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In For A Penny, In For A Pound


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I stopped my own stroking and listened for a few minutes, thinking maybe she would have her personal time with the lights out, but all I heard was regular breathing.

"Fuck!" I said to myself, and meant it. I didn't want to finish jerking off with nothing to watch. I sat there for a moment, trying to decide what I was going to do. Finally I decided that it was nice and cool outside and that if I was going to have a jerk it might as well be in the hot tub. I'd have to figure out how I would make my pass at her tomorrow.

Amanda was in bed, and from what I could tell, she was sound asleep. I live alone with a very private back yard, so there is no reason for me to ever wear a swim suit when I go swimming. I went to my own room, stripped down to my boxers, grabbed a towel and headed back downstairs. I picked up a bottle of scotch from the kitchen, and a nice crystal glass and walked out to the hot tub. It was a bit colder than I expected, and I was anxious to get in the warm water. I set the bottle down on the edge of the Jacuzzi, stripped out of my shorts, threw them on the lounge chair and then threw the towel on top.

I was still semi hard when I slid my body into the warm water. I hit the button for the jets and bubbles. Within seconds I was lost to the world in the warm water and the white noise roar of the jets. I poured a generous helping of the scotch (Oban) and took a larger than normal swallow. I was already buzzed from the wine with dinner, the sun was down, I was sexually frustrated by the beautiful woman naked in the bed upstairs and I just wanted to unwind the day.

One swallow led to two which led to 4 and I was pouring a second glass. Just as I was closing my eyes again, I heard the back door open and close. I turned to see, what was happening and Amanda was walking out of the back door, in a form fitting, tan bikini almost the same shade as her freckled skin. She had a towel over one shoulder and she was headed toward me.

"Hey," I said. "I thought you were going to bed."

"I did too. Then I heard the hot tub on, and thought I would come out. Mind if I join you?"

"Of course not. Come on in." As I said it, an old school impulse to stand when a lady entered the room hit me and I went to stand, then remembered I wasn't wearing anything and sat back down quickly. It probably just looked like I was adjusting my position, so I tried to play it off.

She quickly slid into the water, glad to be out of the cold. She went all the way under to dunk her head. When she came up the top of the suit she was wearing was noticeably transparent, her large dark nipples perfectly visible in the dim light. She didn't seem to notice. What she did notice was my glass. She moved around the hot tub and refilled it and then took it back to her side, to sit with her back to the edge of the tub and her arms up. It left the bottom of her bikini top an inch out of the water and I admired the view.

She took a sniff and then a quick sip of the scotch. "Good," she proclaimed with a little cough. Then took another, longer sip. In a few minutes the glass was empty and she reached for the bottle to refill. She had been drinking all day and was already drunk when she went to bed. The scotch was working on her quickly, and she tripped a little trying to reach the bottle. She half sat in my lap, and I put my arms around her to keep her from falling. My right hand accidentally covered her left breast when I did.

"I got it, I got it." She said, standing up. She took the bottle to the other side of the tub and sat back down.

"You, madam, are quite drunk." I said with a smile.

"Yes I am. And it's a well-deserved drunk."

"How's that?"

"Well, I just left my whole life in New York. I'm gambling everything I have on a business I know almost nothing about. I'm 32 and I'm not getting any younger. Its going to be a lot of work, and having so much time by myself has given me too much thinking time today. So I'm trying my best not to think."

"Well," I said, "You seem to be well on your way to that place."

"Remember the last time we got this drunk," She asked.

"That last night before you left for New York? Yes, I have a vivid memory of that night", I said smiling to myself.

"No, not that night. I was really drunk, but you weren't that bad off, I don't think. No, remember that camping trip we took. Out of the park?"

And I did remember that. My buddies and I used to throw parties deep in the woods. We would use four wheelers to get the beer and tents and food out there and then give directions to our friends for them to walk in. These things could last for days, and the best thing about it is that since there were no neighbors, there was no one to call the cops. We could get as rowdy and loud as we wanted. One of the last ones we had thrown before Amanda had left we tried out a new place. We had all left our cars at a soccer park and gone into the woods behind them. It was fun, but no four wheeler access, so we abandoned it. It was too hard to walk the beer coolers that far in.

"Oh yeah. I do remember that. What was that, fall?"

"Yeah, it was about this time of year; just when things were getting cooler. You want to hear a confession about that night?"

I liked where this was going. "Yeah, sure."

She took another drink. "Do you remember the girl you were with, what was her name? Shelly?"

"Shelby. I haven't thought about her in long years."

"That's funny, because I think about her all the time."

"Why," I asked genuinely curious.

"Do you remember what happened that first night of the party with her?"

"Vaguely. We got really drunk and went off to make out."

"I think it was a little more than that," she said "I can't possibly believe you don't remember."

"Fine, I'm sure we had sex. But honestly she wasn't that memorable. Anyway, you still haven't made your confession yet."

"Okay, then here's my confession," she said with a very mischievous grin. "After you took her away from the camp fire I got in a fight with another girl there. I was pissed and I had to take a pee so I went to find a place. I found a tree a short walk away from the camp site and took a squat. While I was pissing I heard your voice. You sounded mad.

"So I crept around the tree and I could see you and Shelly".

"Shelby," I corrected automatically.

"Yeah, whatever. I saw the two of you and she was lying on her back and you slapped her across the face a couple of times. She had passed out."

Suddenly the whole thing came back to me and I sat up a little straighter. My discomfort must have shown, because she smiled knowingly.

"Ahhh, so you do remember."

"Yeah, I think I remember," I said cautiously.

"It was one of the hottest things I had ever seen. You slapped her twice across the face and she was passed out. You cursed a few times, and then undid her shorts and pulled them down. You put your hands between her legs, I guess you were fingering her. Then you rolled her over on her stomach, got on top of her and fucked the shit out of her from behind. Eventually you finished, and pulled her shorts back on and went back to the party."

"That's your confession," I asked being very careful what I said. "That you saw me fuck my drunk girlfriend in the woods?"

"No, I saw you take what you wanted. And my confession is that when I watched you do it, I was fingering myself."

"Really?" I said relaxing. Under the swirling water I was so hard it hurt, it physically hurt. She had a lusty look on her face and her tits floated above the water in a nearly nonexistent bikini.

"Really. That's my confession. My panties were already down from pissing, and I was already kind of wet from making out with some guy there. And then I saw what you were doing to Shelly and it was just too much. I couldn't believe you just took her like that, so forcefully. I couldn't help myself. Ever since then, if I have trouble getting off, I think about that."

"Wow," I said. "That's some fucking confession."

"Yeah, there is something I have always wondered."

"Whats that?" I asked. Some of the tension returning.

"Was she the only one?"

I didn't like where this was going, and I wanted to take some of the tension out of the conversation.

"Hmmm, it sounds to me like you want to play a game."

"What," she said. A little caught off guard.

"If you're going to ask questions like that, it sounds like you want to play a little Turth or Dare."

"Oh, okay!" she said "Yeah, that would be fun." The scotch and the hot water and the sexy talk were getting to both of us. My face felt flush, and her eyes looked a little glassy.

"Okay, I pick truth, then," I said as casually as I could.

"Okay, was she the only girl you ever did that to?"

"Did what," I asked innocently.

"You know... took... like that."

"You mean forced?"

"Yeah,"she agreed.

"No." I answered simply.

"Who else? Was it someone I know?"

"Sorry," I said with what sounded like genuine regret in my voice. "Its not your turn to ask another question. Truth or dare?"

She looked me over, and then gave out a little percussive laugh. "Okay, okay, we will do it your way. Truth."

"Hmmm, I said thinking. So you told me that you masturbated watching me that night. What else do you fantasize about when you masturbate?"

She thought about it for a moment. "Mostly just sex. You know regular sex stuff. Sometimes I think about being tied down or things like that. Sometimes I think about fucking the husbands or boyfriends of the women that I don't like. That's always a good one. I like rough sex sometimes."

A moment ago, I didn't think I could get any harder, but I was wrong.

"Truth or dare", she said.

"Truth" I said again.

"Okay, who else have you taken like you did with Shelly? Have you ever done it when the girl was awake?"

"That's two questions."

"Fine, the first one. Who else?"

"Hmmm, well there were a couple of other girls. There was a stripper in Houston. Maybe a couple in my travels."

"Anyone I know?"

"Nope!" I said. Now your turn. Truth or dare?"

"Truth," She replied.

"Damn, I never thought you of all people would be this scared of a little dare."

That rankled her. I could see it go across her face like a shadow. She did not like to be out done or called a coward, no matter what the circumstances.

"Fine, dare", she said overly testily. "I suppose you're going to say something childish like 'take off all your clothes and run around the pool'".

"No, that would be two dares." I said. Since she had procured the glass I had brought out I took a swig right from the bottle of scotch to buy myself time. "Just take off your swimsuit. I dare you."

"Fuck you," she said.

"Sissy", I countered eloquently.

She gave me the finger, first with one hand, and then with two throwing in a nasty look for good measure. She sank down into the water up to her neck and busied her hands. Before long her first hand came out with the top. She slung it out of the hot tub and past my head splashing some water in my face. Then her other hand came out with her bottoms. With all the force of a soft ball pitcher she threw them and hit me right in the face, making the most incredible SPLAT! sound.

"There, mother fucker! Truth or dare?"

I pulled the wet, thin material off my face and looked at her. She was still up to her neck in the water, but when I looked she started laughing. We both laughed for a bit and she said "Fuck it all, anyway." She sat back on the bench seat of the tub, but lower. Her tits were still underwater but only barely. I could make out her nipples, hard and pointed in the soft green glow from the lights at the bottom, but the bubbles obscured the rest."

"Truth," I answered.

"Hey, wait that's no fair", she complained. "I agreed to a dare."

"And that was your choice. I say truth."

"Okay, fine. Fine then. Here is your question. All those nights you took me home when I was fucking wasted, passed out whatever. Did you ever... you know?"

"What," I asked.

"Did you ever do to me what you did to her?"

"Force her?" I asked. I let a light laugh escape my lips. "God no," I lied.

She looked down for a minute, like she was composing herself. "Truth" she said.

"Okay, are you disappointed that I didn't?"

"Yes," she said very softly. "Maybe. I guess I don't really know. Maybe after I saw you with her I got a little extra drunk and put you in situations where you could. Maybe even a few times I just pretended to be that drunk."

"If you wanted me to fuck you, all you had to do was ask, Amanda. I'm not exactly a saint."

"Maybe I just wanted you to need me so badly that you couldn't control yourself or stop yourself. Maybe I just wanted you to be that attracted to me."

I let that hang in the air for a little while, saying nothing. She had forgotten, at least temporarily, about her nudity. She was sitting high enough up in the water now that her breasts were out again. The droplets of water and dim light played off of her pale skin and freckles beautifully. When I felt the moment had drifted along enough I simply said "Dare."

That brought her back to the present. She looked up at me, and got a smile on her face. "Okay, dare it is," she said. "I shouldn't be the only one naked in this fucking hot tub. Take off your swimsuit."

"That's your dare?"


"Are you sure," I asked.

"Yes, off with them. Let's see them."

"Can't. I took them off before I got in."

"You're a fucking liar!"

"Go look, if you don't believe me," I said easily. "They're over there on the lounger under the towel."

She started to get out of the water to look, and then realized her own state of undress and sat back down; waited for a moment with a thoughtful look on her face and then broke out in a grin. Her foot touched my leg mid shin, and it surprised me enough that I nearly jumped out of my skin. I got myself together and waited patiently as she ran her foot up my leg and between my knees, eventually to my groin. Her toes probed my steel hard dick and back down to my balls.

As she did this, she had to float closer to the surface to reach all the way across the tub. I could clearly make out her whole body under the water. Her pussy was shaved clean and her lips were engorged, her nipples were as hard as ice picks, even in the warm water.

Her foot withdrew and she sat back down, but the sensation of her touch remained on my skin.

"Okay, I believe you." She looked a little disappointed.

"Truth or dare then?"

"Dare," she said defiantly.

I smiled and stared her right in the eyes. "I dare you to turn around."

"What? What do you mean turn around?"

"I dare you to stand up and turn around. Either you do it or you forfeit."

She eyed me cautiously. I think we both knew what was going to happen next. It was almost a battle of wills to see if she would do it or not. But right there I decided that if she didn't turn around I would turn her around.

Slowly, carefully, she stood up and looked at me. The water was down to just below her navel now, and her magnificent breasts were on full display for me. I watched as she broke eye contact and turned around. She was shaking slightly, whether from fear or excitement I wasn't sure, but probably a little of both.

I stood up myself, and walked to just behind her. With my left hand I griped her shoulder to hold her in place and with my right eached between her legs and grabbed her sex roughly.

"Unnnnah," she exclaimed loudly. I felt her slick pussy contract, spasm, in my hand. I used her surprise to push her down onto the edge of the hot tub. She was bent over the rim now, and I kept my left hand on her shoulder, pressing her into the concreate tiles, keeping her in place. With one very forceful thrust I slid my dick right between her lips and as deep into her as I could go.

"Ahhh!" She exclaimed.

I thrust again.

"Is that what you wanted?" I asked.


I trust into her again. "I didn't hear you."

"Yes," she gasped out.

"Tell me you love me."

"I love you," she said and I pounded myself into her again.

"Said it again, louder."

"I love you!" she all but screamed.

I moved both of my hands to her hips and used the added leverage to pull her back against me while pushing my hips forward. She moaned again and tried to stand up a bit, pushing off the rim of the tub with her hands.

"No!," I said firmly and pushed her chest and shoulders back onto the tiles hard enough to let her know not to try to stand up again. "Now tell me you hate me."

"I hate you," she groaned.

"Mean it"

"I hate you!" she exclaimed.

"Tell me to stop."

"Don't stop"

"Tell me to stop" I punctuated the words with a slap to the back of her head and thrust of my dick. I knew I was getting close.

"Stop." She said in a choked voice.


"STOP!" she said

"Beg me."

"Please god, stop", she wailed!

When she said it, I grabbed her by the hips again and moved her over about 5 inches to the left, I did it hard and violently, still inside her. When I pulled her to a stop her clitoris was right in front of a water jet.

"Ahhhh," she practically screamed it. Reflexively she tried to move; tried to pull away from such an intense sensation so close to such a tender area. Her struggle sent me over the edge. I felt my orgasm come on me suddenly and I pumped load after load of cum into her. It triggered her own orgasm and her pussy locked onto me tighter than I have ever felt any woman before. She wailed loudly, unintelligibly, beyond words, communicating her body's needs on an animal level.

I stayed inside her until I started feeling her body go limp. I bent over and laid my body on top of hers. We were both breathing heavily; the world seemed fuzzy around me. I felt the walls of her twitch around me in the last of her orgasm. Then suddenly she started struggling again. She was trying to move or turn away from the jet. It took me too long to realize what she was doing, and I wasn't helping. Finally I got the picture and moved off of her, sliding out of her as I did so.

I pulled myself onto the rim of the hot tub and sat down heavily. I needed a moment to recover.

She got out and moved to the towel she has dropped before getting in. She wrapped it around herself and looked back at me, half afraid, partly surprised, still with the vestiges of her arousal on her, she looked like a spooked deer. Then the moment passed, and she straightened up. She smiled at me.

I didn't know what to say or do, and I had no energy left. So I just sat there waiting for her to say something. As she relaxed she decided to take her towel off and dry herself in earnest. I watched appreciatively.

As she was nearing the end of drying off I stood up and got my own towel. For just a moment she stopped and looked at me warily, then finished ringing out her hair.

"That was intense," she said, matter of factly.

"Yeah," I agreed lamely.

"You know what," she asked.


"It's your turn, and I dare you to catch me."

I took me a moment to register what she had just said. She waited until I looked up and smiled at her. Then she dropped the towel and took off, naked and barefoot toward the house.

I was right on her heels.

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