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I am an Exhibitionist Slut

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A girl likes to show herself off nude.
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I am an Exhibitionist Slut

This adventure or I should say my new lifestyle began the first morning on the beach in Torremolinos. The evening before, we had flown from Luton to Malaga on Easy Jet for our honeymoon to celebrate our wedding the day before. After breakfast we headed down the hill to the popular beach, and laid out our towels on an already busy stretch of sand ready to soak up the sun. I was wearing my new polka dot string bikini. Two minutes after laying down Brian said, "Take off your bikini top."

"Really?" I asked in a very questioning tone.

"Of course, you've got beautiful tits they need to be on show, so get 'em out."

I slipped off the bikini top, my first ever time being topless out in public despite numerous holidays abroad.

It felt strange being untethered so to speak but with an underlying feeling of excitement. I wondered what my Mum and Dad would say if they could see me now. I was only just twenty at the time, and Brain was twenty four, he was my man and in some ways I felt I was his little girl. Physically I was tiny, only four feet eleven against his six feet two inches and he was a mature man where as I wasn't a worldly girl.

So he wanted me to show off my tits, why not, it was just a bit of sexy fun. That was the last time I ever wore a bikini bra, even back in England I always went topless on the beach and sometimes nude. That evening Brian told me to go braless when we went out for our evening meal and a few drinks. I of course did as I was asked and so I never wore a bra again on holiday. In fact I seldom wore a bra any more, anywhere. I've small tits and they don't need any support so only wore the infernal garment when absolutely necessary.

Brian's requests were so liberating and I realised later that I was actually becoming or indeed was a submissive, not that I minded, I enjoyed Brian's sexy requests.

I didn't really have any revealing or sexy tops to wear out that first evening, just a loose thin white tee shirt which didn't really show anything so we went to one of the many shops in Torremolinos town square and came across a rack of vests, the sort with armholes from the shoulders down to the waist, wow. Brian bought me three and made me change in the middle of the shop. I quickly took off the tee shirt and pulled one of the vests over my head; it was exciting doing it with a couple watching me change my top. The vest didn't do much to cover me up. I looked in a mirror in the store and you could clearly see my tits and nipples from the side and the low-cut top if I leaned forward the slightest bit again showed off my assets.

"You look gorgeous Steph and so, so sexy," Brian said.

So in truth, my tits were virtually on display for the rest of the holiday. I was either topless on the beach or wearing one of my new vests, great fun, sexy fun, Brian was always touching me up, having a grope when I least expected it and he didn't seem to mind who saw.

I'd been fucking Brian since the day of my eighteenth birthday, and the sex with him was brilliant. He was very attentive to my needs always trying to make me cum at least once before he did. I've got to admit that we did just about everything there was to do short of fucking before I was eighteen and my birthday present when I was eighteen was a very special memorable occasion.

After showing myself off in every bar and restaurant in the holiday resort, well some of them at least after a week it was time to head to the airport and back to reality. I still didn't wear a bra just another tee shirt.

Ten days after our return Brian invited his mates round to watch some footy on the telly, something that he did about once a month. I'd always served sandwiches, cans of beer and what have you and now I was Brian's wife I just carried on with my duties. However there was one difference, "wear one of the vests we got in Spain Steph."

"Your mates will see my tits Bri."

"Err yeah, that's the general idea. No different to Spain."

"But they're your mates; I just didn't think you'd want them to see my tits is all."

"Of course I do Steph. You know I love your tits and I want my mates to see what a lucky so-and-so I am."

I smiled, "Of course silly me. I'll happily wear one." I paused a moment, "And if you want me to later on I'll even take it off so they can see me better."

I was getting into this submissive exhibitionism lark.

"That'll be great Steph, I was going to tell you to do that. I'll say when though, okay."

"Of course, I'll just follow your lead, in everything."

The Four guys, who all had been at our wedding, started arriving just after seven thirty for the footy match starting at eight, I got a few funny looks I can tell you. My tits nearly completely on show were definitely a surprise for the lads. I had always been a modestly dressed young lady before my wedding. I was in truth a little humiliated that my new husband wanted to show me off but at the same time felt vaguely turned on at displaying myself. I was even looking forward to the instruction to take the vest off. Am I weird or what. I served the beers, as usual, aware that bending over to hand the cans out put my tits even more on display. I know all the lads were taking as many surreptitious peeks as possible and then Brian put a stop to that.

"Lads, no need to be shy looking at Steph, she likes to be looked at don't you darling?"

I smiled, "absolutely, I'd be disappointed if you didn't look."

A little more humiliation and embarrassment another flush to my body. I just knew that Brian would be making me cum later, oh yes. As I served more beers I took to leaning over further and for a few seconds longer just to show off my tits more.

At half-time, I brought out the sandwiches I'd made plus more beers of course. Brian muted the television.

"Steph, the lads have virtually seen all of your tits, take off the vest and show them properly."

The moment had come, the moment I'd been dreading and the same moment I was looking forward to. The fact that Brian told me to take the vest off showing off my submissive side was yet more humiliation and so exciting. I just knew I would willingly do anything that Brian asked me to do.

I took off the vest and did a twirl showing off my little tits to the assembled throng. Brian came and stood behind me and reaching under my arms cupped my tits and began to play with my nipples between finger and thumb. It felt divine having my tits groped and watched by Brian's four mates.

"I know Steph was at the back of the queue when they dished out tits but they're still a nice hand full. Have a feel up, see what you think. Steph'll enjoy that won't you?"

"Mmm yes please," I said a smile on my face.

I hadn't been expecting that. Brian was turning me into a slut, all be it, his slut. The word slut sounded perfect to describe what was happening. I was Brian's exhibitionist slut. I wondered what it would be like to get felt up by the lads. I was actually looking forward to being touched up by Brian's mates. I wondered what the lads thought of this situation, did they just accept it, did they think Brian was demeaning me or did they just think of me as Brian's toy, his little slut to be played with?

When my husband told them they could look at me all they wanted they were all still a bit shy, only one of them, Greg I think blatantly looked, the rest looked but as soon as I tried to make eye contact with them they looked away. Now I was topless they all looked, who could blame them, but would they be brave enough to actually feel me up. This was down to little slut me to make the first move, so I took a few steps over to Greg and taking his hands placed them on my tits and squeezed. He looked at Brian who just nodded his approval. It felt wonderful being touched up by a relatively strange man, my cunt was twitching, and I was aroused and then some. The flood broke and pretty soon all of the guys had touched me up, my tits squeezed, my nipples played with, and all the time Brian watched his wife in the hands of his mates. His slut was putting on a good show. A couple of times two different guys were touching me which was a bit special I can tell you to have my two tits fondled by two different men.

I actually felt a little sad when the guys left, I was sexed up to the hilt but Brian quickly saw to my needs, sitting me on the edge of the sofa kneeling between my open legs, and giving my clit what for with his tongue and two fingers in my hole. I climaxed quicker than I ever had before followed by two more orgasms when Brian fucked me, superb.

The next morning Brian and I discussed the evening over breakfast.

"So did you enjoy yourself last night," Brian questioned.

"I did Bri, I was a little surprised at the turn of events. I've become your slut. I hope you don't mind?"

"Why would I mind, you enjoyed yourself, and I enjoyed myself, what's not to like?"

"So long as you don't mind me behaving that way."

"Not at all, be warned I'm going to push you to your limits."

My eyes opened wide.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Oh no, you'll find out when I tell you what to do."

"Sounds exciting."

"It will be."

"When are the lads around for the next footy match?"

"How does next Wednesday evening sound?"


Wednesday came and I was feeling aroused all day just thinking about what might happen. At seven fifteen I got my first instruction.

"Okay Steph you are to be topless from the start, the lads will be looking forward to seeing your tits and copping a feel. Second I want you wearing that little red mini-skirt and a thong."

Last time I had been wearing jeans and one of my Spanish vests if you recall. So this time I was going to be dressed sexier from the start. This time six of Brian's mates turned up for the football match. Had word about Brian's slut got out? I didn't care, the more the merrier as far as I was concerned, all the more to look at me and touch me up. The lads settled down for the footy while I served the beers as usual. The lads weren't backward in coming forwards today taking the opportunity of feeling up my tits whenever the chance arrived. The two new arrivals quickly realised what the score was and were soon touching me up. Twelve hands on my tits, glorious. My feelings of arousal were mounting. The little skirt I had been ordered to wear along with the thong gave the lads ample chance of seeing my bum every time I bent over to give them a beer. But at half-time Brian said, "Lose the skirt and panties Steph, let's have you nude for the rest of the match." Turning to his mates he said, "Same rules apply lads, Steph likes to be touched everywhere don't you?"

"Yes please."

It was at this point Greg, it had to be him, asked if he could take some photos.

"Of course mate, you carry on," Brian replied.

Immediately six phones were pulled out of pockets and photos were taken. I felt so proud that these guys wanted to hold onto images of Brian's slut forever. I imagined them jerking off many times just looking at the nude photos of little old me

The humiliation was total but my arousal conquered any thoughts I might have had to go against my husband's words. I was his total slut and I loved it. Soon my tits and pussy were being groped and fondled along with my arse, my cunt was so wet that my juices were beginning to run down my thighs, but I didn't care what the lads thought, it just made it easier when they decided to start slipping a finger or two up my hole. Bold Greg even slipped a finger into my bum hole, this was getting better. On a scale of one to ten my arousal level was at eight or nine and during the forty-five minutes of the second half of the match it kept on rising. I desperately needed to cum. I handed out one more beer to each of the lads getting my pussy and tits touched and penetrated again.

"Brian," I said in desperation, "I need to come." There was no shame in me, I was Brian's slut and he had brought me to this state.

"Lay on the coffee table and bring yourself off, the lads will enjoy the show."

The coffee table was centered around where the lads were sitting so all would be able to see my performance. I lay on my back, legs spread wide showing my cunt off, and started to rub my clit with my right hand while my left hand went to my left nipple squeezing the bud those wonderful orgasmic feelings that had been building in me all day were close to flooding over. I opened my eyes for a moment to see seven faces staring at me as I stuck two fingers deep into my cunt but still managed to rub my clit and then the orgasm exploded in my body. I came hard screaming out my joy in what had possibly been the best climax I'd ever had. I wet myself my pee going onto the coffee table and then dribbling onto the wooden floor. I was powerless, control over my body gone. As I slowly came round I sat up smiling at the lads when Brian said, "You had better lick up your piss Steph before it stains the table and floor."

I knelt up and immediately started licking the coffee table. I looked up and saw that a couple of the lads watching me were surprised, I wondered why, the fact that Brian had told me to lick up my pee, or the fact that I did it without question. In case you are wondering my pee didn't taste too bad. All the while the lads' phones kept on catching the action. No doubt I was going to be internet famous before too long. Just before the lads left Brian asked them to send him all the photos they had taken and then Brian got down and dirty with me ensuring I came twice, wonderful, and half an hour later the first photos arrived and I got to see myself naked which was so thrilling.

The next morning Brian had to go off to work early, so I had forty minutes at home with a cup of coffee before I had to head off to my job as an accounts clerk in an office, Not very exciting but it helped pay the bills.

I began to think about my marriage and the way it had gone. It wasn't what I thought it would be but was so glad it had turned out the way it had. Brian enjoyed humiliating me without question, but I found it exciting. I didn't realise that I was so subservient. I wasn't expecting two point-five kids, a thirty-year mortgage, and a white picket fence for sure. But it seemed my marriage had gone to the other extreme. I only had my parent's marriage and their friends for comparison and they all seemed very normal whatever that is. But what goes on behind closed doors is anybody's guess, for instance, do all men watch porn? Which was my only disquieting thought, would the photos of me be seen by my parents. I thought the chances of that were pretty minimal considering the millions of porn photos on the internet so I dismissed that little worry. If they did find out about this aspect of their daughter's life I'd just cross that bridge at the time.

My one thing above all else was being seen nude, I loved it, and being touched while nude just added to my pleasure. My arousal knew no limits or so I thought. Time would prove otherwise.

Before another football evening, Brian decided to dress me sexier with ever more revealing clothes to show off my body. We went to our local supermarket ASDA with me showing off my tits in a black wide mesh fishnet blouse. It did nothing to hide my assets along with another mini skirt and no panties. Loads of people got to see my tits and a few others were lucky enough to see my bum when I bent over to get a product from a low shelf and some others caught a glimpse of my shaved fanny when I squatted down deliberately opening my legs. Arriving home after doing the weekly shop I was hot to trot and Brian ended up fucking me while I lay on the coffee table. I tell you I'm beginning to love that piece of furniture. So all in all I'm a very happy little exhibitionist.

The next football evening had seven attendees and the following one, nine. The photos of me were spreading about and seemed to be piquing people's interest and who would blame any red blooded male wanting to see me in the buff and being permitted to touch the goods. The end result on both evenings was me putting on a display of masturbation ending in a divine climax for yours truly and a couple more immediately after from Brian's fingers, tongue and cock.

Then one Saturday evening Brian said, "Right Steph I've got a lovely surprise for you, put on one of your Spanish vests and that little red mini skirt and a red thong. Quick now we've only have a half hour to get there."

Excited I asked, "What's the surprise?"

"You'll see when we get there, now scoot and go and get changed and you'll only need a touch of lippy, okay."

I disappeared upstairs to quickly change, my mind running through possibilities, a meal out, a visit to the local pub? What the surprise turned out to be I would not have imagined in a million years but oh what a glorious and totally unexpected treat it was for me.

We drove to a housing estate on the far side of town and entering the estate the petrol station was just up ahead, I began to think Brian was going to get me to pump the petrol topless but we passed by rapidly. I knew this area well, my friend Judy lived here until her parents upped sticks and moved the family to France. I used to ride my bike over to Judy's regularly. I knew there were no pubs or restaurants anywhere close by so what was going on? We pulled up behind a load of cars half parked on the pavement and with the car's engine switched off we could hear music coming from one of the houses, wow we were going to a party.

"A party," I said.

"Almost, but we're working."

I know I looked surprised. "Working!"

"Yeah, I've started a company, Unique Strippergrams and guess who's the star of the show. There are going to be thirty or forty people there for a lad's twenty-first birthday. You're going to strip for him and let him feel you up. Then you are going to remain naked for the next hour or so and let everybody touch you up. They are aware of how you operate."

My cunt twinged.

"Brian you are the best, how on earth did you come up with this idea?"

"You enjoy being seen naked and I thought this was a good way to give you more chances and more people to show yourself off to."

"You are so good to me," I said smiling, "come on let's go, can't wait to strip off."

I had no doubt at all that Brian had set this up for little old me.

We walked up to the house and quickly found Jim, the birthday boy's father who had arranged the strippergram.

"He's in there, in the Arsenal shirt."

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Simon and that's his girlfriend with him by the way, but don't worry she's completely on board with this, in fact it was her idea. She'll probably want to do the business with you too."

I smiled, being touched up by a woman had never occurred to me. Mmm, could be good.

I squeezed my way through to birthday boy, the place was packed.

"Hello Simon," I said, "you don't know me but I've got a birthday present for you." I whipped off my top and grabbing the chap's hand placed it on my tit, he immediately turned very nervously to his girlfriend who did the only thing she could and grabbed my spare tit. "It's okay Simon enjoy, this was my idea, she likes to be touched up don't you darling."

"I really, really do," I said.

Brian bless him had obviously told them about my quirky way, he really wanted me to enjoy myself.

And Simon began to give my tit a good groping while his girlfriend enjoyed giving my other tit the attention it desired before bending down and giving the nipple a nice suck and then began to gently nibble it. My cunt started throbbing and my fun had only just started.

"Just a second," I said and took a step back and got rid of my skirt and panties. I stepped forward and said, "Now where were we?"

The girl immediately went for my pussy running her fingers along the slit.

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