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In Love with Lori Ch. 01


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I collapsed on top of her, the pair of us too fucked-out to do more than nibble-kiss each other as the ripples died away. Eventually I recovered enough to roll off this perfect creature, making her moan in satisfaction. Her stockings were in tatters, so I slid off her platforms and pulled off her stockings, undid her velvet choker, and rolled her into my arms. I kissed her on her nose, and she made a little whickering sound before snuggling down into my arm, completely worn out.

I was satisfied, but I suppose I had more stamina, as I wasn't tired, just basking in the afterglow, so I let her sleep while I thought about how we would live our lives together, and where we should do it.

After about 2 hours Lori woke, to see me freshly showered, shaved, and smelling attractively spicy (or so the aftershave claimed; I thought it smelled like mouthwash).

"What happened, Davey?" she asked in a slightly disoriented way.

"I put your ass to sleep, you little sexpot you, so me ...dinner!" I sing-song'd at her.

Lori turned on her stomach, pulling a pillow under her midriff to raise her lovely bum in the air, and opened her legs wide.

"There you are, pervert-boy, diner's open, come and get it while it's hot!" she leered, looking hot as all fuck!

"Oh no, you don't get out of it that easily, sister of mine!" I admonished, "You lost a bet, so I want a lobster dinner, compete with all the trimmings, at the very least. But, I think I will have your pie for dessert!"

Lori grinned at that, her splayed open thighs and sticky, spunky anus making a very tempting sight.

"Are all English boys as corrupt and perverted as you, or did I just get lucky?" she asked in a voice dripping with salacious curiosity.

I grinned back, still enthralled by the deliciously panoramic view in front of me.

"Seems I was the lucky one, to catch an angel like you, complete with a mind like a dredger bucket!"

Lori rolled onto her back, laughing, and once again I marvelled at how her perfect breasts seemed to be unaffected by gravity, her coral pink nipples pointing proudly at the ceiling. Lori caught the direction of my look and said "You're a doctor, you should know the name of this condition", flicking her nipples idly, "It's called Biggus Titticus Maximus, only affects girls with minds like mine."

I struggled to keep a straight face, but couldn't help myself; she looked so adorable with that look of mock solemnity on her face.

"Get dressed, you evil trollop, we have plans to make, and shopping to do, and don't worry, dinner's on me -- unless you would rather I ate it off you, I understand that's quite popular in Japan..."

"Get lost, you deviant" she retorted. She grinned impishly at me, then knelt up on the bed with an angelic expression on her face, pressing her hands together as though she was praying, intoning "Dear God, please protect me from this awful pervert, he keeps sticking his big pee-pee in my wee-wee and my pooper- hole, I'm afraid if he stays around too long, he might try and have sex with me...Amen."

I grinned at this.

"You're a very bad girl, wife of mine, remind me later to jam something into you, but for now, please, get your panties and put some clothes on, something decent, for goodness' sake, there are oldies around, I'd like to have lunch somewhere where we don't get asked to leave."

"Wife" said Lori, musingly, "I like the sound of that, sounds better than 'sister', remind me to hold you to it...Oh, OK, I'll let you buy me lunch, and dinner, if you feel you can stretch that far, Captain Moneybags, but you still owe me a long, hard Jungle-Fuck, with extra gorilla-humping!"

"It will be my pleasure," I retorted, "and if you want to talk about 'stretching', well, I think I managed that pretty well last night and this morning! Anyway, I'm not going to argue, I have a surprise for you, and you need to get dressed to see it, because it's in town, so get a wriggle and a jiggle on, you naughty little strumpet!"

Lori stretched and yawned, looking for all the world like one of those big-breasted 1940's Varga or Petty pin-up girls, with her jet-black hair piled up on her head, a couple of errant strands tumbling down to frame her beautiful face, and her large, perfect breasts jutting out, her tiny waist accentuating the jut of her breasts and the curve of her rump, at once sweet and wholesome, and yet also indescribably wanton and immensely fuckable. God, I wanted her, and the sight of her kneeling on the bed was doing things to me....

"Margaret Thatcher, Margaret Thatcher..." I mumbled to myself, struggling to prevent the picture in front of me from causing the inevitable arousal.

"What did you say, Davey?" she asked.

"Oh, nothing" I said, "just going over what I wanted to do this afternoon."

"Does that include me?" she enquired with a grin, sliding gracefully off the bed and pressing her magnificent mammaries against me as she pecked me on the cheek , sliding her hands down and around to clench my buttocks, hard... Damn, MARGARET THATCHER, MARGARET THATCHER, MARGARET THATCHER.....

"Get dressed, darling, we have places to be and things to do, so get a move on" I chided her, my voice catching just a little. Lori responded by grabbing my crotch playfully and blowing me a kiss.

"But I still want to play" she breathed sexily, her mouth making an adorable pout.


"Look Lori, the lions are roaring, I want something solid to eat! Besides, we can't go into town smelling of sex, what would the neighbours say?"

Lori grinned back at me "Well, at least the smell of sex is a good natural perfume; after all, you must be giving off pheromones in clouds right now. And, while we're on the subject of smells, why do you smell like you showered in mouthwash?"

I smacked her on her rump. "Get moving you, I told you, I have a surprise for you."

Lori pulled me down to her and planted a hot, sexy kiss on my lips, and started to wriggle against me most fetchingly. It took all my will-power (or won't-power) to gently disengage her and send her on her way with a gentle pinch in that adorable crease where the female Gluteus Maximus curves down to meet the top of the thigh.

20 minutes later, a freshly showered and made-up Lori reappeared, in a deceptively modest pair of black leggings, white shirt tied off to leave her midriff bare, just a hint of lacy bra showing at the neckline, and kitten heels. I looked closely at her leggings, as I now knew Lori was perfectly capable of wearing something that looked modest and demure indoors, but would probably become semi-transparent in full sunlight, to perfectly outline the lips of her pussy; what we in England call 'mutterers' - you can see the lips moving, but you can't quite make out the words...

"Relax, Davey, there's 11-year olds wearing this around town, and I'm wearing a thong!" she commented, cheekily pulling down the back of her leggings to show me the thong disappearing into the shadowed cleft between her lovely buttocks - Oh God, if I had had the time, I would have gone around with her again, and she knew it!

We drove into town, to a small Bistro famous for its lobster and oysters with Guinness, and had a very satisfying seafood lunch, then we walked hand-in-hand through town, 'til we came to my intended destination.

"Kane's Jewellery?" queried Lori. I smiled at her and led her inside, and asked for Mrs. Kane, the proprietor.

"Doctor Denham" Mrs. Kane greeted me, "I have the selection you requested, and I take it this is the young lady?"

"Yes indeed Mrs. Kane" I replied. "Lori?"

Lori looked at me in slight puzzlement, understanding dawning as Mrs. Kane brought out a tray of diamond engagement rings.

"Darling, please pick out the ring you want, the sky's the limit, so don't be bashful!"

Lori again looked at me, and whispered "Why am I looking at these rings?"

"Because I can hardly marry you without getting engaged first, you silly arse" I grinned back at her, "I'm old-fashioned that way."

Lori stood still, gazing at the tray of sparkling stones, transfixed by so much light and glitter, probably more wealth in one place than she had seen in her entire life, then pointed to a simple platinum band with a dense diamond cluster.

"I like that one" she whispered.

Mrs Kane looked at me enquiringly, then removed the ring from the tray, and passed it to Lori for her to hold up to the light and inspect.

"Is this the one you want, darling?" I asked her, she just nodded and squeezed my hand in hers.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kane, this is the one we want," I said, and handed her my credit card. We waited while she went through the whole transaction business and brought my card back to me.

"Thank you Doctor Denham, your young lady has exceedingly good taste, if I may be so bold, almost 5-carats of flawless white diamonds, no inclusions, I guarantee; a real heirloom piece."

"Lori has excellent taste," I replied, "she comes from the very best of families!"

Lori squeezed my hand again, and smiled tremulously as I slipped the ring on her ring finger, kneeling down to ask her the time-honoured question.

"Lori, will you marry me?" The store went silent.

"Yes, I will marry you Davey" she replied, blushing prettily, and all the other customers and staff applauded.

"Davey, how much did that ring cost?" asked a wide-eyed Lori as we walked away.

"None of your business," I replied, "I wanted to give you something that means forever, diamonds fit the bill, so you got diamonds. Just thank your lucky stars we don't feel the same way about cow-pats!"

Once again she punched me on the arm, more of a playful dunt than a regular slap.

"Be serious, David, this is more than anyone has ever done for me, ever!"

"That's because I love you" I replied simply, letting her see the truth in my eyes.

Lori looked at me with slightly blurry eyes.

"She called me your 'young lady'; I was just wondering what she would have called me if she knew that three hours ago your 'young lady' was pumping your cock in and out of her ass!"

"Maybe she would have said something like "I remember how that used to be!'" I replied with a broad grin, "you are a devil woman, Lori Keene, with a mouth like a well-digger's shovel; fortunately, you also fuck like a champion, so, on balance, I think I'll keep you! Let's go home, now that my inner-man has been satisfied, his brother lower down wants to play with your jiggly bits!"

We returned to the car and drove back to the house in happy silence, Lori leaning back in her seat and looking at me speculatively, occasionally nibbling her lower lip. I knew that gesture by now, it meant some new sexual misbehaviour was brewing in that dirty little mind of hers, and I felt a delicious tightening in my groin in anticipation of what was to come.

We got in, and sat down on the couch, Lori on my lap, straddling me, pecking small kisses on my face and neck. I could feel my cock hardening, and began untying her shirt, beginning the pleasurable task of stripping her for playtime. Lori, while she went along with it, obviously had something on her mind, and eventually grabbed my wandering hands, saying "Stop it, you pervert, I want to talk to you for a minute!"

"It had better be a minute; I want to get down to things, all your lovely jiggly things, as a matter of fact!" I leered.

"Stop it Davey, I'm trying to be serious! I want us to go to England!" she blurted out.

I looked at her in surprise.

"That was a quick decision, Kitten, what brought this on?"

Lori looked at me levelly and began to explain her decision.

"David, I know you always wanted to be surgeon, like your father, and that's what I want for you as well, but you have to finish your training. Don't throw away all your years of study just because of me! I want you to finish your surgical training in England, you were almost there, and you left it to come here and take care of us. Now there's only me, and I'll be at home wherever you are. Marry me and take me home with you, finish your training and be the kind of surgeon your father would have been proud of. Over here, what are you going to do? Be a country doctor in rural Maine? You were meant for more than that..."

I was so overwhelmed by this girl's simple trust in me that I could barely speak.

At last I managed to croak out "Are you sure you know what you're saying? I'll be gone a lot, and I mean a lot. Surgical residency in a teaching hospital in England means tight schedules and full calendars, we'd have precious little time together for the first couple of years, and I won't be able to set my own case-load until I get to be a consultant, at least 2 years after qualifying, probably more; are you sure you want that, that you can handle that?"

Lori simply looked at me, her eyes telling me she'd already decided.

"I'll make myself handle it; it's what I want for you and us; I just want to be your wife."

I looked at her in wonder, humbled by her trust, and love, hardly able to believe my luck that someone so ravishing could love and trust me so completely.

"Lori," I said, "I promise you faithfully that your life with me will hold all the things you ever wanted, I promise you will never go without, and that you will also never have cause to doubt me. I love you more than anything on this planet, and I only want to spend my life making you happy, contented, safe and secure, Oh, and pregnant!"

Lori welled up, and, as I kissed her tears away, she grinned at me.

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again; you smooth-talking English fuckers will say anything to get in a country girl's pants!"

I laughed out loud, and kissed her, she responded with abandon, flicking her tongue around my lips as I kissed and nuzzled her. My wandering hands had resumed, and they roamed over her lovely backside and up her blouse, trying to find her bra-snap.

"It unsnaps at the front" she whispered, "didn't you ever sneak a peek at any of Mom's lingerie catalogues?"

Actually, I hadn't, so I followed her lead and freed her lovely, firm breasts, squeezing and lightly pinching her nipples, kneading the firm girl-flesh as our tongues explored more ardently.

Lori was squirming on my lap, frigging herself against my by-now bone-hard erection, as I slid my hand down the back of her leggings to cup her firm buttocks and pull her in closer to me.

"Upstairs, Davey...need more room..." she panted, so with one last nibble of her bottom lip, I helped her to stand and she pulled me upright. We looked at each other, and bolted for the stairs, Lori beating me to the top, which suited me fine, as I again got to watch her superb bum jiggle as she ran up the stairs. I took them two at a time, a couple of seconds behind her, and hustled her into what had become our bedroom, yanking at her leggings with one hand while I tugged my polo-shirt over my head and fumbled with my Dockers. I levered off my loafers and turned to finish stripping Lori, but she had just qualified for the Olympic Freestyle Stripping for a Fuck team, standing there naked and swinging her thong around her index finger, grinning, with her lower lip caught between her teeth.

"What kept you?" she asked, one eyebrow raised in query.

I moved in to grab her, but Lori held up her finger.

"Just got to get some more lube!" she said, popping out and then back in. I had climbed onto the bed, naked except for a big grin and an even bigger hard on, something Lori noted as she opened the tube of lubricant gel and squeezed some onto my fingertip.

"Glad to see you're recovered, you know the drill, Doctor Man, lube me up!"

So saying, she lay down next to me, with her legs open and spectacular arse raised-up, and I applied the lube to her pink pucker, noting her little shivers every time I slid my finger into her, and looking forward to a hot, sweaty, spunk-filled interlude. If someone had looked in at this moment, they would probably have seen me drooling and grinning happily to myself, tongue hanging out like Pluto.

By now Lori was showing every sign of being ready, but I wanted some tactile stimulation, so I turned her round to face me, kissing her while I ran my hands up and down her back, cupping and squeezing her buttocks, stroking and teasing her clitoris, sliding a finger into her pussy, nibbling, sucking and gently biting her nipples, and sliding alternate fingers into her tight, crinkled little rosebud. After 20 minutes of this, she was at a peak of arousal, as evidenced by the way she pulled me down to her.

"For God's sake, stick your cock in me somewhere, I'm going out my mind here, fucking get on with it!" she gritted, her blue eyes flashing.

I had other plans, however, and intended to keep my promise of earlier in the day; Lori had a lovely 'pie', and I was going to eat it!

I rolled her over so she was face-down, provoking a comment along the lines of "what are you up to now, you pervert?" and pulled her legs apart, simultaneously bending her knees under so her rump was raised up off the bed. Now I could reach my target, and I began kissing her up the insides of her thighs, making her quiver and moan softly. Eventually, I kissed all the way up to her crotch, and flicked my tongue over her pussy, making her quiver some more, as I gradually increased the frequency and pressure of my licking, her moans intensifying. When I finally prised her firm sculpted buttocks apart and stuck my tongue in her tight, puckered hole, hard, she nearly shot off the bed!

I kept on licking, alternating between her pussy and her arsehole, watching the juices flow out of her pussy and her tight little anus gradually open and wink at me as I stabbed my tongue into it, all the while enjoying the feel of her smooth, firm, toned, utterly feminine backside and the sweet, musky tang of her excitement.

"Davey, you're such a pervert, I love it, keep going..." she murmured, her hand by now wrapped tightly around my cock and squeezing in a slow rhythm. Now to change pace, I thought, sliding back up to Lori, and pulling her around to face me.

Lori looked up at me with eyes filled with love, and trust, and a large amount of devilment, as she whispered into my ear, "Isn't it about time you fucked me, stud-boy? Make it good!"

I was more than happy to oblige, mounting her and letting her guide me in, and, as before, I pumped and thrust, with Lori again meeting my every thrust in perfect unison, shudders running through her in waves as she orgasmed again and again. I was transfixed by the sight of her beautifully perfect breasts quivering and jiggling in concert with my thrusts. Lori grabbed her knees and spread her legs wide, then draped them over my shoulders, encouraging me to lean further forward, so we were almost nose to nose, with me hammering into her like a piston.

I could see she was getting tired, pumping away in that position, so I moved her legs from my shoulders and slid a couple of pillows under her bum to give her something to rest on, and incidentally raising her pussy up higher than her shoulders. Lori looked at me with a big grin on her face; I think she knew what was coming next.

I slowed down, and took my weight on my elbows, sliding my hands under her gorgeous backside, pulling her bum cheeks apart. Lori also placed her feet flat on the bed and snaked her hands down, to hold her cheeks apart as I slowly pushed my cock into her anus. Lori kept her hands in place, supporting her pelvis as I pumped my cock in and out of her tight hole, once again orgasms rippling through her. This was an amazing experience in itself, but I also wanted to repeat the experience of last night.

I withdrew from Lori's arse, answering her unspoken query by saying "Just like Mother, OK?"

She smiled and nodded, turning to lie on her stomach, re-positioning the pillows under her flat stomach to raise her bum up in the air. I moved in behind her, and once again slowly slid my swollen cock through her anal ring and deep into her rectum, her gasps telling me all I needed to know about the depth I was penetrating to.

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