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Idiokti̱sía, Ypi̱réti̱s, Políti̱s Ch. 05

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The Fifty Hats of Samantha Cubbins.
2.6k words

Part 5 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/15/2018
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The Fifty Hats of Samantha Cubbins

After their duties at the university were done, Mitch took Jill shopping. He needed a few new outfits, and so could Jill. They drove across town to an upscale mall in a better part of town. Just as they were parking, some lady parked nearby in her fancy Mercedes Benz. She was wearing an expensive looking dress and carried herself with an air of privilege and superiority.

Mitch approached her, not wasting any time, "Ypi̱réti̱s. Walk with us into the mall. You drive a nice car. Are you well off?" Mitch looked her up and down. She was probably 8 or 10 years older than him. She had a great figure though, and obviously took good care of herself.

The lady answered, "Yes, I am married to the CEO of a local technology company. I think we do OK."

"That's good, because we need to do some shopping that neither of us can afford on a student's budget. I'm assuming your credit cards have plenty of buffer space."

"Absolutely. I can afford whatever you want."

"Good. You will be my servant for the afternoon. But while we shop, I want you to act as though you are my girlfriend. Walk beside me, hang on my arm, laugh and giggle at my jokes. Be your best arm candy for me. We should start by getting you two into some sexy clothes. So what's your name, Ypi̱réti̱s?"

"Samantha, but my friends all call me Sam." She slipped her hand onto Mitch's elbow and sidled in close. Jill did the same on the other side, trying to make anyone watching a little bit jealous.

"OK, Sam it is. But lets change that last instruction a bit and enjoy a role playing game. Sam and Jill, you both have a schoolgirl crush on me. I am the high school quarterback and you two are the head cheerleaders. You know full well that you are the hottest sluts in school and even though you have had half the guys worth having in the senior class, you haven't yet bagged me. It frustrates you that I haven't fucked you yet, and that's making you so squirming horny you can hardly stand it. You are both buttering me up in hopes I'll ask you to prom instead of the other. Ready?"

Sam and Jill said "Yes!" at the same time as they entered the main entrance. First stop was a trendy teen clothing store. Both girls ended up wearing some extremely short miniskirts and revealing tops. Jill picked out a blue and white theme, clothes that brought out her eyes and complimented her long blond hair. Sam opted for a bright red mini skirt with slits way up either side that looked quite cheap and whorish. The top was a sheer black blouse that she left unbuttoned halfway down the front. Sam left her bra and panties in the dressing booth and her tits were on display. Jill picked out several more outfits, all skirt based rather than shorts or pants. Rather that carry the purchases for Mitch and Jill around, Sam arranged for the bags to be delivered out to Mitch's car. Sam carried her original dress and all her purchases with her.

They went to a trinket jewelry store. Sam gave her diamond earrings and pearl necklace to Jill and picked out some new ones for herself. Sam left the store wearing an overdone collection of gaudy bracelets, rings, and showy dangling earrings. This store had a section of hats. Mitch chose one for Sam, a red knit pill cap with a silk rose worked into the side. With the help of several hatpins, she perched it off center on top of her head. The cheap slut look continued to develop.

Mitch took the girls to a lingerie shop. He had Sam put on a bright red shelf bra that held her nipples exposed and proudly presented. Jill stayed braless. Her itty bitties needed no support. Jill selected a large number of micro g-string undies, tiny triangles of cotton barely larger than a cunt, held on by spaghetti strings. Jill grabbed two or three of every color, wearing the metallic silver one out the door. It got immediately sopping wet from her juices and clung tightly to the shape of her labia.

Now it was Mitch's turn. First they went to a name brand jewelry store. Mitch picked out a sturdy platinum chain for the medallion. It was long enough to hold the medallion well down inside any shirt he would normally wear.

Then they went to the anchor department store. His current clothes were mostly blue jeans and shirts that were typical for a broke college student. Sam helped him select some slacks and shirts to improve his day look. Several pairs of shoes were included. A sport coat was picked out. Sam ran her card without a second thought, sending two clerks running the bags to Mitch's car.

Mitch mentioned he needed a suit. Sam steered them to the place her husband shopped, a small, quiet tailor shop. The proprietor was an effeminate looking fellow with a thin build and delicate hands. He was obviously gay. His nametag read 'Chaz'. His shop was a high-end retailer that specialized in fine Italian brands. Chaz always worked alone, as he charged enough to keep traffic down.

Mitch made him a servant straight away, "Ypi̱réti̱s, I am going to need some suits custom tailored to my specifications."

Chaz replied, "Yes of course, sir. All of my suits are custom fit. I sell nothing off the shelf."

"That's good. So here's the deal. I get frequent erections. I actually have one right now." Chaz couldn't help but to look down at Mitch's crotch. That didn't bother Mitch. He was certainly straight, but not a homophobe. "I'll need my suits to be fit with a little extra room in that regards."

Chaz was grinning broadly, "Would you like me to make some, um, measurements?"

"You wish, no thanks. But tell my servant Sam what measurements you need and she will be glad to help out."

Chaz and Sam smiled to each other. Chaz set a busy sign on the door and led all four to the dressing area. The dressing room was spacious with mirrors on three sides, two comfortable chairs, a writing table for keeping notes, and a low pedestal for the customer.

"Jill, you can relax for now. Enjoy the show. Sam, you will be taking the measurements while Chaz records. You will do everything he says, exactly as he tells you. Take your clothes off, but leave the jewelry and that goofy hat on. I think it makes you sexy in a silly way. ... Now, hop up on the pedestal so we can get a good look at you."

Sam stepped up and presented herself to Mitch and the others. She was a fine specimen, considering she was in her mid-thirties. No droop in her high set tits. Curvy, muscular legs. Just the smallest amount of extra belly, enough to make a cute muffin top. Her bush was neatly trimmed into a brown heart shape above and smooth hairless lips below. Brunette hair framed a round face with full pouty lips and soft brown eyes.

Mitch suspected, "Tell us Sam, how much body work have you had?"

"Oh, I've had my boobs lifted and my lips injected. That's all."

"Nice, You look great to me. OK, Jill. Your turn."

Jill didn't hesitate in the least. In a matter of moments she was naked and up on display. No, her tits weren't near as big as Sam's. But she had a truly sweet face, with crystal clear blue eyes and long blond hair women would kill for. Sam commented on how hot she looked.

Mitch decided to take a turn. He stripped down and replaced Jill. All three watchers, his slave and his two servants stared in wonder. No, Mitch wasn't handsome, muscular, or well hung. But he was hard as a rock and all three wanted him. "Jill, have a seat, go ahead and masturbate while you watch."

Jill took one of the guest chairs, lifted her knees wide over the padded armrests and began fingering herself.

Chaz shifted his weight left to right uncomfortably. He was obviously attracted to Mitch, but of course, he was a good servant, and was working.

"OK, Chaz, instruct Samantha on how to fit a man for a suit."

Chaz handed Sam the yellow measuring ribbon from around his neck. Sam stepped close to Mitch. With him standing on the pedestal, his top off his cock was inches from her lips. She stared at it quietly.

Difficult as it was for both Chaz and Sam to concentrate, they proceded, Chaz giving detailed instructions and taking notes, Sam holding the tape to Mitch's various body locations. They started at his shoulders and moved down. She measured his leg length from the corner of his hip to his ankle. She then measured the inside length. She had to carefully hold his balls to the side to get the measuring ribbon properly set. Once all the measuring was done, Mitch said, "OK, Sam. Now you may suck my cock."

Chaz let out an audible squeak, watching Sam take it into her mouth, wishing it was him. Sam only took a couple of inches in at first, so Mitch grabbed her head to force much more in. She put her hands on his hips, trying to control the action, but soon relented. Mitch chose to come fairly soon and held her tight, shooting his load right into the back of her mouth. She gagged a bit, but the whole load went down.

When Mitch pulled out, Sam said politely, "Thank you, Sir." But it was obvious her heart wasn't in it. Apparently a servant held different attitudes as opposed to a slave. Mitch recognized her reluctance but said nothing. He would remedy that shortly.

Sam, Jill, and Mitch dressed and the group returned to the sales area to pick out a few suits. Everything was really expensive. Mitch was taken aback when he saw the But Sam said that since this is where her husband bought his suits, the purchases would go unnoticed.

Chaz suggested several styles that fit Mitch's body style and skin tone. Five suits were picked out and put on Sam's husband's account. Mitch was becoming bored with the whole shopping game and decided to put some finishing touches on Sam and Chaz.

"Tell me Sam, how long have you been married to, him? And are you happy?"

"He is Bart. We've been married 16 years, now. And yes, we are very happily married."

"That's good. You are lucky, Bart must be a good man. But what about your sex life? Is that, ... active?"

"We're normal, I guess. We have sex 3 or 4 times a week. You know..."

Mitch probed deeper, figuring a servant would have to be honest, "What about variety? Does he go down on you?"

Sam was blushing with embarrassment, but held back nothing, "It's kind of a ritual. Bart licks me every Sunday morning. But I don't always get off."

"What about you? Do you go down on him?"

"Not very often. Not unless he asks. I don't like it that much."

"I thought so. To be honest, you weren't very good at it. Chaz and I are going to help you with that. I doubt Bart will object. Sam, Ypi̱réti̱s, from now on, you absolutely, positively LOVE giving your husband oral sex. You get so much pleasure from sucking him, you never tire of it and you are always willing to do it. You now love everything about oral sex with him: the feel of his hardness slipping past your lips, the urge to gag as he probes down your throat, licking the sweat from his balls, kissing his asshole, getting his pubic hairs stuck on your tongue, even licking the juice of another woman off his cock, all of it is pure sexual bliss for you. You're willing to give him a blow job any time or place. In the car, in the theater, in a public bathroom, in your mother's kitchen, anywhere."

"Of course, Bart is always in control. If for any reason he doesn't want it, you will restrain your urges. If he wants to fuck one of your other holes, you will happily comply. But if you get your way, you'll suck him off 2, 4 times a day, maybe more. You'll wake up wet from nasty dreams about oral sex and will either have to masturbate or suck him off to get back to sleep."

"The highest form of his love for you will be Bart coming in your mouth. The salty taste, the slimy texture, this is the best thing in the world for you. All other forms of sex are fully entertaining as well. You will buy tasteful sex guides and read them together with him. Encourage all forms of experimentation, fantasies, threesomes, all positions, including regular anal sex."

"Proficiency at giving awesome blowjobs will come with practice. However, you husband shouldn't be the one you practice on. This is where Chaz comes in. Every weekday for a few months you will arrive here at this shop a half an hour before opening. Chaz will be here early to let you in. The two of you will go into the fitting room where you will give him your best blowjob. Chaz, you seem to be someone who knows about a great blowjob, am I right?"

"My boyfriends all say I give good head." Chaz was obviously proud of his ability.

"Good. You will be her teacher. Each lesson will be done with both of you fully nude. Keep a journal and make notes each lesson on her progress. You are a stern taskmaster who is severely critical of her skills. Berate her as necessary. On the other hand, give her kind encouragement when she does well. Hold off your orgasm if you can. She has only fifteen minutes to get you off before you pull back and masturbate on her face. As she gets better and better, you may not be able to help yourself."

"Samantha, Ypi̱réti̱s, you will continue taking blowjob lessons from Chaz until you manage to make him come in your mouth 50 times. Invent some way to keep it a secret from Bart. Stay away as necessary to to keep a good cover story going. If you cannot get Chaz off in fifteen minutes, that lesson does not count. If he comes on your face and tits, it doesn't count."

"You will not consider this to be cheating on your husband. You are doing this because you love him and want to be the best for him. Since Chaz is gay, it isn't really cheating. Each time he comes in your mouth, you will swallow every drop. Then after he critiques your performance you will dress and wander down the mall to buy a new hat, building a large collection. You will begin wearing these hats while you make love Bart. Make it a private game with you and Bart: wearing one of your hats is your way of telling him you are a horny slut and ready to fuck."

"Now would be a good time for your first lesson. Sam, when you are done, put your original dress on, but keep the slut outfit for future role playing with Bart. Work into your new relationship with Bart slowly. Give him a few weeks to get used to your new slutty attitude. If he is like most guys, he will adjust just fine."

As Mitch and Jill left the shop, There was a gentleman milling around the front door, frowning at the busy sign. Mitch spoke to him, "Ypi̱réti̱s, he needs fifteen minutes to finish with his current customer. Wait your turn, then spend generously."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Well played

Most stories would have just added Samantha to the harem and killed the gravy train. They also would have the shop keeper be some super hot milf. Effeminate men and especially effeminate gays weird me out. It is possible to be gay and be a man's man in all senses of the phrase. But still, not going for the cliche trope, well played. It is your baby but I think the chapters could go more than one page. Just when you get going it ends.

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