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I Can’t Believe I Did It


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"I became aware of a woman making unintelligible sounds and came to realize it was me. He took mercy on me after a lifetime and eased his efforts until I was only rippling softly. Then he let me come down. When he took his hands away, I fell into his arms. We knelt and hugged for what seemed a couple of days. Then he said, 'We've been here a long time, we'd better be getting back.' I nodded and he helped me stand. I became aware that my panties were soaking and I just stripped them off, not wanting the dampness to get on my dress. He helped me dress and then put his pants on himself and buttoned his shirt. I stopped by the restroom on the way out and wrapped my panties in a paper towel and stuffed them between my boobs. Checking the mirror I was glad my lipstick was that 'endless kissable' stuff I picked up at the mall.

"When we got back to the dance floor, there was a song playing, so we began dancing, but it came to an end, almost immediately. The DJ said, "Thanks for coming folks, hope to see you next month." We'd made it just in time for the last song.

"Dan kissed me softly and said, 'Just in time.'

"We headed back out and that's when I found you. You remember that I grabbed my purse and ducked into the ladies room. That's where I stuck my panties in my purse. When I came out, I kissed Dan goodbye, probably with a bit more passion that I should have. I hope everybody thought it was just a goodbye kiss with a little more oomph because he wouldn't be back in September."

I barely got the last bit out because George was at me again. Telling the rest of the story had fired him up all over again, which was fine with me. It had done the same for me. He took me right there on the couch. You'd have thought that it was the first time, not second time this morning and the seventh in less than twelve hours. The only thing that would have denied the first time observation was that neither of us needed any foreplay. I was wet and ready and he was throbbing.

When we both had regained our breath a little, he said, "When I saw you didn't have your panties on last night, I thought... I thought you had screwed him. But you didn't, did you?"

"No dear heart, you told me that I shouldn't send him home with blue balls so I did what I needed to do to see that he didn't go home in pain, just like I would have in high school."

"Still, I thought... never mind," he said getting up. "We'd better get a shower, we smell of sex. As a matter-of-fact, the whole room smells of sex, maybe the whole house." He smiled a contented smile.

So, into our large, custom shower we went. It's easily big enough for two with three shower heads and a bench on one end that is handy for washing your feet. Of course, with all the soaping and rubbing and touching, George got it up again. I didn't know if he could get off again, but a wicked thought struck me as he put his hands on my butt and pulled me to his hard on. After a kiss, I stepped back and sat on the bench and began stroking him. I looked up and said, "This is getting to be a habit," and took him in my mouth, trying my best to reenact the scene I'd recounted to George about the second time I'd gotten Dan off. George made the connection and put one hand to the back of my head, and the other on the shower wall. I thought perhaps this would be just a little bit of fun, but just about the time I thought I should quit torturing him, his thrusts became urgent. So, like I'd done the night before, I redoubled my efforts and he shot his load right there in my mouth. I seldom took George to completion orally, most times we'd stop and finish off in the missionary position. Unlike Dan, last night, George didn't produce enough to actually overflow my mouth. But to give him credit, this was his eighth ejaculation in twelve hours, it had only been Dan's second in two or three hours. However, in keeping with the replay of that second time, I let some of it dribble down my chin and made a big deal of wiping it off with my finger and licking it off and then milked him licking the drops as they appeared.

As we dried off, George said, "That was hot. I could just see you blowing Dan that way. God what a visual. I'll be thinking about that for a long, long time."

We then went back out to watch some TV. George sat in the recliner and was soon snoring softly. I decided to do something about the sex odor so I sprayed air freshener in every room were we'd had sex before I sat on the couch, only to lean over, put my head on a pillow and join George in the land of Nod.

As usual, after the dances I spent dancing with Dan, George and I enjoyed a real up swing in our sex drive during which we pleasured each other multiple times a day. Often in lieu of other past times, we'd be involved in sexual activity. Of course we'd both be thinking of the things I'd done with Dan. Each months dance had been like a hit on a powerful drug, an aphrodisiac that turned our sex drive into sex overdrive. Each hit lasted about three weeks and then we'd start jonesing for the next time I'd become a slut.

* * *

This time, it ran true to course and on the Saturday before the September dance, George observed, "The dance is next weekend, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's on the second next month."

"Dan won't be there, will he?"

"No, he's flying out that morning at six AM."

"Pity, I'm going to miss the excitement of you 'dancing' with him. I wish there was some way he could stay one more dance."

"Me too. God am I a slut or what? I want to go fool around with another man."

"I suppose Fran is going to take him to the airport."

"No, he told me that he was going to get a cab because he has to check in before four and that means he has to leave for the airport no later than three. He doesn't want to ask her to get up at 2:30 in the morning. He says it's bad enough that he has to get up then. No sense making anyone else miss all that sleep. But he said he'll probably sleep on the plane. He usually does, no matter what time he's flying."

"Why don't you offer to take him to he airport?"

"Me, why? If he wouldn't want his own daughter to get up in the middle of the night to take him to the airport, what makes you thing he'd want me to?"

"His own daughter won't put him on the plane with a smile."

I drew a blank. George just stood there looking at me with a devilish grin, waiting for me to catch on. Suddenly it hit me. "You mean..."

"You'd have two hours after he checks in, well an hour and a half to make sure he can get to the concourse with enough time to board. Of course if you left at 2:30 instead of three, you're back to two hours. There's nothing saying he can't check in early... just not late."

"Just where am I supposed to put this smile on his face and how would we make sure not to over stay our time so he doesn't miss his plane. That would be tough to explain."

"As to where, I'd think that at 3:30 in the morning, the top deck of the parking structure doesn't see much use. Many a teen has gotten his thrill in the back seat of a car. That's where I got my first BJ, not to mention that's where I lost my cherry. Time management is even easier. Your cell phone has an alarm feature on it. Just set it for 5:30. That should give him plenty of time to put himself back together and make his flight."

"My God George, do you realize you just outlined for your wife how she can have two hours alone with a man who's already shown he's interested in exploring her body and she's shown she likes that exploration, not to mention she reciprocates?"

"Yes," he replied. "You failed to note that I like the result of his and her exploration." George just stood there grinning.

"You're terrible. ... Well, it does sound inviting, but how would I make the arrangements? I can't just call over to Fran's and say, 'Hey, I think I'll take Dan to the airport. They'll figure that something's hinky. I mean, if he's decided to take a cab because they would have to get up too early, won't taking a ride from a neighbor cause some raised eyebrows?"

"You could go for an early morning walk," George offered.

"An early morning walk?"

"Yeah, I noticed that Dan makes use of the jogging trail in the park. I see him every morning when I leave for work. It shouldn't be too much trouble for you to 'accidentally' bump into him on an early morning walk. What's more, I think it'd be no trick to get him to call you instead of the cab company." George was absolutely smug. "You know Fran doesn't need to know that he's calling 'Michaels' Taxi Service,' the operative word is 'service.'"

"You've got it all figured out, don't you? Did you lay awake nights trying to figure out how to engineer this?"

"No, it hit me that he wouldn't be coming to the next dance when I saw him jogging yesterday morning. I knew he'd be flying out sometime next week. I thought 'Too bad Luce can't take him to the airport. I didn't know what time his flight was, but I thought sure that some how you could manage a little extra-curricular activity of some kind. When you told me that Fran wasn't taking him and he was flying out on Saturday at six, it just all fell into place. It's perfect. I'll be home when you get back and we have all weekend to lower the sexual charge to a manageable level before I have to go back to work."

I thought about the proposition all weekend. I almost didn't act on it. It just seemed too sordid, you know wicked, immoral in some way. But in the end, I told myself it wasn't any different than wearing clothes that he could get into and going to the dance to give him opportunity to do just that. And it wasn't as if I was sneaking around on George, it was his idea.

So there I was on the jogging trail at 7:30 Monday morning. George was right, Dan was about a third of the way around his circuit. I opted to walk in the opposite direction. I kept track of him as he moved in and out of the trees. When only a quarter of the circuit separated us, I stopped near a stand of laurels and waited. Dan jogged up and stopped.

"Luce," he said, "what brings you out so early in the morning. I've been out here every morning and I've not seen you before."

"I wanted to see you one more time before you left."

"Well, I'm flattered. I've had a good time visiting my daughter. Excellent as a matter-of-fact, thanks to you."

"I've enjoyed your visit too. I'm sorry you'll be leaving. You know the dance is this Saturday. It won't be the same without you there.

"Well, there's George, but I could get frisky with him anytime. If I let anyone else do it, I'd get a bad reputation in the neighborhood."

"Oh, what I'd give for one more time with you, but my flight is carved in stone. I got a summer rate and it expires after Labor Day. I don't think I could get another flight by Monday."

"Well, there is one way. What taxi service were you going to use?"

"I don't really know, I just thought I'd look one up in the phone book or something."

"Let me recommend one. They give excellent service, personal service as well as getting you where you need to go. And you can't beat the rates." I reached into my bra and brought out business card I'd made. It read:

Michaels' Taxi Service


Personal Service at the best rates.

Dan looked at it and asked, "George has a taxi service? I thought he was a sight manager for some transportation/logistics outfit."

"Actually, the taxi service is mine. It's an extremely small fleet and strictly a Gypsy outfit. One vehicle, one driver, one customer."

Dan caught on immediately. "I couldn't ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take me to the airport."

"You didn't ask, I volunteered. Please, Dan, I really want to do this. I promise I'll put a smile on your face. The stewardess will wonder what you've been up to. And when you go to sleep, you'll have pleasant dreams."

"You drive a hard bargain. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes definitely."

"What about George? Won't he wonder why you're going out in the middle of the night? You don't really think you can sneak out while he's asleep and get back without him noticing you're gone do you?"

"George really won't be a problem. It's his idea."

"His... his idea? He wants you to go to the airport with me and spend two hours? I find that hard to believe. I mean even if he doesn't suspect us of doing anything. He wouldn't want you to go alone. If he and I had struck up some kind of friendship over the last three months, then maybe he'd want to take me and let you come along, but not send you by yourself. I don't understand."

"To understand, you'd have to know about what happened at the Valentine dance this year. Being Valentine's it attracted a lot of people who don't normally show up for dances. The dance floor was crowded, especially during the slow numbers and there were a lot of them. I danced with a number of guys I'd never seen before. Well, late in the evening, one guy got fresh and he was good at it. Before I could think, he had my blouse half unbuttoned and a hand on my bare tit. You know how sensitive my tits are. He invited me to go to the weight room with him and I nearly went. If I hadn't seen George though the door to the lounge, I'd have probably gone, but seeing George brought me to my senses and I got back to him and told him that we needed to go.

"I was horny as hell when I got home and attacked poor George. In the morning he asked me about it. I tried not to tell, only saying that we shouldn't go to dances any more. He insisted on details so finally I told him as much as I could remember and the story turned him on and it was his turn to attack me. We discovered something about ourselves we hadn't known existed. We have a dark side. In that dark side, George likes the idea of other men exploring my body and I like them to do it.

"Nothing more happened. The man with the magic hands didn't show again. The dances went back to being just dances. That is until June, until you. When I came home from the dance in June, I was all over George again and in the morning he wanted to know what happened. I told him and then he was all over me. After some discussion, we, without really saying so, began to look forward the July dance and what you and I'd get up to. George told me that if I wanted you to come back in August I'd better not send you home with blue balls. I thought, well I challenged what he meant and he told me that girls in high school managed to keep their boyfriends happy and their panties on. Essentially he gave me my choice of what to do to persuade you to come back in August."

"So," he said, "that explains why you wouldn't take no for an answer when Fran called me. You already made up your mind that we were going to do something and when I wasn't there you were... ah... desperate?"

"You could say that. It turns out that George was a little concerned that we might be seen if we did the kind of thing we did on the dance floor and told me to find some place private in August. But that didn't lessen the aphrodisiac effect of what we did in July."

"That's an incredible story. I'd have never thought that George had that streak in him. He seems a really straight guy. So, when you take me to the airport, he'll want a blow by blow, of the action? No pun intended."

"Yes, he even told me where to park so we could have some privacy. So are you going to call Michael's Taxi Service?"

"With the kind of service I'm being offered, I don't see how I can call anyone else. Only Fran can't know. She'd ask to many questions. I'll be sure to say my good-byes when everyone goes to bed."

"Good, call me about quarter after two. That way we can have two hours after you check in."

"We can never let Fran know I'm using Michael's Taxi Service. I could never come up with an explanation as to why I didn't want her to take me to the airport, but I wanted you to."

"I agree. I'm sure if she, or anyone else who found out, would put two and two together."

Dan took my hand and after looking around, he pulled me back into the laurels and kissed me. After fondling my tit, he said, "I was dreading leaving, but now I'm looking forward to going to the airport. If it were just a little more private here, I'd get a little preview of coming attractions."

I got brazen an put my hand on his erection and said, "Patience, Saturday morning, I'll take care of that for you."

He smiled and said, "After what you just did, it may be the same erection you have to take care of. He kissed me again and pulled my crotch into his erection. God I wish it was a bit more private here.

"I'd better get back," he said, "Fran will have breakfast for me and will ask questions if I'm late."

"Bye," I said, giving him a quick peck. "I'll see you Saturday." He turned and jogged off, cutting through the park toward Fran's house.

I went home and did something I hadn't done in ages. I masturbated.

When I told George Dan had agreed to me taking him to the airport, George was all over me. I guess the mere thought of what was coming was enough to spark his sex drive. I'm not complaining, if he hadn't been all over me, I'd have been all over him. I swear that week was the longest week ever there was.

* * *

Friday while we were watching TV after dinner, George asked, "What are you wearing to the airport?"

Now that was new, he usually didn't even notice what I was wearing, let alone have an opinion as to what it should be.

"I don't know. I hadn't really thought about it."

"Well, you should lay it out so that when Dan calls you don't have to stop and think about it."

He had a point. I did want to get some sleep before Dan called and if I already decided what to wear, I wouldn't have to get up so early.

"Good idea," I told him and headed for the bedroom.

George followed me in. I looked at him quizzically. He went to my closet and got out a pair of wine colored sweat pants and the matching zip up hoodie. I thought that this would be a good outfit," he told me. "Plenty of access," he pointed out, zipping the zipper down. He laid the outfit on the bed and opened my lingerie drawer and fumbled around a bit and took out a bra I didn't wear often. It had demi cups and hooked in the front. "This bra, I think. You don't want it in the way once it's undone."

I took the bra from him and picked up the unzipped hoodie. "You really think this is what I should wear?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, it'll look right when you go in the airport for him to check in, and it'll give him the access you both want him to have."

"We both want him to have, or that all three of us want him to have?"

George blushed and said, "OK, I want him to have the access too."

I kissed him and folded the sweatpants and hoodie, placed them on my vanity. Then I got out the matching panties for the bra and put the set on top of the sweats. I kissed him again and asked, "Would you like a little access right now?" I could feel his hard on against my crotch.

He swallowed hard and stammered, "I... ah... I think I should leave you excited for when you go with Dan. But... well... could I talk you into setting on the bench in the shower and giving me another blow job?"

What the hell, he's going to let me go have fun with Dan. It's the least I could do. Besides, he's got a point and he'll be screwing my brains out all day when I come back.

I just nodded and walked to the shower. Sitting on the bench, I unfastened his belt an unbuttoned his pants. Hooking my thumbs in the waistband of his shorts, I pulled them down taking the pants and shorts in one move without unzipping the pants. He was already erect and dripping pre-cum. I stroked him a little and then I licked the end. I looked up at him and could see the lust in his eyes. A year ago I'd never seen that look on him. I leaned slowly forward until my lips made contact with the head. I opened my mouth, keeping my lips in contact as it slid inside. He gasped once the head was engulfed and my tongue came in contact with the underside. He put a hand behind my head and the other on the wall and began pumping in time with my bobbing. I cupped his balls as I held the base of his member. Amazingly, he didn't take long, but quickly filled my mouth. I didn't have to pretend to not be able to hold it all this time. I thought he'd never stop coming. When he did, I had cum dripping from my chin. I looked up at him, wiped it off my chin with my fingers and licked it off. He was trembling as he saw me do it.

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