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It Happened in the Car Too... Err 03

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Ohhhhh, Mother.
7.1k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/20/2016
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Author's note: This story contains, incest, adultery, hetero Oral, vaginal, anal, Group sex and just a -smidge- of FISTING... Well, the woman has small hands so it's more like half a fist.

Everyone in this story is over the age of 18.

This is the third installment of the "It Happened in the Car'' series, and if you haven't read chapters 1 & 2 you really need to. Not for continuity. Just because that shit was HOT! Like, make your dick hard at a funeral!, kinda hot. Anyway, hope you enjoy chapter 3.

Hayden D. Linder


Facedown in the mattress breathing like I just finished the Boston Marathon. Upside? I'm still quivering from the orgasm my baby brother gave me. Downside? I can feel his cock twitching and pulsing in my ass... oh, I just came again.

OK. Mmmaybe that wasn't a downside.

I felt him kiss me behind my ear before saying, "Come on. We have to go see what movie Mom and Dad picked."

"Uh huh." I nodded while I drooled into his bed.

Carl pushed himself off of me. And I whined a moan as he sloooowwwwllly pulled his cock out of me. I gave a small gasp when the head slipped out. It only took us a few minutes to get ourselves together. Carl made sure to pull the choker off of me and put it back with his things.

"Heidi, what are you doing?" he asked.

I was raising his bedroom window and stepping through to the front yard.

"You told Mom you haven't seen me and we've been in here a while sooooo." I motioned to the window as I finished stepping through and closed behind me.

I saw him laugh before he left his room. I needed to put some time between him coming out and me returning home. I pulled out my cell phone and started checking email. I decided to walk around the block while I did that. It would give me time and help explain some of the sweat.

The only bad part was my butt was a little sore. Fucking Carl! It was my first time with anal and he >really< laid into me. Oh, fuck you. I know I liked it. That doesn't mean he's not a dick for being so rough.

Anyway, me and my sore ass walked around the block while I checked my email. When I re-entered the house I announced, "Hey everybody! What'd I miss?"

"Not much" was the overall consensus of the group. Dad had given in to Mom, since it was her Birthday weekend, and let her pick the movie.

She chose "Battletruck" starring Michael Beck. It's a 1980's Post-apocalyptic fight for survival and love. It was a horrible 80's "B Movie" thing of beauty. Horribly fun!

It was late by the time the film ended and I was exhausted. I made sure Carl knew I was NOT up for anything and went to bed. He laughed and stayed up a little longer talking to our parents. -I- was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

In the morning I found Mom making breakfast with Carl helping.

"Why didn't you guys wake me?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes on my way to get some coffee.

"It's the weekend." Carl replied. "Everyone gets to sleep in on the weekend."

Mom stopped whipping eggs and looked at him in mock surprise. "Do they?"

"Well, not you."{Not you} Carl and I said over each other.

She laughed and went back to work.

It wasn't long before we sat down to breakfast. Dad announced he would be grilling later. Because a friend had given him a leg of Javelina, a wild pig, he had shot on his land in South Texas. If Dad started cooking it soon then it could be ready by dinner.

After breakfast I went to grab a shower and get cleaned up. Carl grabbed my ass as I came out and he went into the bathroom. I re-opened the door and backhanded his junk before closing the door quickly behind me.

"HEIDI!" I heard him groan through the door.

He was going to have to be reminded, from time to time, just which of us was older. I laughed as I went out back to help Dad get the Javelina going. Carl never helped because he sucked at it. Well, he hated grilling AND he sucked at it. I'm not sure if the two were connected.

Once Dad was all set, I headed back inside to see if Mom needed anything. I saw Carl talking to her and walked next to him.

Mom was on the far side of the island from us preparing potatoes to boil for mashed potatoes later. We leaned against the island to catch up with her. Carl slid closer to me as I felt his hand slip under my skirt before he grabbed and squeezed my ass. It was hard to keep my focus on what mom was saying while Carl rubbed, squeezed and caressed my rear. It wasn't long before he slipped his hand into my panties. Now I had his bare hand on me. I glared at him. The little fucker just smiled back at me. Taunting me. I was getting wet.

His hand was delving a little deeper into my cleft. And I, stalwart individual who would never tolerate being molested by anyone... Yeah. I spread my feet apart and stuck my ass out.

"Honey. Are you OK?" Mom asked.

Carl had been fingering me to the edge of an orgasm for several minutes. My elbows were on the countertop while I had been hanging my head. I perked up to answer her. "Um? Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"Well, you've been moaning and sighing for the last few minutes."

"Oh! Uh, yeah. I have a crick in my neck that I've been trying to get rid of. That's all."

"I'm good with neck massages." Carl "The Bastard" stated.

I felt his left hand slide up to begin massaging and squeezing my neck and shoulder. While the first two fingers of his right hand eased in to continue his violation of me. I let go of a high pitched "hmmm."

"Is that better?" He asked with mock concern as his fingers curled around my pubic bone to get to the sensitive flesh just behind my clitoris.

I fought to keep a straight face as an almost too high pitched reply came out as, "Mm hm. Mm hm. Yeah, that's good."

I couldn't believe Mom didn't notice something was wrong. Carl was standing back from the island and it felt like he was using his left hand to pull me back onto his two fingers that were lodged in my vagina. Because that is what he was doing! But Mom appeared to be focused on her peeling. While -I- was grateful the island was a "built in!" So, it did NOT rock back and forth with me as Carl pistoned his two fingers in and out of me.

"Hey Mom, what's that?" Carl asked suddenly as he stood up and removed his soaking fingers from me.

Mom looked up from her work to see what he was talking about. "The cheese board? It's for slicing cheese and serving it. I was thinking of using it tonight after dinner."

Carl walked over and picked it up. It was a pine cutting board with one end tapered to work as a handle with a hole to hang it from the wall.

"It's a cheese board?"


"Cause it looks like a paddle."

Oh shit.

I stood up. My horror was plain for him to see. The prick smiled as he walked back to me.

Mom laughed. "It - is - a - cheese - board." She said succinctly.

"I wonder..." He mused before looking at me. "Bend over." He ordered.

I leaned over and rested my hands on the island. Mom was laughing to herself as she worked. Carl flipped my dress up and out of the way.

"POP." - I took a breath.

It -DID- ...feel like a paddle.

"POP." - "Mmmm." That stung.

"Carl? What are you doing?" Mom asked.

"POP." - I whimpered slightly.

"I'm trying out this paddle."

"POP." - "Ahhh." I looked over my shoulder at what he was doing.

"Well, stop it. I'm going to have to wash that now."


I could see my cheeks jiggle when he swatted them. I didn't mean to but I started shaking my ass left to right.

"POP." - "Mmm mm mm."

It took me a moment to realize I had lowered my chest closer to the island to stick my ass out even farther.

"POP." - Another quick intake of air.


"POP." - I rested my forehead on the counter.

"Yeah, Mom."

"POP." - "AHHH."


"POP." - "Errr?"

"Why?" He asked incredulously.

"POP." - "Ahhhhhh." I whined as I shook my ass even more.

"Well, there are a lot of reasons but mostly because you could hurt her."

"POP." - "Hngh." I whined again with my ass still shaking.

"She's fine."

I felt him hook his finger in the band of my panties and pull them down before gripping my cheeks as if to check them. "See? Not even red yet. They're barely pink."

"POP." - "Ohhh ho ho."

"You need to stop. This is..."

"POP." - "Ah!"

She sighed. "...inappropriate."

"POP." - I grunted.

"Heidi has never had a problem making people stop doing anything she didn't want them to do."

"POP." - Another grunt.

Mom sighed again.

"POP." - "Mmmm." I almost cried.

Mom came around to the side of the counter and gripped my hand. "Heidi, make him stop."

"POP." - "Ahh" I whined loudly before looking my mother in the eye. "I CAN'T." I admitted with tearful shame.

Mom grabbed Carl's arm. "You stop this right now! I don't know what you two are up to but she is not enjoying this!"

I looked back to see Carl make a sort of surprised/confused face at her before he set down the paddle. "Let me check." Then he stuck his right thumb in my pussy and started massaging my clit with his middle finger.

"Ahhhhhhhh errrr!" I smacked my forehead down on the countertop. My ass was shaking left to right like a machine-gun. "FUCK!FUCK!FUCK!"

"She seems to have been enjoying it, to me."


"Jesus, Carl!...Have you gone crazy?"

"AHHH! AHHH!" He was still fingering me.

"Of course not. But if she enjoys this then why not indulge her?"

"MRRRahhhhh... Ahhhh... ahhh!"

I didn't hear either of them say anything else but he was still fingering me on to a big one. Which we ALL knew he had done after I yelled an incoherent whine of a cry. I finally felt him remove his hand. I was holding on to the island for dear life when I felt his left hand begin to rub my back.

"There, you see? She's all better now."

"Better!?... There is something abhorrent in you! I'm not sure where we went wrong but... Jesus, Carl?!"

"Mom. She's my sister. I love her. If I can make her feel good then why shouldn't I?"

"Because!... It's... I..."

"Look. She enjoyed it. I enjoyed it. Hell, even you enjoyed it."

"I - did - not!"

"Well you sure took your sweet time on stopping me from spanking her..."

Mom was speechless.

"...And you didn't do anything to stop me from fingering her. You just watched."

"I..." She sighed. "I..."

I heard Carl pick the paddle up from the counter. I turned my head to see what he was going to do.

"Why don't you just admit that you enjoyed it? It's OK."

Mom was shaking her head at him and biting her lip.

"Or better yet. Come here." He walked her to the side of the island so she was perpendicular to me. In a stern tone he said, "Bend over and put your hands on the counter."

"Fuck you!"

"POP." ~ "Ow."

She jumped a little and rubbed her butt where he had swatted her.

It was Carl's turn to shake his head. "Bend - over." He commanded her.

Mom shook her head and seemed to be laughing to herself as she bent over and placed her hands on the edge of the island.


She looked back at him as if she was surprised he had done it. "Stick your ass out." He commanded.

"This is sick, Carl." She said as she stuck her ass into the air.

"POP." ~ "Ah... If your father finds out about this..."

"POP." ~ "AH... he'll kill both of us." She said looking back at Carl.

"POP." ~ "AH!.. You're not supposed to spank your mother."

"POP." ~ "Mmmm" She whined. "It's just twisted."

I heard Carl sigh. "You talk a lot for a woman that's being paddled." Then he unzipped her slacks and pulled them down to her knees. She was wearing a sort of Lycra top that had been tucked in so he pulled it up out of the way and stared at her ass.

"A thong?"

"No. It's a T-Back. See?" She pointed out the thick band at the top that made the T of her panties. "It's a totally different..."

"POP." ~ "Ow." She faced forward.

"POP." ~ "Erm."

I could feel my legs again so I stood up but kept a hand on the counter for balance. This gave me a better view of what Carl was doing to Mom.

"POP." ~ "Ooo!"

I noticed she had stopped talking after he took her pants down. He continued to smack her ass and she continued to utter little grunts and mewlings. He was nicer to her in the fact that when her ass got red he stopped and rubbed each cheek to ease the burning. I noticed she started moving her hips a bit when he did that. Once the red subsided a little he would go back to spanking her. The third time that he had to stop to rub away the red she was moving her hips and moaning so much that it was obvious she wanted to fuck something. I watched as Carl slipped his hand between her legs and began to rub her crotch.

"No! Baby, no! Stop!"

But the arm she grabbed to stop him was the one holding the paddle. While her hips were bucking and moving even faster against his right hand. I watched as he pivoted his hand up to slip under the elastic sides of her panties. T hen slid it back down to rub her bare pussy.

"Baby, you have to stop!"

Then her whole body shook as...

"Ungh... Ungh...Ungh...Ungh...Ungh...Ungh...OOOHHH!" She grunted several times and came. Carl set the paddle down and tugged her panties to her knees. He took his hand off her crotch just long enough to get around her underwear as it went down.

"Face - forward." He ordered.

I watched as mom gripped the edge of the counter with both hands but she made sure to keep her ass sticking out for him to manipulate. After a few moments of him diddling her I saw him slowly tug the zipper down on his fly before unbuttoning his jeans.

"Carl?!" I almost yelled.

"Don't you think she needs it, Heidi?" He replied as he pulled his cock free. "She's certainly earned it." He guided his dick with his right hand as he rubbed it back and forth against her slit. "Do you need it, Bitch?" He asked her but she just moaned in reply. He grabbed her by the hair with his left hand and pulled her head back. "Do you need to get fucked, Bitch?"

"Yes! God yes!"

No sooner had she said it then he slid his massive cock all the way into her. Mom let out a strangled kind of grunt. From the shaking her ass was doing I could tell she had come again. Carl started moving in and out of her at a steady pace. He let go of her hair and slowly moved his hands to grip her hips for better control. He removed his t-shirt and dropped it but never stopped his steady fucking of our mother.

Now, instead of the steady POP POP POP of the paddle it was the steady slapping noise of her ass bouncing off his hips. Mom grunted with every slap. I'm not sure how he knew but every so often he would pick up the pace just long enough for her to come again. After the fifth or sixth one I lost track of how many he put her through.

"She's doing very well isn't she, Slut?"

"Yes, sir." I almost whispered as I watched.

"You wish you were getting fucked like this?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, all in good time. For now, let's show her how proud we are of her. Climb up there and give "Bitch" a kiss for us."

I had to climb up on top of the island to get to her. She had been resting on her elbows hanging her head as she rode out the steady pounding of his cock. I took a fistful of hair and gently pulled her head back, as he had done earlier. Her eyes were closed when I gave her a light kiss. A slight pucker, just barely a graze of a kiss. She was so far gone that she didn't respond so I gave her a few more. I increased the intensity of each kiss until after a few she finally managed to reply with a small delicate kiss of her own.

We continued with our light kissing while Carl steadily bounced her on and off his cock. I slipped my tongue out just far enough to gently lick her lips. She had been moaning so much that her mouth was open. Sliding my tongue in wasn't difficult. But once I made contact with her tongue I got a moan out of her as she leaned in for more. I pulled her tight against my mouth as our kissing became more frenzied. It was only a few minutes later that mom broke from me to scream her final huge orgasm. Carl left her resting against the island as he pulled out of her.

"Our work here is done?" I smiled.

"Not quite." He smiled.

I watched mom drooling on the island while Carl walked to the stove and retrieved a bottle of olive oil. He quickly poured a line down the shaft of his dick and rubbed it all over. Walking back to mom he slipped a greased finger up her ass.

"Woah!" Her head came up.

She apparently wasn't THAT exhausted. She had jumped a bit before his left hand on her back pushed her back down.

"Be still." He commanded.

She whimpered but obeyed. Carl eased his middle finger in and out of her rear until she had loosened enough for him to slip in his index finger. It looked tight at first but he kept pushing gently until the ring of her ass relented. Carl sipped his dick back inside of her pussy while he fingered her ass.

Mom had been moaning and groaning while Carl fingered her butt, but once his cock slid back into her?

Her head came around as her mouth dropped open and she whispered, "Oh fuck yeah, baby."

After several thrust her head fell forward again just before Carl slipped a third finger in. She gave a whine when he started working his third finger into her. He kept at it until all three could slide in and out.

"I hope Dad doesn't catch us like this." I said.

"THAT -would- be bad." He laughed.

He had pulled his cock out and removed his fingers. Then positioned himself behind her so when she felt something soft and warm against her anus? She tensed up. He slid his left hand under her top and rubbed her back some more.

"Easy now. You're my good little Bitch. Right?"

She nodded and whimpered. "Yes."

"And my good little Bitch knows I would never do anything to hurt her. Right?"

"Yes." She whimpered again.

"OK. Then take a breath and let it out." She did. "Now, look over your shoulder and watch me." She did. Her face suddenly looked like, "Fuck, his cock looks huge!" Yeah. I been there, Mom. He slowly pushed into her until about half of the head was in.

"Ah..." She whimpered.

He backed up a little and pressed again.


He kept doing this back and forth motion as he slowly stretched her open.

"Gently, Carl." She whined. He gave her ass a slap. "Ow."

"Sir." He commanded.

His cock was now snug enough that he could grip her hips with both hands.

"I'm sorry, sir. Please be gentle, Car... Sir."

One more push and what I saw looked like her ass just sucked him in.

"Oh!" She blurted.

He gave her a moment to relax. "Not so bad, huh?"

She shook her head with a look of surprise. "No. It wasn't."

He used her hips to slowly pull the rest of him into her. Judging by the slow moan she let out. It was deep. Carl stayed all the way in her for just a moment before backing out to the sound of her humming another moan. Then a slow plunge back in.


Then back out and do it all over again. Carl kept up this slow steady grinding fuck for several thrusts.

Mom faced the island again as her head hung down. "Fuck, baby... Oh fuck... Mm... Uh..."

"How does that feel?" He asked.

She shook her head at the counter top. "Like a big cock's been stuck up my ass."

"SMACK!" He slapped her ass. ~ "Ow!" She looked back at him. "I'm sorry, CarSIR." She corrected herself.

He nodded his approval just before she hung her head again. Carl picked up his pace to more of a fucking. Mom groaned every few minutes as her son violated her backside.

And just when we thought he'd fallen into a groove Mom let out a moan. You know the one? God, I hope you know the one. The one that says "I'm about to cum?" Yeah. That one.

Carl picked up his pace a little more as Mom pushed herself up from the island. She was grunting from his thrusts by this point. But her moans were getting louder and coming faster. The closer she got to her eruption, the faster he fucked her.


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