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It’s a Daddy-Daughter Thing

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Walking the dog means alone time with daughter.
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*Megan is eighteen. Her father, obviously older, is whatever age you want him to be.

"I hope the rain stays away," Megan said, peering through the windscreen. "It's silly that we have to come all this way in the first place."

Molly barked in the back seat. Her frothy tongue flapping, she skipped restlessly from window to window. Greg was sure he recognised the Lexus parked next to them. He was also a bit surprised at his daughters tone. He thought she'd be happier to be here again, especially since their talk. Their talk about not going on such outings anymore. Perhaps she'd changed? Or was just being a moody woman like her mother. Either way, the dog needed to be walked.

"Molly doesn't seem to agree with you," her father joked. "We're here now. Let's get going."

Megan smirked at him as she tightened her boot laces. It was a grey, November day. Leaves of a hundred autumn colours covered the small walking trail. Greg adored this kind of weather -- peaceful and calming - so long as the rain held off. He squeezed his key remote and heard the electric click of the central locking system. Past the little wooden gate, Megan was being pulled along by their hyper dog. Molly wasn't that big, but then neither was his daughter. A strong breeze could probably knock her over. Glancing around, the trail didn't seem very busy today. That was good. He brought his eyes back to Megan's yoga pants. A good choice for casual exercise. She stopped at the opening of one of the side trails.

"What are you doing, honey?"

"Just letting Molly off the leash. So she can run around."

She smiled at him as she backed slowly down the trail.

"Not yet, Meg. We're too near the road here. Might be unsafe for...Molly."

Her lips surrendered her grin.

"You take her then!" she said, pushing the leash into his hand. "I just wish we didn't have to come all the way out here."

Greg rubbed her shoulder and peered down on sad eyes.

"Don't frown honey. It doesn't suit your pretty face."

Soft, brunette hair flowed over his hand. Her brown eyes sparkled back up at him. Some walkers were heading their way, so they let go of each other. Gravel crunched as they trod on.


"So, are you looking forward to college next year?"

"What are we doing, dad? Normal conversation now?"

Reminding her that fatherhood overruled friendship, he shot her a firm look. It never failed to work.

"I guess so," she continued. "It'll be weird moving away from home. Part of me doesn't want to."

"You'll be fine. You're a smart kid. Way too smart for this little town."

"I happen to like this little town. It's got such lovely walking trails."

Playful fingers glanced. The stream trickled as they crossed a little, stone bridge.

"It'll be good to get out on your own. No parents to annoy you."

"Come on, dad. You guys don't annoy me. Well, maybe mom...sometimes."

She pulled his arm tight to her comely body. Tight enough to render her baggy layers useless.

"Promise you'll come visit me?"

Molly barked.

"Oh! I'll miss you too, Molly," she said as she bent down to hug her dog.

Molly's tongue wet her lips and face. Upon briefly pausing at his waist, she looked up at her father, still awaiting his reply.

"I promise I'll come."

The leash slipping from his hands, Molly sprinted towards the other dog.

"Fancy seeing you here!"

Megan and Nicole embraced as the two men shook hands.

"I had a feeling that was your car I saw back there," Greg said.

The four chuckled as dogs sniffed each other's assholes.

"Guilty! We're just out for a bit of a stroll," Hugh said. "Megan! Nicole tells me you got the course you wanted. Finance was it? Way to go!"

"Oh, thanks Mr. Delaney. Yeah, I'm really happy."

"And you too, Nicole. Medicine? Wow! That's impressive," Greg said. "What did we do to deserve such brilliant girls."

Nicole and her father shared a warm, familiar gaze. Megan figured it was a daddy -- daughter thing.

"We're lucky men indeed."

"Are there many people on the path?" Megan asked.

"No." Nicole and her walking partner answered in unison.

"Not too many. It's pretty quiet today," Nicole said. "Pretty much deserted after the pond."

"Ah! We're holding you two up. Go have fun. Hey, Greg, we should grab a beer sometime."

"Sounds good, Hugh. Safe home."

Megan watched as they walked on. It was something about Nicole that made her wonder. The way her clothes and hair sat. Not quite right. They probably thought they were far enough away. Nicole slid her arm around her father's and leaned into him. It was a feeling Megan knew well. After, you just wanted to be close to him. Or maybe it was just a daddy-daughter thing. She pushed fingers between his.

"How much further?"

"Not long now."


Greg unclipped the leash and watched Molly dart under some bushes. She was a good dog, and knew to come when her master called. He smiled and looked down at his daughter's hungry eyes.

"How about down here? Next to the river?"


She took his hand and followed him down the steep bank. Crisp leaves cracked under steady feet. She relaxed back against a huge tree and placed her hands on his chest.

"I think we're safe here," he said, still looking around.

"Shut up and kiss me."

He ran his fingers through her hair and tasted her young, luscious lips. A gentle kiss to start off with; neither could stop eager hands roaming. Megan unzipped her jacket and tossed it onto a log. Her sweater bulged from his burrowing hands. His warm palms felt good against her skin. His tongue crossed her lips as she pulled back her head.

"I can't wait this long again. I won't."

Heavy breaths were his only response. He groaned as she massaged his bulge. Wet tongues lashed each other. Her woollen sweater was thick. Good for winter weather. She had worn the jacket over it as a precaution. Mom wouldn't have understood that a bra would have just gotten in her husband's way. She squeezed his denim covered cock while he enjoyed her supple breasts. Finding his fly, she pulled. He sighed as her fingers glanced the first traces of forbidden skin. He sighed again as his manhood hung free. Thick and heavy, bulging veins ran down his uncut mass. It was just like the first time she'd seen it this way. The immense power and satisfaction of making him aroused. When the only thing that mattered was discovering the look on his face when she wrapped her lips around it. She used her hand to draw more moans. Megan had to roll up her sleeve because he kept slipping inside.

"Baby, slow down a bit."

Megan declined. His breaths were short and fast. His eyes stayed shut as hands found breasts. Megan reached down his pants. She smiled when soft fingers slid over brimming testicles. It gave her the same powerful instinct as the first time. Call it a daughter's intuition. When a girl knows her daddy needs a special release. She squeezed them as gently as she could. He let out some throaty grunts. Megan couldn't tell if they were from pain or pleasure. She held his clean-shaven face and kissed him. She wondered why he hadn't mounted her yet. But then her father was like that. Considerate and happy to go at her own pace -- even the times she didn't want him to.

"Did you notice anything about Nicole and her dad earlier?

"Huh?...Not really. They seemed fine."

Megan smirked at his male lack of awareness to such things.

"They were all nice and relaxed, right?"

His expression turned as he finally picked up on her insinuation. Or maybe it was because she squeezed his cock.

"Her knees," Megan said. "They were all dirty."

Greg unbuckled his belt as his daughter knelt before him. She pecked and wiped a teasing tongue over creamy foreskin.

"We're bad men. Bad, bad fathers."

He grabbed his swollen cock and fed it into her mouth. His exaltations made the birds bolt from their nests.

"We don't deserve you..."

Fingers combed through her hair. A tinge of guilt struck him as his wedding ring sparkled. Megan's tongue swirled the tip and made him forget. He wasn't looking out for walkers now. That didn't matter anymore. Nothing would drag him away from her divine orifice. Fingers roamed her cheekbones. He slid forward and watched pubes scrape her nose.

Her father felt good in her mouth. Warm, wet, thick. It had been a while since last time, so no surprise he seemed hornier than usual. She wondered if he was going to pump his overdue load soon. She had tried to convince him it didn't have to be this way. But he would never risk making a move on her at home. No matter how easy she made it. She sucked clean his sweaty balls before leaving them alone. Eyes met as slow lips slid. Her mouth wasn't where she wanted his orgasm to end. A throbbing cock hung in front of her as she spoke.

"I want you inside me."

She took his open hand and rose to her feet. She looked at him with horny adoration and began to lift her sweater. He stopped it just past her belly button. He simply shook his head and let the sweater fall back down.

"I know you don't like coming out all this do what we do,"

He thumbed fluid from her chin.

"It's ok. I know you don't want mom to find out. But it would be nice to share a bed together for once."

He ran a knuckle down her cheek.

"You think I don't want that too? God, Megan. You know how hard it is for me to walk past your room every night and not go in? It's torture. You leave your door open on purpose don't you?"

Megan smirked and stared at her feet. She curled fingers around his erection.

"Can we talk about this later? I was just in the middle of something."

They kissed as a cock was pulled. Lips glanced her ear.

"Turn around."

Megan swiftly complied. She used the old tree for support. His hands roamed over her bubble butt. Fingers straying over bony hips, cold air greeted her as yoga pants and panties were peeled down. Some tree bark came loose in her clawing hands. Her father's knees must have gotten dirty too. She moaned as his tongue flicked wildly over slick pussy lips. Her daddy's strong grip supported weakened legs. The pain of her molested ass came nowhere near the pleasure of his mouth. They both ignored Molly's excited sprints. Megan quickly realised it had been a while for her as well.

"Oh God! I'm...I'm cumming!"

Greg didn't slow as squirts splashed his face. He drank up all his daughter had to offer and marvelled at her flushed lips: so raw, so wet, so ripe. He rose up behind her and held on. Her head was bowed as she tried to recover. He plastered her neck with kisses, and slid a frantic hand under her sweater. Massaging clammy skin, he waited.

"We don't have to, Meg. I want you to know it's ok if you don't want to."

"Really?" she said, pressing against him. "You'd be perfectly fine if we didn't?"

The creamy cheeks hugging his cock turned his reply into a beastly groan. Megan had announced her readiness.

He grunted as his cock slid up and down the groove of her cheeks. This was the man Megan wanted more of. The one who used her body for his own pleasure. He swirled slower, focusing on wetter skin. Very different father and daughter sounds combined as he pushed inside. Throwing himself into her, his chest hugged her back. As hips thrust, it was easy to kiss her delicate neck. Megan pulled his hand up to her throat and signalled him to squeeze. Their groans were drowned out by the thunderous clap of meat. Still mostly clothed, he could feel it trickle down his chest. He lifted her top over the small of her back and saw beads of sweat there too. Marked by her sex juices, the sight of his unprotected cock plunging in and out of Megan never got old. Her fleshy bum absorbed the best of his blows. A good place to cum perhaps.

The gentle thuds of his thighs made her gaze up to the heavens. A single, fat raindrop plopped onto her forehead. As her pussy clenched, it seemed heavy clouds were about to give up their load.

"Do it!" Megan said.

Greg slowed his thrusts. He could have claimed he didn't know what she was talking about, but of course that wasn't true. Chicks chirped as his balls bristled. He drove his arm along her damp body and felt hard nipples poke his hand. This was the part where he'd finish. Usually on her back; her mouth; the tree. His seed had fed a few of the park's earthworms no doubt. They'd go hungry today.

"Yes! Stay in me!"

He felt the days of saying no to her were all but over. He grabbed hips for total control. She turned her head to reveal her pleasure ridden face. It was as if surrounding birdsong made her even more radiant. The tingling in his balls darted up his shaft. Her sheer beauty trumping all logic and reason - he pounded with reckless abandon. He did his best not to let on. He didn't want to give her any warning. He wanted her to feel it. Feel him. Consequences be damned! A ripple became a wave. Megan's mouth fell open as his warmth flowed. She pulled one of his hands tight to her belly.


Greg was by all social measures a fairly successful guy. Wealth, health, and a happy family only some of his achievements. Cumming in Megan made it all seem insignificant. The incredulous sensation of sperm slushing around her sweet passage was euphoric. Heavy raindrops would soon make the river swell. Even molly's barking was drowned out by their mating roars.


A protective hand on top of hers, they stayed bound together against the tree. She liked the roughness of his other palm against her belly. Overhanging branches shielded them from the worst of the rain. Not much was said as he slowly eased out. Megan hated the sudden emptiness immediately after. Not so much this time; his oozing seed giving her the satisfying feeling of fullness she so longed for. In that moment, she knew she'd changed from girl to woman.

"What you said back there. Never say it again. You're a great man, OK?" she said, her voice trailing off. "You'll be a great father."

Warm air caressed her neck.

"I love you, Megan."

She spun around and collapsed into his warm embrace. No one could feel as good as she did right then. Nobody except Nicole perhaps. As belts were buckled and jackets zipped up, lovers traded flirtatious smiles.

"It doesn't look like it's stopping anytime soon," Greg said as raindrops splattered his open hand.

"It doesn't matter."

She slid her arm between his and leaned close to his warm body. Walking on, her father called for Molly. Like a good dog, she came straight to her master.


Wet hair dangled in front of his eyes. It gave him the look of a much younger man. Theirs was the only car left in the carpark. Molly's tail wagged as she sniffed Megan.

"I think it's safe enough to leave you outside for a little while. Go on, girl! Go dry off."

They chuckled as Molly charged into a mound of leaves. Closing car doors sealed them away from the November weather. Greg ran the engine for some heat.

"Chilly!" he said, blowing into his hands.

"Yeah," she said, shivering.

It didn't take long for windows to fog. It didn't take long for father and daughter to pull soaked clothes from one another.

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Niceguy2000Niceguy200011 months ago

Very well done.

You really developed the characters and built a story in just one page.


I would like to read more about them, their back story or future.


More please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

How about a story about Nicole and Hugh?

Next fall, Daughter starts pre-med at university only to find she needs medical attention. What to do?

DarkkBrothaOneDarkkBrothaOneover 1 year ago

Short, sweet and to the point. Very nice!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fantastic story of daddy daughter love. I hope you continue this loving family story. Does daddy deposit more seed in his baby girls pussy as they steam up the windows? Does daddy visit his daughter at college and get to enjoy her dorm room bed? Here is hoping that as the daughters belly swells she moves back home and dad and daughter make love in every room in the house

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