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I'm Home Pt. 02

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Haunted houses make the best friends.
5.5k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/15/2019
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The drive to see Father Geoffrey was over in a matter of minutes. A combination of back roads, low profile tyres and modified camshafts made it a fun drive to boot. It was still only mid afternoon as Josie pulled up into the car park at the small church. Sure enough, there was Father Geoffrey's grey sedan parked in its usual spot. What she also saw, gave her pause... There must have been either an event, or an afternoon service on today. This was going to either make things far better, or far worse.

"Breathe Josie, you've got this, he won't hurt you in a room full of witnesses." She reached up, touching her cheek where he had struck her two years ago. "You're doing this for Charlie..."

Climbing out of her car, she began walking towards the front entrance. Listening in satisfaction to the sound of her car chirping as the locks set. It wouldn't take her long, but she didn't take chances with her baby. As expected the front door was unlocked, so she stepped inside without a moments hesitation.

"Hello," A small woman greeted her by the door. "The service has already started, but you're welcome to sit in."

"Thank you, I won't be but a moment." Josie smiled, trying to soften what was to happen.

She followed the sound of Father Geoffrey's familiar voice, he was spewing some nonsense about confused teenagers and unbridled lust. It was emanating from a doorway down the opposite hall she had previously been lead down.

"Yet another reason I was stupid coming here... Forgive me Charlie..."

She calmly walked into a well lit room, filled with worshippers, staring intently at the Priest. Josie frowned at the expressions she could see on everyone's faces, it was clear they whole heartedly agreed with Father Geoffrey's venomous words. She calmly made her way down the walkway towards the altar, smiling the moment he caught her eye.

"Father Geoffrey!" Josie called out.

The room fell silent at once, nobody had ever interrupted a sermon like this before. "Josephine, have you reconsidered my offer?"

Josie smiled and shook her head, "Father, I was wondering if you could explain to the good people here why you are stalking me?"

A collective gasp shot out around the room, Father Geoffrey raised his hands and waited for the room to fall silent. "You dare come into a place of god and accuse me? ME!? Of all people, of stalking you?"

"Father, I will say this only once more. Stay away from me and my property, or I will have you arrested. My housemate Charlie spotted you creeping around my home. I am having cameras installed."

"I did no-"

"Further more!" Josie cut him off, "I am not, and never will be interested in sleeping with you, no matter how much you offer me."

Josie watched his expression turn to shock for the briefest moment, before turning and walking back out. Passing the elderly woman at the front desk, she nodded politely as she left. Josie decided she deserved ice cream on her way home. She always kinda felt bad about bringing home treats, Charlie seemed to get funny around her, almost... Jealous, so she ate it in the car. Soon Josie was pulling into her driveway, the evidence of her snack all but destroyed. Josie couldn't help but smile, watching the downstairs lights snap on, just as soon as she opened her car door.

"I'm home!" Josie called, walking up the stairs and giving the door a small kiss.

This time, Charlie didn't twist the key for her, but Josie was immediately assaulted by various delicious smells coming from the kitchen.

"What are you up to Charlie?"

"Just a thank you, I hope you like it."

"Charlie... You don't need to thank me, this is all my fault anyway." Josie sighed, running her hands softly along the handrail.

"See, that's what I'm talking about!" Charlie chuckled, "I was all alone, scared and angry until you got here."


"Don't Charlie me woman! That bastard priest wouldn't be hanging around if I'd been nicer from the get go!"

"You didn't know-"

"YOU DIDN'T DESERVE HOW I TREATED YOU!" Josie winced at the volume, "sorry, I won't yell..."

"It's ok Charlie, let me shower, then I'll finish dinner."

Josie walked up the remaining stairs and immediately headed for her en suite. Josie loved her en suite, it was larger than most bathrooms she had ever used. It contained a large open ended shower, large enough for two, an old claw footed bath and a beautiful stone sink, carved right into the wall. She loved a good soak in the bath, but tonight she was in a rush, so a quick shower was on the table. Fifteen minutes later, Josie was wrapping herself in a silk bath robe and heading back downstairs. Walking into the kitchen, she briefly spotted a series of ink, black limbs thrashing about in the kitchen. Some pulling things from cupboards, some stirring various pots on the stove, others chopping herbs. But in a flash, several limbs quickly shot out, blocking Josie from entering.

"No no, I've got it tonight," Charlie growled

"Charlie... You don't even eat... I don't expect you to make my meals..."

"I know Josie, that's why I like doing it... Besides, since you set up the internet, I've been learning to cook." Charlie almost chirped.

"Wait... How do you use the internet?"

"... Your laptop..."

"How did you get in my laptop?" Josie gasped.

"Well... It's hard to explain, but I kinda see everything in this house... Every... Thing... Including when you type your password."

Josie thought about that for a moment, "Charlie?"

"Please don't be mad at me..."

"Do you watch me when I'm naked, Charlie?"

"I... Ah... I try to ignore you," Charlie said softly.

Josie frowned a little, "Charlie..."

"You're a beautiful woman Josie." Charlie shot quickly.

Josie nearly choked on some saliva, doubling over making choking sounds, she quickly found herself wrapped in Charlie's inky limbs. It made her pause... Charlie was sentient, that much was obvious, but what else? Charlie like physical affection, like stroking the hand rail on the stairs, the goodbye kiss on the front door. Charlie hated modifications being done to the house, unless Charlie came up with the idea. Charlie had personality, was cheeky, enjoyed games, obviously had a high level of intelligence.

After all this time, was Charlie wanting something more?

Josie bent lower, taking hold of an inky limb, and gently pressed her lips against it, giving Charlie a gentle kiss. She was surprised when the limb quickly shot back into the wall.

"I'm sorry Charlie, I didn't mean to upset you!" Josie frantically shouted, as the limbs fell from her body and retreated.

"No... No it's ok, I just wasn't expecting it." Charlie chuckled nervously. "It's been a long time since someone was affectionate with me..."

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again..." Josie whispered, stroking a nearby wall, hoping Charlie wouldn't be offended.

"It's ok Josie, please, serve yourself dinner, I need to check something."

"Thank you Charlie." Josie was almost in tears, Charlie was in such a great mood, now she'd gone and killed the mood.

Charlie retreated into the secret space. Where the heart was, the source of the power that sustained life. Charlie couldn't feel Josie anywhere, she was too far away now, she wouldn't hear anything going on. Charlie pulled the inky appendage into sight, examining the kiss... It wasn't anything like Josie had expected. Charlie fed off emotion, the stronger the emotion, the more power. Josie's simple caresses were like a light meal. Josie's bedroom partners, were a few decent meals. But the tender kiss, directly on the inky appendage. Charlie smiled internally, watching the miss-coloured pink splotch on the limb. It was still growing, slowly taking over... After all this time... Maybe Josie would break this curse?

Josie was sitting quietly at the table, she was eating some form of risotto. It was absolutely delicious, but she didn't have anyone to share it with, not to mention, Charlie was strangely quiet. Josie was unnerved, Charlie was never quiet for long, especially when Josie wanted to chat. Josie noticed the floor tremble slightly, and Josie couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I'll go if you want me to." Josie said quietly, as a tear rolled down her cheek, "I'm so sorry Charlie-"

"Stop that," Charlie snapped, "I'm fine, I promise, you shocked me a little, that's all, no harm, no foul."

"You promise?"

"I promise, gees!" Charlie chuckled, "look, I've been practising!"

Josie looked around the room, waiting for a sudden emergence, but heard a clang coming from the kitchen. Josie turned and spotted a walking stick figure made of inky black limbs, but the clang, was caused by the numerous pots and pans it seemed to be wearing like a suit of armour.

"Am I sexy yet?" Charlie growled seductively.

Josie collapsed, rolling on the floor, tears running down her face as she laughed hysterically. After a few minutes, she finally managed to compose herself enough to sit up. She stared at the figure standing before her, and watched as it struck a pose and pushed out what could be assumed as it's ass. Josie started laughing again, she had never quite seen Charlie pull something like this before. She was still chuckling to herself later that night as she curled up in bed.

"Charlie?" Josie called out.

"Yeah Josie?" Charlie replied immediately.

"Can you get the light?"

"Sure thing-"

"And Charlie?" Josie interrupted


"Can you not watch my room for an hour or so?" Josie said shyly, pulling the blanket up to her chin.

"Looking for some self love?" Charlie chuckled, reaching a black limb out from under Josie's bed and fumbling for the light switch.

Josie was used to the 'monster under the bed' routine, but shied away from Charlie's comment, "Not like I have anyone to help..."

"You could ask." Charlie said quickly, "Shit... Did I say that out loud?"

Josie found herself sitting quietly in silence, the room pitch black. She had no idea if Charlie was still in the room, and after that comment, she wasn't sure if she believed it herself.

"You still there Charlie?"

"Sorry... I'm going-"

"Did you mean it?" Josie shot.

"Mean what, Josie?"

"Your offer... To... Y'know... Help..." Josie trembled, pinching her eyes shut. It was too late to change her mind, but Charlie's answer would tell her for sure what she was beginning to suspect.

"I... Josie... I don't wanna push-"

"Answer the question Charlie... Please?"

"You're a beautiful woman Josie..."

Josie blushed, silently glad the room was dark... Did that even matter to Charlie? Did Charlie need the light to see?

"So what would you do to a beautiful woman Charlie?" Josie trembled, she bit her lip, her mind beginning to spin.

"Well..." Charlie paused, "A lot of it depends on what the beautiful woman actually wants... And... If she'd be willing to ignore that she'd been... Maybe... A little... Watched... Occasionally... Giving me a little insight..."

Josie frowned at those words, she wasn't sure if she should be mad, but it occurred to her, she literally lived inside Charlie's body... Privacy would always be a weird topic in this household. Besides, in the two years Josie had lived here, Charlie had grown to be her best friend. She couldn't be mad at that...

"So you already know what the woman likes then?"

"More or less..."

Josie smiled, not a small smile, but a big wide open mouth smile. She didn't know why she was so excited. In one motion, she threw the blankets onto the floor, sitting up and pulling of her nightie, it quickly joined the blanket.

"Well... Pretend I'm this beautiful woman then, if you're such an expert." Josie giggled, laying back and closing her eyes.

"I... Ah... Josie?"

"Yeah Charlie?" Josie purred, trying to sound seductive.

"I'm not even human... Are you sure?-"

"I don't care what you are Charlie... I'm attracted to you, you're my best friend, and you look after me... I just wish I knew you found me attractive sooner."

No sooner did Josie finish those words, when her entire body was suddenly wrapped in Charlie's appendages. They were initially cool to the touch, but after a few moments, she could make out a deep layer of heat emanating from inside. Josie let out an involuntary moan as she felt every muscle in her body being pressed and massaged all at once. She realised very quickly, that she was completely immobilised, but that didn't bother her so much, she wouldn't be trying to move even if she could.

"Charlie..." Josie moaned, the full body pressure eased immediately, "Oh god, please don't stop," she begged out loud.

Josie moaned again, listening to Charlie chuckle, as the firm massaging sensation rolled over her body again. Her arms pulled out to the sides as firm rolling pressure started at her shoulders and ran right down to her hands. The same was happening to each leg, while a few of Charlies appendages had crept underneath her and were rolling up and down her spine. Josie began to think she'd died and gone to heaven, nothing could compare to what she was feeling in this moment. It was the closest she had ever come to an orgasm without sexual contact... And she loved it.

Charlie had her on the precipice of an orgasm for what felt like hours. Firm appendages roamed across her body, massaging, rubbing and sometimes even tickling. But no matter how much Josie squirmed, no matter how much she gasped and moaned. Charlie seemed to avoid sexual stimulation. Josie wasn't sure how much longer she could cope before her heart would fail. She was feeling desperate, her entire core throbbed with pent up sexual frustration.

"Please Charlie... I can't do this any more..." Josie started begging, "Please... Just fuck me already... I can't-"

Josie's words were cut off, she no longer felt human. Just a ball of mush rolling from one orgasm to the next. Charlie pushed and pushed Josie up to the very moment her sanity was in question. Before letting her have everything at once. In a single heartbeat, Charlie wrapped an appendage around each of her breasts, rolling pressure from base to nipple. A second appendage pushed firmly up inside her silken folds, pressing itself into her g-spot and cervix at the same time. The pièce de résistance was the tiny tendril that delicately wrapped itself around Josie's engorged clitoris.

The sudden, immediate and complete fucking that Josie recieved, took her away from this world. Pulsing waves of pleasure, starting in her core and rolling out to every extremity in her body were the only thing she could comprehend. Even as she tried to scream in ecstacy, what felt like gentle lips pressed against her. Josie no longer cared what happened, kissing back, she even felt an appendage like a tongue press into her mouth. Even if her eyes were open, she doubted she could see what was hapenning before her, and she didn't want to break the illusion.

"You make me so happy, Josie." Charlie whispered into her ear, "I finally feel complete with you here, and I've been here a very long time."

Josie merely nodded, feeling herself come down from her higher place. She wasn't ready for a conversation. She couldn't help the moans of both pleasure and dissapointment as Charlies limbs slowly extracted themselves from her body. She suddenly felt empty and lonely.

"Hold me... Please." Josie whispered.

Strong arm like appendages wrapped around her body, holding her tightly, "I'm here Josie... As long as you want me... I'm here."

Josie smiled, nodding slightly as she drifted off to sleep. Her dreams were pleasant, sunshing pouring through the leaves of a great forest. She was sitting on a fallen tree, watching a butterfly drift through air beside her. She found herself being caressed in soft, warm hands, they wound around her waist, holding her in a warm and comforting embrace. Josie frowned, she could see the hands, but not who owned them. Twisting, she expected to see another person, but came face to face with a black, blob of constantly shifting goo. Josie couldn't help but chuckle, she didn't know if this was supposed to be some sort of nightmare, or a pleasant dream. She had no idea what Charlie looked like other than the tentacly appendages, but this would be her guess.

Sliding off the log with a giggle, Josie pulled dream Charlie down into the grass. Wrapping those warm arms tighter around herself, the dream faded into backness, comforted in her embrace.

Subtle warmth and light disturbed Josie's sleep, cracking an eye open, she groaned softly at the open curtains. The sound of her groan must have disturbed Charlie, and Josie felt those wonderfully warm limbs contract around her waist. It was a beautiful feeling waking up in someone's embrace.

"What's today Charlie?" Josie asked softly, confused in her bleary state.

"It's Saturday, you don't need to be anywhere," Charlie whispered in her ear, "Stay in bed with me?"

"Sure thing Charlie." Josie smiled, reaching down to grasp Charlies limb.

Something was wrong though... What she felt wasn't glass smooth and cool to the touch, it was... Firm... Solid... It had fingers... Josie twisted quickly, determined to see what had her in it's arms. Her eyes shot open wide, laying beside her was a naked woman.

"AHHH!!" Josie screamed, "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!!" Josie shoved the woman away, watching her cry out in shock, but she didn't care, there was some random woman in her bed. "CHARLIE!!"

"Stop yelling!" The woman cried, quickly standing and a shocked expression across her face.

Josie took a second look at her, she was slightly taller than her, her face framed with long black hair. The woman's breasts were larger, her skin was flawless, like a porcelain doll. Josie couldn't help but admire the shape of her legs, when the fear shot through her again.

"Who are you?" Josie demanded, "How did you get in here?"

"Calm down Josie."

"How do you know my name..." Josie frantically looked around the room, waiting for those familiar cracks to appear, "Charlie, please!" She begged, she didn't know what was ha penning, but she was terrified.

"I'm right here Josie," the woman said softly, "it's me... Charlie."

Josie just stared, backing herself up against the wall, the touch of it's cool surface reminding her she was naked. "Prove it."

The Charlie woman smiled sadly, "I know this is hard to believe, but maybe this will help."

Josie watched the woman reach up, grasping her hair up into a single bundle. Her mouth dropped open seeing that it wasn't hair... It was made of whatever Charlie's appendages were made of, smooth, shiny and black. It moved like liquid, but solid at the same time.

"That's really you... Isn't it?" Josie stammered.

Charlie broke out into a huge smile, "of course it is..." A tear rolled down her cheek, "and I have you to thank."

Josie took a couple steps forwards, "Me? What did I do?"

"You loved me," Charlie choked out a sob, "it broke my curse, and let me change back..."

Josie watched as Charlie dissolved into tears, throwing herself over the bed, she took Charlie in her arms.

"Shhh... It's OK Charlie... It's going to be OK." Josie wasn't sure what else to say.

Charlie finally looked Josie in the eyes, a big grin plastered across her face, "I know it's going to be OK, Josie, all because of you."

Josie didn't have time to respond before the softest pair of lips pressed against hers. She immediately recognised them, the feeling from the night before... It really was Charlie. After a moments hesitation, she started kissing back, running her hands up Charlie's sides, feeling her body, memorising it's structure. Breaking the kiss, Josie stared into Charlie's eyes, seeing all the pent up emotion and... Humanity...


"Yes Josie?"

"I'm so glad I bought this house."

Charlie didn't have a chance to respond, before Josie twisted suddenly, tipping her over onto the bed. Josie quickly pounced on top, kissing Charlie firmly on the mouth, exploring with her tongue. They both groaned in appreciation of what they found, they both pulled away and giggled.


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