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IT Slave

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Geek does what it takes to get his dream job.
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This story is part of the 2022 Literotica Geek Pride Story Event. Thanks to ChloeTzang for organizing the event.

The story is set in the same near-future universe as my Penal Slavery series set in an alternate world where criminals are sentenced to terms of slavery rather than jail or prison per se. Because this is Literotica, there is a lot of sex. No rape or violence, reluctance at worst.

Be warned, there are a couple of scenes of MM sex along with lesbian, oral, anal and the like. Slaves can't say no after all. If that offends you, please move on. I have other tales.

I thank those of you who will give the story a read. Your feedback is important to me.

If you enjoy this story, then try the Penal Slavery and Mom and Daughter Face Penal Slavery series, along with Office Servitude, Celebrity to Penal Slave, and Visit to the Lodge set in the same universe.

Thanks to ZZchromosome, Carl Bradford, and Mr. Smith for all of their helpful and insightful comments and edits that help improve my stories.


As he drove, Chris couldn't believe how beautiful the mountains were. He had always enjoyed camping and hiking when he was a scout and was looking forward to taking advantage of the hiking trails the Lodge had. Perhaps he could get enough exercise to start working off the pudge he had developed in college and graduate school.

His GPS told him that his destination was at the end of this curvy road. Presently, rather than another curve, the road straightened, turning into a well-manicured drive with the sole demarcation being a large sign proclaiming, "Hidden Hills Lodge." In tiny print that Chris almost missed was, "Correctional Workhouse of the Department of Corrections and Slavery."

The drive ended at a circle in front of a breathtakingly beautiful building that reminded Chris of the Old Faithful Inn in Yellowstone National Park. Hard to reconcile the place as a correctional facility.

He parked in the main lot for guests since he did not have authorization for the staff parking area. The outside of the Lodge was spectacular, with a broad porch with rocking chairs scattered here and there flanking large double doors. From the front entrance, it was clear that the four story main structure had been built on to. Surprisingly for a state-owned property, it had taken some care with materials to blend the new into the original structure.

As he approached the entrance, his wristcomp beeped at the same time he noticed a sign reading;

WARNING: You are entering a restricted area. No photography, audio, or video recording allowed without permission of the management. No one under the age of eighteen (18) beyond this point.

Be advised that you are entering an area where the functionality of electronic devices are suppressed. By continuing, you are consenting to the temporary restriction of certain features of any wrist comp, digital camera, communications or other device.

Pursuant to T.C.A. Section 41-5-101 et.sec per order of Warden MacTavish

An identical message was on his notification screen. A few more steps and he noticed that his camera and video recording apps had been disabled. He continued on to the two big wooden doors, which opened automatically at his approach. The rush of warm air from the building was odd. It was a pleasant spring day. The air was a bit crisp, but the temperature inside the building was noticeably warmer. Stepping inside, he noticed a long, wood topped counter looking for all the world like a bar from an old West saloon across from the entrance, taking up a good third of the huge lobby. He looked up at the wood frame ceiling.

"Checking in Dominus?"

Looking toward the voice, Chris saw a young man in the position of a bellhop at a high-end hotel. Most such individuals would be dressed in more than a green slave collar and cuffs.

"Not exactly. I have an appointment with Director McTavish. I think that I am about fifteen minutes early. Hey, are those the new self-sealing metal collars and cuffs? The S21s?"

"Dominus, all I know is that they replaced all of our leather collars with them about nine months ago. Perhaps the tech geeks might know something, " the nonplussed slave cock responded.

"Thank you. I will ask around, " Chris replied, smiling.

"Errr, yes, dominus. The front desk can direct you further. Anything else I can help you with?"

"No, thank you," Chris wondered if he should tip him, but then decided that there was nowhere for the slave to keep the money.

Chris moved to the portion of the font desk staffed by a woman wearing a polo shirt with a logo embossed on it. Red hair was bound up in a tight bun. She had a bare neck, so he decided that she was probably a manager. Still, the pale white band of skin around her tanned throat was odd. Her name plate said "Tammy "

"Welcome to Hidden Hills. Checking in?"

" I have an appointment with Director McTavish at 3 o'clock. "

Tammy consulted her wristcomp. Chris hadn't seen one with a manual keyboard since sophomore year of college. She was fast hitting the small keypad; he gave her that. She looked up.

"The Colonel is running behind. He sends his apologies and wants to reschedule to 5:30. He also instructed me to comp you a room for the night for your inconvenience." Chris saw her nose wrinkle. "Perhaps that would let you...freshen up. "

Chris grimaced. "I really need to get on the road after the meeting."

Inwardly, Chris seethed. People were always on to him about bathing. He shaved and brushed his teeth every day. He washed his hands several times a day. He always hit the showers after working out.

Of course, with his sped up class load and his master's project, he really hadn't been to the gym much for...a while. It wasn't like he went out much. Or at all, since late onset acne devastated his high school social life at the start of his junior year. Thank God that finally cleared up a couple of years ago with no scarring.

He would never have finished seven years of school in five if he was jumping into the shower every single day. He didn't smell bad. He took a bath yesterday. True, his car AC was busted, and it was a little hot in the car till he got in the mountains. He smelled natural.

Tammy broke into his inner monologue. " Of course, sir. I will hold the room in case you change your mind. In the meantime, we have an afternoon brunch, starting in the main dining room in about ten minutes. That's also comped."

"As much as I would like to, with my luck, I would spill something on my suit. I would like a glass of water or a coke if that's possible. And somewhere to sit and wait. "

"Certainly. " She touched a button on the desk. Within a minute, a rather good-looking female slave appeared beside Tammy behind the desk.

"Domina, you called?"

"Yes Blossom. Direct Dominus Goff to the Peabody room to wait for his appointment. Satisfy all his wants until he is called for his appointment and conduct him to Director McTavish at that time. Bend and spread. "

Chris saw the green collared slave turn, spread her legs apart and bend over. From his angle, he could see a well-rounded ass with a large "F" on the left buttock and a barcode with numbers under it on the right butt cheek. Tammy waved her wristcomp over the upturned ass until it beeped.

Turning to Chris, Tammy continued, "When it's time for the meeting, I will page your wristcomp. "

The slave straightened up and walked around the desk to Chris, "If you will follow me Dominus," as she strolled toward a set of curtained French doors.

Chris found it easy to follow that shapely ass as her bare feet padded on the floor. Blossom reached the doors and opened them.

"After you Dominus," waving him inside.

The room looked like a living room with overstuffed leather furniture, end tables, and a ceiling fan. Chris settled in an overstuffed chair as Blossom kneeled before him.

"May this slave suck your cock? Or would you like my ass first?"

Chris froze. He was hardly a virgin, but it had been a long while since anything other than Rosie and her five friends had enclosed his cock. He had never done anal. God she was beautiful. " I appreciate the offer, but... my suit." He was pathetic.

The busty slave chuckled, "I am an excellent cocksucker. I won't spill a drop." She gave him a questioning look.

"Well, in that case..." She didn't give him a chance to change his mind. She expertly unblocked his belt and unzipped his pants. His cock was already rock-hard tenting his briefs. He noticed her nose wrinkle a bit as she pulled his underwear down. It didn't stop her from swallowing his dick.

Chris had never had a blow job like this. Blossom seemed to put her entire focus on the eight inches in her mouth. She swallowed his cock to the root, then teasingly slid her mouth back, stopping when only the tip remained, which was treated to her teasing tongue for a minute before sliding it back down her throat to repeat.

She worshiped his dick. She didn't use her hands beyond fishing his rock-hard tool from his dress pants. She seemed to know when he was close and varied her technique, sometimes nibbling his ball sac, other times licking him like an ice cream cone.

"I'm about to cum," Chris panted after a while. "I have a handkerchief."

"I have a mouth, Dominus. And I love cum." Blossom replied quickly before resuming her fellatio.

"Ok... I didn't want... to presume."

Blossom's chuckle as she sucked his cock provided the vibrations that tripped him over the edge. The slave cunt sucked greedily. When he finished, she liked him up and down and blew on his dick, which got him to start chubbing. She put him away, observing.

"You like pineapple."


"You're cum tastes good. Usually, it means you eat a lot of pineapple."

"I really do like pineapple. Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Of course, Dominus. You don't want to fuck my ass? We have time."

"Perhaps later." Frowning at her on her knees, "Can you sit on the couch or a chair?"

"If you order it. But I am fine where I am."

"Ok, suit yourself. Is your collar comfortable?"

Blossom gave him a quizzical look. " Dominus, usually I get questions like what did I do to get enslaved, are you for sale, and how many people fuck me on any given day? Asking about my collar is new. The answer is that it's lighter than the leather one I was first enslaved with and it chafes less. Some slaves don't care for the disciplinary settings, but since I am a good slave slut, I don't worry about that overmuch."

"The disciplinary settings?" He had read about the neural induction feature in the S21 and its use to control the wearer.

"Yes Dominus. Guards, free staff and guests have an app on their wrist comps that can either tip a slave for good service or punish a slave for misbehavior. Plus, it can command a slave's cuffs to connect in various ways. Would you like to try it?"

"Blossom, I don't want to cause you pain."

"Well, I like it rough." She gave him an impish smile and continued, " I meant the restraint features. Part of the collaring process was a demonstration of the level one disciplinary setting. Level one was like a blowtorch going down my spine. I never want to experience level two. "

"That doesn't sound pleasant."

"It's not, trust me. You should see a message on your wrist comp asking you to download the app."

Chris looked and found a notification asking him to download the "Slave Controller" app. He had silenced his wrist comp in anticipation of the interview. He reset it to vibrate so he did not miss the call from the front desk and then hit accept for the app.

The interface was appalling. He had done better work in junior high. Professor Rodgers would call any student who submitted such a clunky app to her office and read them the riot act. Chris replayed one of his many fantasies about his beautiful, busty, black-haired computer science teacher naked and bent over a desk.

The ping snapped him back. Looking down, he saw the message" Slave cunt Blossom in range. Acquire?" He tapped "yes."

The next message was "discipline slave cunt Blossom?"

He tapped "no" He saw the menu button and hit it. He selected "restraint options" from the drop-down menu.

This brought up the first competent bit of interface programming the app offered. The screen held several choices. Some were obvious, "back hands", "front hands," and "hands behind neck". He could envision "hog tie" and "bed restraint", but "front anal" and "back anal" didn't make a lot of sense, nor did "close restraint." He asked the expert.

"Blossom, what is "front anal?"

"Not really good for your suit. May I demonstrate?"


The slave rolled on her back and bent her torso so that her ankles were almost resting on her shoulders. Lord, she was limber.

"Dominus, please press the icon for front anal."

"He did so. Blossom's ankle cuffs attached themselves to her collar, bending her so her pussy. He mentally corrected himself. Her cunt, and starfish were accessible. Her rosebud was shiny, and her shaved cunt seemed to be leaking moisture.

"This presents my cunt and ass for use, although rear anal is easier for the domini to mount me with a cock or strap on."

He released her with another jab to the screen. "What about hogtie? " She rolled on to her tummy and put her arms behind her and bent her knees. Pressing the icon caused her ankles to click together, followed by her wrists fusing to the outside ankle cuffs.

"This position keeps the slave restrained and available for anal and cunt access."

Chris released Blossom. "Seems uncomfortable."

"Indeed Dominus."

"Tell me a little about yourself and your days at the Lodge. Whatever you want to share."

Blossom was a fascinating conversationalist. Chris learned she was almost halfway through her ten-year term and had gotten her degree online just last month. She was about to start an online master's program in psychology. She volunteered the state enslaved her because she rolled a would be suitor's Lamborghini into an abandoned quarry.

"Being enslaved was the best thing that could have happened to me. I was a horny, out-of-control preacher's kid that my father was determined to marry off. As a slave cunt I get fucked daily and have been able to continue my education. He didn't see the need for college. Honestly, if he had allowed it, I would have probably flunked out because I would have partied and not studied. "

Chris's wrist comp vibrated. He looked down at the message. "The Colonel is ready to see me. I thought his title was Warden. Or director."

"Dominus Mctavish served honorably for twenty-two years in the military. A lot of the staff either served under him or are veterans. He is well respected. We should be going Dominus. " Blossom rose to her feet with the grace of a dancer smiling at Chris's proffered hand," I spend a lot of time on my knees, so I get up from the floor a lot. But thank you"

Chris followed that fine barcoded ass through the lobby and down a hallway marked "Administration and receiving." He noticed a rather well put together auburn-haired female slave, slave cunt Chris reminded himself, in the position that Blossom had been in earlier. 'Bend and spread' he recalled, in front of a scanner. Red light played over the barcoded ass and the green collared slave straightened up after hearing a beeping noise. Chris noticed that she was wearing what looked like a silver metal thong in the same color as the young woman's collar and cuffs. As the slave touched the door, there was the clicking sound of a lock releasing. After that, the woman went through the door and it clicked again.

Blossom answered the question on the tip of his tongue, " That was Nymph. She is under restrictions and has been assigned one of the less desirable jobs, helping to in process new slaves. "

"Why is she wearing a thong? She is the first clothed... well, sort of clothed slave I have seen."

"Dominus, that is not a thong. It's a chastity belt. She got caught fucking another slave in his cell and missed lights out. The Colonel put her in that for a week. If you will follow me."

"How is that punishment?"

Blossom chuckled, "After you are here a while, a week without sex is a punishment. Or sex you don't really care for. The slave cock is spending a week in the stables as a mare."

"You mean..."

"Yes Dominus. He is bent over taking it up the ass all day and when he's not, his cock is locked up and he has a horsetail butt plug. He hates anal of any kind."

The short hallway led to an unremarkable open office area with doors, to individual offices lining the walls. Men and women worked at desk stations. Almost half the workers were naked and collared. Chris had had a few interviews where he had seen similar sights, but never this many office slaves in one location.

Passing what was clearly a breakroom, Chris noticed that a woman dressed in office casual was sitting on a couch looking at her wrist comp, her khaki skirt bunched up around her waist. A slave cunt had her head between the woman's exposed thighs. The domina was biting her lip and breathing deeply.

Thinking about the woman in the breakroom almost caused Chris to miss that Blossom had stopped at a door marked " Max McTavish, COL, USMC, (retired) Director of Guest Services/Deputy Warden. Blossom knocked on the door.

"Enter," boomed a commanding voice.

Blossom opened the door, and Chris entered. He thought Blossom came in behind him as he heard the door shut.

The office was more like his professors' offices than most of the offices Chris had been in while he was interviewing. Two walls were taken up with floor to ceiling bookcases stuffed with books that had the look of being used rather than decorative. The back wall had several certificates and diplomas.

Chris's perusal was cut short by a tall man with salt and pepper hair, cut military short, getting up from behind a wooden desk and moving around it, hand outstretched.

'Christopher Goff. Max McTavish, I am either Director of Guest Services or Deputy Warden, depending if you have a collar around your neck. Warden Plankston is on medical leave, so you have me. Please have a seat. Sorry for the delay. Was Blossom satisfactory?"

"Err yes. Very much so."

"Domini, may this slave be excused? I have desk duty starting in ten minutes.

"Blossom, actually I want you here for now. I have already notified the front desk. Get comfortable."

"Out of the corner of his eye, Chris saw Blossom go to her knees and then sit back on her ankles, hands in her lap. She seemed to nod slightly as she settled herself.

The next forty minutes were both the best and most bizarre interview he had ever had. Best, because McTavish didn't waste time asking about things already on his resume. He asked for particulars of his education and past work. His prospective boss also seemed to be quite knowledgeable about IT issues from the questions Chris fielded, including assuring Chris that he was free to do freelance coding and retain the rights to anything he created on his own time so long as he didn't let it affect his performance.

No one had ever asked him about his Eagle Scout project before and seemed genuinely interested in his work creating a hiking trail. Most bizarre was that he had never had an interview while a naked woman with big tits kneeled beside him. He did his best to focus on the interview and the questions and tried to ignore the woman who had given him the best blowjob of his life not an hour before.

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