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Indian Summer Ch. 02


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"Mom and Dad this is Nancy Corrigan she is a friend of mine from the University."

Nancy paced forward extending her hand. James Springer shook it in an iron grip looking Nancy up and down like he was examining a property he was about to bid on.

"Corrigan? Corrigan...I don't remember any Corrigans on Beacon Hill."

"I don't live around here I live in Martindale," said Nancy naming the middle-class neighborhood close to the university where she had grown up.

James raised an eyebrow at that but didn't comment further.

"Well, your mother and I are starving our body clocks are messed up from the trip. I hope you ladies don't mind if we all dine together a bit early?"

It didn't seem like a request, but Nancy answered anyway, "That would be fine. I'm always ready to eat."

"I'll have Alice prepare something special for us," said Joyce.

The four convened later in a dining room that looked like it came out of a Downton Abbey episode. Nancy kept looking around expecting a butler to be standing behind her ready to light her cigarette if she had smoked. Some servants came in with the food, but they didn't hang around once everything was served. Though she was usually a chatterbox, Marcie was as reserved as her father staring down at her plate, and pushing her food around seemingly uninterested in actually eating any.

"So, Marcie, you will never guess who we ran into in Singapore? Dmitri Tarkov! You remember? The fashion photographer who wanted to take your picture for his magazine. He is still excited at the prospect of getting you signed with his brother's agency."

"I told you, Mom, I'm not interested in being a pin-up girl."

"There's nothing wrong with using what God gave you, Marcie," said Joyce.

"What your mother is trying to say is that you're a pretty girl it is an asset you could exploit."

"We have been down this road before I'm not interested in being a model. I'm going to get my degree at the university."

"Yes, based on your grades from last semester I can see you're well on your way," replied her dad with no small bit of sarcasm.

"I had a rough start I admit it, but I'm working to get better," said Marcie defensively.

"Look, Marcie, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but you have to face facts that you aren't cut out for intellectual pursuits."

"You're saying I'm stupid, Dad!"

"Now you're putting words in my mouth. I just meant that your talents lie in a different direction that's all."

"So I should just shut up and look pretty."

"Marcie! Your father is just trying to give you some guidance. You could have a very nice career as a model."

"You two have never believed in me. I'm just a big disappointment especially to Dad since he wanted a son to carry on his empire."

"That isn't true, Marcie! I've never said any such thing it's just that the pressures of the business world are challenging to bear, and a woman of your delicate nature could never..."

"My delicate nature? Here we go again with you always assuming I'll fold at the first sign of trouble."

"We both know that has been our experience in the past."

Nancy cleared her throat suddenly drawing attention away from the running argument, "Actually, Marcie has been working to get her grades up. I happen to know that she is doing much better in history this summer."

"Is that right?" said James Springer squinting at Nancy like she was a particularly unwelcome insect in the room.

"Yes, I've been tutoring her on that and other subjects. She shows a lot of promise."

Silence followed Nancy's comments with the only sound Marcie pushing food around on her plate. At last Joyce tried to pick up the conversation again.

"I got a call from Lyle Ferguson while we were away. He said that you were supposed to have a date with his son Raymond at the country club, but you stood him up. Were you ill or something, dear?"

"Raymond Ferguson is a weasel," said Marcie under her breath.

"I beg your pardon, sweetie?"

"I said Raymond Ferguson is a weasel. He looks like a weasel, and pretty much smells like one too."

"Now see here young lady! The Ferguson's have one of the largest conglomerates in the U.S. you could do a lot worse than spend time with the heir to that fortune!" said her father sternly.

"There it is the real barometer for success in this family! How big is your wallet! I wonder how you manage to sit on yours without falling over, Dad."

"I won't be talked to like that at my table!"

"Fine! I wasn't hungry anyway!" shouted Marcie getting up from the table, and storming out of the room.

Another profound silence descended on the room until Nancy took a large bite from her plate, "This soufflé is delicious!"

It took Nancy three tries to find Marcie's bedroom, and she finally had to break down and ask a maid for directions. She found her sitting on her wide four-poster bed staring at her lap with tears still drying on her cheeks. Nancy joined her putting one hand on her leg.

"Are you o.k.?"

"I envy you, Nancy. You have a father that believes you can do anything you put your mind to and doesn't judge your every action. Mine wants me to marry well or sit pretty in a picture. Hell, maybe he's right I've never accomplished anything without shoving my body in someone's face."

"Hey! I don't want to hear that from you!" said Nancy reaching out to turn Marcie's face to hers, and gently stroking her cheek with one thumb.

"You are a brilliant woman, Marcie Springer and I believe you can get a degree and pursue any career you want."

Marcie put a hand over Nancy's sniffling a bit to clear her nose, "You really believe that?"

"I know it for a fact. Don't let your parents define what you can be, Marcie. Be better than them."

"I'm so lucky I met you, Nancy."

"Yes, you are," agreed Nancy laughing.

Marcie looked deep into Nancy's sea green eyes. She had met more exotic women in her life, but she honestly thought Nancy Corrigan may have been the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

"Nancy...I lov..."

A shrill noise from Nancy's pocket shattered the moment.

"Hello? Oh! Hey, Dad. Yeah, I will be home soon I know we have to be up early tomorrow. See ya."

"I'm sorry you were saying something?"

"Never mind. You should be with your Dad. We can study some other time," said Marcie wiping the last of the tears from her eyes.

"If you're sure that you're o.k.?"

"Right as rain," said Marcie unconvincingly.

Nancy rose to leave but stopped with her hand on the door turning back into the room.

"Say, Marcie, Have you ever been camping?"


Daniel Corrigan strained at the rope trying to get it tight over the equipment strapped to the frame atop his vehicle. The weather was getting hot, but the forecast was for slightly cooler temperatures in the mountains, and he was looking forward to getting out of town for a few days.

"Do we need all this stuff?" asked Sophia from behind him.

"Trust me. You will be happy we brought all this gear when we get to where we are going."

"Well, you're the expert, so I will leave it in your capable hands."

Daniel finished lashing things into place and stepped back to admire his handy work. Sophia came up beside him wearing the outfit she had picked for her first camping trip. A rugged looking pair of denim shorts with hiking boots on her feet, and a heavy cotton button down shirt with a floppy hat sitting on top of her head for good measure. She peeked out from under the brim her dark eyes looking mysterious in the shade from her hat.

"We have the food all packed when you're ready to go."

"I'm ready. We need to load the ice chest, and off we go. I might put it in the back seat with Nancy."

"That isn't going to work Dad," said Nancy coming out of the house to join them.

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Look, I know this is last minute, but I invited someone to join us on our trip."

"Invited who?"

"Um...See, Dad, the thing is you know that student I've been tutoring? Yeah, well, things between her and I have gone a little beyond just the tutoring."

"You don't say," remarked Daniel. He wasn't surprised at all by the fact that Nancy would be seeing another girl. He and his wife had realized from the time Nancy was in middle school that she was interested in both boys, and girls. They had always encouraged Nancy to be true to her feelings and not worry what other people thought. That being the case he didn't know why Nancy had seen fit to keep this a secret until now.

"Yeah, and so I sort of invited her to come camping with us last evening."

"That's fine, Nancy. I don't know why you seemed to think it had to remain a state secret. Who are you dating some C.I.A operative or something?"

"Not exactly," said Nancy, but before she could elaborate further an expensive looking convertible pulled up in front of the Corrigan's house. The driver's door opened, and Marcie Springer emerged with a big grin. She marched up the driveway oblivious to the look of shock on Daniel Corrigan's face.

"Hey, Professor! Sophia! Nice day for an outing in the wilderness, huh?"

"Nancy, could I speak to you inside, please," said Daniel through clenched teeth.

The front door of the house barely shut before Daniel rounded on his daughter, "Marcie Fucking Springer!?! That is who you've been running around with all this time! What the hell, Nancy! That woman tried to ruin my career, and Sophia's to boot."

"I know what she did, Dad, but believe me there is more to her story. I have been spending a lot of time with her, and I was the one that convinced her to drop the complaint against you."

"In exchange for what? I can't imagine an opportunist like Marcie not getting something out of that for herself."

"The exchange was me tutoring her," said Nancy declining to mention the seduction that went along with it, "Things between us just grew from there."

"I can't believe this...Marcie Springer..." muttered Daniel shaking his head.

Nancy stepped closer touching her father's arm, "I know this sounds crazy, Dad, but trust me she isn't the person you think she is there is more to her than what she has shown you so far."

"She tried to show me quite a bit already."

"Give her a chance, Dad, for me...Please..."

Daniel slowly melted under his daughters penetrating gaze.

"You are far too much like your mother always wanting to find the good in everyone. O.K., Nancy...Because I trust your judgment if you say Ms. Springer deserves another chance I will give that to her, but you better believe I am going to be watching her like a hawk this weekend!"

"Yes, Sir!" said Nancy coming to attention and sketching a salute.

"Come on, smart ass lets see if we can fit Marcie's stuff in the back."

Nancy made sure to exit the house ahead of her father steering Marcie by the elbow back to her car. She noted along the way that at least Marcie had dressed appropriately in long jeans tucked into a pair of expensive looking hiking boots, and a flannel shirt. She was also wearing less makeup than usual, though it didn't detract at all from her beauty. When she opened the trunk of her car, Nancy could only stare at the top of the line camping equipment that lined the interior.

"What did you do knock over a sporting goods store?"

"I've never been camping so I Googled it. I wanted to make sure I was prepared for anything!"

"I would say you're prepared to ascend Mount Everest. Let's see if we can squeeze this stuff in with my gear."

Once the car was packed, Daniel took the wheel and headed them in the direction of Stony Brook campgrounds. He and Nancy had come here so many times they knew every trail like the back of their hands. The ride up was quiet with just the radio playing the music from a local station to keep them company. Daniel was still in shock over his daughters choice of camping companions, and from the look on Sophia's face, it was evident that she felt the same.

They arrived in the late morning, and the girls stretched their legs while Daniel paid the fee to get them a campsite for the weekend. A short time later they pulled into a parking spot and started to unload the vehicle while setting up two tents on the flat ground not too far from a fire pit where they could cook later.

"I don't think I'm doing this right," said Marcie in a perplexed tone as she tried to assemble her cot.

"Let me help you. I've done this a million times," offered Nancy.

"Why don't you come with me to prepare our lunch," said Sophia.

While Nancy expertly assembled Marcie's cot to sleep on that night Sophia, and Marcie sat out the food on a long picnic table provided by the forest service.

"This is your first time camping?" asked Sophia.

"Yeah. My parents never took me when I was a kid. They weren't the outdoor type unless the outdoors was a five-star hotel."

"I've never been either my parents were very fond of their creature comforts."

"I'm sorry," blurted Marcie.

"I beg your pardon?"

"For what I did to you, and Professor Corrigan. I'm sorry. I wish I could take it back now but I can't. I hope you will let me have a chance to make it up to you."

Sophia didn't answer immediately still laying out lunch meat on the table.

"I don't have a lot of reason to trust you, Marcie."

"I know."

Sophia glanced over at where Nancy was sliding Marcie's cot into the tent they would share for the weekend. Marcie followed her gaze.

"You think I'm going to hurt her," said Marcie. It was a statement, not a question.

"Should I believe otherwise?"

Marcie looked at Sophia with an intensity that surprised her when she answered, "I care about Nancy more than even she knows. I would never hurt her. Ever."

Sophia's face softened while she stood to get the water jugs from the car, "I think that may be the first really honest thing I have heard you say, Marcie."

Daniel returned from gathering firewood, and the group took a break to eat lunch. It was a gorgeous day outside, and the woods were full of the sounds of nature. Marcie was like a kid in a candy store her face caught in an expression of wonder as she looked all around her at the birds in the trees, and the myriad of butterflies and insects buzzing in the air. When a small group of deer wandered out of the forest, not a dozen yards from where they were dining Marcie nearly lost it.

"Holy Shit! Bambi! Right over there!"

Even Daniel had to laugh at her wide-eyed innocence, "You may see more than just deer before the weekend is over. There is plenty of wildlife out there in the woods. You need to be careful though there are things you will want to watch out for when you're hiking."

"Like bears?"

"I was thinking more like poisonous snakes. Nancy can tell you what to be looking for but be careful what you're sitting down on."

"O.K." replied Marcie looking warily around.

Nancy laughed at the look of fear painted on her girlfriend's features, "Don't let him scare you people hardly ever get bit by snakes. At least not if they are careful."

"Right," said Marcie still not looking mollified.

After they had cleaned up their lunch, they set up the rest of camp before Daniel suggested they all take a break to rest. Once they were refreshed he took them on a short hike to get to know the immediate area. Down the hill from them was a small lake where in the past Daniel had liked to fish. There was a strip of sandy beach that led down to the edge. Nancy picked up a flat rock and skipped it across the water.

"Hey! How did you do that?' asked Marcie.

"You've never seen anyone skip stones before?"

Marcie shook her head.

"Weird...O.K. come here..."

Nancy showed her how to pick a nice flat rock, and spin it off her finger aiming it to hit right at the level of the water. Marcie's first try was a dismal failure as her rock struck the water head-on raising a splash into the air. Nancy stood behind her on the next throw guiding her arm, and the stone managed a respectable three hopes before it vanished into the gleaming lake water.

"I did it!' yelled Marcie sounding more like a little kid than a college-age young woman. She embraced Nancy almost lifting the smaller woman off the ground. Nearby, Daniel watched with a concerned expression.

"Worried?" asked Sophia.

"I just have a hard time giving that girl the benefit of the doubt after what she did before."

"I know, but perhaps people can change. If anyone could get someone to be a better person I'm betting it's Nancy."

Daniel smiled, "You're right about that part. We'll see."

They returned to camp as the sun was dipping down, and Daniel started a fire that lit the clearing with dancing light. It quickly grew dark, and after supper, Daniel decided he would do some night fishing.

"Catfish bite best at night. Their bottom feeders so I stand a good chance of getting some when they come into the shallows to feed."

"I think you are going to be on your own on this one fishing seems a messy, smelly bit of business," commented Sophia.

She and the other girls decided to play cards while Daniel took his rod and reel down the hill to the small beach they had frequented that afternoon.

He sat in silence enjoying the quiet of the outdoors. The stars came out so thick it looked as if someone had spilled a box of glitter on the roof of the world. Daniel had brought a blanket to sit on, and he leaned back on it staring upward at the universe turning over his head as the hours slipped away.

"Catching anything?"

"A cramp in my backside," answered Daniel.

Sophia joined him on the blanket looking up.

"It's so beautiful out here. Thank you for bringing me."

"It isn't half as beautiful as you are," said Daniel brushing Sophia's dark brown hair away from her face. He brought his mouth to hers feeling the soft skin of her warm, full lips. They kissed slowly, but the passion between them quickly started to grow, and Daniel reached across her body to pull her closer. They fell back together sideways onto the blanket with their mouths never parting. Daniel was squeezing one of Sophia's impressive chest mounds through her shirt, and she sighed.

"Where are the girls?"

"They turned in early I think all that carrying, and setting up wore them out."

"Are you worn out?"

"I might have a bit of energy left..."

Sophia pushed Daniel onto his back while she sat up on her knees, and unbuttoned her shirt. It slipped off her shoulders easily. Underneath, she was wearing a sports bra that hugged her large, round breasts tight. Her nimble fingers slipped under the elastic, and she pulled the confining cloth off over her head her tits bouncing free, and settling onto her chest. Daniel could only look on in awe at how gorgeous she looked half-naked in the moonlight.

"Damn...Sophia..." he gasped.

She guided his hands to her chest, and he took to her breasts with boundless enthusiasm lifting the heavy mounds and bringing his mouth to her dark areolas courtesy of her Indian heritage. He licked the bumpy flesh all over savoring the feel of it against his tongue before catching one of her dime sized nipples between his teeth to nibble at it. Sophia groaned softly biting her lower lip. Daniel worked her breasts one at a time taking slow pleasure in licking, and sucking every sweet inch of them. Her silky smooth brown skin glistened with his spit before he pushed her around, and onto her back on the blanket.

He unbuttoned her shorts slipping them off her body and exposing her cotton panties. Daniel fancied that he could almost smell her wet arousal even before his speculation was confirmed by the sight of her juicy vagina reflecting the light. Sophia cried out softly again when he slipped between her legs and kissed the wet lips of her pussy before licking it from bottom to top.

"Ahhh! Daniel...You always make me feel so good..."

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