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Indian Wife and the Sailors Ch. 03

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My wife joins the captain's harem as his concubine.
8.8k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/21/2018
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This is the third part of a four-part story that contains elements of non-consensual sex, rape, unsafe sex, adultery, humiliation, forcible confinement, cuckoldry, exchange of body fluids and violence. Obviously do not try this at home. This is just a story. Read it to masturbate, not imitate. -- Tarek Zia (Author)

The author would like to thank Ms. AT Khan for her help in reviewing the story.

Part Three -- Bheem Takes Over

My wife becomes part of the captain's harem

Two days later, around the evening time, I was scrubbing one of the railings on the second deck, when I heard a commotion coming from the deck below -- the main deck. Altaf was with me and craned his neck to look. It was just about half an hour to sunset and a cool breeze was blowing from the Indian Ocean.

It was my wife Poonam.

She was naked, of course. Poonam was on her knees on the floor of the deck, her hair tied up in the back and held in a firm grip by Bheem. His dhoti was on the ground at his feet, and she had his cock in her mouth. My wife was giving him a blowjob.

And surrounding them were the rest of the crew. All of them were relaxing on deck chairs, watching the show. I saw Lalan, Suraj, Vivek and Sunny. I didn't see Madhavan -- he must have been on the bridge. And Altaf was watching with me from the upper deck.

Bheem held Poonam's hair in his fist, pulling her head up and down on his erection.

"Yeah, that's good, raandi. Keep that up, just like that, you hot little slut. I'm loving it, Mrs. Sharma!"

Poonam's head was bobbing as she sucked Bheem in and out of her mouth.

"Oh, you're good! Keep that up, now. Oh, yeah. Now, listen, you little slut, I'm getting ready to cum and I want you to swallow every drop of it. Do you understand, Mrs. Sharma?"

My poor wife looked up at Bheem and quickly nodded. Within seconds, Bheem began to push his meat even deeper into my wife's hungry mouth. He was cumming, and cumming big! I could see Poonam's throat working as she swallowed his ejaculate. A glob escaped her lips and ran down her chin, dropping from there to her swaying breast. When Bheem was done coming in her mouth, Poonam knelt, caught some of the cum on her finger and sucked her finger clean.

"OOOOH, that was good, Mrs. Sharma. The boys have taught you well!"

I had stopped what I was doing to see.

"Keep scrubbing!" Altaf growled at me, even though like me he too was watching the show on the lower deck.

"Yes, of course." I mumbled, wetting the sponge in the bucket and started to wipe the railing on this deck, even my eyes were on what was happening below us.

Bheem stooped to pull up his dhoti. He never seemed to wear underwear. Both times I had seen him get my wife Poonam to give him a blowjob, he had simply pulled his dhoti down, and his giant cock had sprung out. And both times Poonam had been humiliated in public, forced to give him a blowjob and suck him dry in front of the whole crew.

Poonam remained on the deck, kneeling, naked. The cool sunshine of the setting sun reflected of the sweat on her naked body, and on the drops of white cum still clinging to her cheeks and breast. Despite her effort, she hadn't managed to take in the whole load in her mouth, so there had been some spillage. I could see the tip of my wife's nipples -- they were firm and erect.

"Sunny!" Bheem yelled. "Get me some rope."

"Yes, boss." Immediately Sunny got up from his chair and rushed off somewhere. He returned a couple of minutes later with a rope and a knife.

I continued to scrub the railings, going towards the front of the upper deck. I was now directly above Bheem. I wondered what he wanted with the rope. I soon got my answer.

Once his dhoti was up, Bheem fashioned a simple noose in the rope, and without ceremony dropped it over Poonam's head, and drew it tight around her neck.

"You had better come with me, Poonam." He barked at her. "The sun is setting, and I don't want my slut to catch a cold."

"Yes, Bheemji." My wife demurely answered.

Ready to leave now, Bheem gave the rope a sharp tug to bring my wife to heel at his side. With that he led my helpless wife, stripped, humbled and ashamed, from the deck. The rest of his men followed along close behind. I could only watch in shock as my wife was led away naked at the end of a rope around her neck like a female prize captured by ancient slave traders.

"Where is he taking her?" I asked Altaf, as I finished the railings.

"It's his turn with your wife for a week now." Altaf told me. "But I guess he wants to give the boys a show before Poonam will be off limits for a week."

"Are they going to his room now?"

I could see Altaf was torn between his desire to get me to finish the cleaning job, and to see what Bheem wanted to do with my wife. In the end, his voyeurism won out.

"This way." He said. "The lower deck is shielded with a canopy here. I think everyone wants to have some fun. Poor Madhavan, he is stuck in the bridge, steering the ship."

I followed Altaf to the front of the deck and looked down.

As I watched from the upper deck, I saw Bheem lead Poonam into the middle of lower deck. There was a small canopy, and some lounge chairs there. Bheem told my wife to kneel there in the middle of the area. He left the noose of his makeshift leash around her neck. The rest of the gang members relaxed on the chairs. They were not bashful about staring at my naked and humiliated wife.

"I wonder why Bheem is not fucking her." Altaf said out loud. "She's a fine piece of ass, your wife. When she sucks your lund, she's like a vaccum, and when she is being fucked, she is so tight! Especially her ass!"

This lowly crook was describing my own wife to me in such crude terms, and all I could do is nod. I knew he and Vikas had shared Poonam last night.

"I think your boss is quite taken by my mother-in-law." I said, as I surveyed the area. "He has left my wife for you guys just for this."

Altaf turned to me.

"It is because your wife has disrespected Bheem on the first day." He said as a matter of fact. "By the time we let you go, your missus will be regretting that little fact forever."

With that ominous threat, he turned back to watch the goings on down below.

After a few minutes, Bheem tossed Poonam a sofa cushion.

"Here, Mrs. Sharma! Sit on this."

Gratefully Poonam sat on the soft pillow, bringing her knees in front of her so she could lock her arms around her shins.

"No, no, slut!" Bheem roared. "Spread your legs. Show us that pussy!"

I could see Poonam blush a vivid red, but she did as she was ordered to. Rocking backward to support herself on her elbows, she parted her feet to widen her knees and expose her sex. Grateful as she was to be off her sore knees and the hard floor, she was humiliated to sit in a room full of men ogling her most private parts as if she was some kind of sex trophy. It must have been unsettling for her to lay on the floor with her legs spread, and a rope around her neck, as if she was captive female flesh offered for sale in some illicit Middle Eastern slave market.

She didn't have to stay this way for long.

Soon Bheem stood up and took off his shirt. And then he dropped his dhoti, so that he was now fully naked, in front of all his men.


I could see his cock was now rock hard.


Before Poonam could even comprehend what was going on, Vikas and Sunny had her pinned down on the deck floor. Poonam was on her back, looking up, her hands held together by Vikas and Sunny.

"Spread your legs, raandi." Bheem ordered.

"Bheemji." My wife begged. "Not in front of everyone. Please take me to your room."

She still had a few morsels of dignity left.

Bheem laughed.



Bheem slapped her, across the face, and then struck her again with the back of his hand.

Then, in a split second, Bheem stepped forward, lowered himself over my wife and rammed his thick member straight up her cunt. Poonam cried out in pain. Bheem no doubt had the largest cock of the men, and I wondered how much he was stretching my wife's hole.

I watched (as did everyone else) as all the fat on the captain's body, from his puffy cheeks to his multiple chins to his ample stomach covered by the shirt, jiggled in the same rhythm as my wife's tits as he started fucking Poonam like a dog in heat. As she lay there, her hands pinned down by Vikas and Sunny, Bheem put both of his hands on her boobs and stepped up the pace.

"Gently. Bheemji. Please." My wife begged. "You are sooo big, Bheemji."


Her pleading was met with a sharp slap across her face.


The others were now watching, some of them rubbing their own cocks. I could also see the attitude of my wife changing. Vikas and Sunny had relaxed their hold on her arms, because they didn't need to hold her down any more. The size and girth of Bheem's dick was probably playing on Poonam's mind as he repeatedly pumped into her. Slowly her cries were changing to moans of pleasure. I saw Bheem's ass jiggle as he repeated ploughed into her.

With each stroke, she seemed to become a more than a willing participant in her rape. Poonam pretty much seemed to have embraced the situation. Her legs were parted and in the air. I saw her slowly wrap them around Bheem's back. She pulled him in, grunting in the process.

"See boss!" Vikas told his captain. "This slut loves it."

Bheem didn't respond. He kept pummeling my wife's cunt with intense concentration, staring straight into her eyes. Poonam stared back noticing the beads of sweat forming on his face. She was now groaning and grunting, in apparent delight, at the fast-paced fucking. I could sense a wave of pleasure forming inside her. I knew she was about to have an orgasm.

"Harder! Bheemji! Harder!" I heard her coaxing the captain.

Bheem complied. His ample tummy jiggled over my wife's flat stomach as he started fucking Poonam even harder.


Poonam cried out as the first wave of an orgasm hit her. Bheem responded by grunting and started bucking his hips even harder. It was too much for him. As we all watched, he squeezed my wife's tits hard, making her cry out in pain. Then his hips started to buckle and jerk. He was now cumming, emptying his load inside my wife.

The two were making some really loud obscene noises as the rest of the crew watched in fascination. Finally, both stopped shaking as Bheem emptied the last of his load in her.

Bheem bent down and kissed Poonam clumsily. I think Poonam was overcome with orgasmic ecstasy, since I saw her kiss him back passionately. As everyone watched, the two kept on kissing and Bheem was playing with her tits, his cock still inside her.

Bheem suddenly withdrew his cock from inside her and stood up, the action making a loud, wet noise as his member came out.

"Boss, how much did you cum inside her? She is still leaking!" Vikas was amazed at the cum still flowing out of Poonam as she lay there on the deck.

Suddenly Altaf poked me in the shoulder.

We had both been watching the action, oblivious to everything else.

"Time for you to be locked up." Altaf said. "Go to the washroom, and then go to your room. Don't take longer than five minutes."

"Yes, Altafji."

* * *

I stood with my ear to the wall, listening. Asin was already inside the captain's bedroom, of course, sitting on a now cleaned mattress with fresh sheets. Soon her daughter -- my wife -- would join her in the captain's harem.

The door suddenly opened, and then shut again. Poonam had been put inside the room, and then the door shut behind her, and locked. The captain would join them later.

For a second there was absolute silence. And then mother and daughter rushed to hug and greet each other. This was the first time they were seeing each other in two weeks.



"Oh, my beti. Oh, my beti." Asin was saying repeatedly, as she hugged and kissed her daughter on her cheeks. "Oh, my poor beti."

"Oh, my mama." Poonam replied. "Mama. How are you, my dear mama? You don't look so well."



I heard the two ladies hug and kiss for a while.



"Oh, Poonam, you are completely naked, beti." Asin said. "And you are ... leaking ... beti."

"I ... I have been nanga -- naked -- ever since that day, mama." Poonam answered. "And yes, I am leaking."

She gave a wry laugh.

"I was just fucked by the captain and two of his men on the deck, mama. They took care to deposit their cum up my choot. So of course, mama, I am leaking."

Asin didn't say anything, but I heard her take out some tissue. She told Poonam to sit on a chair and spread her legs. I guess she was cleaning her daughter up. Poonam, normally such a shy woman, remained sitting there, her legs spread apart, as her mother wiped her pussy.

"Shall I get one of Bheems shirts for you?" I heard Asin ask my wife.

"Um ... let it be, mama." Poonam answered. "Bheem has ordered me to remain naked throughout my time here, so I don't want to antagonize him any further. If I wear a shirt, I don't want him to get angry and then slap me again. At least you get to wear your dress when you are ... by yourself. I am to remain naked like a bitch. I have become a whore, mama. The only difference is -- I am not getting paid."

"Come." Asin told her, trying to comfort her. "At least sit on the bed. I will cover you with a blanket, even if you are naked. Come."

I heard the bed creak as both ladies sat on it. And then my wife broke down. She started to cry and sob, placing her head on my mother-in-law's shoulders and just bawling her eyes out.

"Oh mama! Oh mama! What hell have we become stuck in! Oh mama!"

"There, there." Asin tried to comfort her. "Just have patience, Poonam. Your husband is working on a plan. He said we will have a chance to escape soon. He didn't tell me anything else. You have to trust your fate, Poonam."

"My fate!" Poonam wailed. "Mama, these men! They are having sex with me without using any protection at all. No condoms. Nothing. I am being fucked bareback all the time. Every one of them."

"My poor daughter!" Asin thought for just a second, and then asked, "So, beti, how long do you think it will be safe, before ...?"

Poonam replied immediately. It was clear she had done the period math.

"I should have been safe for two weeks. But after that ... I mean ... from yesterday, and then now ..."

Her voice trailed off. She didn't need to elaborate. We were not to be released from this 'prison' for two months. So now, as those men would continue to have their way with her, along with their boss, Poonam would be ripe and fertile. And even then, it was just a game of chance. There was no way anyone could guarantee the period math. She could be pregnant already. Or she would be this week.

"They all take care to deposit their seed way deep." Poonam told her mother, in between her sobs. "All of them. When they are not fucking my ass, they take care to ensure I am fully taking their jizz in. They stay in until they are completely dry."

"There. There." Asin was comforting her. I could picture her holding my naked wife in her arms and softly stroking her hair with her hand. "Have patience, beti. Tell me everything that has happened to you."

Poonam started telling her mother everything. She began with the first night with Suraj, and then followed it all the way until she recounted what had just happened on the deck.

"Every day, mama." Poonam wailed. "Every day I am raped at least eight to ten times, mama. At least four to five times between the two men in the night, mama. Two blowjobs, and then two proper fucks. Those are long and hard fucks, mama. Unlike your damad Vivek, these men fuck me long and hard, mama. And they are all large and well hung too. And then during the day, those two men would visit again two to three times each. And of course, Altaf."

"Altaf?" Asin asked, surprised. "I thought these guys had their turns with you."

"Altaf just comes and fucks me in the day whenever he wants to, mama." Poonam said. "Bheem doesn't know. And none of the other men will tell on him."

Now I knew why Altaf disappeared from time to time! He was busy fucking my wife. And those were the times I had taken the opportunity to steal some stuff.

"You know, mama." Poonam continued. "As I said, Vivek is not as big as these guys. He also doesn't last long. So ... I am not used to this, mama. My poor pussy's sore ... and it's stretched so much."

Again, there was some silence as Asin comforted her daughter.

"OK mama. Enough about me. What about you?" Poonam asked her mother.

It was Asin's turn to recount her experiences. By the time she was done, Poonam was horrified.

"Oh mama. Oh mama." She was repeatedly hugging and kissing her mother. I could hear the sounds made as she pressed her lips on to her mother's cheeks.



"If it wasn't for Vivek babu, I had no doubt I would have fainted the other day." Asin was saying.

"Vivek? What about him?"

Asin then told her about how I had saved her the other day.

"You urinated in front of my husband?" Poonam asked, surprised.

And then they both burst out in laughter.

I stood there, hearing them laugh, and thinking it was so unnatural, and yet, for a moment, they saw the hilarious side of a dark situation. Yet this brief moment of calm wouldn't last soon, I knew. Soon Bheem would enter the room.

I began to think of the escape plan. The last couple of days I had been fine tuning it, so I now had a fairly good idea. I had told Asin that I would attempt an escape, just to boost her morale, but I had also not shared any details, lest she divulge it to Bheem by accident. Besides, there were so many things that could go wrong.

I had dismantled the alarm clock, removed the bell, and with a fair bit of tinkering, I managed it so that I could use it as a timer to strike a match. I could attach a match to one of the mechanical levers, wind up the spring (i.e. "set" the alarm) that the match would hopefully start moving when the "alarm" went off. If I firmly placed the setup next to the match box, the match would hopefully light up.

I could use the cooking oil and spread it on the boxes and the newspapers. Once the match was hopefully alight, it would set the oil on fire. Which would in turn hopefully burn those newspapers and wooden blocks.

At the same time if I timed it right, I could go to the deck below where the extra gas tanks were, open the nozzles slowly so that the gas would leak (albeit very gradually). Most of it would escape into the air but some would coagulate in the lower decks. Using the butter knife I could pry open some of the light switches, and ensure there was a loose connection. So when someone would switch on the light, sparks would fly, and hopefully ignite the gas.

I just realized there was a lot of "hopefully" in those sentences. Of course, it was all conjecture at this point, but if I did it, it would be a good distraction while we escaped. And how would we get to the bridge, lower the dinghy and then get on it without anyone catching us was another puzzle I hadn't solved yet. I had a vague idea, but nothing concrete.

Suddenly I heard the door open. It was Bheem. He was early tonight.

I heard both the women rush to prostrate at his feet and kiss his feet. It was evident that Asin had taught Poonam on what to expect. Bheem seemed pleased.

"I can see you have instructed her. Good." He said, as he bent down and patted both the women on their buttocks. Then he snapped his fingers and both ladies stood up, straight, waiting for their master's next action.


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