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I Hoped College Would Be Different Ch. 02

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Bully pushes Sissy further.
6.4k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 12/12/2024
Created 12/05/2024
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The bitter incidents shook me for what felt like forever following Daddy Joey's departure. I could still feel his palm on my bottom, like if it were still there, with every aching feeling originating from the spot where he had paddled me.

I felt disoriented and afraid, with no idea what to do next. I briefly contemplated reporting the event, but then I reasoned that because no one had previously taken any action, why would they now? I took a long breath, collected myself, and sat down in the chair, only to have my bottom yell in agony as a reminder of my predicament and Daddy Joey's words before he left.

I grabbed all of my study materials and ran back to my dorm room to get my things because I did not want to risk his anger. I dreaded my formerly wonderful and joyful college life. I knew it was too good to be true because when everything was going my way, nothing stayed that way for long.

When I eventually made it to my dorm room at 3:57 p.m., Daddy Joey informed me that I had until the end of the day to pack and give him a call. I started packing up slowly, gathering all of my possessions, feeling weak and miserable. Apart from my study materials, clothing, toiletries, and textbooks, I had very little.

It took me roughly an hour to finish, despite my modest pace. There was nothing more I could do, so I went to the resident adviser and told him I was leaving the dormitories. After inspecting my room, he gave me a document to complete and sent it in to the front desk to let them know I was leaving that day.

Fearing what is ahead, I phone Daddy Joey at the number he provided. I suppose he was just playing pranks on me, so I get a small sense of relief when the phone rings for a long time before going to voicemail. Then my mobile phone rings, and I answer, "Hello." "You took too long, sissy," replied Daddy Joey on the other end. I've been waiting. Did you follow my instructions to pack your belongings?


"I thought you were clever, but clearly you need another lesson in respect, right sissy," he adds, clearing his throat in frustration.

I realize that I neglected to properly address him, and I stutter wildly, feeling sick to my stomach.

"No sir, daddy...daddy Joey." Im sorry, Sir. I will be more respectful. Please forgive me.

Daddy Joey starts laughing on the other line and adds, "Text me which wing you are in, sissy, and I will meet you outside." I will help you with your belongings, but I do not want this to take all day.

"Yes, Daddy Joey." I will text it immediately, sir, and then walk outside."

After sending him my location, I retreated outdoors to await my feared new existence. Shaking and overwhelmed with humiliation and misery, I anxiously await Daddy Joey as told. When he eventually arrived, I had been waiting in the foyer for about an hour.

"Alright, sissy, let's get this show on the road. "I have an early practice tomorrow, so lead the way." I made my way to my dorm room, feeling the weight of all that had and would most certainly happen. I could hear my heart racing with each stride. I kept hoping that this was all a horrible dream, that I would wake up and my life would be OK, but I knew it was wishful thinking.

We reached my dorm room. I entered, leading Daddy Joey inside. He locked the door behind us, pointed to my bed, and asked me to sit down, remain silent, and listen.

He pulled a small bag out of his jacket and told me. "Strip immediately," he said coldly and sternly, making it clear that I had no option.

I rose up and shakily started taking off my clothing. I began with my shirt, gently slipping it off and over my head before dropping it on the bed. I took off my sneakers. My belt and pants followed shortly after. Leaving me standing in my tighty-whities. I nervously looked up at Daddy Joey, wondering where this was headed, hoping that the humiliation would end and he would simply instruct me to get dressed and gather my belongings so we could leave. However, he appeared frustrated and irritated.

"Sissy, I said strip, and that means everything!" He raised his voice. I jerked in astonishment, and panic began to rush over me. I gently removed my underpants and attempted to throw them on the bed, but Daddy Joey snatched them and threw them in the trash can next to the desk. I started to protest but stopped because I was afraid of what might happen.

He then thrust the bag he was carrying into my chest and told me to put on everything inside. So I nervously opened the bag; looking inside, my eyes widened in shock. There was a pair of panties and... a chastity cage. I could not believe what I was seeing.

At this moment, I resolved to toss the bag at him and refuse, no matter what the repercussions might be. I informed him, "There is no way in hell I am putting that thing on, and you can not force me." He arched an eyebrow, obviously delighted by my unexpected defiance. He chuckled and replied, "Oh, is that right? Okay, I will put it on you then. I thought I would be polite and let you do it yourself, but you are clearly going to be tough, right?"

He grabbed the back of my neck; I struggled and attempted to get free, but he only pulled my hair, pinned me bent over the desk, and instructed me. "I am becoming weary of your obvious contempt and reluctance to listen to your superiors. So I am going to deliver another round of punishment, and this time you will count each stroke. There will be 10 total. Do you understand, Sissy?"

I attempted to rise up but was unable to move. I was absolutely afraid, and tears streamed down my cheeks. I pleaded with him, "Please do not do this. Just let me go, please. Joey, please.

"More disrespect, huh?" he muttered, lowering his face to mine in anger. Let's make that 20 strokes. With that, let us get started. Do not forget to count, or we will have to start again."

I started pleading once again, but before I could say anything. Smack! I was in agonizing shock and terror when I was hit again. Smack "Come on, you know what to do, sissy." Smack. "One," I said while crying with embarrassment and shame. "That's a good little sissy." Smack. "Two." Smack. "Three." Smack. "Four." I am openly sobbing, blubbering like a baby, as the pain becomes intolerable. This went on till I reached twenty and was a blubbering wreck at the end.

Daddy Joey stood me up and instructed me not to move unless I wanted to do it again. So I stood there, still weeping, tears flowing down my cheeks, absolutely terrified and embarrassed.

He took the bag, removed the chastity cage, and knelt down. He then gripped my small penis and balls firmly. I yelled out in pain; he chuckled and said, "You had your chance to do this pain-free; now you lost that option, sissy," before pushing them into a pink hoop-like contraption, placing the cage over my penis, and locking it in place.

I thought I was sobbing before, but now I was actually crying because my fate had been sealed, and the person holding the physical key to my fate was none other than my greatest fear and childhood bully, Joey Baker. He rose up and handed me the panties, telling me, "Now put on your panties and get dressed; we have wasted enough time here due to your rudeness."

While I was getting dressed, Daddy Joey glanced through my possessions and grunted. He continued, "For the time being, you can retain the clothing, but we will soon have to acquire you a new wardrobe, one far more fitting for a sissy like you. Now come on, grab your backpack; I'll get your suitcase and the box. Let's go."

We made our way to his car, each step a painful reminder that my life was going to alter dramatically, and not for the better. I was ashamed by the chastity cage and the panties. Could everybody see? Did they know? I continued glancing around warily until we got to the vehicle.

Daddy Joey unlocked the trunk and packed everything inside. We got inside the car, and when I sat down, I let out a mournful moan due to discomfort in my bottom. We drove away from the dorms, toward his residences. He informed me when we were driving there. "When we arrive, I will let you know how things will go from here. Until then, I expect you to keep silent and show appropriate respect. You are not permitted to talk unless spoken to. "You got that, sissy?"

I am terrified, fatigued, and completely devastated. Defeated, I say, "Yes, sir, Daddy Joey." "Good sissy," he whispered, kindly rubbing my head, but despite his gentleness, I recoiled, repulsed and scared. He merely grinned and kept driving. It did not take long for us to get at his residence. He parked the car and gathered my belongings, handed me my backpack, before heading to his apartment.

I followed him up the stairs to the third floor, apartment 310. He opened the door and led me inside, to the spare room down the hallway. As we walked around the apartment, I observed how beautiful it looked given who lived there. He maintained things spotless and immaculate, nearly to the point where everything had its place and had to be just right.

In the spare room, he placed my belongings on the bed and urged me to get settled but not to make a mess before leaving, locking the door behind him. I stood there for a while, reeling and processing everything that had transpired so far. I started crying again, feeling little and helpless. I tried to sit on the bed but was prevented by the memory of my previous punishment, so I crawled on it and lay on my stomach.

I lay in bed weeping till I fell asleep. Daddy Joey opened the door and woke me up, saying, "Come on, it is time we go over the rules for both the home and you, and hurry up, Sissy, I need to eat and get to bed before it is too late." He must have let me sleep for a few hours, since I awakened at 8:48 p.m. I got out of bed, flinching at the pain in my rear when I sat up before standing. 

I followed him into the living room, where he directed me to seat on the couch. Despite my trepidation, I did it, wincing as I went. He pulled a chair from the nearby dining table, sat across from me, and talked. "OK, sissy, the home rules are simple; indeed, there is only one: if you create a mess, clean it up completely, no half measures. Understood?" "Yes, Daddy Joey, sir," I mumble, scared of making a mistake or showing disrespect.

"Now that you have learned the home rules, let us discuss your new way of life. First and foremost, you must resign from your ridiculous tutoring job. You and I both know you have no place teaching people if you can not even learn correct behavior, right, sissy?" "Yes, Daddy Joey, sir."

"Good, as for the rest, while you were sleeping, I went out and grabbed some necessities for you. They are located in the bathroom, under the sink. I want you to utilize them every day, without exception. I will examine you every morning to ensure you are doing what you are supposed to."

At this moment, I am distraught, feeling the crushing weight of his words and the intention behind them. But, too afraid to offend him, I simply respond humbly, "Yes, Daddy Joey, sir." He resumed speaking, saying, "The remainder will be discussed at a later period." I know this is a lot for you already, so let us take it one step at a time, okay, Sissy?

I was ready to respond when a knock sounded at the door. Daddy Joe got up and answered it, then returned a few moments later with pizza. He laid it on the table and walked into the kitchen to get plates. He directed me to return the chair to the dining table and settle down for dinner. After eating in quiet, I was ordered to go to the hall restroom and begin my new daily/nightly regimen.

With shaky legs, I rose up and made my way there. After I got inside, I shut the door and checked beneath the sink. That is when the terror really sank in. In the cabinet under the sink, there were women's razors, shaving cream, hair removal cream, shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. All of them had flowery and fruity scents, making it impossible to conceal.

As I was dealing with the problem and trying to figure out how to get out of it, a knock came at the restroom door. Nervously I answered opening the door and there he was with a towel, wash cloth, A set of my pajamas from my suit case and on top was a fresh pair of panties.

I took a big breath and accepted them all before closing the doors, only for him to clear his throat and ask "forgetting something sissy, I thought you were finally learning, but I suppose your not as clever as you pretend to be."

I was confused, but quickly realized my error and responded, "Thank you, Daddy Joey. I am sorry. It will not happen again." "It may not seem like it, but I am doing this for your own benefit. If you start to accept what is rather than what you believe should be, I guarantee you will become far more cheerful and happy."

That threw me off guard since his tone was kind, even loving when he said it. Then he asked whether I checked beneath the sink yet."Yes, Daddy Joey. I did."

"Good, I expect you to utilize all of the items regularly. Oh, and here's your phone. If you have any difficulties understanding how to use any of these things, I recommend looking up some tutorials online. Okay, sissy, do not take all night. I will be in the living room when you are done, so come see me before bed.

"Yes, Daddy Joey." "I will." "Good sissy," he replied, closing the door and leaving me in the bathroom to start. I set everything down on the sink and began to take off my clothing. When I got to my panties, I felt a wet area on the front and glanced down to find that they were nearly totally covered.

Great I assumed that to top it all off, I had wet myself. But, upon closer inspection after removing them, I discovered that it was not urine that they were wet with; it was pre-cum, and it was also covering the front of my new chastity cage. But there was no way I would have appreciated this sort of treatment. I could not possible like being treated this way. I shook my head, attempting to shift my attention elsewhere.

Unsure of how to use razors and hair removal lotion properly. I watched online tutorials as advised by Daddy Joey. I decided to start right away after reading and seeing a few descriptions and videos. I did not want to keep him waiting for too long or risk punishment again.

So I took the bag and put everything in the shower, turning on the water to wet my body. As I stood under the hot water and touched my body, I realized I did not have much body hair to begin with. Then my thoughts returned to my underwear and the wet stain I had left, and I began to wonder whether this was something my subconscious desired.

At the notion, I felt my penis flinch in its prison, almost as if confirming my feelings. I decided to put it off for the time being because I did not have much time, so I lathered shaving cream on my arms and legs, which had the most of my body hair, and began shaving with the grain until they were smooth.

I then went on to my pubic and anal areas, as the hair removal lotion is not intended for those places. Shaving while wearing the chastity cage was tough and annoying due to limited access to some places. But I did the best I could. I then went on to my anal region, which was a problem in and of itself because I could not see it and had to feel it frequently to ensure I had not missed anything.

Having the fear of punishment for not following Daddy Joey's guidelines drove my thoroughness. After I was pleased, I shaved my face as well, even though I have never had much hair grow there, but I was not going to take any chances.

I cleaned my body and got out of the shower to apply the hair removal lotion. I had never used this before but the videos had said to apply a liberal amount and wait 3-6 minutes then check to see it the hair comes of easily after 3 minutes in not waiting another 3 minutes. Then rinse, and repeat as required.

So, after waiting 3 minutes, I checked around my chest region, and the hair fell out effortlessly. So I stepped under the shower head and washed away all the hair removal cream. The back was the trickiest but I managed non the less.

Now smooth all over. I got the shampoo and cleansed my hair. As I massaged my scalp, I began to relax slightly. I then applied the condition and rubbed it in as well. After a time, I nearly forgot about what had occurred until I started rubbing the body wash on myself. When I reached my bottom, I felt the pain of all the punishments I had experienced today.

That brought me back to reality and all that had happened. I rinsed off the body wash, turned off the shower, grabbed my towel, and dried myself off. Now that my body was entirely smooth, drying felt strange and unusual. After drying my body, I wrapped my hair in a towel and began to dress.

Pulling the panties on, I felt my penis quiver in the constraints of its cage, a reminder that I was no longer free and that everything was about to change.

Once on, the panties felt different, but in a pleasant way. They had previously felt weird, but now they felt comfy, which worried me.

I then proceeded to fetch my shirt and noticed my toothbrush and toothpaste resting on top, which must have been under the panties. I am sure he wanted me to see the panties properly so I could grasp my current situation. That was my thoughts anyway so after I put on my shirt and pajama bottoms. After brushing my teeth, I walked out to the living room.

Opening the restroom door, I heard Daddy Joey talking, followed by other sounds I did not recognize. Despite feeling humiliated and scared, I made my way to the living room to find him playing a video game online with others. And I breathed a sigh of relief as I realized he had not invited anybody else over.

I walked up to where he was sitting, not wanting to interrupt him but also unsure what to do, so I simply stood next to him, waiting. When I heard him snap his finger, I looked down to see him pointing to the floor beneath his feet. I dropped down on my knees and waited silently for him to finish his game.

After around 20 minutes of play, he bid his goodbyes to his companions and shut off the game. He stood up and placed his controller in the entertainment center drawer beneath the television. Then he returned and sat down, saying, "You smell lovely, sissy; no, you smell like a sissy should." He smiled and said, "Alright, stand up and strip, and we will inspect your efforts."

Taking a big breath, I said, "Yes sir, Daddy Joey," and rose up to do as I was ordered. I removed my shirt and pants and held them in my arms. He just stood there waiting and said, "Panties to Sissy, do not make me repeat myself." I did it ashamedly, saying, "I am sorry, Daddy Joey, please don't...please don't punish me."

He smiled and took my clothing, placed them on a nearby coffee table, patted me on the head, saying "as long as you understand," and began circling me, checking attentively all over my body to ensure I had done what he had instructed.

As he stood behind me, he commanded me to turn and face the couch, which I did. He then told me to bend over. As I bent over facing the couch, I began crying and pleading, begging him not to punish me. He gently placed his hand on my lower back and murmured, "Stop sobbing, sissy." your not in trouble... yet I just want a closed look at you bussy and caged clitty. Now reach back here and spread your bussy lips."

I was both relieved that I was not getting punished again and perplexed by what he described as my penis and butt. But afraid of not obeying him I reached back and spread my butt cheeks apart. He drew his hand away and went down to check, saying, "Good thing you shaved your bussy and the region surrounding your clit as well." That is when my breath caught, thinking the worst.

He went on to say, "It appears that the chastity cage restricted some regions, therefore I will remove it tomorrow night." "So you can get to them but let me be clear sissy you are not to touch your clitty under any circumstances so I will be overseeing your shave the rest as I can't trust you just yet."


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