with this. We can both be adults about this. It would be in both our interests and our kids."

"Okay. I'll see. But seriously, I don't want a divorce, Jack!" Shelly said in a rush.

"I know. But I do. So, whether you do, we are going to be divorced. You know how the system works."

With that, Jack turned and picked up his keys from his desk and walked out of his study and down the hall to the garage. Shelly followed him and watched as he slowly got into his car and pulled away.

Nine Months Later

"Jack! Good to see you! How have you been!" Shelly asked as she walked up to the table that Jack shared with a friend at the restaurant he and Shelly used to frequent, The Old Blarney.

"Shelly! I've been good. How about yourself?" Jack asked, reaching out to grab his friend's hand in his own.

"Who's this?" Shelly asked.

"This is my boyfriend, Steve. Steve, this is my ex, Shelly." Jack replied, making introductions.

"Well, he is certainly good looking!" Shelly replied.

"Yeah, he is, but he has a heart of gold! I love this guy!" Jack replied, running his hand across the back of Steve's hand.

"Ahh. That's sweet. You made him blush." Shelly cooed.

"So, just come in here for old time's sake?" Jack asked.

"No, I am meeting Troy Richard for dinner and we both remembered this place fondly." Shelly replied, watching how Jack and Steve interacted. "Well, sorry to bother you two, I just wanted to say hello." Shelly then walked away to the table across the room where a single guy had just waved at her.

"So, does she have any idea?" Steve asked.

"Nope! And don't you tell her!" Jack quipped.

"You know me, my lips are sealed!" Steve said with a smile. "But, she never figured out that we have been together for a decade by the time you divorced her?"

"Well, she might have suspicions. She is an attorney, after all. But she couldn't prove anything. Besides, it wouldn't do her any good since she cheated first, over five years before we found each other." Jack replied, gripping Steve's hand and pulling him closer so he could kiss him.

Jack raised his glass of champagne and said, "A Toast. To us. I hope we can enjoy our life together. You have made me so happy. You kept me sane and allowed me to stay with my kids. But, now, I have something important to ask you. Will you be with me for the rest of our lives? Will you marry me?"

With a big smile on his face, Steve simply said, "Yes," as Jack slipped an engagement band on his finger.

People around their table overheard and clapped. Shelly looked over at the disturbance and felt a pang of jealousy as she realized Jack had truly moved on and she had no hope of getting him back, no matter what she and Troy had planned for tonight.

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JimmyThePlungerJimmyThePlungerabout 1 year ago

I wonder when the writer called this Hypocrite, was he making a prediction about the huge numbero f coimments that dispay that trait?

Now that would seem like genius, but then, we all know the charatcter of many of the LW comment-makers.

Just a thought, have a very lovely day everyone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The fact the husband is bisexual added nothing to this plot. Two cheaters married to each other is not very interesting no matter whom they are choosing for paramours. The husband proved himself to be just another turd who felt entitled to have his cake and eat it too.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 3 years ago

Two cheaters. Everyone knows what bi-sexual means we didn’t need a tutorial.

WargamerWargameralmost 3 years ago

ReedRichards more likely with Trump in the Epstein jet.

As to your prognosis on marital behaviour in modern times that is just a load of bullshit unsupported by any solid data and you know it.

Stupid story about stupid people

Worth about 2/5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Boy, this story certainly whitewashed what men who have sex with men are like.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

He showed her. Reads like they both had a fantastic sex life if a shallow phony marriage. Lovely people, all around. Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Who the hell do you root for in this train wreck of a marriage. They both proclaim fidelity before the wedding and then both of them are cheating without the other one catching them at the start. He claims justice while he is a sorry cheat himself. Disrespect? Neither of them deserves anything resembling respect.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

ReedRichards about 6 hours ago said - "I did like Shelly’s line, “Oh, grow up, Jack. Most modern women have a lover or two other than their husband.” A lot of readers will hate that, but as we’ve moved into a much more casual sex culture, that’s becoming increasingly true..."

Unfortunately this IS becoming more commonplace with women as well as men. I feel the feminist movement has a great deal of responsibility in changing women's mindset towards casual sexual activity in and outside of marriage. I don't mean to say men should be let off the hook for their own promiscuity. Infidelity has been the number one relationship killer of married and unmarried couples going on...I don't know...THOUSANDS of years! As the "superior" lifeforms on this ball of rock we are still to dense to snap to that. This promiscuous attitude towards sex is of such societal importance as to be one of the primary reasons our modern society will fail. When the strong bonds of coupling together fails, so too will the familial stones which our society is built from.

I guess I read these little vignettes here because I'm trying to understand the conglomerate rationale for committing mass societal suicide. Remember, "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch". If we're going to play big, we're going to pay big! TANSTAAFL

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The ending of this story seems to speak to the real agenda of the writer. This should have probably been posted in the Gay category, it fits there just as easily, perhaps more so right! Bisexuality seems closer to that dynamic than to Loving Wives which is really more about heterosexual men and women. Even if the men and women in Loving Wives are cheaters who bask in their own infidelity, they are still straight in their proclivities regarding sex. I get the feeling the reason so many stories get misplaced is because A) Writers want to post stories in LW to try and turn or shape opinions to be more positive towards their own lifestyles, B) Writers must feel they won't get their recognition or readership by posting in a possibly lesser read category, C) Writers post to LW to be purposely offensive to the heterosexual croed and those less inclined to fetishism. It seems this way based on writers commentary that has prologued some stories. I take the position that if a story, any story, is posted in Loving Wives then it is fairgame for critical commentary either positive or negative. Hence the whining from those of the fetish community (fetish defined as a strong and unusual need or desire for an object, body part, or activity for sexual excitement outside typical heterosexual activities) regarding all of the Anonymous criticism they typically end up receiving. Don't want the negativity? I suggest posting your stories in more logical and idealistically aligned categories. TANSTAAFL

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

both are cheaters this is just stuoid

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Just have his lover killed. Who cares.

iameaseliameaselalmost 3 years ago

The basic framework was good but that was about it. And in the end neither person was worth a fuck. It would have been far better if you hadnt used the same damned woman, responses, attitudes et al that most every other writer uses.

You dont dare write a far more realistic woman because youre afraid your writing skills alone wont make the reader get angry enough at her. The majority do it, and yes, its because they cant write in a manner where the anger is organic to the story so we go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the stupid wife path. And it works on many of them.

Oh and for the love of God would you "writers" stop using "I love only you!" Literally no one uses that phrase, this shows how much you guys just steal from other stories. Thats a fucking corny soap opera phrase that no one has ever uttered outside the over the top hack acting in those shows.

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

I'm just b not modern enough to accept serial cheating wives or bisexual husbands, cheating or not.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Just because you were honest with the title doesn't mean it's a good story. That would have required Jack's deception to have become known.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Two deplorable characters does not a good story make.

WittonWittonalmost 3 years ago

So Jack's PI videotaped Shelly doing the deed with some other guy?

Typical bullshit - the PI committed a felony by making the tape without the consent of the players; and Jack was a co-conspirator - if Shelly talked to a lawyer the shit could have hit the. fan in a big way.

This is typical bullshit because the PI would have known that and would not have run the risk.

And if there was a lawyer involved on Shelly's behalf he would have deposed Jack, and Jack would have denied any misconduct in the years before the divorce under oath, and if Shelly's lawyer found out about it - well, lying in divorce cases where money is the object can be grounds for settling aside the divorce decree and getting another crack at the liar's sestets.

Why don't authors do just a little research and thinking about the way people really act before spewing this shit out?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Didn't like it much but I read it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

An average story made not-so-good when the husband turns into a cheating bi-sexual. It did nothing for the story but ruin it.

TajfaTajfaalmost 3 years ago

This was decent but, for me, the story lacks something because we are never told why she started and continued to cheat for years. She says she still loves him but totally disrespects him - why?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

It was nice to see that Steve was there to keep the mind of Jack off his cheating spouse.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 3 years ago

"I'll take this house, all our assets and you will have to pay me alimony." - With no fault divorce, she gets half the assets; if she gets the house, then he takes assets equal to half their equity in the house, then they split the remaining assets 50/50.


"I was with Dave to experience a big cock." - You can "experience" a big cock with a dildo, besides, how did she know he had a big cock if she hadn't already "experienced" it?


"if I was in a relationship with someone and we both agreed to be exclusive, then that is what I would be." - Bingo! Being bi has nothing to do with being promiscuous.


How she can completely forget such an important conversation is beyond me.


"No, honey! I was faithful to you until I had my recent fling with Dave." - Even if true, that doesn't make her any less of a cheater.


I'm not thrilled that he had been cheating, even if she had cheated first.


, good question. maybe she hoped to make him jealous, maybe Troy is bi and she was going to offer her ex a threesome?

ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 3 years ago

I did like Shelly’s line, “Oh, grow up, Jack. Most modern women have a lover or two other than their husband.” A lot of readers will hate that, but as we’ve moved into a much more casual sex culture, that’s becoming increasingly true. And, of course, most men, modern or otherwise, have fucked someone other than their wives.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 3 years ago

So, he was cheating, too. But they had something in common: they both liked sucking dick.


Must’ve been in a Biden voting town, if other restaurant patrons cheered two guys getting engaged.

SouthdownSouthdownalmost 3 years ago
Deja Vu?

It would be more fun for Steve to reveal to Jack that her new 'beau' 'Troy' was bisexual and had talked to him some years ago at a convention they attended before he met Jack. Good story, Thank You.

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