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I'll Do It - Finale

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I offer to be a whore for my friend and her bf.
14.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/25/2023
Created 06/01/2023
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This is a continuation of: I'll Do It I offer to be a whore for my friend and her bf.

If you haven't read Part I already then start at the link above before reading this one.

People seemed to like the first installment so I hope you like the continuation too.

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For context this is a fictionalized version of experiences that a friend confided in me. She was transferred to Florida by her job and met new friends... Names have been changed of course. By the way she loves that you are reading her story.

When we reached the bottom of the stairs Caroline stopped, turned to me and spoke slowly and earnestly. She used a 'I'm telling you all this for your own good' type tone, "From now on when I tell you to do something you must do it immediately and without delaying or questioning. From now on if I ask you a question you must answer immediately, not like just now, don't ever make me repeat myself again, if you don't know what to say then say so promptly. That goes for my BF too. Apart from that don't say anything. Got it?" I got the message, whatever was to come next would not be easy. I was both drawn to it and repulsed by it, I was shaking a bit but I could also feel a little heat restarting between my legs.

"I got it," I replied without delay.

"This is not going to be easy for you," she said. "I'm strict, he is big, and, at times I'm going to be nasty with you." She gave me one last chance to opt out, "Are you sure you want to go through with this? You can back out now without using your safe word if you don't want to go ahead."

Later on after it was all over I reflected on how she reinforced that using the safe word is a big deal! What would be the difference between backing out now by using the safe word or not using the safe word - no difference. But I think she wanted me to know that using the safe word was a big deal.

I delayed a split second too long and she snapped, "That will be the last time you leave me waiting for an answer. Do you understand me?" Her voice was low in volume and all the more authoritative and scary for it.

The situation was real. She was real. I felt vulnerable. "Yes. I understand," I was terrified and thrilled at the same time. Close to something I had imagined so many times. "I want to go ahead," I trembled, "I won't let you down."

We reached the landing at the top of the stairs.

"Wait here," Caroline instructed.

"Yes. Mistress," I don't know where that came from but I immediately regretted it.

Her face flushed with anger. Her reply was instant, "Do not address me as mistress. EVER. Do you understand me?"

"Yes," I said quickly, "I understand. I'm sorry."

"Do I look like Miss Beadle to you? Do I look like Miss Jene Fucking Brodie?" she was livid.


"Do you take me for a cliché dominatrix?" still livid.

"No. I'm sorry," this is scary. Who is this person?

She softened her tone, de-escalated, "It's ok," her anger was gone, "Anyone can make a mistake. It's not your fault, honey. Its my fault. I didn't tell you how to address me."

"While you are in this house you can call me Boss or Alpha. But never mistress."

"Yes, Boss."

"Good girl. Wait here for a few minutes."

"Yes, Boss."

I had become aware of little inconsistencies in some of the things that Caroline had told me. Manipulations? Perhaps. I was trusting myself to ignore them. The blow back for 'mistress' had shaken me, but her reaction had reassured me again. She had smoothed it over. I was still in. Just about.

In that moment a stream of rational self-interested thoughts passed through my head, this better be worth it, you better deliver, Caroline-Alpha-Boss, whoever you are, I may not have done this before but I have an 'inkling' of what I want from it, I won't let you abuse me, you can't just use me as a punch bag, I don't want to regret being submissive, I want results. I lowered my gaze, don't let her sense my impertinent thoughts. Don't anger the Alpha.

"Good girl," she rewarded my submissive body language, chose to ignore my insolent thoughts.

She turned and went into the next room, I heard her talking with her BF (I assume). It went on for a few minutes, low voices, discussions. Back and forward. Sounded like it could be plans, ground rules, maybe working out a program for whatever I had signed up for. I heard the occasional levity, a chuckle, a kiss, I gathered they were tight and, I sensed, fully at ease. After 5 minutes or more the talking stopped.

A minute after that she emerged again. When she had left me at the top of the stairs she was still wearing the clothes that she had worn in the bar, hot pants and crop top. When she re-emerged she was wearing only a black leather harness and black heels. Her posture exuded absolute self confidence. The harness had black leather straps radiating from a steel ring below her breasts joining onto straps around her neck and thighs. Fully open at the breasts and crotch. Covering up was not the point of this outfit. The point was power, she had it - end of.

Not a cliché dominatrix, if you say so, but some kind.

My reactions to Caroline's outfit crystalized quickly into two thoughts:

On one hand. I now had even more reason to doubt her story. This latest development was no little inconsistency, more like a massive hole in the story she had told me. If she was a novice dom and was only doing this cos I suggested it why on earth would she have this outfit (not to mention how would she know how to wear it so well). The obvious conclusion was she had been playing me from the start.

On the other hand. OMG. I am so impressed. Feed me, clothe me, protect me, fuck me. I will do anything to feel your power. I'm not saying I would have signed a written contract to that effect but that is what I felt as my knees went weak. Actually, come to think of it, I totally would have signed any contract that Caroline put in front of me. Like, who cares that you played me, I want you to fuck me. Mores to the point, I want you to fuck me because you played me so well.

Our eyes met and I instinctively bowed my head and lowered my gaze to the floor.

"Good girl," again, she rewarded my submissive body language. I felt proud. Wow, I am submissive for her, I am managing to keep her happy. I felt a kind of zing, like I had caught a wave, game on, don't mess this up. I hope she is playing me, I hope she does know what to do. I hope I can keep her happy. She touched my shoulder. Her touch was magic, I kind of melted. You don't know how difficult it is without arms. She kissed me. She broke off quickly and casually pinched my nipple. I bit my lip, made eye contact and then lowered my gaze as she pinched harder. I can take it, I concentrated on not wincing or reacting or complaining. I will take it for her. Fuck, that really hurts, don't complain. She kissed me again and held the kiss as she released. I felt the blood return and fought hard to contain the surging sensations. She saw the effort I was putting in, "Good girl."

"Did I tell you my boyfriends name?" She surprised me with the question. I could not recall his name. We had more or less been talking about him all day, she must have? But I couldn't remember.

"I don't think so," I cut short my thinking and replied quickly, for fear. She smiled. I didn't know if she smiled because I replied so quickly or because I couldn't remember his name.

"I'll let him to introduce himself" she said. Initially I couldn't tell if she intended the double entendre. Then, I realized that she knew (or even, had made sure) that I didn't know his name. This was a power play. Whatever was about to be done would be done with a nameless person. Degrading. I felt it. She knew how to push my buttons.

"Yes Boss."

"Good girl."

She led me into their bedroom. He was there sitting on a sofa wearing only his boxer shorts. He had a good body, part of me was surprised she wanted to share him.

At Caroline's whim, for the second time in as many hours, a man whose name was unknown to me was checking out my naked body. Last time for free, this time for dirt cheap. I knew which was worse.

"Hi," he greeted me, "Nice bow!"

"Hi," I replied. "It's for you!" I flirted slightly. I absolutely avoided eye contact with Caroline. I was afraid of her reaction to my flirting with her BF.

"I like how you carry your cash!" He joshed, "Who needs a wallet or a purse? Just tape it on there!"

"I have more," I cheekily spun around to show him my rear. I reasoned I have somehow already agreed to let this unnamed guy penetrate me so no harm in showing him the goods.

"How long can you hold your breath for?" Caroline asked, apropos of nothing. It seems like Alpha is not one for small talk.

In the swim team I could hold my breath for over two minutes but in a blowjob scenario, as I assumed her question related to, there were, lets say, aggravating factors. I had never managed more than 60 seconds with my ex.

"About 40 seconds," I replied.

"Shall we do a test?" She continued.

"Yes Boss." I answered her promptly even though I knew it was not really a question.

I took a breath and with one hand she pressed her palm over my mouth and pinched my nose, I felt her other hand on the back of my head increasing the pressure between my lips and her palm just enough to make sure I couldn't cheat. Fuck. I'm in deep! Already! He had started his stopwatch but he was not looking at it. As I was dealing with CO2 and chest pain and burning and all kinds of reflex contractions and survival instincts and panic management, he got to casually check out my tits. I did not have time to think on that for long because the CO2 and chest pain and burning and all kinds of reflex contractions and survival instincts and panic management all escalate quickly when your airway is blocked. This is difficult, to say the least. She had said it would be difficult and within 1 minute of entering the room she had proved true to her word. I had some experience, I dealt with the panic using techniques I learned from swimming, I stayed calm, I resolved to endure the CO2 build up and the burning. Caroline locked eyes with me. She didn't react or relent when contractions started from my diaphragm. She just kept watching my eyes. I knew not to waste energy fighting or resisting the spasms, I knew to just let them pass through me.

"This is purity," she started, "right now, you have purity of mind. As long as I hold my hand here nothing else matters." I knew she was right. "What happened yesterday, what might happen tomorrow, irrelevant. All that shit that you stress about day to day is irrelevant right now. The longer I make you wait, the more important that next breath, and the less important all the other shit in your life. This is the ultimate relaxation."

I couldn't exactly agree with relaxation but I knew what she meant about purity. That next breath was getting pretty fucking important, more so by the second. Back in high school, more extreme than swim team, a bunch of us used to choke each other out for kicks, so I knew the drill. I felt the first signs of blackout coming, I saw recognition in her eyes. She knew what she was doing. I felt his hands on my upper arms as he supported me and prevented my falling over. I don't think I fully blacked out, she had edged it. Now he was holding me and she was stroking my hair. I really wanted my arms. I wanted to return their embrace. So difficult without arms.

"1 min 5 seconds," he announced.

"Good girl," she said, "well done." She steadied me and stroked my hair. "Well done".

Considering the range of things Caroline had said to me over the last 2 or so hours hearing 'well done' felt genuinely wonderful. Now if only I could get enough air into my lungs to recover.

"Do you think you can beat that? How about 1 minute 20? Shall we go again?" My heart sank, please no. i need to recover.

"No, lets move on," she decided. I can't describe my relief at not having to deal with a repeat test.

"Kneel here," she ordered.

It was difficult to move from standing to kneeling, wearing heels and with hands tied. No one helped me. They both stood back and observed my efforts. I managed it. Slightly un-gracefully. Not helped by the primal and urgent need to avoid keeping Caroline waiting. Also not helped by my still real oxygen debt.

"Good," they both said in unison when I got into position.

He moved closer. "Show her," Caroline ordered. Prior to her command, his silk boxers were level with my face. Then... he was level with my face.

OMG. Only in porn had I ever seen bigger. In real life this was absolutely my biggest ever encounter. And by a country mile! One and a half times the length of anything I had had first hand experience of! And wide! It looked like I would not be able to join my thumb and forefinger around it! What the fuck am I supposed to do with this. This is going to be impossible. IMPOSSIBLE. I looked up at his face, he was enjoying my reaction, I guess he is used to women being impressed, shocked, horrified. All at the same time. I looked at Caroline for reassurance.

"You can do it," she said, "don't worry about the length, it's the width that you have to watch out for."

Was that supposed to be reassuring? How was I supposed to 'watch out' for the width. How the fuck was that supposed to help. I felt that drowning feeling again.

"I'll be gentle with you," he said, "I'll break you in real slow," he allowed a slight southern accent on the 'real slow'.

I looked at Caroline again, pleading for some... I don't know what I was pleading for.

"Open your mouth," she ordered.

And so it began.

He moved to me and placed his cock at my open mouth. My hands were out of play. I was feeling particularly vulnerable. I hoped they wouldn't be too rough with me. Initially he just held it there and let me explore with my tongue. It responded to the stimulation. I felt it swell even more. I sucked it in. It easily filled my mouth. I couldn't feel how much was still outside but I knew he could go deeper than anything I had sucked before. I had no gag reflex left - for my ex - but I knew this would be different. As soon as a saw it I was mentally preparing myself to deal with back-to-basics gagging and spluttering like a first-timer. I was not wrong.

I was feeling pretty whorish, the first part of him that I touched was his cock, no handshake, no kiss, no touching, just a nameless cock in my mouth. Barely a word said between us. I did not have the slightest bad feeling, apparently that's the way I like it now. Its absolutely the way Caroline had orchestrated it. I was high on the release from reputation, usually I think obsessively about reputation, don't be a slut, resist urges, avoid situations, but now, it was out of my hands, I had already admitted I was a slut, (or more realistically that i just want to be free to be a slut sometimes), I had been manipulated into being a whore, an actual prostitute, in this situation I didn't have a reputation to protect, I was trusting Caroline, and I was free, free to try out any role, free to be a whore. I was high as a kite and massively turned on. In the moment I wanted to be the best cock-sucking-slut-whore-prostitute that had ever been.

I was determined, initially they didn't get the chance to be rough or to force me, I was way out ahead of them. I wanted to take it all in. I felt driven. It is a bit more difficult without hands. Then again, his hands and her hands were all on me, there was no shortage of hands. I didn't know who's hands were where, on my abdomen, on my ribs, on my tits, my back, my neck, my head, my arms. I sucked it in, huge. Soon it was fully hard, he progressed from letting me suck it in my mouth to pressing deeper, slowly thrusting.

"That's it," she said, "take it all in." I was already trying harder than I could remember ever trying at anything.

Some instinctual part of me just wanted it all. No logic or thinking or naming, no explanation, just a primal urge to get him inside me. But, it was challenging. My mouth needed to adjust. My throat needed to adjust. My muscles needed to get used to such a huge alien invasion. I was getting frustrated. It seemed like I was making a lot of effort for almost no results. When it was out I gasped and inhaled as deeply as I could to get enough air in and to get my mouth ready for the next thrust. I was embarrassed it took so long each time.

"Ready?" She said, it really wasn't a question.

As it slid in I tried to get my tongue and jaw in a good position to accept it. So difficult. Unnamed hands urged me to go deeper and for longer. Sometimes it didn't go in smoothly, I was reacquainted with long forgotten feeling of gagging. On the times that it went in smoothly the first few seconds when he held it in the back of my throat were satisfying, each time a little deeper, yes, then the burning started, then the struggle to hold it. As I tired and struggled to maintain my initial gusto Caroline stepped in more firmly.

"Hold it in there," She ordered. She was taking control. "Let it happen," she instructed, "just because you are having a jerky moment doesn't mean you have to spit him out. Just let it happen, let the gagging pass, hold it in there." Quickly I internalized what she wanted to see, that gagging and other involuntary spasms were no reason to stop, she wanted me to hold him deep in my throat as my involuntary reflex responses did their thing. "That's it, let her breathe now," she said after I let a massive convulsion pass through me without his cock moving from my throat, "good girl." As I breathed again and my brain got a fresh hit of oxygen I felt myself think 'Air is so beautiful.'

It went on, again and again he pressed his cock into my mouth, and I tried my absolute best to accept it as deep and as calmly as possible. At some point in between thrusts I found myself making a plan to buy a dildo of his size to practice with. I wondered how long they would continue. Is he going to go on until he cums in my throat? He is showing no signs of getting close, he seems absolutely in control. It was taking me longer and longer to recover from each thrust, my lungs were burning, I was spluttering now with each breath, I was struggling to compose myself. My eyes were watering, I couldn't see. They were pushing me hard, I couldn't continue for much longer, what was the safe word? no don't use it, can't recall it anyways, good that I can't recall it. Can't continue either though. Please. It was a city, Rome? No. Athens? No. Baghdad? Stop it, don't be a wimp.

"Time out," Caroline announced. 'OMG. I love you,' I thought, I meant it, I would have said it out loud if I had any breath.

I gasped for air, for embarrassingly longer than I thought should have been necessary.

"Drink some water," she said "all this hyperventilation... cant have you dehydrating... you have a long night ahead of you."

Long pause before I could take a mouthful of water and another before I could get a word out.

"Thank you Alpha," I said.

"I expected better cock-sucking than that," she gave her verdict coldly, "let's move on".

"I'm sorry Alpha," I said. Silently I thought to myself 'I have to get that dildo'. My ex said my head game was the best, I had prided myself on that. That was worth nothing now. I needed to level up.

They paused for a few more minutes, I said nothing just concentrated on breathing.

"She likes when I spank her," Caroline announced.

"Is that right?" he joined with a kind of 'play along with the game' type tone. "You liked when Caroline spanked you?" he asked for my confirmation.

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