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Was It an April Fools Joke?

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Husband is tricked and gets pissed off.
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Thought I'd submit an April Fool story to keep the tradition going in the LOVING WIVES section. This story is one of my longest, but I wanted to cover both the husband and wife at the same time. As a heads up this is a BTB story. All mistakes are mine so be warned.

Was it an April fool's joke?

It was the first of April and Pitt was tired as he drove down the dirt road leading to his wife Patricia's (Patty) family cabin. He had driven three hours from this last job and the cabin was on the way back home. Patty was to meet him there. He left later than expected and saw that it was getting dark. His new job as a traveling college lecturer was taking a toll on spending time with his wife so he was looking forward to this weekend.

His wife was free this weekend from her hectic nursing job and she was scheduled to travel up yesterday to set up the cabin with food and drinks. She was a charming young woman with alluring brown eyes and a thin but well-proportioned body. In her nursing scrubs she turned many a man's eye.

Pitt met Patty seven years ago at his brother Tom's college graduation. She was just entering a college nursing program and was there for her friend Marsha, who was also graduating. Tom was dating Marsha so when the two families went out to dinner Pitt and Patty hit it off right away. She had very little sexual experience and Pitt was happy to give her some. Ten months later they were married.

Pitt was drawn by Patty's magnetic personality. She was always outgoing and never met a stranger. They had recently started talking about starting a family as well as moving from their rented condo.

"There it is," he smiled as he turned down a dirt road towards the small lake and was surprised that her car was not there. He thought about calling but the cell signal strength in the mountains was too weak. After parking his car, he carried his small suitcase to the door. It was locked but he knew where the hidden key was. After walking inside, he saw that no one had been there in a quite a while. Since it was a long drive back through the mountains to civilization, and was almost dark, he decided to sit and wait. He thought maybe he mixed up her arrival time.

Then it hit him. "Shit fuck... it's April 1st." They normally played jokes on each other on that day every year. She would probably drive in later or wait until tomorrow morning.

He thought about leaving but decided to wait a little longer. But when he checked out the cabin it had no food or drinks, so it pissed him off and he decided to leave. As he was walking out, he saw headlights coming down the road. He figured it was his wife's car, but as it got close, he saw it was a blonde woman in a red sports car. "She's carrying this joke a little too far?" He whispered to no one.

The small car stopped by the front doorsteps and the window rolled down. "Are you Pitt Avery?" The young hot looking woman asked.

He laughed, "I know April fool. Ha-Ha. I'll play along. Yes, I'm Pitt?"

She got out of the car and stood posing. "This is no joke. I was hired to give you this and wait until you read it." She handed him a sealed envelope.

"She didn't say I was being served," he thought thinking this was still a joke.


'Pitt honey,

First, I want to tell you that I love you today more than ever. I've thought we had the perfect marriage, and I would never want to have sex with anyone else. I've have had many men come on to me and have never thought about cheating on you. These attempts have failed until recently. A new doctor started at the University hospital, and I've fallen in lust with him. Not love baby. Lust. I must do this to get it out of my system. He's married and has a young son so there is no chance it will be any thing else. He loves his wife as much as I do you.

I left town with him today and we will spend the weekend together to get this desire out of my fantasies. To make it fair, and make sure you don't get serious with another woman, I hired Chantelle, a high price escort, to let you experience the same high passionate level as me. Since I cannot allow her to have sex with you in our bed, I thought the private cabin would be better. I'll be home around 6PM on Sunday night all clean and ready to start having a family with you. We will never speak a word of this weekend and will pretend that it never happened.

I hope and pray that you will understand my need to do this. I'm sure our love is strong enough to carry us past this to the rest of our life together. I love you and only you.


PS: I don't have a phone so don't try to call or find me.


He read it again and realized this was real. "Do you have a pen?"

She smiled, "Yes, but you don't have to sign it."

"No, but you do after I write that you delivered this to me with directions from my wife Patty Avery and that she paid you to have sex with me and that I refused. You can just sign it with your real name. You must have a driver's license on you so I can verify it's your legal name."

"I'll sign it, but do you realize what you are giving up?" She giggled as she did a 360-degree turn showing her cute round ass. "She even told me to let you have my ass and paid extra."

"Only because she's giving him her virgin ass," he whispered with his anger in check. He grabbed a pen from his briefcase inside and wrote what he said before. She frowned. "Are you sure?"

He ignored her question. "Now be careful driving back because there are a lot of animals on the road at night. Also, do not tell my wife that I refused. That way she won't be asking for a refund."

"My lips are sealed. Are you sure I can't do anything for you? You seem nice and are very cute."

"No thanks. I have a lot of planning to do."

She showed him her driver's license and signed the letter. "Do you mind if I stay the night? You have me afraid to drive back down the dark road."

He read her name on her driver's license and thought about the danger. "Ok Sarah Davis, but no hanky-panky and you sleep in the other bedroom. If you make any attempt to have sex you're out of the cabin."

"Wow, this has never happened to me. It's cool. I'm planning to quit escorting now that my last college payment is being made next week. I am graduating soon with a degree in Textile Engineering."

"Really? My friend hires Textile Engineers. Give me your resume, after you graduate, and I'll see what I can do for you." He saw her smile and head towards him to hug but he held out his hand. "Sorry no body contact."

That night the two of them ate some food and drinks from the three bags that Patty had given her to bring. They sat in front of the fireplace while and he told her his story about how he met his wife in high school and how up to now it had been a storybook romance.

Soon they were relaxed from any pressure to have sex and clicked right away. She was a good listener and felt bad for this man who was being made a cuckold. He talked about how they had plans to start a family after she got her Master's degree in nursing and how they were going to move from their small rental condo to a house. She saw his tears forming and broke her promise not to touch him.

Pitt finally broke down and hid his face so she wouldn't see the tears falling. But this time when she came to him for a hug went into her arms. There was no lust or sex involved. This was just her trying to sooth his pain. "Go ahead let it out." For the next couple of minutes, he did just that.

He stopped and moved away. "I'm still not going to..."

"I know. That's what I like about you. Now, may I tell my story?"

"Sure, we have all night."

"I was born poor in the mountains of Kentucky. My dad was a coal miner and my mom washed other people's clothes. I was very good in school and had to work doing different jobs since I was twelve years old. In high school when others were dating and going to parties, I had to work and study my ass off. I was also flat chested and skinny so not too many guys even looked my way. This may surprise you, but I was a virgin entering college. I received a good scholarship for my high math and science scores and got into a good school. But because I had to pay for expenses and buy a car I had to keep working. When I finished my first year my body started changing and soon was getting date requests." She stopped and took a drink of the wine they had found in the closet.

"Having no experience with guys I made a few mistakes and was taken advantage of. I thought that guys liked me but found out they just wanted to have sex. Finally, I met a guy who seemed to be on the level. He didn't even try to kiss me until the third date. Everything seemed to be great until our Christmas break. He went home and didn't even try to call me. I figured it was over until he came back to school and called as if the past ten days didn't happen. It took a few weeks, but I forgave him, and we started sleeping together. I told him one night that I loved him, but he didn't respond. I mean he made the actions that he loved me but would never say it. So, I called him on it. He started crying and started apologizing about me being his girl here but that he also asked a girl to marry him back home. He said he loved being with me and couldn't decide so I decided for him.

"You kicked his ass out," Pitt chuckled.

"Oh yeah in front of a lunchroom full of our friends. But it gave me a sour taste of relationships and getting close to anyone. I knew I needed more money and my roommate got me started in doing escort jobs. At first it was just that. Escorting with no option of providing sex. But the money wasn't enough, so I started doing hand and blow jobs. There wasn't enough money offered to let someone fuck me. That is until your wife offered me $3000 to get me to spend a weekend with you and even offer you my ass, which is something I've never done. She told me that you were against swinging, that you were good in bed and was much bigger than average size. So here we are."

"Did she say that if I was so good in bed why she was doing this?"

"I actually asked her that and she said it was just to get something strange and that he put an all-out seduction to get her. And, to make sure she stayed married she hired me to balance out their tryst, I think he paid most of the money."

They both got silent as they lay back on the pillows and watched the hot ambers floating up into the chimney. He hooked his arm around her shoulder and kissed her forehead. "Thank you. You've made the worse day of my life a little better."

She turned and looked him in the eyes. "She's a fool and dumb ass idiot for taking this risk of losing you. I'll tell you right now that there are not that many good men out there. I only wished I had found you after this week and had started my new life."

They hugged closer and soon fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning Sarah woke up smelling bacon cooking and rolled over to see Pitt standing at the stove. "Umm, something smells good."

He turned. "How do you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled like our lives are right now." They both laughed. He made toast and carried the full plates to the table. "I have coffee ready if you want it."

"Yes please, but I need to pee really bad," she groaned, and walked to the nearest door and turned the knob.

"Don't pee in the pantry!" He chuckled.

"Don't make me laugh," she cried crossing her lower legs and walking quickly with baby steps.

"That door," he pointed to the next door to the right. "While you are in there would you remove all that makeup and lower your hair?"

"Boy you are surprising me," she grinned moving quicker.

He heard water running and a few minutes later she walked out looking like a natural woman and not a whore. She loosened her pink lace blouse and let it hang down over her tight jeans. Her skin was pure pink and her light-brownish hair was like his mother's. "Much better."

"Why? I mean, didn't I at least I turned you on?"

"Hell yes. I would have to be dead not to be excited. I just want to meet Sarah and not Chantelle."

"Pitt Avery do you always say the right thing?" She ate a lot not worried about her figure for a change. "I've forgotten how good bacon tastes."

She helped him clean up and went over to grab her suitcase. "I guess I should say goodbye."

He walked to the door and blocked her exit. "I've been thinking. My wife paid you to stay here with me all weekend so how about it?"

"But you said no sex."

"I can't go back now and wait for her to return from her cheating ass fuck fest with doctor asshole. So, I'd rather you stayed with me so we can get to know each other better. But I can't fuck you or I would be as bad as she is."

"OK, but what are we going to do?"

"Well, I've enjoyed talking to you and I believe there are some card and board games we can play in the closet by the bedrooms. We can take some walks and even go swimming."

"But I didn't bring a bathing suit," she smiled.

"I said we couldn't fuck. Looking and messing around is not so bad especially since I'm going to divorce her as soon as we get back."

"You have a deal Mr. Avery."

"Please call me Pitt."

"Where did you get that name?"

When I was born my face was all wrinkled up like a Pit Bull dog and my parents thought it was funny. I guess I could have been called Pug so it's not too bad."

"Your face looks really good now," she teased.

"Who is talking? Chantelle or Sarah?"

"Chantelle is finished. Please don't call me that again."



Patty was nervous after writing the note to her husband and handing it to the escort. Dr. Evan gave her $2000 but she added more out of her personal account to make sure she got a good clean escort and to get one who had not fucked before was a plus. She didn't want to take a chance of an STD. Her one weekend-and-done lover was scheduled to be there around 6 PM to pick her up.

Pitt texted her early that morning to confirm he will arrive at the Cabin just before dark. She confirmed with Chantelle that she would arrive just after dark. At first, she didn't want to risk losing her love of her life Pitt, but Dr. Evan Peters convinced her that if he had a high price escort, he would call it even and accept it.

She planned that this will be just one weekend only and they can go on with their plans to buy a house and have children. Her parents loved Pitt like their own son and his parents the same for her. Everything was perfect until she got the itch when Doctor Evan Peters showed up. She fought it off until he cornered her in the stockroom and kissed her. They kissed for a while and whispered as he left, "You're mine now."

Evan showed up on time and was dressed casually. She didn't want him to come into the house, but he forced his way around her and started walking through the condo. "Not bad for a lecturer and a head nurse to-be. Kind of small."

"Doctor Peters we need to go. I don't want any of our neighbors seeing us here any longer."

"Can't wait to get me in bed huh?" He chuckled. "Actually, I've had a hard-on since I got up this morning and need it taken care of before we drive to the place. A blowjob would be the fastest. Also, you may now call me Dr. Evan."

"I...I don't think so. I want to leave now."

"Patty...Patty...Patty. I've given you a lot of money to keep your cuckold wimpy husband busy so you can at least do what I ask right?"

She realized that she was now committed and felt excited to be told to do such a nasty thing. "OK, here?" She asked as she reached for his zipper. "My husband is not wimpy and if you say anything else about him our weekend is over."

"Here no...in your bed." He dropped the husband put downs.

"No please not there. Anywhere else."

"Not an option. Listen if you won't please me here why should I go away with you for two days?"

"Just a quick blowjob," she whispered before walking him upstairs to their bedroom. Once in the bedroom she turned around and saw him undressing. "What are you doing?"

"I thought that you wanted to see my body and touch it first. She watched as he stripped for her. He had an all-over tan, a flat stomach, and nice-sized biceps. But where it counted it was average or below. Since he already had an erection, she didn't expect it would get any bigger. Still his firm body and reputation as a great lover made her wet down below.

After he was naked, he moved onto his back on the bed with his hands behind his neck. "Well?"

This was not as she envisioned it. It was supposed to be romantic roses, sweet pampering, a massage, and lots of foreplay. Instead, she was on her hands and knees on the bed with her lips around his five inch cock. His eyes were closed as he started belittling Pitt. "I bet your husband can't turn you on like you are now. And just think about you getting this body for three days and two nights. I knew you were a good cocksucker...um that's it...deeper...I'm getting close and I want you to swallow it."

She lips popped off, "I don't swallow."

"Correction, you don't swallow for Cuck. But you do for me," he laughed moving his right hand behind her head and forcing it back down until his member disappeared into her lips. She tried to pull away, but he was too strong. After deciding to finish him off to stop this circus, she moved her mouth up and down quicker and quicker until he cried out and lifted his hips straight up. His pubic mound smashed against the side of her mouth when he shot out his spunk. "OH YEAH BABY...SWALLOW IT! SUCK IT DRY!"

She rushed to the bathroom and closed the door. She bent over the sink and expelled the cum from her mouth and throat. She knew he could hear her spitting and gagging but didn't care. Mr. Hot Hunk had turned from Dr. Hyde to Mr. Jekyll. She took a deep breath and walked back in the bedroom and saw him on their married bed on his back naked. "THAT'S IT WE'RE DONE. I TOLD YOU NOT TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT PITT," she blurted out as she grabbed her clothes and left the room.

"Fuck," Evan said as he hurried to get dressed as well. He knew he shouldn't have gone too far before he got her to the resort. But he knew he had charmed her up to this point and could get her back.

Patty stood with a few tears from her eyes looking out the kitchen window over the sink. She thought of her loving husband in bed with a beautiful woman doing things they had never attempted. It was getting dark, so she knew it was too late to drive to the cabin and stop this madness. Her thoughts were wiped when she heard Evan's footsteps behind her.

"Patty baby...I'm so sorry for before. I thought that was what you wanted for me to be ...forceful. And I promise never to mention him again. Please can we start over and make this weekend the best either of us has ever had?"

She felt his fingers massaging her shoulders and leaned back into him. "I don't want you to be forceful. I just want to experience making love with another man." She felt his hands move down off her shoulders to her soft breasts. She thought about telling him to leave, but she knew she had gone too far now. "No more until we get to the resort."


After a long walk, Pitt watched Sarah as she started removed her jeans to go swimming. "Turn around," she blushed.

He laughed. "You must be joking. I mean how many men have seen you naked?"

"Fuck you," she said pulling her jeans. "I told you that Chantelle is gone and only Sarah remains." She started crying and took off out of the cabin. She got about 100 feet away and felt his hand on her shoulder.

"Sarah...please stop.... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have laughed and said that. I can see you are not Chantelle anymore. I've enjoyed meeting Sarah and want to know her more. But tell me now if any man has ever paid to fuck you."

"I wasn't lying. You were going to be my last escort date. Even then I was planning to drink a lot of wine first. That was until I met you. Like I said I haven't met too many good guys.


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