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I Knew the Bride


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"I didn't want to cum in a condom. I want to cum inside you."

"But we can't, I could get pregnant."

"Not there, in your mouth."

Sandy looked shocked at my suggestion. "I've never let a boy cum in my mouth."

"Have you given a blow-job?"

Sandy's face changed from shocked to embarrassed. "Yes, to my last boyfriend, but I always made John pull out."

"Tell you what, try it this one time. If you find it disgusting, I'll never ask again." I kissed Sandy and then guided her head down to my lap.

It was probably the worst blow-job I've ever gotten, but I could tell she was trying. And hell, a bad blow-job is still a blow-job and I hadn't cum in at least a month. Plus, while she was going down on me, it gave me a chance to play with those perfect breasts and tease those perfect nipples. Just before I came, I warned her.

"I'm going to cum, Sandy. Try to keep your mouth on the head of my cock and just let it fill your mouth. Try not to choke or spit it out, babe." Hot damn, she did it, she even swallowed it all. After I finished, I pulled her head up to mine and went to give her a kiss.

"Don't you want me to rinse first?"

"No, it's no different than when I kissed you after you came in my mouth."

"OK." And she gave me a big fat kiss and our tongues met. "You amaze me, Nick."

We ate cold pizza and cuddled in bed until it was time to take her home. The next day, Sandy went to a clinic and was fitted with a diaphragm. No more condoms. We spent the next two months dating, dancing and making love.

And then she was gone.

I don't think it was any easier on Sandy than it was on me. She asked if I could look for a job in Illinois. But we both knew it was a fantasy. She'd be busy studying to be a Veterinarian; long hours and intense studies. I'd be faced with relatively poor employment opportunities for a person with my skill set. Besides, I recently was placed on days at the refinery, despite my lack of seniority, and wasn't looking forward to going somewhere and being back on swing or night shifts.

But after she left, I missed her like crazy.


Two weeks after Sandy left, Bill and Tom grew tired of my moping around so they took me back to The Barn for a few beers and to see if I could get back on the horse, that is the dance floor, again. Sandy and I had spent a few evenings in The Barn during the two months before she left town. I even danced with Lisa on a number of those occasions while Sandy danced with one of the local cowboys.

This evening I was on my second beer and hadn't gotten up to dance when Lisa stopped over at our table and asked me if I wanted to dance. As far as anyone at the table knew, this was a first, Lisa asking a guy to dance.

"C'mon Nick, give this girl a thrill and dance with me. I know Sandy went back to school and I can't remember you ever dancing a slow number with anyone but her." Lisa took my hand and led me out onto the floor, holding me tight as we danced to a slow number and then kept me out there for a two-step. We finished that dance and when the music picked up, Lisa kept me out there for a third. That song ended and she kept her hands in mine for a half-minute.

"Thanks Nick; that was fun. Let's do it again soon; don't be a stranger."

Once or twice a week I ended up back at The Barn and almost every time, Lisa and I spent a good part of the evening together on the floor. She never sat with me on those nights; she always stuck close to her girlfriends. Never accepted a drink from me or any of the other cowboys hanging at The Barn. Always drank from a bottle that she opened herself and kept the top on when she was out on the floor. I learned much later that her older sister had been drugged and date-raped at a fraternity party years before this.

Imagine my surprise when, hearing a knock on the door of my single-wide after an evening out, I looked out the window and saw Lisa standing there next to a bicycle. I opened the door cautiously, looking around.

"Can I come in, Nick?"

I opened the door wider for her to enter.

"Should I leave my bike out here?"

"Better bring it in." I stepped out and carried the bike up the stoop and into the house. "What the hell are you doing here, Lisa?"

Lisa smiled and took a half-minute to answer, she spent that half-minute looking up and down my body, I forgot I was only wearing a pair of boxers. Is this how chicks feel whenever a guy looks at a girl, like prey? Oh well, I can live with it.

"Got a drink, Nick?"

"Your usual, beer?"

"I think I need something stronger. Could you pour me a whiskey, maybe with some ice?"

"Coming right up." I poured two; hers with ice, mine neat. This being a special occasion, I poured the good stuff, each glass with two fingers of Knob Creek Rye. Lisa took a small sip, kind of shook a little, then started in.

"This is tough, Nick. I don't know how to ask, so I'll come right out with it. Ever consider a 'friends-with-benefits' arrangement with me?"

I almost burst out laughing. This didn't come out of right field; this was from another planet. Lisa turned red with embarrassment at my response; she stood up. "Never mind. Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

"Wait a minute, Lisa. Don't get mad. It's just so unexpected. Why would you ever ask me such a question?"

There was an unexpected passion in her reply. "Because I'm sick and tired of masturbating to get off; I need a man."

"Lisa, there are dozens of men in town just salivating to be your man. Why not find a nice guy to fall in love with and have a real relationship?"

"Because I haven't met anyone who I feel that way about. And I know myself, if I think I'm settling, I'll regret it - not now, but sometime in the future and I'll end up either divorced or a cheater or both. And I don't want to be that woman. But in the meantime, I want to get laid! I've only had one lover in my life. I'm twenty-one and have only had one man in my life."

"So, you want me for a human dildo?"

Lisa made a strange face. "Gawd, that sounds so tawdry. But I guess that's what it is."

"Why me?"

Her honest answer kind of stunned me. "A few reasons, Nick. Number one - I always thought you were the cutest of all my brother's friends and you were never mean to me back then. Two - you and I are so different; we aren't good long term relationship material. Three - you're in love with Sandy. She'll be gone at least three years and we both need a sexual outlet. Four - even though you and I aren't long-term material, you're gorgeous and you make me want you inside me."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Well this is the coldest, most logical seduction I've ever received. It's like being romanced by Spock on Star Trek."

That made Lisa giggle. "I guess I suck at romance. But it doesn't mean I don't find you incredibly sexy and handsome. I just don't want to fall in love with you."

I was starting to warm to the idea. Lisa is a babe; kind of my type before Sandy showed up. Pretty face, long blonde hair, big blue eyes, c-cup breasts, narrow waist above nice hips, a great firm ass and those great legs. Yea, maybe I could make the sacrifice. "So, how does this work?"

"Well, call it fate or kismet, but your place is across the park from my family's house. I take my bike through the park once or twice a week and we screw each other's lights out. I head back across the park before the family gets up."

Lisa was right; through some quirk in the universe, the trailer park that housed my single-wide and forty similar domiciles was grandfathered on prime real estate right off one of the city parks, at least until some asshole figured out how to bypass the land grant and has us condemned. On the other side of this same three-hundred acre city park sat some of the toniest homes in all Liberty County. And of course, that was where the Casey family, toniest of all the county tony families, lived.

"When do we start?"

Lisa answered my question by taking her top off. Those two firm breasts popped into sight, so firm that no bra was necessary to keep them up and just aching to be fondled. "How about tonight?"

Could any red-blooded All-American, heterosexual boy resist? Not this boy. For the second time in the past four months, I had the pleasure of introducing a beautiful young woman with limited sexual experience to the delights associated with the many variations of sexual hedonism.

Limited experience was the only thing Sandy and Lisa had in common. Whereas Sandy stayed in control and was somewhat inhibited during our love-making, Lisa let it all hang out. Ten minutes after that top came off, we were both naked, Lisa sitting on my lap with my cock planted all the way to her cervix, Lisa bouncing and rutting, her hips in a constant state of motion. No foreplay - just straight to the fucking. "Fuck me, Nick; fuck me! Damn, that feels so fuckin' good."

The nice thing about this position is it gave me ample opportunity to nibble on those nipples, twiddle her clit with two fingers of my left hand and reach under her with my right hand to tease her rectum. I didn't stop to ask about the condom; we were both out of control. Lisa kept grinding until her orgasm hit and she flooded my cock with juice while the muscles of her pussy sent an electric charge up my spine.

"Oh fuck, Lisa." I let out as I felt stream after stream of spunk out and into her womb. I had to hold Lisa up so she wouldn't fall off my lap and onto the floor. Lisa's head collapsed on my shoulder and she stayed in that position until her breathing returned to normal; after all, she did most of the work.

"It's a little too late to ask, but should I have pulled out?"

Lisa laughed. "No, I'm safe. Lucky thing, too because you drenched my ovaries. I went on the pill last year before I lost my virginity to my boyfriend. Stayed on it, just in case."

"Are you going to spend the night?"

"No, I'll go back home as soon as my legs stop shaking. Next time we'll spend more time together - if you don't mind. I need to make certain this sneaking in and out works. I'll ride back in a minute."

"Look, I'm not comfortable with you riding back through the park by yourself. I'll take my bike and ride back with you to make sure you're safe."

"See, that's why I like you, Nick. Thanks." Lisa gave me a kiss which confirmed her appreciation.

Thinking back on it the next day, I wondered if I was reacting to Sandy's leaving me. That night, I didn't care about Lisa; I only wanted to fuck and cum. Don't get me wrong; Sandy never led me to believe she would change her mind and stay in Liberty County to be with me. She made it clear from the start she was going back to Illinois to be a Vet. The problem was, I knew she loved me and I loved her. I took my frustration out on Lisa.

And for the next five months we were never seen together unless there was a crowd of people nearby. If anyone knew about our arrangement, it wouldn't be because I said anything. 'Never look a gift horse in the mouth' is an excellent approach to life.

It never became serious. Lisa was right, we were just too different; we didn't share interests, ambitions, or politics. She never did or said anything to lead me to believe anything would change and I was happy with our arrangement. When I talked about hunting, fishing or camping; she'd listen politely. When we discussed politics, she never made me feel like a redneck. But I knew that if we married and had children, we'd argue about their upbringing. And if we miraculously made it to when the kids left the nest, we'd be one of those couples left staring at each other and eventually splitting. Best all - Lisa knew this, too.

We still danced together at The Barn, still moving to separate tables afterwards. Lisa continued to dance with the other cowboys, I danced with the other gals. No drama. Once a week or every other week, Lisa would come by the trailer and we'd haul our ashes. It worked for me because I wasn't interested in developing any other relationships and sex is almost always guaranteed to complicate things. After that first night together, Lisa ended up staying later; we would set the alarm for five and I'd ride next to her in the early morning back to her house, just to make certain she was safe.

And the sex was great. We practiced every combination of two young, buff, in-shape boy-girl sexual delights. Then it ended as suddenly as it started. I left town for what should have been a month-long assignment when my supervisor asked if I could spend some time straightening out the maintenance department at one of our subsidiaries in North Dakota. Little did he know it would take much longer after I had to fire three employees: two for failing drug tests and one for theft. The 'month long' assignment took all of four months to get new people hired and trained.


Trey Chase moved to town while I was on that four month assignment in North Dakota. When I returned, two things had changed. Trey was the new assistant general manager of our facility, replacing a guy I absolutely hated. The second thing that changed was Lisa Casey was now dating Trey Chase, and it seemed serious.

Despite my first impression of Trey as a guy who was born on third base, he did something to solidify my respect for him. We had a real asshole in the maintenance shop, Ike Flynn, who Trey got rid of. It wasn't only that he got rid of Ike, it was how he did it. Ike was a top welder, but he bullied people and most every female in the plant stayed away from him. He ignored all the warnings, he thought his welding skills were too valuable to be let go. Finally, management had enough and it fell on Trey to give the guy his walking papers.

Somehow, Ike got wind he was getting axed. When our supervisor told Ike to report to Trey's office, he skipped out instead. Bright and early the next morning, Ike was punching in as if nothing had happened. 'Supe' was talking to me as Ike walked past us on his way to his workstation.

"Flynn, I told you yesterday to report to the AGM's office. Where the hell'd you go?"

Ike ignored the question. "Does he want me there now?"

"Yea, he's waiting for you. Get your ass up there."

Ike turned and walked toward the admin offices; I thought it was odd, Ike still had his jacket on, zipped to his neck.

No one in the company would have ever known the total story of what happened next except Trey Chase had his admin assistant, Gloria, listening to the exchange via their old-school intercom. Two hours after the incident, Gloria was telling everyone in the breakroom, including me, about it.

"I let Ike into Trey's office, closed the door and sat at my desk listening in with the intercom Trey kept open. Mr. Clark from corporate HR was with Trey. Trey told Ike that he was being fired for repeated violations of corporate policies. Before Trey could say another word, Ike interrupts him and growls, "I knew you dipshits were letting me go today. That's why I came in wearing body-explosives under this jacket.""

As we listened to Gloria tell the story, I could still see the fear in her eyes. Gloria continued.

"When I heard Ike say that, I wanted to run or jump under my desk, but I was frozen in my chair with fear. I was facing Trey, looking right at him through his office window. I couldn't believe what he did next. Trey smiled right at Ike and cool as can be, he says, "Cut the shit, Flynn. You got explosives, let's see 'em. Go ahead and show us. Otherwise, take your severance letter, empty your locker, tuck your tail and get the hell out of my plant." Trey picked up the phone and called Ernie in Security to escort Ike out of his office."

Gloria was surrounded by other plant employees as they came into the breakroom, repeating the story two more times. Gloria didn't tell anyone about Mr. Clark from HR wetting his pants. Trey had helped Mr. Clark get to his car in the parking lot without anyone but Gloria seeing the dark patch on his lap. I only found out about that a few weeks later when Gloria and I got drunk at the Labor Day picnic in town.

A couple years later Trey and I were out fishing and I brought it up; asking Trey how he kept his cool considering he never had any training.

"To tell you the truth, Nick. I was worried about the guy; that's why I had a can of bear spray in my lap, ready to spray him. I worried he'd have a gun or knife. When he pulled the 'I have body explosives' routine, I figured I was safe. I mean, who the hell blows themselves up over a job?"

It made sense; you read about guys going postal, but it's always a gun. Still, it proved Trey had cajones.

The other thing Trey did which helped me gain respect for the silver spoon kid was this - he spent a couple hours at least every other day on the shop floor. He knew every employee on both shifts, knew their spouse's name and probably half their kids. And it wasn't any of that phony bullshit. This guy really cared. When Manny Torres' wife miscarried their first, Trey told Manny to take a few days off without docking him. Flowers showed up the next day at Manny's house. That's just a sample of the kind of personal attention he paid to all of us at the plant.

I didn't see much of Lisa after I returned from North Dakota. She and Trey didn't hang out at The Barn that often and, needless to say, she never visited my trailer again. Trey was my boss and we never spent any off hours together until much later, after his marriage to Lisa.


About a week after getting back to town, Tom and I were sitting at a table at The Barn one night. It was a slow night, no live band, some young thing was feeding the jukebox and the constant flow of love songs had me drifting off to sleep when something caught my eye. Jimmy Crawford was sitting at the bar with Betty Hudson, trying his best to make time with Betty, a girl totally out of his league.

The bartender set a drink in front of Betty, and just then Fred Morton came up on Betty's other side and said something to her. As Betty turned toward Fred, Jimmy seemed to put something in Betty's drink.

"Shit, Tom; I swear Crawford just spiked Betty Hudson's drink!"

Tom looked toward the bar. "You're kidding, right?"

"No I'm not; I'd bet on it. Grab Bubba and get him over to the bar." Bubba is actually John Jacobs, but all the regulars called The Barn's big-ass bouncer 'Bubba'. I headed to the bar.

"Betty, hi." Betty looked at me with hope, as if silently pleading, 'Save me from these guys, please.' Jimmy and Fred gave me a different look and Jimmy said out loud, "Get lost, Nick."

Bubba and Tom arrived at that moment. I grabbed Betty's drink and handed it to Bubba. "It's been spiked, Bubba. I saw Jimmy put something in it." Jimmy went to grab the glass but Bubba held it away from him with his one hand and gripped Jimmy's hand with his other.

"On the floor, Crawford." Bubba was twisting Jimmy's hand in such a way that Jimmy had no option but to do as he was told.

I saw Fred trying to sneak off, so I asked, "Going somewhere, Fred?"

"Heading home."

"Stay right where you are, asshole."

"I had nothing to do with any drugs."

"You can tell the sheriff. Until then, you stay put." I saw the hate and fear in Fred's eyes. I knew he roomed with Jimmy and I wanted to make certain he didn't have a chance to head home and clear their room of any evidence.

"You got no authority to hold me, Bottom."

"You're right there, Morton. But just try for the door." Fred Morton had always been a squirrely coward and I knew he was weighing which threat was worse - the beatdown I'd give him before making it to the door, or what would happen if the cops found whatever was on his person or in his room. The one thing about Fred, though, he was smarter than Jimmy. He knew if he went for the door, he'd not only receive the beatdown, he still wouldn't be able to hide any evidence if he was lying on the floor after I got through with him.

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