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Instant Attraction Ch. 01

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A work romance with an erotic twist.
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This is a story of desire and discovery.

Rachel is thrown into a world which shocks and intrigues her, though will she be able to truely let go.

Will she discover her inner animal and go wild, embracing the possibility of sex beyond her wildest dreams?

Chapter 1



The alarm sounds ring around my ears, as I fumble to turn it off, accidentally knocking it onto the floor. Hearing it hit the ground, unbothered I roll over in the hope to get a few more moments within my warm bed. Not wanting to face the day ahead, however now my sleep had been interrupted, my mind began waking, filling with thoughts.

What should I wear?

Would this be the fresh start I had been hoping for?

Would I get the job?

What will it be like?

For the past couple of months, I had been trying so hard to get a job and find my feet again. Following a very messy break-up.

I had recently moved into a quiet town, on the edge of the city, to escape the harsh memories of my failed life with my ex Ethan.

We had lived together in the city for over four years, it was devastating having to start again. He had been the love of my life, I had not expected us to ever not be together. We had built a lovely home and had started to plan having a baby, then everything went wrong.

My world fell apart, when I walked in on him in our home, pleasuring a man. I had never felt so humiliated and disgusted in all my life, my heart instantly shattered. Unable to process what I had just witnessed, I immediately left. Heading straight to my best friend Cathy's. Realising the truth of what Ethan had been hiding, I was left broken feeling unattractive and betrayed.

Cathy was able to help me pick up the pieces and pull myself back together.

Unable to face seeing Ethan again, she collected all my things and dealt with him on my behalf. She was just amazing, I could never thank her enough, for her support and love.

It was Cathy, who was able to get me an interview at a private law firm, Pattison and Hyde.

I was hoping to be the new secretary to a Conner Hyde.

Cathy had studied with him, she said he was a ruthless lawyer and a bit of a loose canon at times, though overall a nice guy.

She had also told me that his last secretary left suddenly to go to another firm, meaning he would need me to start as soon as possible.

Today was my interview, I had never even met him, Cathy had organised everything. 
She recommended me, so the pressure was on.

Reluctantly pulling myself out of bed, I go for a shower, to properly wake myself up. As the water poured over my body, I closed my eyes, trying to relax.

Moving my hands over my hair to wash it. I wash my hair while thinking about what to wear for the interview.

After squeezing as much of the water from my hair as possible, I take a towel and wrap it around my body.

Wanting to make a good first impression, I knew I had to dress smart and seemingly confident.

Pulling on a matching red lace bra and knickers, I look at myself in the mirror. Glancing back at my clothes on the rail, trying to decide on what would be appropriate.

Then I see it.

A knee length navy sleeveless dress, the neckline squared. Pulling it on and positioning it over my body, I smooth my hands over the fabric.

Pulling on a pair of black heels, I take another look in the mirror. The dress clung to my figure, enhancing the curves of my hips and bottom.

My main asset was my breasts.

Being rather large the squared neckline was pulled forward, leaving my cleavage very visible. I let out a long sigh, unsure if this was too revealing.

Knowing, that no matter what I chose to wear, my voluptuous bosom would always be very much there.

Perhaps a skirt and blouse would be better?

Seriously Rachel.

Get a grip. The dress is fine.

Smart and formal. Perfect!

I doubt Mr Hyde would be bothered by what I wore anyway.

I quickly dry my hair as much as possible with the hairdryer, being careful not to over do it, as my hair can be a little wild at times.

Having natural curls in my hair, it sometimes went crazy, making it difficult to style.

My hair was a natural brunette, reaching to my lower back. Still slightly damp, I look in the mirror to decide on how to wear it.

Down and wild?

or up in a ponytail or bun? 

I decide on pulling only the sides back loosely into a low ponytail.

Checking the time it was nearly 9:30am, my interview was at 10am. I quickly add some makeup, keeping it simple with a touch of eyeliner with a slight dusting of blue, before adding mascara.

My eyelashes were already long, though with mascara they became even longer, framing my hazel eyes perfectly. I was ready.

Taking my clutch bag, I check that I have my keys and phone.

Grabbing my portfolio, I leave my apartment. Nerves building in my stomach, knotting as I walked up the street.

As I walked my mind began wandering again.

Will it be Conner interviewing me?

What was he really like?

Would he like me?

What if he doesn't?

Oh God!

I had arrived.

Stood outside the building, I glance up at the sign, 'Pattison and Hyde'.

The front was very posh and inviting with double glass doors, large windows either side with sash blinds.

Taking a deep breath, I push the door and walk in. As the door closes behind me, a lady sat behind the desk looks up and smiles.

"Good morning, how can I help?"

Feeling so nervous I clear my throat, before saying quietly.

"I'm here to see Mr Hyde."

As the words left my lips, I could feel my heart pounding hard in my chest, aware my body was also shaking. I fidget nervously, as she checks on her computer.

"Rachel Kendall?"

She asks, glancing at me looking me up and down, as if checking me out. She must see I was here for an interview.


I smile. Trying to ignore her intimidating look, despite how friendly she seemed, I felt so small and inadequate.

She was probably thinking

'what the hell is she wearing?'


'no chance, looking like that!'

My heart was still pounding and my thoughts were going crazy, my palms sweaty.

"Please take a seat, Mr Hyde will be ready in a moment."

Her expression that of curiosity and disgust now. Though, this could be me overthinking things. I felt very insecure and inadequate being here.

Completely out of my comfort zone.

I take a seat, putting my hands nervously in my lap, clutching my folder and bag tight.

Glancing around, I could see a lift in front of me, a door to the right.

The sign said 'Alfred Pattison.' I realised that Mr Hydes office must be upstairs.

Deep in my thoughts, I didn't hear the lady calling me at first.

"Miss Kendall!"

I heard suddenly.

"Sorry, yes?"

I instantly stand up, feeling embarrassed and flustered again.

"Mr Hyde is ready for you now, please go on up, second floor."

She smiled as she pointed towards the lift.

"Thank you."

I approach the lift doors, pressing the button marked 2, I wait. my whole body was shaking, which didnt help the fsct that my bossom made this rven more obvious, vibrating my swelled flesh as I shook.

Hearing the ping of the lift arriving makes me jump slightly, the doors open and I walk inside, turning immediately so I am facing out. Still trying go calm myself so I stopped shaking.

Perhaps he wouldnt notice?

The doors close and it begins moving upwards. I'm still shaking all over from nerves, trying to compose myself for this interview. It was no use.

Surely he would expect me to be nervous?

This was actually happening.

My first interview in months.

I needed this job, desperately needed this.

My heart was pounding so fast and my stomach felt like it was trying to relocate in my shoes. My mouth was dry and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

Oh Goodness, I was a mess!

As the doors open I step out into an open room, with a room on the left, this looked like a meeting room. I could see a man stood looking out of the window in front of me.

He was talking on his phone. 

Unsure of whatcto do, I approach his desk and stand patiently, watching him.

My hands still clutching my portfolio and bag. I am drawn to his stunning bottom, the firmness hidden beneath his trousers. The outline visible as if to tease. As he tilted his weight from each foot I could see the firmness of his cheeks pressing the fabric.

With his broad shoulders and strong stance, I couldn't help but continue to stare at him, watching him move was enchanting.

His shirt tucked neatly into his trousers, the cotton of his shirt was thin and I could make out the shapes of his shoulders and back, he looked toned. Imagining his body beneath his shirt, his firm buttocks, mmmmm he was very yummy.

I take a silent gasp at the wonderful sight.

He continues talking on the phone, seemingly unaware of my presence.

I could feel myself becoming really hot, the pleasure of watching him had certainly had an effect. I hadnt even seen his face yet and I

was already going wild.

Needing to cool myself, I gently fan my portfolio over my chest and face to try and relieve myself from the heat I'd created. Hearing this he starts to turn, making me instantly freeze.

I watch as he spins round, as he sees me he instantly stops talking and just stares at me. Staring for what seemed like forever, I am also transfixed to him, we were both staring, saying nothing.

I could feel his eyes scanning my body, as though he was taking a mental picture of every part of me. His eyes were so captivating I found myself lost looking into them.

Oh my goodness, what was happening to me?

My body was going wild inside, his stare was so intense.

The heat of my body was making my head feel light. Everything was going crazy, I even had pulsing in my knickers. I really needed to sit down adn fast.

Looking away, he ends his call and pushes his phone onto his desk.

I had found myself still staring, watching him, not realising my jaw had also dropped open slightly.

I was left utterly bewildered by him.

He was a tall, handsome man with deep piercing blue eyes, they were a blue which sucked you in so deep it took your breath away. He had a firm yet rough face with prominent, striking features. He had a look of fierce firey power, like a lion guarding his pack.

Looking at him in that moment I was completely lost, overwhelmed by his pure beauty. He was utterly gorgeous

Feeling warmth building in my stomach, with a sudden rush and throbbing between my legs. I realise I had to say something, quickly.


I start stammering as my brain had lost the ability to allow me to speak.

"Miss Kendall. Hello."

A smile filled his face, his eyes narrowing as he openly looks me up and down, as though the first time wasnt enough.

Slowly licking his lips, he sits at his desk. Leaning back in his chair putting his hands behind his head, stretching back as he looks at me, though I was unsure exactly where he was looking.

"Please, sit."

He says softly.

Has he noticed my nervousness?

I quickly sit opposite him, trying to calm myself. The feeling in between my legs was so intense, plus with the lucid thoughts of him surging into my mind.

His lips were so inviting, so plump and they seemed to call to me without moving.

I find myself imagining them on my mouth, moving my tongue along them, feeling his breath on my face.

I feel my cheeks begin to flush, burning engulfing my face as the dampening between my legs and throbbing intensifies. The flush of my cheeks was undeniable, he would clearly know this was a reaction to him. I had to try and disguise this as nerves and fast.

"Sorry, I thought you meant for me to come in, I'm here for the interview"

I quickly ramble out, trying to regain some form of composure.

He continued staring at me saying nothing. His eyes watching me, taking in what I was saying. I watch as he lets a faint smile cover his face again.

He seemed to find my embarrassment of blushing and being flustered by him very entertaining.

I could tell he knew this was more than nerves. It was in his eyes. His look told me he was enjoying it.

I always find a way to ruin things for myself.

In this case it was just walking into a room, Great!

"Relax. I won't bite.........not yet anyway. "

His tone low and husky. If I'm not mistaken, it could also be considered a sexual tone.

Was he really flirting with me?


He was not being flirty!

He was just trying to calm my nerves.

Calm yourself, this could be your new boss! Behave!

He certainly would NOT be having dirty thoughts like you!


I babble again, he was very intimidating.

"Do I make you nervous, Miss Kendall?"

A cheeky questioning look on his face, as if his question had a hidden meaning.

His voice was still deep and husky.

He was deliberately teasing me.

He could clearly see he made me nervous. He could also see I was getting extremely overheated and flushed, my body was giving everything away without me even having to say a word.

"Oh........well...yes, yes. I am a little nervous yes."

Trying not to feel upset, sensing he was not impressed by me at all. Hilding bsck fhe tears I take a deep breathe, hoping something would haplen to end this nightmare.

Less than two minutes and I have ruined my chance!

So much for Cathy recommending me.

He must think I am a blithering idiot.

He nods, pausing for a moment.

"Yes, but are you nervous due to this interview? Or of me clearly being attracted to you, don't be afraid, please tell me what your thinking?"

His tone was firm and direct yet with a very demanding tone, indicating he wanted me to answer honestly.

He was definitely flirting with me and openly so!

What sort of interview was this?

From the moment I walked in this had not seemed like an interview, more like an audition.

A sexual chemistry took over and it was completely out of my control.

Yes, he did seem to be loving every second, or was he just being a tease?

He was difficult to read.

"Oh...........you......Sorry, em yes."

Lowering my gaze to my lap. Knowing it was pointless trying to lie and deny it.

I felt embarrassed that I was nervous of him, plus that he said he found me attractive.

If only he knew that I felt that same attraction to him, yet from the looks of it he already did.

"Right. Good! I tend to have that effect. I apologise, please do try and relax. anything else?."

As he says this, he stands and moves around his desk.

Sitting on the edge just in front of me, within a couple of inches of my chair.

This was not helping my nerves in any way.

He had done this on purpose, I could clearly see he was very aroused.

An erection was clearly pushing against his trousers, my eyes drawn to it immediately.

I gasp loudly and bite my lip.

He wanted me to see it! He wanted me to know how aroused he was, but why?

What was he expecting from me?

His bold demeanour and confidence was extraordinarily erotic, strangly making me want him more. Yet stopping myself as he was meant to be interviewing me.

My head was spinning, this was certainly the strangest interview.

"May I see?"

Holding out his hand for my portfolio, I hand it to him.

Watching, as he opens it thumbing the pages. He glances up occasionally, before continuing to read.

Closing it, he places it on his desk, he looks at me as his eyes start scanning my face.

I could see his gaze exploring my cleavage and down my body as I sat there.

He was making it very obvious he was looking at every inch of me, he was looking very intensely.

My insides were going wild, as I felt his eyes burning over my body.

The heat I was generating was making me continue to flush red as my heart beat was so rapid. 
I felt embarrassed that I was this turned on by him. 

This was a bad situation, dangerous yet I strangely really liked it too.

Why was he purposefully doing this?

Was it obvious that I found him attractive? Could he sense the dampness within my knickers making me yearn for him?.....wanting him to touch me....STOP!

What was happening to me?

I was staring again, his eyes were locked on mine. 

I hold my breath wanting to disappear.

My heart was pounding so hard my body was wanting to burst, it was so difficult to hold back my inner urges.

His eyes were so intense as if he was undressing me with them, making my body react further.

"So.......why do you want to work for my firm, Miss Kendall?..................Why should I.........take you?"

Again in the husky sexy tone he had used earlier, his choice of words surprising.

'Take me' This was definitely deliberate.

Was he purposely being seductive, luring me in on purpose?


This was definitely the weirdest interview ever.

He didn't even know me?

What was he doing?

Trying to think of an answer which matched his question.

"I think I have a lot to offer. I'm hard working, committed, punctual..."

"STOP!" He snapped. "Try again, this time be honest."

He looked me right in the eyes, a demanding, fierce look met me back.

He certainly did NOT want me to tell him what I was thinking, oh no!

Thoughts of him kissing my neck, his hands moving up my skirt, touching........oh no!

My thoughts were beyond repeating, they needed censoring.

He was staring at me, waiting for me to answer,

What was the look in his eyes filled with?...desire?.................no lust!

Oh my!

"Ok. I feel very intimidated by you. Forcing me to answer awkward questions."

I snap back. The throbbing in between my legs was so fierce. I was concerned he would be able to smell my arousal.

"I do however love a challenge. That challenge would be resisting the temptation of you!"

The nerves I had felt were replaced with a slight determination to prove to him I was what he wanted, professionally at least.

He nods as he listens to me.

My eyes move over him taking in his body, my gaze is drawn to his crotch, the erection was still very visible, pressing against the fabric of his expensive trousers.

I couldn't help but bite my lip again.

"That will certainly be a very difficult challenge."

I say without thinking. My gaze transfixed on his bulge, letting him see I was looking and liked it.

"I see. Good. Miss Kendall, do you think you will succeed?"

His expression was cheeky, he clearly liked that I saw him as a challenge, which was clearly not work related, but implying something else.

A subtle hint and I liked it. I wanted to test his response and see if I was right.

"I will try my best."

Straightening my back, pulling my shoulders back enabling my posture to straighten.

This also pushed my breasts forward even closer to him. This was not intended though due to him sitting so close, he was able to see the full effect and more.

I watch as his eyes are drawn to them.

"I can see."

Standing, he walked back around his desk and sat again.

"I think the challenge will be for the both of us, Miss Kendall!"

Hearing him say that made my heart stop, a lump formed in my throat. I cough nervously, trying again to hide the redness of my embarrassment.

"Is there anything else you wish to know sir?" Trying to sound professional. As I spoke he tilted his head towards me.

He looked like he was pondering my question.

"There is plenty I would like to know, but for now.........do you have any questions for me?"

"My previous role required me to stay late and weekends. Is this something you will be requiring too?"

"Well.......flexibility is recommended, I am very demanding, yes. I believe I will. Definitely." His eyes move over my face as though he was gauging my response.

"Flexible. Right."


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