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Isabel, The Beauty Next Door Pt. 06

Story Info
Isabel finds strength from James.
28k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 07/06/2023
Created 11/05/2020
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Hello and welcome to part six. Once again I must thank you for all the positive feedback as well as the constructive. Please feel free once again to leave me a message and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

As always all sexually active characters are over the ages of eighteen.


Isabel is sat on her bedroom floor, with her back up against her bed. She's looking out her bedroom window at the blue sky, watching the different shapes of the small clouds floating slowly by. Her eyes still sting, and the skin on her face feels tight from where her tears have dried.

Her mind drifts back to the week before, and the wonderful sensation of being loved. When James's cock naturally pushed its way inside her for the first time, and the fact that it felt so right. How could a week change things so much?

A fresh tear escapes the corner of her eye and makes its way down her cheek.

"Isabel, can you come downstairs please?" Her father calls up. "ISABEL?" The second time he shouts making her jump.

She wipes her tears away just before they have time to reach her chin. "Ok, Dad." She slowly gets up because her legs feel like they are made of lead. Unlocking her door, she makes her way downstairs, and into the kitchen.

Isabel slumps herself down on a chair around the dining table. Her eyes are fixed on her fingers that are picking at a piece of loose skin. She glances up when her mum walks in from the garden with her arms full of the day's clothing wash. Mr. Richards is sat drinking his cup of tea waiting patiently for his wife to finish, and join them at the table. Isabel is getting fidgety, she just wants to go back to her bedroom away from everyone.

Finally, her mother sits down next to her father, and they both look at Isabel.

"What?" Isabel says, ready to storm back upstairs.

Heather Richards takes a deep breath, "I am not sure what that was all about earlier, but...."

"But nothing." Isabel snaps.

Heather Richards rolls her eyes, "okay, I wasn't going to ask the reason, but out with it." Isabel's dad has put the paperwork he was holding down on the table and has folded his arms. Both parents are looking at Isabel. Her father has an angry look in his eyes that she rarely sees from him. Isabel was feeling like a little girl again, and that made her even more uncomfortable.

Isabel was about to speak but the sound of a siren momentarily distracts her.

She stops for a second to glance out the open door, then takes a deep breath. "I overheard mum, and Mrs. Stokes talking earlier. I heard them say that James had been offered a place in Cambridge, and to not tell me."


"And, that's my dream, and he's going to leave me here. I love him so much and he will find someone else......" Her voice peters off. Isabel's eyes are starting to fill with tears again.

Their conversation is broken by a police car going past with all its light flashing. Harry Richards momentarily gets up to look out of the top open half of the kitchen door. After realizing he can't see anything he sits himself back down again.

Heather Richards says in a calm voice "And what makes you think James would do such a thing?" She is now feeling a twinge of guilt herself as she is met by silence. She takes a deep breath and tries a different tact. "Isabel you are the most headstrong but rational person I know, so please enlighten me too why you are behaving like a ten-year-old?" Her Mother sits waiting for an answer.

Isabel has no answer to either question, and it's written all over her face as she struggles to say anything. "Because that's what men are always like?" She finally comes up with but she's not even convincing herself of her words.

Mr. Richards is losing his patience, his anger and frustration are getting the better of him. "So," he begins, "you wouldn't consider that the moment James was offered this job, that he wouldn't ask if it would be possible for you to be included? It also didn't cross your mind then that he is so determined for you to achieve your dream that he is willing to help support you through university, making it now possible for us to afford to send you?" With each point, his voice gets louder. "And finally," He slams his hand down on the table in frustration making both Isabel and Heather both flinch, "It didn't enter your head that he could have risked losing his dream job, because he is so bloody in love with you?"

There's a moment of silence, but then as the realization of what her father has said, and ferocity in the way he said it sinks in, her eyes start to fill with tears. She drops her head in shame and says in a quiet voice "No." Isabel realizes what a fool she has been which is so irrational for her.

Heather Richards Just nods her head and places a calming hand on her husband's hand. They have learned over the years to let Isabel come to her own conclusion, so they sit there in silence. Heather can see that the realization of Izabel's actions is sinking in. She looks at the face of her beautiful daughter watching her put herself back together. Momentarily Heather marvels at the power of Isabel's love for James and how it's changed her.

Her thoughts are distracted by the commotion outside. All three glance out the window as more sirens seem to be getting closer and much louder.

Isabel's mind is processing what has just been said, and then the memory of her shouting at James hits her like a clenched fist. She brings her hand to her mouth with a gasp as tears once again slide down her cheek. "Oh shit, I was so nasty to him. I said such horrible things." Mrs. Richards now moves round to comfort Isabel. "Mum, do you think he will ever forgive me?" Isabel blurts out as her mother's arms wrap around her.

Mr. Richards stands up and looks out the back door, the sirens are getting a lot loader, and seem to be heading their way. Now he can tell there is more than one type of emergency vehicle.

As he turns back into the kitchen a police car flies past, "bloody hell," he shouts. Harry walks out the door as first one ambulance, then a second. By this time the whole Richards family is outside. They can see some of the other neighbors outside including the Stokes. Isabel looks for James, but can't see him.

She calls to James's mother. "Heather, have you seen James?"

Heather Stokes shakes her head. "Thought he was with you."

Isabel has an uneasy feeling in her stomach, but puts it down to her being upset and walks back into the house. She sits down to think about what her Father has begun to tell her before the interruption.

After a while, her parents come back in, as they sit down Isabel who has now composed herself is first to speak. "So what you are telling me is that James has been offered a job. In turn, this will enable us to afford to send me to Cambridge. Am I right so far?"

"Yes, I believe that sums it up."


"How what?" Mr. Richards asks.

"Well unless we've won the lottery or something, how does this enable you to suddenly have enough money to send me to Cambridge?"

"Ah, well I was hoping that James would be here to fill you in on that part. OK, so the outline is James has been offered a job at Sampson Harris. They want him to attend Cambridge to obtain the appropriate qualifications. They insist on Cambridge because they want the best and it also looks good on the companies CV. They will pay for an apartment for him to stay in and will pay him a wage whilst he is there. He asked them if it was possible for you to share the apartment and they agreed in principle. This will enable you both to stay there rent-free, and his wage will pay for your food. All we have to find is your tuition fees."

Isabel sits there for a moment absorbing the information. The reality of the conversation is just sinking in. "There's a lot James is doing for me. Is this for real?" Both her parents are nodding their heads and smiling. Then the reality of it all hits her, she puts her hand over her mouth. "Holy shit and this is really happening."

"Well, you need to talk to James first and agree. James will then sign the contract on Monday morning, with the agreement to let you stay with him. This is all subject to the solicitor's ok. The finance for the first two years is in place, so when I get the OK from James, I sign on the dotted line."

"So we will be living alone together? Are you okay with that?"

"Well, you've spent as much time over there as you have here." Her Dad said flippantly. "And I do like James," he adds trying to rescue the point he was trying to make but failing so he adds, "as long as you are 'careful', then I suppose that we are okay with you two living together."

There's an uneasy silence, Isabel's Mum then says, "Isabel, if we had a choice in who you fell in love with, lived with, or even marry, we would choose James. Even before he was offered the job. He is obviously very good for you and makes you happy. The fact that you have been a totally different person since you two met helps as well. You are both very intelligent people and I have confidence in both of you."

Isabel raises her eyebrows and blows out a breath she was holding in. A smile spreads across her face. "Looks like I am going to Cambridge." In a voice that sounds like she still can't quite believe it. The worry is written all over her face, she just hopes James will forgive her. Her eyes again go to the open back door as the unmistakable sound of a helicopter nears. It passes some distance away around the backside of the houses opposite so they didn't think any more of it.

"Ok, so we will know Monday for definite when James signs, and I have the finances in place to make this happen. We just needed you to say yes to set the wheels in motion."

Isabel takes a deep breath, "Hang on, so what was the, 'don't tell Isabel', about?"

Isabel's mother explains, "We had hit you very hard with the fact we have no money to send you to Cambridge and didn't want to get your hopes up before it became reality. James had a couple of ideas before he got the job offer. Now the offer is in place and your father has the backing of the bank. The last stage is telling you and getting your agreement. Your dad will go into the bank Monday and sign the papers once James has accepted the job offer, and double-check they are happy with you being with him."

"We know it's a stupid question, but it is one we need to ask," Harry says putting the paperwork into a folder.

Again there is a silence while Isabel again processes things in her mind. So much has happened in the last weeks. Her head had shut down, and she had lost all hope. It doesn't help she is suffering from mental exhaustion.

"Wow, you all have done this for......." Isabel is stopped by someone coming to the back door.

A woman police officer appears at the back door. "Excuse me, is this the Stokes residence?"

Mr. Richards stands up. "No officer, they live next door." He points her in the right direction.

The policewoman thanks him, and makes her way towards the Stokes's house. As she walks away the Richards quickly follow on behind.


Heather Stokes is sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea. Her husband Thomas is sat in the lounge watching Sky Sports when the woman police officer knocks on the back door.

"Excuse me is this the Stokes residence?" The woman police officer asks, startling Heather.

"Yes officer, I am Heather Stokes."

Thomas walks around the corner to see what's happening. "How can we help you, officer?"

"Is this the residence of a James Stokes?"

"Yes officer, I am James's father Thomas Stokes, this is my wife Heather." Then he remembers all the emergency vehicles that had gone past not twenty minutes before. "Has something happened to James?" His voice has started to break.

Isabel appears behind the officer, "What's happened, Is James OK?"

The officer looks a bit uncomfortable. "There's been an accident," She begins, she takes a breath before she delivers the bad news. "James has been hit by a car."

"What? How bad is he hurt? Please tell me he's not dead?" Isabel is in tears as she bombards the Police Woman with questions.

The Officer quickly moves to calm the situation. "No he's hasn't died. I'm sorry Miss. You are?"

"This is Isabel Richards, she is James's girlfriend." As Heather Richards speaks the Ambulance goes back past with its blue lights going.

"Is that James in the Ambulance?"

"No, that would be the driver or the child. We have called the Air ambulance in, James will have to be airlifted."

Heather Stokes is now glancing from one person to another looking for someone to tell her what is happening. Not knowing what to do tears are now cascading down her cheeks.

Thomas then asks, "How bad is he?"

"It's not certain, he was unconscious when we arrived on the scene. I got his name and address from his provisional driving license that was in his wallet. What seems to have happened is that he was at the bottom of the road near the small bridge. He had moved out of the way to let a car past with a woman and her two kids. The older of the two children broke free from his mother just as the car came close. James seems to have been hit by the car saving the little boy's life. We won't know how bad he is until he gets to the hospital and the doctors look at him."

The three of them just stand there looking at each other for a moment. "Where have they taken him?" James's mother asks as she pulls Isabel in for a cuddle.

"He's gone to the North Devon District Hospital."

"Ok, thank you, officer. Isabel, can you stay here, and look after Sarah?"

"Is there any chance I can come? I wasn't very nice to him earlier, and I need to see him. Please?"

"I will take Sarah over to my house if you like." Heather Richards says as she walks into view after standing behind the police officer.

The officer excuses herself, and she leaves the Stokes's house. Shortly after the helicopter is flying back over. They all come outside to watch still a little stunned.

"Ok, Heather thank you. Isabel, we will be leaving in about five minutes." Mr. Stokes takes control and pushes his wife back into the house so they can get ready to go out.

Isabel thanks them, and runs home to change her clothes.

Twenty minutes have passed by the time they leave for the hospital. The car is quiet except for the radio that is on in the background. The normally smiling faces are sullen and serious for once. Isabel is sitting quietly in the back. She is thinking how lucky she is to have such a wonderfully thoughtful boyfriend. They haven't known each other for long but have given themselves to each other totally and unconditionally. Then a thought crosses her mind, what if he is badly hurt, or worse dead? Shit, what will she do if he is no longer in her life? She felt the loss immediately. Her heart sank, and she suddenly felt sick. All thoughts of Cambridge are gone. All she can think about is what would she do if she lost the love of her life? She didn't want the last words she said to James to be ones of hate. She didn't realize and not for the first time that day tears are running down her face.

Heather Stokes turns and glances at Isabel after she hears her whimper. "He will be alright Isabel, don't worry. James is a very strong young man." She reaches back and puts her hand on hers to try to comfort Isabel.

Isabel can't answer and desperately tries to wipe the tears away. She knows James is strong, but he had been hit by a car. She glances down at Heather's hand that is covering hers. She sees how important James has become to her and not because of the university. Heather's hand feels comforting, so she moves her other hand on top.

They pull into the hospital car park and walk down to the A&E reception. They stand there in silence waiting for their turn.

"How can I help you tonight?"

"Ah-Hi." Mr. Stokes says rather hesitantly. "Our son, James Stokes has been brought in? He was involved in a car accident."

The receptionist taps away on her keyboard. "Ah, here we are, James Stokes. Can you give me his date of birth please?"

"Yes, it's 24th June 2002."

"Thank you, is the address still, The Cedars, Combe Lane, Georgeham, and is his doctor still Dr. Harrison?

"Yes, that's all correct. How is he?"

"Ok, Mr. Stokes. He is still in theatre, but if you take a seat I will get someone to take you up. They should be able to give you more information than me." The lady behind the desk smiles and indicates the way. She presses the door release to let them through the security door.

The trio makes their way inside and takes a seat in the waiting area. Just after they sit down a woman in her mid-twenties walks over.

"Excuse me, did I hear right, that you are James's parents?"

"Yes, yes we are." Heather Stokes replies. She notices that the woman has blood splattered all over her dress.

"Umm hi, my name is Monica. We were there when it happened." With that, she points to a young lad asleep lying across two seats.

Mr. Stokes stands. "Hello Monica, we did hear from the policewoman that he was injured trying to save a child, but other than that we know very little." Gesturing toward the blood. "Did you get hurt yourself?"

"Oh no, this blood is from James."

The gasp from Isabel was quite loud. Monica looks at Isabel and adds, "He had a bad cut on the side of his head. I held a compress on it while we waited for help. I was training to be a nurse before I fell pregnant with my eldest."

"Is he badly hurt?" Isabel asks, not really wanting to hear an answer.

"I'm sorry, I don't know. He was unconscious the whole time. All I can tell you is what I saw and what happened."

With tears in her eyes, Monica then went through the events of how James saved her son's life. Monica is feeling very guilty because her son caused the accident. Heather gets up and puts her arms around her and tells her it wasn't her fault. As she is explaining more of what she did while waiting for the ambulance a nurse appeared through some double doors. "Mr. and Mrs. Stokes." She calls looking around.

Mr. and Mrs. Stokes turn and Isabel gets to her feet. All three walk over to the nurse. "Hello, we are the Stokes."

"Hello, I have been sent down to fetch you. James is still in Theatre, but you can wait upstairs in the recovery room where he will be brought to when he gets out." The Nurse begins. "It's quite quiet now up there, James was lucky. The surgical team was still here when he was being brought in."

"Thank you Nurse...?" Heather Stokes asks.

"Sorry, I'm Amy, Amy Mills." She indicates the way and leads them to the lift, waving to Monica as they leave.

"Amy, can you tell us how badly James is hurt?" Heather asks as the lift doors open to let them in.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Stokes I can't. We did an initial assessment when he came in, but due to the blood loss from the cut on his head, we did not get a chance to scan him. We don't think he's got anything majorly broken, but we will need to do a full CT scan, and another assessment as soon as they can stop his head bleeding. They will also x-ray him there just in case of any internal bleeding. His head wound was a bit of a gusher. He was lucky that he only hit the car's window screen. The window shattering and seems to have taken most of the force of impact"

The lift doors open, and the nurse leads them to a room. Inside are several empty beds. "This is where the patients recover after surgery. It's empty now because the day surgery patients have either gone home or are back on the wards." Nurse Mills turns to leave, "if there is anything else you need I will be down the corridor on the left."

"Ok, thank you, nurse," Mr. Stokes says.

Heather Stokes turns to look at Isabel who has been stood there very quietly. "See, he's a strong young man, I'm sure he will be fine." With that, she pulls her in for a hug, something they are both in need of.


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