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I Caused It

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Husband pays for forcing wife.
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There comes a time when every man has to reflect on what he has done, and come to terms with it. For me, that time is now, whether I want to or not. Nevertheless, it is hard for me to admit that I am the one that caused everything, although I am the one that made the first move. It was my idea and I guess that I should take responsibility for it. Yet, I never imagined, not in my wildest dreams that it would turn out the way it did.

Maybe, I should start at the beginning. I have always been interested in sex, but have only had two women before I met Connie. The moment I saw her, I know that she was the one for me. She was endowed with the most unbelievably sensuous body that I had ever seen, at least in my opinion. From the top of her sandy colored hair to the tips of her bright red toenails, she radiated sex. Although this was more than enough to entice me, I think it was her pleasing personality, and her compassion that clinched it.

We became an old fashion family, with me as the breadwinner, and Connie staying home. She was a great wife, keeping the house immaculate, and always had my dinner ready when I came home. At night, if I was not too tired, she would give herself to me, and we would have the most glorious sex that I had ever received. Yet, it was not the way that I had envisioned it.

While the sex was fantastic, it was always the same routine. The only time I could have her was at night, with the lights out, and under the bed covers. There was no spontaneity. Numerous times I had tried to get her in the mood, other than in the bedroom, but she would have nothing to do with it. I even tried to vary the position, to add a little spice to our sex.

This produced a slight change to our love making, but nothing like what I was hoping for. I did manage to get her on top, and ride me, however she would always complain that her legs hurt, and we would go back to the missionary position. When I started to eat her pussy she enjoyed it, but never wanted to reciprocate, not even when I asked. And, taking her butt was totally out of the question.

It was around this time that I had an opportunity to have an affair. Nora and I were coworkers, and I had foolishly confided to her my frustration with my sex life. I think that I was searching for a woman's point of view, and ideas on how to get Connie to perform the way I wanted her to. While she was sympathetic, she would not divulge any secrets that I could use. Instead, she offered to give me the sex that I had been craving. Without think about the consequences, I accepted her invitation.

We both called in sick, and met at a sleazy motel. There she gave me her body, allowing me to do all the things that I had been dreaming about. She gave me my first blowjob, and even drank my cum, which was something that I had not expected. Once I had recovered, I took her doggie style, forcing my entire cock into her pussy, enjoying the exhilarating experience of being totally inside a woman.

Nora must have been aroused by what I was doing, because she began uttering words that I had never heard a woman say before. I found them so stimulating that I wanted to cum right then, but I held back, allowing her to orgasm twice before I joined her on the third. Afterwards, we lay together, nestled in each other's arms, making small talk, to keep from falling asleep.

"How are you going to hide this from your husband?" I inquired, aware that she was married.

"There is no need to. He already knows."

"And, he doesn't mind?"

"Honey, we have an understanding. I give him what he wants and he lets me do what I want."

"I don't understand? What could he possibly want that would cause him to agree to this?"

Nora hesitated and then began to relate how her husband had pressured her to go swinging with him. She said that she had resisted the idea for a long time before she finally relented. The first wife-swapping party that they went to was quite a revelation, and they have continued ever since.

She paused again, for a long time, and then the words came rushing out. It seems that once they had become avid swingers, he decided to take it a step further. According to her, he began bring home men to fuck her, in between the sex parties.

While she could accept wife swapping, anonymous, indiscriminate sex was what she had agreed to. Yet, he was adamant about it, and kept bringing home strange men. Eventually, they would agree that she would let him continue, and that she would do whatever he wanted her to. In return, he had to allow her to do whatever she wanted, as long as she as long as she did not hide it.

After she finished telling me this, we remained silent for awhile. I was glad for the quiet because I was trying to digest all that she had said. While I was not thrilled by the idea of another man using my wife's body, it did have certain possibilities. My mind was telling me that this may be the way to get rid of her inhibitions. If she allowed another man to fuck her than she might be willing to let him do what he wants with her. The thought was definitely enticing.

I'm not sure where I got the energy to fuck her butt, but I did. Maybe it was the knowledge that she was just a sexual plaything for men. Then again, it might have been that this was something that I had been yearning for. Whatever it was, I received immense pleasure in reaming her ass and depositing my seed in her there.

We left shortly afterwards, each going our own way. On my way home to my wife, I thought again about what she had revealed. Could it even be possible for me to talk Connie into going wife-swapping? If she did acquiesce to my wishes, would it make a difference? These questions were still searching for an answer when I pulled into the driveway, later than usual.

When I entered the house I expected to be probed about my tardiness, but she never said a word. Instead she placed an over-cooked meal on the table, as if nothing had happened. I was already nervous and feeling guilty about having cheated on her, and this only made it worse. It made me feel as if there was no place small enough for me to crawl under.

Normally, I have a healthy appetite, but that night I could only pick at my food. A couple of times I caught her giving me a questioning look, but I tried to ignore this. In time, my shame got the better of me and I endeavored to give an excuse, but it came out lame. Nevertheless, she seemed to be satisfied with my explanation.

After dinner I usually go into the living room and watch TV, leaving her to clear the table and wash the dishes by herself. However, that night my guilty conscious forced me to help her. I even tried to hold her, which made me appear even more culpable.

Eventually we made it to the living room, where I made an effort to become engrossed in some television show. Periodically I would look over at her and wonder if she was aware of my transgression. Although she never gave any outward sign that she was, I felt certain that she somehow knew. I think I asked her twice if something was wrong, and got a quizzical look in response. Finally I tried to concentrate on what was in front of me, although I had no idea what I was watching.

It was impossible to pay attention to anything with my mind whirling about. I knew that somehow I had to make amends for my indiscretion, without admitting anything. After all, how could I tell my wife that I had just fucked another woman in every orifice that she had, and enjoyed doing it? She would never understand. Nevertheless, I felt that I needed to make some kind of atonement for my sin.

The thought of sex had given me an idea. So that night, while we were in bed together, I tried to give Connie the best fucking that I could. However, after coming three times in one day, I had nothing left inside of me, and even had difficulty getting it up. Naturally, this only aroused her suspicions even more.

"You've been acting strange all night. Have you been with someone else?" she eventually asked.

Now it was out. I could either confirm or deny, however if I disavowed any sexual conduct then how could I explain my impotency. Unfortunately, at that moment my brain decided to take a hiatus, leaving me with no alternative but to admit my guilt, and beg her forgiveness. Of course, this brought an abrupt end to our love making, with her ordering me to get off of her.

For three days I endured a cold silence that would have frozen an active volcano, not to mention the icy stares when she bothered to look at me. I bought her flowers and candy, and would apologize at every opportunity, but to no avail. Even when I tried to touch her I had my hand slapped away. It seemed, to me, that it would only be a matter of time before she demanded a divorce.

"Was she better than me?" Connie asked at the supper table on the fourth night.

"You don't want me to answer that, do you?" I responded, hoping that I could stop her from delving any deeper into my indiscretion.

"Yes I do! And don't bother lying to me, cause I know when you're lying."

Several times I opened my mouth to begin, but no words came out. When they did, I just stumbled all over them. Eventually my mind and mouth began to synchronize, and I started to speak coherently.

Connie listened as I commenced telling her everything. A few times I noticed that her hands clinched into a fist, but I kept on. I could tell that she was not taking it very well, especially when I mention what Nora and I had done. But, it was when I revealed the agreement that Nora and her husband had, that she really flew into a rage.

"Is that why you've been trying to get me to do those disgusting things?" she almost screamed. "You want me to have sex with other men."

"No, that is not the reason." I began, and then, like a fool, switched tactics. "Well, that was my original idea. But, let me explain before you say anything."

"Please do," she said, giving me a challenging look, as if to say that it had better be good.

For the next several minutes I attempted to clarify myself. I began by saying that I wanted to have oral and anal sex with her because I wanted it, not so her entire body would be more accessible to other men. What I wanted was to enjoy having sex with her in all its various forms. As I continued to describe my motives, it seemed that her anger began to slowly dissipate. When I finished, I believed that I had just about convinced her that my objective had good intentions.

"You mentioned something about another plan. So what is your plan now?"

I had been trapped by my own words. Although I had spoken them is haste, and without thinking, I now had to justify them. Yet, how could I tell her that I had contemplated the idea of giving her to other men, when I was still not completely comfortable with the idea. To make matters worse, she had just asked me if that was my intention, and I had spent several minutes trying to convince her that it was not.

"You're hesitating. That must mean that you do want other men to make love to me."

"I would be satisfied if you would just let me make love to you without restrictions," I finally said, hoping that it would get me out of the horrible situation that I had gotten myself into.

"What do you mean by restrictions?"

"That means that I can take you anywhere I want," I responded, elated that I had been able to divert her attention. Yet, this pride also gave me a sudden sense of false power. "From now on, sex will not be confined to the bedroom. If I want to bend you over this table and fuck you, I can. You will give me a blowjob if I want it, and let me fuck your butt, if I so desire. That's what it means."

"That, I assume was your original goal, now tell me about your other one," Connie replied, dashing my confidence and my mistaken illusion of authority.

"I have not thought that one out," I said, trying to buy time to come up with a brilliant way out, but unable to think of anything. "While I will admit that I would like to see you with another man, I am not sure if that will ever happen. For the moment, that will be your decision as to whether it happens or not."

"So what you're saying is that right now I have a choice, but later on I do not."

"It may not come to that. But, if I ever do decide to see that happen, I expect you to comply," I told her, hoping that by asserting my dominance I could avoid any further discussion.

"When you do desire this, will you make me go wife-swapping like Nora had too?" she asked, softening her confrontational tone.

"That is an option," I responded, feeling a renewed sense of power.

"And what if I refuse to have any part of this?"

"I guess that that is your choice. But, if you really wanted a divorce, you would have already done so."

After I had said that, Connie got up and left the kitchen, without saying a word. I realized then, that I had over stepped the boundaries and had hurt her. But, I could not take back the words that I had said, even if I wanted to, which I am not sure if I did.

Somehow I grasped that we were at a decisive moment. Our future, and my sexual aspirations hinged on what she would do now. While I had no idea of which direction she would take, I prayed that it would be in mine.

I continued to sit there, my ears were straining to hear every sound. Although I half expected to hear the front door slam, indicating that she was leaving, it never happened. When it didn't, I got the courage to get up and go looking for her. She was in the bedroom, lying on the bed, crying.

"You don't love me anymore," she sobbed with her face buried in the pillow, causing me to ask her to repeat herself, at least twice.

"That's not true. I love you very much."

"If you did you wouldn't do this to me."

That simple statement was all empowering. To me, it was an indication that she had at least tacitly accepted her fate. All I had to was nudge her in the right direction, and she would be mind to mold and use.

"I hate to admit it, but sex with you is getting very boring. We do it the same way all the time. There's nothing to keep it exciting because you won't allow it," I told her, proud of myself for thinking of this. After all, I assumed that all women wanted believe that they are accomplished lovers. Pointing out that she was not, might cause her to try harder to please. "All I want is for you to loosen up and try new things. Is that too much to ask?"

"If I do what you want, what then? Were you serious about other men?"

I knew that I had her now. My strategy had worked. The only thing left for me to do was to get over this last hurtle and she would be mine.

"I only mentioned that because I was not sure if you would change for me. I thought that if you had sex with someone else, then you would realize that a man wants more than just a wet pussy. He wants the whole woman, and in different positions."

"Is that the only reason? You're not trying to make me a whore?"

"I would never do that. I love you too much," I replied, not entirely sure if it would not eventually come to that. For, there was a tiny part of me that seemed to relish the idea, and felt that it would be a huge ego trip if I let other men use what belonged to me. It kept reminding me of how envious I was of Nora's husband, having a wife that could perform the way that she had. The implication was that if I did the same, then other men would envy me.

For the next few months I worked to change my wife's attitude towards sex. We made love in every position that I could think of, and there was no part of the house, or piece of furniture that was not available for this. I was even using all of her orifices. Yet, no matter what we did, or how we did it, she was just going through the motions. It was as if her heart was not in it, but I persisted.

Somewhere in the third month, something seemed to snap. That was when I began to notice that she was actually beginning to respond to the things that I was doing. It was subtle change at first, but it was a reassuring sign that my efforts had not been in vain.

As Connie's acceptance increased, so did my perverted thoughts. While she was gradually becoming the sexual creature that I had yearned for, I was coming up with new ways to exploit that. One of those was the introduction of dildoes, and butt plugs.

The night I presented them to her, she did not seem that thrilled to see them. Despite her misgivings, I lubed the butt plug and shoved it in her ass, and inserted a vibrating dildo. With only one orifice open, I presented her my cock to suck.

While she was working on my cock, I reached behind me and found the speed control on the dildoe, turning it all the way up. Her entire body shook from the sudden, intense vibration, causing her to let go of my cock. She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could I was back inside.

With her mouth full, and unable to reach around me to get at the dildoe, she had no choice but to endure what I was doing to her. To make sure that she received the full effect, I kept my hand on the vibrating dildoe, moving it in and out of her, while my hips made sure her mouth remained full. This obviously worked, because before she could get me off, she had already had two orgasms, and was on her way to the third.

Normally, Connie would spit my cum out, but that night she swallowed it, almost as fast as I gave it to her. While I may never know why she did it, I want to believe that it was the magnitude of that third climax that caused it. Whatever it was, I knew that I wanted it to continue.

There were other things that I wanted, and I commenced implementing them. Getting her to talk dirty proved to be the hardest. For some reason, she could not say the word "fuck", especially in the context of begging. I had to keep prompting her, telling her what to say and when to say it. Yet, just like with any repetitive action, that one gradually became instinctive, until she could say what I wanted even during the height of an orgasm.

Now I had the woman that I had always dreamed of. On the exterior she was a sophisticated and demure lady, but on the inside she was a cock hungry whore.

In retrospect, I should have stopped while I was ahead, but that tiny part of me had reared its ugly head. It had come out of the shadows and was now attempting to control me. While I tried to resist, its persuasive arguments soon had me convinced that it knew more than I did. Now, the only thing left for me to do was to follow its advice.

When I told Connie about what it had proposed, I had expected some resistance. Instead, she just looked at me as if she somehow knew that this was coming. I remember asking her if she had anything to say, silently praying that she would jolt me back to reality, but she just shook her head.

"Are you sure that you have nothing to say?" I asked, giving her another chance.

"Why should my opinion make a difference? For months I've had no say in what you did. Why should I start now? You've turned me into a whore, so now I guess it's time for me to start acting like one."

While I felt the bitter sting of truth, that part of me was elated. It knew that all its covert actions had born fruit. From now on, my darling wife would be his to command, and he could do anything he wanted to her and she would do it without question. Right now he wanted me to strip her naked and fuck her, and I did.

Our first wife-swapping party was better than I had expected. Being newcomers, the men were anxious to see what my wife had, and she was willing to oblige them. She made several trips back to the bedrooms, for a little one on one sex, while I only made one. Towards the end of the evening, when it was just the regulars that were there, everyone stripped for an orgy.

That was really an exciting thing to watch, as women cheerfully surrendered themselves to the men, allowing them to do whatever they wanted. But, my greatest joy was observing three men take Connie's body and used it for their own pleasure. When they were done, she gave another man a blowjob, and then took another cock up her pussy, before the party came to an end.


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