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I Really Don't Have to Go!

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Angel's hypnosis ends up making her incontinence worse.
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"And you're sure that I won't have to deal with this anymore?" Angel asked.

Dr. Bell simply laughed, "I'm sure, dear. You were quite a good subject."

Angel was relieved to hear that. She couldn't remember a thing from the last hour and a half she'd spent in a trance. "Thanks," she sighed, "I just couldn't bear to live like this anymore."

Dr. Bell smiled, "That's understandable for an eighteen-year-old girl. You did the right thing getting treatment for your condition."

Angel bowed her head and twiddled her thumbs.

"What's wrong?" asked Dr. Bell.

"It's do I know that it worked?"

Dr. Bell sat up in his stool, "Well, there is a test we can try. But first, do you need to use the restroom?"

Without thinking Angel replied, "No, I'm fine thanks." She gasped and covered her mouth. "I...I don't believe it! Ask me again!"

Dr. Bell followed suit, "Angel Fawn, do you need to use the restroom seeing as how it's been an hour since your last visit?"

Angel felt the urge to say only one word. "No!" She grinned and said it again through a slight giggle, "No," her happiness grew each time she uttered the word, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! I don't have to go, thank you for asking!" she squealed with joy.

Angel stood up and hugged the doctor, "Thank you so much, Dr. Bell. You have no idea how much this means to me."

Dr. Bell welcomed her embrace, "Oh Angel, once you told me your story I knew I just had to help." Angel finally let go of the forty-year-old man,

"Here," she said reaching into her purse, "500 dollars, as promised. If I had more to give, I would." Angel meant that with all her heart.

Dr. Bell took the money and pocketed it. "Thank you ma'am, you're always welcome here." Angel gave Dr. Bell one last hug before making her way back home.

The hypnotism treatment was expensive for someone who had no job. It didn't matter to her, though; she'd get a job now that she'd graduated high school. Well, nearly graduated. She only needed to take a few remedial courses over the summer and she'd be on her to a whole new place, where no one would remember her embarrassing problem.

"Let's see if they laugh at me now," she thought as she marched her way home with her head held high.

She made quite an impression as she sauntered her way back. Normally, she'd walk slouched over, hands in her pockets, with her hood hiding her face no matter the weather.

Today, she tied her hoodie around her waist, her full chest on display in a plain white T-shirt. Her long box braids swung back and forth as her hips bounced up and down with every step she took with her jeans hugging her plump thighs and ass.

As she gathered the attention of passers-by, she smiled with her perfectly white teeth. Her mahogany skin glowed with a happy shine in the sun, as her hazel eyes shimmered like gems. Her days of torment at the hands of Melissa and her gang of skanks were over.

She unlocked the door to her house, "I'm home!" she shouted.

Her mother walked into the living room from the kitchen, "Where were you? It's six o'clock! It don't take three hours to walk home."

Her mother's scolding didn't phase her. "I missed the bus and got a little lost was all," she lied.

"For three hours? What you think your daddy's gonna say about that?"

Angel flopped her hands down by her side, "Mama, I'm fine. Besides, I got good news." Her mother gave her an estranged look as she bent down and whispered to her, "I didn't have to go once while I was out."

Her mother gasped, "What? Baby what!? Oh my God!" she squeezed her daughter tightly and sang, "Oh goodness, it's finally happened! I told you! I told you! I told you! Honey! Get down here!"

Angel's father shuffled down the stairs and in his baritone voice asked, "What? What's goin' on?"

Angel's mother bounced excitedly, "Angel baby, do you have to go?" With a bright smile on her face she looked at both her parents and said, "No."

Her father was shocked. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Not even a little bit?" he asked a smile grew on his face.


He threw his hands up in victory, "That's my girl! I knew you could beat this thing. And you did it without going to that damn hypnotist too!" Angel tried her best not to show any guilt. Her father didn't seem to notice. "We'll have whatever you want for dessert tonight. This is just...I!" he couldn't find the words to describe what he was feeling, but Angel got the message.

Over dinner, Angel had made up an elaborate lie about how she'd gotten lost, but pushed through her anxiety and made it back home. Normally, she would've gotten up and used the bathroom once or twice during dinner, but this time she stayed seated and even got a second glass of water.

After her story, her father said to her, "Baby, it takes some people years to get over your kind of anxiety. I'm so proud of you, Angel!" and her heart soared.

For dessert, Angel chose her favorite brand of vanilla ice-cream. It didn't seem like much to most people, but Angel took a lot of joy from the simple things in life. Right then, the simple joy of not needing to go to the bathroom made her gleeful beyond belief.

Eventually, the Fawns all wound down for the night and made their way to bed. Tomorrow was a school day after all. Normally, she would've gone to the bathroom before she went to bed, and woken up a few times in between just to relieve herself, but tonight she held it all in and didn't worry about it in the slightest.

* * * * *

The next morning she woke up and ate her breakfast like normal, but this time she noticed a slight twinge in her bladder. This was something she hadn't felt in years since she'd constantly emptied it out of fear of wetting herself.

As she drank her orange juice, her mother asked, "Do you need to use the bathroom before you go, sweetie? You haven't gone since last night."

Angel agreed with her internally, but before she could speak her mouth said, "No ma'am."

She thought it was strange, but she wasn't going to let her anxiety get the best of her this time. Not after all she'd been through to finally beat this thing. She kissed her parents goodbye and went down to the bus stop.

Since school was out for the summer, she had to take the public bus. She was fine with that, seeing as how she didn't have to deal with the cruelty of her fellow students like she normally would.

Everyone in school constantly teased her about her problem, but that would all change once she finally passed these classes. Summer school had the added perk of it being only seniors, all of them eighteen or older.

That meant less people that she had to deal with and a generally more mature crowd. Angel didn't think of it as much of a perk though, considering Melissa was also taking remedial classes.

The confidence she had yesterday began to dissipate as the bus neared its destination. Once she got off the bus, she walked with her hands in her pockets, but her face not hidden. She thought about everything she hated about that venomous bitch as she made the short walk from the bus stop to school.

Melissa was a black-haired, green-eyed viper. She was just an inch taller than Angel, but it might as well have been a foot. Her presence alone was enough to make Angel feel like a mouse. She was pale skinned with thick ruby lips, and always wore make-up to highlight those features.

She was a larger girl, but her tits had grown with her. Angel figured that was the only reason anyone would date that fat bitch. She claimed to have GG cup tits, but Angel was suspicious about that even being a real bra size. Let alone one for an eighteen-year-old girl. Nonetheless, the men she dated loved to brag about them. There was no doubt she had the biggest tits in the whole town. Together with her two petite Asian lackeys, Kerri and Blossom, she made Angel's life a living hell.

Angel thought back earlier to the spring semester, when she had class with Melissa at the end of the day.

She would constantly tease her, "Does wittle Angie need to go potty again?" she'd say in the same annoying tone every day.

The class never failed to burst into laughter once. Of course, as soon as it would happen, Angel would get worried and just have to go. Every. Single. Time. The teachers were all aware of Angel's condition and allowed her out as much as she needed (most of the time), but they were all useless when it came to handling any sort of bullying.

Earlier in the fall semester, Angel finally worked up the nerve to tell one of the teachers that what Melissa was doing to her and how she felt about it.

She snapped back with, "Did you even try talking to her before you came to me?" and she learned pretty quickly that they just didn't want to deal with it.

In reality, some of the other teachers might've helped, but it only took the one to keep Angel silent and scared, not to mention Melissa's retaliation that day.

When the bell rang Angel tried to rush her way to the bathroom, but as she walked in she noticed all three stalls were taken. Below were the familiar shoes of her persecutors, the ones she always looked down to when confronted. Melissa burst from the stall closest to her, with her lackeys following close behind.

"G-guys, I have to--" she was interrupted by a swift smack to the face from Melissa.

"I heard that you tried to tattle on me, you fucking bitch," Melissa said coldly before grabbing her by the hair.

She relentlessly clawed her face with her long nails, while Angel tried helplessly to block fearing that fighting back would just make things worse. She fell to the ground crying covering her face as she wept.

Melissa stomped on her after kicking her twice in the stomach. She leered at her from above and said, "If you ever...EVER...try to rat me out again, I will make sure your little piss-ass never even makes it to the bathroom to cry about it, do you understand me bitch?"

All Angel could muster was a pitiful, "Y-yes," through whimpers and sobs, but Melissa didn't think that was good enough.

She pressed her foot into Angel's stomach and demanded a, "Yes Ma'am!"

Angel couldn't bear the pain and gave in, "Y-yes Ma'am."

Melissa muttered, "That's what I thought," under her breath while she and her goons walked over Angel to leave.

That memory was enough to bring tears to her eyes as she walked to school. She remembered the pain of every strike. She remembered guilt of having to lie to her parents about falling into a rose bush. Most of all, she remembered the humiliation of crawling into the stall on the dirty bathroom floor after the incident because her anxiety wouldn't let her leave a bathroom without going.

* * * * *

Angel finally made it to her class at seven fifty-five. The other dozen or so students were there...including Melissa. She always sat next to her so she could cheat off her work.

"Look where that got her," she thought.

Angel threw her hood over her face and walked to her desk. As she sat down she put her head down and tried to become invisible.

"What are you hiding from, Angie? I've reminded you every day since you got here that I know you made me fail on purpose, so what's there to hide from?"

Every time she brought this up Angel couldn't help but feel vexed by the absurdity of the idea.

"I've said it once, and I'll say it again: I knew you were fucking up to get me to fail." Angel tried to correct her, but Melissa interrupted, "Zip it. Your little plan backfired. Now I'm going to make you pay."

Melissa leaned in and whispered, "The nightmare continues for widdle-Angie-wets-a-lot."

Angel really didn't mean to fail. She just couldn't focus on school after a certain amount of abuse. It didn't help that she missed huge parts of class taking a piss every half hour. Sometimes, if Melissa was feeling really sadistic, she'd ask her about going to the bathroom even more often than that.

Eight o'clock rolled around and the teacher stood up from behind her desk and began to lecture the class on English. As she droned on, Melissa whispered to Angel, "So, need to go potty, widdle Angie?"

Angel shot her a nasty look and said, "No." Melissa was surprised. This was the first time she'd ever heard that word from Angel. It sounded so foreign to her.

"'N-no'? What do you mean 'no'?"

Angel finally felt some sense of empowerment. Normally, she'd have to rush to the bathroom because of her condition, but not today. Today was different. "I mean I don't have to go," she said plainly.

Melissa couldn't believe this. This was a fraud. An act. A farce. She'd have to go sometime soon. This was Angel we were talking about. She couldn't handle holding it for even an hour just last semester.

In spite of all of Melissa's efforts, Angel didn't go to the bathroom the whole hour and a half they were in class. Angel felt the pressure in her bladder grow as class went on, but she refused to let Melissa have any satisfaction. Besides, it stabilized about halfway through class, so she'd probably be fine as long as she didn't drink anything else.

Kerri and Blossom, who sat around Angel, were just as surprised. It's not like Angel had completely defeated Melissa, but this was the first time she'd ever defied her successfully.

Angel was free till one o'clock, but Melissa had a lot more classes in between that she couldn't miss. Angel wouldn't have to deal with Melissa until lunch time at noon. That is, if Melissa knew where she was going for lunch. She had a while to find a good hiding spot from the top-heavy demoness and her imps.

She had several hiding spots around the school, usually under stairs or in between breezeways where no one would think to look. She changed them up frequently to make sure that Melissa would never find her, but she could never stay in one spot forever.

Eventually she'd have to use the bathroom, but they served their purpose. With her new found ability, she could wait out Melissa instead of the other way around. She had the upper-hand now.

She went to her southernmost hiding place in the bushes of the breezeway between two buildings. On her way she passed some vending machines, and thought about how great it would feel to drink an ice-cold bottle of Sprite, if she'd had any money left.

As she walked past the last vending machine on the way, she noticed a boy getting something from the vending machine. It just had to be her crush, Dean. Her cheeks felt hot and her heart started to race as she walked along trying not to be seen by him. She pulled her binder up to her face and tucked her head down like a turtle, before accidentally spilling her binder's papers all over the ground in front of him.

She squatted down and tried desperately to pick up the papers before he noticed, but that was never going to happen. Dean turned around and began to assist her,

"Oh shoot, here let me help you with that," he said politely.

Angel felt the urge to look at him, but she continued to shy away. She squeaked out a, "Thanks," before she started to giggle nervously.

While shuffling papers around, Dean decided to make light conversation, "You free too?" he asked.

Angel tried to answer the question with poise, but failed miserably, "No, I mean yes. Or no. I mean that I'm not free right now because I'm still in school for summer, but I'm also, like, not in class or anything. You about you?"

Angel couldn't decide whether to make eye contact with the cute guy in front of her, or just focus on the task at hand. Every time she focused on the paper, she felt like she had to look at Dean, and every time she looked at Dean she felt like she had to look at the papers to avoid suspicion.

Dean spoke, "Oh yeah, I get that. I don't have class till one, so I'm free now. I wish I didn't have to be here. All my friends are getting ready to go to college, and I'm just stuck."

Angel knew Dean's schedule pretty well by this point. At least, she knew when it meshed with her schedule so she could stare and think about maybe actually talking to him.

"H-hey," Angel said, "We'll get out of here at some point." She laughed nervously trying to come off as composed.

Dean chuckled and replied with a simple, "Yeah."

He went on, "I just wish I had someone to talk to while I was here. I mean, what do we even do with this much free time?"

Angel, without thinking, blurted out, "You could talk to me," and quickly supplemented her daring statement with, "I mean, if you want. I don't have anyone to talk to either. I usually just read somewhere or something now, so I'm free, er, not free, er free if you want to just...chill."

Dean agreed, "That sounds cool." Angel showed him her hiding spot, and he began to drink his Sprite. "This is pretty sweet. Is this why I never see you around?" he asked.

Angel's heart had never beaten so fast. She got a hold of herself and said, "Y-yeah maybe. I've known about you for a long time, but we just never had the time to talk."

Dean looked down at his Sprite and cracked it open. He drank a bit of it before saying, "Yeah, sounds about right. Don't you always hang out with Melissa?"

Angel blurted out again, "No." She then had to explain herself, "Well, yeah, but not really. She's kind of...mean sometimes. I mean, she just...I don't know it's hard to explain. We aren't really friends if that's what you're asking."

Dean looked down, "Damn, really? I thought she was cool."

Angel retorted with, "Well, you're nice. You think everyone's cool."

Dean paused for a moment, "Is that a bad thing?" Angel tried to take back what she said, "No, I mean, no. It's really cool. Like, I've heard about how nice you are and I just think that's cool."

Dean thanked her, "Oh, that's really nice. I didn't know I had a reputation about me. Who said that?"

Angel couldn't think of anyone she'd really heard it from. She'd always just observed him from afar, and she could just tell he was a sweet guy. "Everyone says that. You're just cool, okay?"

Dean laughed, "I thought I was nice?" Angel became flustered,

"I...that's what I meant. You're nice. Like, really nice. Like, you could just...brighten up someone's day, you know?"

Dean laughed and accepted Angel's attempt at a compliment. "Thanks, I try." Dean tried to return the favor, "You seem pretty nice too."

They talked for a while about all sorts of things. They talked about their plans for college, their troubles with school, hobbies, family, etc. The heat was starting to get to them; Dean drank all his Sprite, "Aren't you thirsty? It's, like, really hot out."

Angel was thirsty, of course, but she didn't want to fill her bladder up more before her next class. "Yeah, a little, but I don't have any money right now. I'll just have to wait till lunch."

Dean scoffed, "Pft, I can buy you a drink. What's your favorite soda?"

Angel swooned at the offer, "Oh, it's Sprite, but you don't have to--"

Dean interrupted her, "Oh my God, mine too! Come on, I'll get you one." He stood up and held his hand out to help her up.

They made their way to the vending machine, and he bought her a bottle of Sprite, as promised. She treasured it like a pearl, "Thanks, this is what I mean when I say you're sweet."

Dean looked up, "What?"

Angel became flustered again, "I-I mean when people say you're sweet, or when people say you're nice."

Angel started to drink her Sprite to try and make the conversation seem more natural. She knew she'd regret it later, but she felt like she could definitely hold it until she got home. Angel heard the familiar sound of feet stomping toward the lunch room from down the hallway.

"Oh, I didn't realize we'd been talking so long," Angel said.

Dean looked at her, "Really? I'm starving. Come on, I don't have anyone to sit with in the cafeteria. Let's go get something to eat."

Angel didn't have the nerve to tell him that she never ate lunch in the cafeteria. That was Melissa's territory. She followed him down the hallway to the cafeteria and sat down with him at a table, but she didn't see Melissa anywhere. She ate her lunch with Dean for only a few minutes in peace when she saw two fat melons bouncing through the double-doors.

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