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Ice and Lightning Ch. 07

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Two brothers from a winged race share one human woman.
4.3k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/31/2022
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The morning of the ceremony, I asked them to take me to get flowers for my hair and a bouquet as the magic was being set. We had waited a week to have sex. I just wanted to wait. They had told me the sealing caused a mating frenzy more diabolical than the new mating bond and it probably was not the best idea to have them so hungry for me going in. I told them this was mine and I accepted responsibility for whatever happened. My mates just shook their heads and bent to my will.

When we got back to the house, the priestess helped me do my hair. I was actually nervous. To me it was my wedding day, but the things Caed and Gabriel had told me about the sealing were intimidating, to say the least. My mates were already in the room. The priestess opened the doors for me and after I walked through, she closed them behind me. There were no guests turning their heads, no "here comes the bride" playing, but I looked at the scene before me and almost swooned. From the bright blue sky above us, to the wedding flowers and decorations, to the two most beautiful beings I had seen in my entire life, I took it all in, breathless.

My mates were dressed the same; they wore black pants and blue tunics that turned their blue eyes into sparkling sapphires, made all the more intense by their shimmering white skin, their soft white hair and those iridescent wings, fully out behind them. I swallowed hard and walked to them. Caed smiled at me, love shining in his eyes. Gabriel bit his lip hard enough that he drew blood. Gods, for all I loved him and he set my body and soul on fire, he was a bit too intense at times.


This time she made me weak in the knees. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. No wonder she wanted the ceremony to be this way. This was so much better than the Yelarian's idea of sealing, but then again everything about our family was unprecedented. Why not take it all the way?


Gods, she was more beautiful than ever. It took everything I had to not throw her down right then and there. I could smell her nerves and excitement and arousal. This could not be over with soon enough.


I climbed up onto the huge bed and carefully placed my pretty flowers on the pillows, sat back on my heels, and knew that was the end of my wedding. I became aware of the magic buzzing through the room. It was time to commence with the Yelarian's ceremony.

We had decided I would be sealed to Caed first for two reasons: one, he was in my life first, and two, we knew once Gabriel's bite set, the frenzy would not be controlled. I stayed kneeling between them. They towered over me and with the wings hovering, anxiety started to creep in. Caed realized it immediately as he put his hand on my back and folded his wings down. I felt him look at his brother and Gabriel followed suit. I was working extremely hard to control my breathing. I had no idea how hard this was going to be. They tried to warn me.

Caed sat down in front of me. He gently pulled my hair to the side and looked deep into my eyes. He asked me if I was ready. My mouth felt like cotton and I swallowed hard as I nodded. He caught my face in his hand kissed my lips, long and hard. He tilted my head to the side and started kissing my neck. I felt things start to get fuzzy. Now this, I thought, felt right. His body jerked and he growled as he sank his teeth into me and held hard. It must have been the magic because the pain was excruciating. They told me this bite would be different but I had no idea how different. Caed had bitten me hundreds of times and it had never felt like this. I cried out but he just pulled my face tighter and held me harder in his teeth. Was this Caed? He had never hurt me like this. It was getting worse by the second and just kept going on and on. Every time I felt like I couldn't take it and tried to pull away, he just growled like a dog with a bone, held me tighter and bit down harder. He finally released his bite and blood spilled out of me freely. He pushed me onto my back and was hovering over me, wings out. His eyes were glazed and he didn't look like the Caed I knew, at all. His canine teeth were elongated and his blue eyes were nearly black. He leaned down and kissed my mouth hard enough to split the skin of my lips. He had me pinned down and was starting to rub up against me, trying to get his hands under my dress as electricity started crackling all over his body. I saw Gabriel grab his shoulders and pull him back. Caed growled and snapped his teeth at Gabriel, shrugged him off and came at me again. Gabriel got a better hold on him this time and yanked him off me. Caed shook his head and seemed to come out of it a little bit. He moved forward and licked my blood from the bite, then he licked his thumb and pressed it over where his tongue had been on the wound. He kissed my neck again and sat on the floor against the wall with a look on his face I had never seen. It was part hunger, part terror, and part exasperation. He just looked down at the floor and stayed there with his head in his hands. If this was the way Caed reacted, what the hell was Gabriel going to do to me?

I caught his movement out of the corner of my eye and didn't even have time to react before he bit into my neck on the opposite side of Caed's bite. His bite was also excruciating, but it didn't feel ominous like Caed's had. He held me for a moment then, repeating what Caed had done, licked my blood off me, licked his thumb, and pressed it against the wound. I caught his stare. I could tell he was working hard to maintain control. He had lust in his eyes but he was calm. He touched my shoulder and I felt my own canine teeth elongate.

Before I knew what I was doing, I attacked Gabriel's neck and set my teeth into his flesh. He grunted in shock and pain, but held still as I sank my teeth deeper into him. I started pushing myself up against him and rubbing his cock through his pants, trying to get my hands inside them. He grabbed my shoulders and shook me hard as he yelled my name. I sat back on my heels and looked at the bite on Gabriel. Blood dripped down my chin. I needed more. I went for him again but he stopped me by grabbing my face and saying "lick it" in a commanding voice. I did what he ordered. Then he put my thumb up to my mouth and told me to lick that. I did and he pressed it along his bite. He stepped back and gave me a bewildered look.

Caed pulled his head up and looked at me. I was on him like lightning and had my teeth in his neck. He yelled, pushed me back and was on top of me. We were both dazed and angry. I had to taste his blood. I licked and licked at the bite wound. The blood started to slow so I bit him again. This time it was too much. He grabbed my dress collar and ripped the front down to my navel. Then he started biting me over and over, my breasts, my arms, my stomach. He looked up, my blood on his face, and ripped the rest of the dress off me. He bit one of my legs as he took his pants off and he was buried into me within a fraction of a second. I wasn't in control of myself, either. My body reacted wildly to his and, as I met his blows, he bellowed as he spilled himself into me. I came as soon as I felt the hot rush of his semen and we collapsed. Gabriel stood over us with a look of annoyance. He told me to lick Caed's bite and seal it with my thumb. Is that what we had been doing? Caed left the bed still looking disoriented and angry. He sat back down on the floor, leaning against the wall, watching me with black eyes. I looked up at Gabriel and watched the hunger rise as he pushed me back onto the bed. There was a searing hotness between my legs and I could not get Gabriel inside me fast enough. My body was in no more control than it had been with Caed. I wanted to taste Gabriel's blood again and as he started to move in me, I bit down on him yet again. He yelled "What the fuck, Lyra?" and the Gabriel I knew came boiling to the surface and lost the leash on his control. He fucked me wildly and so hard I thought he was going to pound through me. I wrapped my legs around him to get him in deeper and he hammered into me even harder. It did not take long before I felt my body flush with heat and I completely lost myself. Gabriel's nostrils flared and he roared loud enough to shake the mountain as he came deep inside me.


THESE TWO! Despite all Caed's concern, I knew I was going to be able to maintain control. Who would have thought Mr. Control and Miss Try Not To Get Blood On My Dress were the actual animals in the room? Between the three of us, I didn't know how many bites there were. As far as the dress, it was on the floor, ripped to shreds, and it definitely had blood on it, as did the sheets, the bed frame, and the wall. I lifted her up and laid her head on the pillows. She was practically unconscious as I slipped in behind her to spoon. Caed looked up from the floor and, in no better condition than her, crawled to the bed and climbed in.


I woke up the next day, sore from all the bites and with a banging headache that felt like a terrible hangover. I stumbled to the bathroom and spent at least an hour in the bath trying to recover and get at least some relief. When I got out, I looked in the mirror at all the bites and bruises, some of which were already starting to fade. I looked at my neck and sure enough, each side had a raised, angry, red bite mark forming. We were sealed. I smiled and went to get dressed.

When I got to the kitchen, Caed had made breakfast. He was smiling like a fool. Gabriel huffed and rolled his eyes but I could tell he was smiling on the inside. Caed bent forward and kissed the scar he had left on me. He breathed deep through his nose and his eyes met Gabriel's. l looked up at him, sensing something. Now what were these two hiding from me? I didn't really care. I was trying to keep my head up off the table. We ate breakfast in silence. Both my mates were figity and I was cranky. I left the table and went back to bed. I didn't wake until evening. I don't know what those two had done all day, but they were definitely up to something. I sank into the couch. I at least felt human again.


I asked Lyra how she was feeling and she just grunted at me. Gabriel was still huffing at the way Lyra and I had lost control and he was able to maintain his. I told him I expected it was because we were all so concerned about his behavior that he was prepared. I had underestimated the reaction it would have on Lyra and me. Lyra met my eyes and finally smiled. She walked across the room and licked then kissed my scar. She went to Gabriel and did the same. She sat down in his lap as he put his arms around her waist and kissed and smelled her neck. She returned to the couch, smiling, and said "thank you" to both of us.

My cock was getting uncomfortably hard as I looked at her. I had been in a rutting frenzy yesterday and I needed to make love to her. I pulled her up and led her to the bedroom. I undressed her gently and laid her back on the bed. I kissed every one of the dozen bites on her then went directly for her core with my mouth. She tasted and smelled so good. As sweet as I thought she was before, it was no comparison to this. This was wholly different. She bucked against my mouth and I pinned her hips down with one arm across her waist. She was trying to move and wiggle free but I was going to take my time and enjoy this. When she was so wet she was soaking the bed, I pressed my fingers into her and started moving them slowly in and out. I flashed back to that first night we had been together, when she was still a virgin and I was deathly afraid of hurting her. I took my fingers from her, knelt back, and pulled her down off the bed and onto my cock. Gods, we had come so far and been through so much in this past year. I had barely even known what emotions were when she came into our home. Yelarians really only have three: resentment, anger, and rage. I certainly didn't know anything of love. I pulled her closer and pushed deeper into her as she gasped and moaned. I ran my hands over her breasts and waist and ass, as my mouth covered her in sensual kisses. She felt so good. I pulled her in even tighter. She started panting and clenched down on my cock. I stopped moving and held her so she couldn't move. A whine escaped her lips as she tried to keep going. When we both had it under control, I lifted her up onto the bed and tortured her further by pinning her hips again and inching myself into her. She was biting her lip and bunching the sheets in her hands to keep from screaming in frustration. I began to move in and out of her very, very slowly. She grunted "Caed," so I let her hips go but I refused to let her set the pace. Continuing to move slowly, she did the same but ground hard up against me. When she started building toward her climax, I caught myself going faster and mine started to build as well. I stopped moving and pinned her down again. She grabbed my hair in her fists and yelled "Caed!" Oh no, I would not be scolded for taking my time with her. Her frustration was not my problem. I nipped at her neck and smiled as I kissed the scar I had given her. My mark. She was MINE! That thought drove me into her and I gave her body freedom as she bucked up against me and started to come. I met her motions with mine and bit down on her shoulder as I flooded into her.

We held each other for quite some time. She finally broke the silence asking me why the sealing bites hurt so much more than any of the other mating bites. "It's the magic. Sealing bites require breaking something more than skin. They have to break through the immortal magic that heals the other marks. Having your mate lick them and press their saliva into the wound reinforces the bond of the bite." "Hmmm" she said, smiling dreamily as she drifted off to sleep.


It was the second morning after the sealing and I was mentally exhausted by the happenings of the last few days. Caed and I had been discussing emotions and how we didn't understand them at all until we felt them. We didn't have words for all the feelings we had been having. I sure as hell knew the Rite or sealing ceremonies didn't typically go as they had with us. I also knew Yelarians did not take humans as mates, one female did not have more than one mate, humans did not become immortal, and murderous brutes did not become caring, nurturing partners. How had I ended up with this extraordinary life?

Caed and Lyra came out of the bedroom. They both looked rested and relaxed. Lyra took one look at me and walked over to run her fingers through my hair and kiss my head. She whispered "I'm going to have breakfast and then you're going to have me for lunch. "My cock jumped and my eyes widened. That caught me off guard. It hadn't occurred to me until that moment that it had been more than 10 days since I had Lyra in the way that I needed her. That had not been the case since we had started the Rite. No wonder I was feeling pent up.

Lyra came to me after breakfast. I was already worked up when I scooped her up into my arms. I threw her down on the bed and stripped her clothes off. With the exception of the sealed mating bites, the rest of her marks had healed. Good. Because I was going to mark her up again. I blindfolded her, gagged her, and tied her to the bed so she couldn't move. I started torturing her slowly by nipping at her neck and breasts and stomach. She squealed through the gag as I started biting and pinching her breasts. I then changed over to the electricity and took my time running it over nearly ever inch of her body, adding an extra shock to certain areas that had her screaming. I hovered over her, trying to decide how to torture her next. I brought my mouth to her ear and whispered roughly, "Are you ready to beg?" She had already been wet but now she started panting and moaning. I loved it when she started losing herself before I really even got started. I watched her lay there, spread eagle before me, wiggling and, despite the gag, trying to beg for me to touch her. I ran a finger up her stomach, over her breasts, and around her nipples. I licked the same exact lines, then I fashioned a knife of ice and used it to trace the lines again. I did not cut her. I just made sure she felt the freezing tip follow the pattern. When I got to her nipple, I flicked it with the knife and caused her to yelp. I slid it down her side. She wiggled away from it so I pressed it into her harder. I started tracing designs onto her belly. Any time she shifted I pressed a little harder. Soon a trail of small beads of blood followed the ice. I licked up the line, tasting her as I went along. She gasped and I felt between her legs to find her hot and wet. I pushed my fingers into her. As she tried to shift her hips I growled at her to stop moving. I felt more wetness from her and pushed my fingers farther in then pulled them out quickly. She whimpered. I wanted to cut her. I wanted to watch the blood trickle out and run down her skin. I wanted to taste her more and watch her as she pushed past the pain and started to writhe in pleasure. And so I did.

When I was content with my work, I traced the lines with my finger, painting her skin with her own blood. Then I went back and cauterized the cuts with my lightening. This caused her to shudder. I couldn't stand it any more. I freed my cock and pressed it against her. Her breath caught as I started to push it into her very, very slowly. She tried to move her body but the restraints were too tight. I asked if she was ready for more of my cock. She nodded. I asked if she wanted to be untied and she nodded again. I told her she knew what she needed to do. I needed to hear it. I needed to hear her beg. I needed her to beg me to pound into her harder and faster. I freed her from the gag and blindfold and she whispered "Please Gabriel, I need you to fuck me. I need you inside me." I started fucking her. She strained to move against the restraints. "Gabriel, please untie me so I can hold you while you fuck me." I stopped fucking her and pulled out. I could see her muscles clenching and I knew she was throbbing between her legs. I stood and watched her for a good while. She watched me too. She was being silent, but her eyes were begging. I decided I wasn't done torturing her. I untied her but told her not to move as I sat in the chair by the window. I acted disinterested. That always got her going. Caed was so attentive to her and she loved it. He had conditioned her to need it. I withheld it from her and it made her crazy. I just sat there and watched her as she laid still and continued to try to control her breathing. She started to figit so I growled at her again to lie still. She gave an exasperated sigh, but she stilled. I continued to watch her. She turned her head to look at me. I told her to look at the ceiling. Finally, she broke. A tear escaped her eye as she again whispered, "Gabriel, please fuck me." I moved toward her and before she knew what had happened I had her on her knees, ass in the air. I grabbed her hips hard as I slammed into her. She let out a cry and I grabbed her hair and pushed her face into the pillow and hit a new level with my assault. I let her head loose and she gasped for air as she started to come. I felt her clench around me and was near my own release when I held her to me, so I could get as far up in her as possible, and I shot my release into her. When I was done, I stayed behind her and inside her as I pushed her down onto her stomach. I continued to fuck her slowly. She was wiggling again and I could feel how hot and wet she was. She was going to come again. I pushed deep into her as I whispered "I love you" into her ear and that was the end of her.


It was surprising to me that it turned me on so much when Gabriel took me the way he had when he raped me. I believed it turned him on because he reminisced on my fear. Even though he had been "tamed," only I knew how close to the surface Gabriel's darkness remained. The violence turned him on so much that it turned me on. I trusted Gabriel wholly now. He pushed my limits but I knew if I had asked him to stop, he would. I hadn't found a point where I needed him to. His power games were intoxicating, and the pain was divine.


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