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I Became an Exhibitionist

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I discovered my exhibitionist side.
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The exhibitionist

There was a time that I was nervous about anyone seeing my body including my husband. Then on a vacation that all changed. Today, I am a different person. I could say I don't care if someone sees my body but if the truth be told, I do care, in fact I love it when people see me.

I was never one for showing myself off. I always wore a bra and panties, I liked skirts and dresses but never real short. I wore what I thought were sexy clothes but I finally realized I looked frumpy. I would occasionally wear something sheer in the bedroom but it was always with the lights down low.

I don't consider myself to be a prude, my husband of ten years and I have always had a good sex life and he is defiantly not the only man I have had sex with. Before we married, I had relationships with a half dozen different men that included sex. Each of these relationships was substantially more than just casual dating and fucking.

Then, a couple of years ago, my husband and I had traveled out of town to attend the wedding of one of his college friends. I had known his friend Joey and his wife to be Amanda, but we didn't know anyone else that would be at the wedding. It was a destination wedding at a resort in Key West, so we decided to make a vacation out of it and stay for a week.

The wedding was on Saturday and we arrived early on Monday. After checking into the room, we headed to the pool. I was wearing a white one-piece that I thought was sexy but in hindsight, it was pretty conservative. It was a beautiful pool with lots of other people enjoying the sun and poolside drinks.

I am five foot six and weigh in at about one hundred and twenty-five pounds. I think my best assets are my long legs and round ass. I can't say my boobs are huge, thirty-five, B, but they are pretty dam firm. Hubby is six feet and weighs in at one hundred and ninety pounds. We both work out regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I could not help but notice the number of women and men for that matter in skimpy little bathing suits. Several women were wearing what amounted to nothing more than a few triangles of fabric and some string. At the same time, there were guys in what my husband described as a banana hammock.

I could never wear a suit like the ladies were wearing but I have to say, I kinda liked what the guys had on. We sat at the pool for a couple of hours and after a few cocktails, it was time to get out of the sun. As we were leaving the main pool area, we saw a big hot tube in the back corner. When we went over to check it out, we found three couples sitting in the tub and the ladies were topless. We were a little surprised by this but more shocked when one of the guys got up to get out of the pool and he was nude. Our presence didn't seem to bother anyone even though they were all naked.

We went back to our hotel room and got dressed than decided to take a walk down the famous Davul street before dinner. We had heard stories about the free and laid-back lifestyle in Key West but didn't know what to expect since this was our first visit. After only a few blocks we got a good dose of the lifestyle. I think I was the only woman on the street that was wearing a bra. Women of all ages appeared to have no concern for the fact that their nipples could be seen through their shirts. At first, I was a little disgusted but then thought, who am I to judge.

We walked by a boutique and there was a manakin in the window wearing a red banana hammock. I pointed it out to my husband and said, "can you imagine wearing one of those things?"

He smiled and said something like "it might be fun. "

I just looked at him and said, "You don't have the balls."

He didn't say anything but walked in the store and grabbed a white bathing suit out of the pile than took it to the changing room. After a minute or so he came out and asked, "What do you think?"

To be honest, he looked amazing, you could see a clear silhouette of his penis and I could only imagine what it would look like if it gets wet. Not to mention his half-erect penis was straining the fabric along with his pubic hair that was sticking out all over. Not sure this was right for being out in public but what the fuck, we don't know anyone.

"You do have the balls; they are almost in plane sight. It does look nice but if you were to wear such a suit you will need some relief and a trim job," I said.

He said, "Well you never had an issue giving me relief and I guess we will need a pair of scissors and a razor."

When I asked him if he was going to wear it, he said yes. I kissed him and said, I can't wait. I will certainly enjoy the show and I expect the ladies at the pool will as well. The best part is that they will all see that package and it will be me that is getting it.

We found a nice quiet pub for dinner and had a great meal. On our way back to the hotel we stopped in a drug store to get scissors but instead got an electric trimmer, a good razor, and some shaving cream along with a big bottle of wine.

Once back in the room I told him to strip down so I could give him a trim. He has always done some manscaping but nothing like we needed to do. I took the trimmer and made one straight pass right through his pubic hair taking it down to almost nothing. He said, "take it easy".

I didn't take it easy, instead, I took two more passes and he was down to a five o'clock shadow. I have to say, it did make his already ample cock look even bigger. He said, "You are getting a little carried away."

With that, I took the trimmer up his stomach and made one pass through his chest hair. He said, "What are you doing?"

I just said," I always wondered what I guy with no body hair would feel like."

He said, "So what are you saying?"

"Honey, when I'm done, you will be as smooth as the day you were born."

"He said, "Ok but how far are you going?"

It took over an hour but when I was done my husband had no body hair. I can't begin to tell you how excited I was, my pussy has not been this wet in years. I dropped to my knees and took his bald cock in my mouth and in seconds he was pumping my mouth full of his cum.

We were exhausted from traveling and our afternoon in the sun so decided to crash pretty early.

The next morning, we went out to this wonderful Cuban coffee place for breakfast before heading to the pool. He put his little white bathing suit on and I figured he would chicken out. The white suit against the smooth skin looked so hot but as expected his half-erect cock was a problem. The tip was poking out the waistband and I certainly didn't want him to be embarrassed at the pool so I volunteered to provide him some more relief. If truth be told, I would have enjoyed him walking around with an excited cock but I being the dutiful wife who just happened to love to suck his cock, got on my knees again. Once he relieved himself in my mouth I said, "You owe me."

I don't know what I was expecting but I would have thought there would have been more excitement than there was when my husband came out in is tiny little suit. A couple of people took a glance at his package but no one seemed to care, it was no big deal.

We sat down in the sun and ordered a couple of bloody Marys. These were hot and spicy and delicious.

After an hour or so we got up to jump in the pool. As expected, once it got wet his suit was pretty much transparent, there was no mistaking that he was circumcised and that he had no pubic hair. My fucking god it looked hot. As we stepped out of the pool a couple was sitting by the ladder and I saw her give my husband a nod of approval. He could not help but check her out because her nipples were nearly spilling out. I thought, dam right honey, that's mine.

I was sitting there feeling a bit overdressed and I asked my husband how he would feel if I went out and got a bikini. He of course said, "Go for it."

I said, "I don't know, I have not worn a bikini since college."

He said, "Babe, that was not a bikini, it was a two-piece."

I just looked at him and said, "ok fine a two-piece, I'll be back"

About an hour later I returned wearing a white cover-up with a two-piece under it."

I was uncomfortable but as he said, we don't know anyone. I sat down and after a few minutes, I removed my cover-up revealing a full coverage two-piece. I said, "I tried on a couple with less fabric but I could not bring myself to being that exposed."

He was the perfect gentleman and told me how great I looked. It was a very nice suit and I could tell despite his compliments he was disappointed. I guess it would be more appropriate at a family gathering than for an adult week in Key West.

When we went back to the room, we practically jumped each other. I was horny as hell from watching him strut his cock for all to see and he was horny as hell from watching the other nearly naked women at the pool. He fucked me good but I knew his head was thinking about those other babes at the pool and I had to do something about it.

I felt good at the pool in my two-piece bathing suit and I enjoyed showing off more skin than I had in years but I knew I needed to go to the next step. That night we went out for dinner. I was wearing a nice little summer dress and for the first time ever I went out in public braless. The dress was not sheer or horrible low cut but I did have a sense of jiggling which is something I have never experienced since I always wore a bra. My husband commented on me being braless and I of course panicked thinking it was so wrong. He assured me it looked awesome and that no one cared that I was braless.

We went out dancing after dinner and even though I was braless, I was the most conservative lady on the dance floor. Anything goes in Key West including short dresses that flow with no panties under it. At one point we were doing a close slow dance and I could feel my husband's erection pressing into me but I had to wonder, was I doing that to him or was it the pussy he was seeing over my shoulder.

As we walked back to the hotel, we could not keep our hands off each other and once again, fucked our brains out. This time he was able to hold out a little longer since it was the second round. He told me how much he enjoyed me being braless and that it was nice that I could let myself go a little.

I told him that it did feel awesome going without it and that after a while I didn't feel out of place at all. He asked if I was going to do it again tomorrow and with an evil grin, I said maybe.

When we woke up in the morning, he had to make a business call so I took the opportunity to go shopping. My first stop was the bathing suit store. I took a very deep breath and tried on a tiny little bikini. I decided if I would go for it. The bottom was one little patch in the front and the back was no more than a string the size of a shoelace. The top was two sliding triangles and a couple of the same strings. I decided to get bright red, I want to make his cock pop out of his little sack.

I continue down the street and came to a dress shop. I was looking for a nightclub type dress that left little to the imagination. Once again, we don't know anyone and this is my chance to blow hubby away both figuratively and literally. I figured if I'm going to cut loose, I might go all the way, besides, I would certainly not be the only lady exposing a little.

When I got back, he was already off his call and out sitting at the pool with a cup of coffee. He asked me how my shopping went and I said I had a good time. I told him I picked up a couple of little things.

I went inside and got my new suit. The reality was that I was terrified and not sure I could walk out there nearly naked until I finally thought, oh fuck it. I put my cover up on and looked in the mirror. It looked ok and I headed toward the door thinking to myself, this isn't right, this cover-up has to go. I quickly took it off and walked out the door before I could change my mind.

I was shaking as I walked out to the pool where about ten people were sitting around. This time, it was me that was turning heads and getting the attention. I stopped in front of my husband's chair and the look on his face was priceless. I asked him if he would like a bloody Mary but before he could respond, I turned and walked toward the bar that was way over on the other side of the pool making sure I put on a show for all to see.

I continued to shake but at the same time, I knew I was in control. I was the center of attention and felt sexy as hell knowing everyone was watching me walk around the pool. All eyes followed me to the bar then back to hubby's chair. I handed him his drink and said, "How do you like?"

He could hardly speak but he was able to get out a, "Wow." I looked at him and asked, "Why is the head of your dick sticking out?"

He just smiled and covered up a bit.

I asked, "Is it too much?"

He said, "Babe, it's awesome, I have always hoped a day would come that you felt free enough to show you hot body off."

I said, "I think that day has come and I have to say, I for one am enjoying this."

Once we finished our drinks and took in some sun we went for a swim in the pool. It was all adults at the pool and I assure you we were not the only ones that were nearly naked and flirting. Once in the water, I got the opportunity to feel how stiff his cock was and my touching underwater got it even stiffer. The more I touched his dick the more he got aroused and finally he said, don't stop babe, I'm going to cum.

I stroked him a little harder and I'm sure a couple of people around the pool were well aware of what we were doing but I didn't care. I did learn something very interesting though when a guy cums in a pool, the cum floats. We were laughing as we were both trying to get it to sink.

We spent the day at the pool, I was reading a trashy novel that was loaded with sex. I suspect my husband spent his time pretending to be dozing off but in fact, he was checking out the ladies. I think he thought he was being discreet but it was pretty obvious.

Instead of getting food and drinks from the waitress, I made it a point to walk up to the bar putting a show for hubby and anyone that wanted to watch. It was lots of fun and after a few hours, I felt both comfortable and confident in myself wondering why I didn't do this a long time ago.

As we were heading back to our room, we decided to hit the hot tub. There was one other couple in it when we arrived and I asked if they minded if we joined them. They of course said, not at all. The woman was topless so I figured, what the hell. I reached behind me and pulled my strings loose dropping my top off my tits. Then, I thought hubby was going to explode as I slid my fingers under the string on my bottoms and slid that little triangle down my legs. Here I was, standing completely naked in front of my husband and two total strangers not to mention whoever else could see me from the pool. I felt liberated as I stepped slowly into the hot tub, giving these two people a clear view of my smooth pussy.

The guy in the pool said, "Very nice."

I just said, "Thank you."

Hubby followed my lead and dropped his little sack, also stepping into the hot tub nude.

About ten minutes later, I saw another couple walking by the pool and realized it was the bride and groom whose wedding we were here for. I didn't tell my husband they were here but thought, oh shit, what am I going to do now. I said to myself, fuck it, I'm going to continue having fun.

When they got over by the hot tub I said to my husband, I'll be right back and before he could say anything, totally out of character, I jumped out of the pool and said, "Hey guys, welcome to Key West". Naked and wet, I gave her a big hug and kiss then did the same to him.

He said, "I see you guys have discovered the secrets of Key West. Give us a few minutes and we will be out."

When they came out, they were wearing robes from their room. As soon as they go to the hot tub, they dropped their robes and stepped into the pool just as naked as we were. She looked at me and said, "We were hoping you would discover the magic of KW before we got here so we didn't have to waste time being proper with things like bathing suits in the hot tub.

The four of us had a wonderful time catching up in the hot tub but we were all getting hungry. We decided to head to our rooms and meet back at the pool in forty-five minutes ready to go find a place for dinner. I took the lead getting out of the hot tub. I grabbed my towel and put it around my waist leaving my breasts exposed. The guys wrapped their towels around the lower half as well but Amanda followed my lead and went topless as well.

Once we were back in our room, hubby asked me if I was enjoying exposing myself. I assured him that I was but also asked if he was ok with it. He assured me he was enjoying it at least as much as I was, probably more. I said, "So you are ok with people seeing my private parts?"

He told me he always wanted me to be a little wild but was afraid to say anything because he didn't want to piss me off. I thought about it and told him that it probably would have pissed me off if he had pushed me. He asked me what is different now and I told him I didn't know but that I wished I had done this a long time ago.

I told him to sit down in the chair because I wanted to show him something. He sat down and I sat back on the bed. I told him that I am a little embarrassed but wanted to show him something. I sat back on the bed and started rubbing my pussy between my wide spread legs. I said, "Would you like to watch?"

He just sat back and stared.

I said, "I'm going to masturbate for you if that is ok, I've never touched myself in front of anyone but in the book, I'm reading, two women talk about how they like to treat their lovers by letting them watch as they get themselves off. I thought you might enjoy a little show."

He just sat there not saying a word as I spread my legs as wide as they would go completely exposing myself to him. He has of course seen my pussy but never like this. I had one hand working my clit while working two fingers in and out of myself with the other hand. I told him that I do this fairly often but never with an audience. Do you like it?

He was like a little kid in a candy store, He said something like I love it, go for it. The reality was that I was so deep into satisfying myself, I have no idea what he said.

I am good at masturbating and can typically get myself off in only a few minutes. Tonight, was an exception, I was so excited my show didn't last for more than a minute before I was bouncing all over the bed.

He pulled me off the bed and wrapped his strong arms around me kissing me like it was our first-time making love. He said, "That was unbelievable, I knew you masturbated but never thought I would get the opportunity to see it, loved it."

I pulled away from him laying back on the bed motioning for him to slip his tongue in me. With absolutely no hesitation his face was buried in my pussy, I grabbed his head and pulled him into me not letting him loose until I ground myself into his face through my next orgasm.

Once my orgasm subsided, he attempted to slip his dripping cock in me and I said, "No, not now, I want to spend the evening driving you crazy and I want that cock to be loaded all night."

I said, "Let's get ready, they will be waiting for us." Amanda and I had already compared notes on what we were wearing tonight. Since we were the only ones in town until tomorrow for the wedding we decided if we were going to dress to impress, tonight would have to be the night. I picked up my sexy little dress this morning and Amanda had hers with her. She has more experience at dressing sexy than I do.

My dress was skin-tight, it hugged every curve almost like it was painted on. It was a dark blue metallic that dipped way down between my boobs almost to my belly button. It was a little longer than I wanted but it had a slit in the front that required me to be careful about how I moved.


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