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It Started in a Cabin

Story Info
Step-siblings find love in an unusual place.
15.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 01/24/2013
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Chris was sitting on his duffel bag under a tree, just off to the side of the hustle and bustle of the other campers getting on the buses or getting picked up to go home. He waved to a few of the female counsellors who waved back and blew kisses to him. Chris grinned and chuckled to himself, the summer had been pretty great for him. Graduating with honours from high school, getting a full scholarship and having a blowout eighteenth birthday had started it. By the end of it he'd managed to lay a couple of the cute female counsellors that were his age. Not a bad summer at all in his books.

He was waiting for his step-sister 'Scar' to come pick him up. He shuddered at the thought of finally meeting her. What kind of girl would call herself 'Scar' anyway? He would have met her at their parents' wedding in May, but apparently she couldn't leave Quebec because she was under house arrest or something for stealing a car.

His step-dad Steve hadn't really told Chris a whole lot about his daughter, just that she was his age and a bit of a rebel, and that she was lead singer in an all girl punk band called 'The Shrieking Harpies'. It seemed to Chris that Steve was probably a bit embarrassed about Scar. Chris had seen pictures of her when she was younger and she'd looked a bit scary back then, with jet black hair and a serious Goth look going on. So he had visions of this metal-studded and tattooed bitch-dog dressed in way too tight Lycra screaming into a mike. Chris shuddered again and waited anxiously to see what kind of 'thing' was going to pick him up.

Scar pulled her car onto the long gravel driveway and followed it up to the camp's main parking lot. There were a half dozen school buses parked on one side of the lot and a bunch of cars on the other. She slowly dodged around kids with backpacks, parents and counsellors then pulled into a spot and got out, looking for her step-brother. Her Dad had at least been kind enough to give her a recent picture of Chris. She'd been surprised that he was actually kind of cute. He looked kind of dorky and skinny in the picture but he had been goofing off and had a nice smile.

She pulled Chris' picture out of her vest pocket and unfolded it, then started wandering around looking for him. Scar was concentrating so hard on finding him that she didn't notice that wherever she walked people stopped to stare.

She looked around again and saw that she was being stared at, "What? You all got a problem? Any of you know a Chris Thornton?" She said rather too loudly and frowning.

One of the counsellors pointed in Chris' direction and she headed toward him. People continued to stare as she passed them but she ignored them like she always did. Shit like this always pissed her off.

Chris saw that the crowds of people were moving to make room for someone. 'Oh great!' he thought to himself, 'The ditch-pig must be here.' He stood up and grabbed his pack then looked up into the most amazing hazel eyes he'd ever seen.

Scar stopped in front of Chris and put her hands on her hips as she popped her chewing gum, "You Chris?" She said with a sneer.

Chris gaped for just a second longer before responding, "Uh yeah, you're Scar?"

With another pop of her gum Scar held out her hand to him, "Sup? You ready to go?"

"Yeah sure, lead on." Chris said as he shook her hand. He followed along behind her in a daze, his eyes riveted on her swaying ass and hips. Scar was definitely in no way a ditch-pig, he thought to himself. She was drop-dead fucking gorgeous! She was wearing skin-tight black jeans, a white tee, biker boots and a leather vest. He figured she was about five-five, and she had long platinum blond hair in a braid that went down almost to that perfect ass. Her legs were long and slim under those skin-tight jeans and she had a narrow waist.

Scar was glad that Chris was walking behind her, she was having a hard time calming her breathing. She cursed her dad for giving her what was obviously an older picture of him. Chris looked like he should be standing in a loincloth in the jungle somewhere, not babysitting a bunch of snot noses at 'Camp Hooda-phak-cares'. He was definitely not the kind of guy she would even look at twice normally, 'boy scout' came to mind but wow was he a hunk. Dressed in board shorts and a Beatles t-shirt his tanned arms and legs showed their hard muscles when he moved.

They got to the car and Scar popped the trunk so Chris could dump his pack in. Once they were ready she turned on the GPS and pulled out of her spot and drove back out to the main road. Chris and Scar drove along in uncomfortable silence, Scar following the directions that the GPS was giving her to head back home.

Chris looked out his side window and whistled, directing Scar's attention to the huge thunder heads coming their way.

"Oh fuck that's gonna be nasty," Scar muttered as she returned her attention to her driving.

Chris laughed at her understatement, "No shit! We'd better stop at the diner at Mitchell's Corner and wait it out."

"Mitchell's what?" Scar asked him.

"Mitchell's Corner," Chris replied as he shook his head. "It should be coming up any minute now when we come to highway 24."

The car pounded into a rut then bounced back out and into a pothole. It was then that Chris realized that there was something wrong. The roads to get home were all smoothly paved and this road felt more like an old hunting road than a country track.

"Hey Scar? This doesn't look like the road that leads to the camp. Are you sure you've got the GPS set up right?"

Scar gave Chris a withering look, "It bloody well better be. I bought it just so I could find this armpit of the universe. I'll pull off to the side here and check the settings."

With that she pulled the car to the edge of the road and started tapping the screen to see what was wrong. In the time she took to check the manual and settings for the GPS the storm had caught them, slashing down in great sheets of water and thundering cracks of lightning.

Chris started to get really worried, knowing that the dirt roads in this area were easily washed out during bad storms. "Scar we gotta move or we'll get stuck here, these dirt roads turn into mud bogs pretty fast when it rains like this."

"Shit, yeah let's get outta here." Scar said as she put the car into gear. She gave it some gas and the wheels just spun in the already slick mud of the road. Dropping the car down into first she tried again with the same result. Frustrated, Scar gunned the engine and the front end of the car started to slide toward the edge of the road.

Feeling the slide, Chris yelled "Scar no! Stop it!" But it was already too late, the car followed the slope down from the road, and tumbled onto it's roof in the culvert thirty feet below the roadbed.

Once the car hit bottom Scar checked herself out. Her right knee was aching from where it had jammed against the dash but she was okay otherwise. She looked over at Chris and swore mentally, the roof on his side had crushed in and the impact had knocked him senseless. She unfastened her seat belt and gently eased her step-brother down once she unhooked his belt.

"Chris! Boy-scout! Come on wake up." She said as she slapped his cheeks.

Chris's eyes fluttered open and he gave Scar a dazed look for a moment before he was able to focus. "Are you okay? We need to get out before we get flooded here," he slurred.

"Yeah. My right knee's hurting like a bitch but I'm okay. How about you?" Scar asked, concern in her voice.

"I got a wicked-ass headache because you dropped a car on my head, but other than that I think I'm fine too." Chris replied sarcastically.

Scar gave Chris another evil look and turned to kick her door open then helped him out of the car. The water was already rising in the ditch and getting deeper by the minute. They grabbed Chris's duffel bag from the trunk and looked at each other for a moment in the downpour. Chris notice that Scar's tee was almost see through now that it was soaked, Not that he was in any better shape clothes-wise.

"I think I saw a little side-track about a hundred yards back boy-scout. Any idea where it would go?" Scar asked as she rubbed her aching and definitely swelling knee.

"Probably a hunting camp. People usually leave them unlocked in case someone has an emergency and needs shelter. That's probably our best bet right now. You sure about your knee? It might be a long walk down to the cabin," he replied.

Scar pulled out her 'tough chick' attitude and grunted as she took a few more steps. "Yeah I'm fine let's get going."

They started slogging through the already calf deep water in the creek bed, trying to find an easier way out of it. Scar's limp didn't get any better as they waded along. Chris was still kind of dazed, and was having a hard time trying to walk in a straight line when they got to the side road and were able to climb up out of the culvert.

When they got to the top of the slope Scar cried out and grabbed her knee, cursing a blue streak and hobbling even more than she had before.

"What's the matter? You okay Scar?" Chris asked as he moved toward his step-sister.

"Something just fucking popped in my knee. Jesus fucking Christ that fucking hurt!" Scar said, glad that the rain was hiding her tears of pain. She'd injured that same knee years ago when she took gymnastics as a kid, and again that previous winter and it had never been the same since then, but this time she was sure it was completely buggered.

"Here let me help you," Chris said as he stepped beside her and wrapped his arm around her slender waist, and pulled her arm over his shoulder.

"How far do you think the cabin is from here?" She asked as she gingerly put some weight on her throbbing leg.

"Maybe a click? A half click? Who knows. All I know is that we need to find some place warm and dry so I can have a look at your leg Scar."

Scar smirked at Chris as they trudged down the muddy track, "So how many times you use that on a girl at camp?"

"Uhm, maybe three or four times?" Chris replied with a grin of his own. "But this is the first legit reason Scar, I don't like the way you're favouring that leg. It may be more than a simple sprain."

They continued down the slippery road with Chris taking most of Scar's weight from her right leg. Scar let out a slow monologue of curses every time she put weight on her it, hitching her arm tighter over Chris's shoulder with each step.

"So...fuck...boy-scout...shit...you got...damn it...first aid?"

Chris chuckled, "Yeah, CPR too if you decide to have a heart attack on me."

it took them about a half hour of slogging through ankle deep muck and Scar relying more and more on Chris to support her when they finally came upon a little cabin. Chris helped Scar up to the door and tried the knob. The door swung inward easily and they both sighed with relief. Chris guided his step-sister toward a sofa that had seen better days but was at least still usable.

"Okay sis, we have two choices so I can check your knee out. I can cut the leg of your pants open or we can try to get your jeans off."

"You've got to be kidding me boy-scout," Scar replied. "I just got these jeans, there's no bloody way you're gonna cut them up!"

Chris gave her an evil grin, "Well then pop the top and let's try to slide them off so I can check you out...I mean check your knee."

With that said, Chris gently pulled Scar's boots off her feet and waited for her to undo the button and unzip her jeans so he could tug them off.

"Are you sure those are my only options boy-scout?" Scar asked as she blushed deeply.

Chris knelt in front of her and gave her a reassuring smile. "Scar I need to make sure your knee is okay and do what I can to fix it up. It'll only be a temporary thing until we get out of here but it has to be done. Plus we have to get out of these wet clothes before we both get sick. I'll start a fire in the stove as soon as I tend to your knee okay?"

Scar resigned herself to the fact that she was going to have to strip down in front of her step-brother and opened her fly so he could get her jeans off. "If your hands or eyes wander you're dead boy-scout."

Chris laughed and pulled her jeans down as carefully as he could. It took him a bit of work to get the soaked denim past her swollen knee but he finally managed to drop her pants onto the floor at her feet.

"There, was that so hard? By the way cute pink panties, I never would have guessed sis." Chris said with a chuckle.

Scar punched his shoulder, "Keep your eyes where they belong boy-scout."

Chris gave her a sad puppy-dog look then looked over her purpling knee. He gently bent it and squeezed it, making Scar hiss with the pain. "Give me a sec to look for a first aid kit. Hopefully there's a tensor bandage in it."

He looked around the room and saw a metal first aid box hanging on the wall behind the kitchenette and went to check it out. Chris found it to be well stocked with pretty much anything you'd need in an emergency. He grabbed the largest tensor bandage in the kit then went and started wrapping his step-sister's knee.

"Hopefully it's just a sprain, but I think it may be more than that Scar."

"Yeah me too boy-scout. This isn't the first time I fucked up that knee," Scar replied between more curses and groans of pain.

"Why do you act like that?" Chris asked her.

"Like what?" Scar responded with another curse as he finished with her knee.

"Well like a mega-bitch tough chick," Chris said.

"I dunno, just always have I guess. Dad always wanted me to be his 'girly' girl. Dresses and pretty jewelry aren't really my thing though. I think he's disappointed that it wouldn't stick."

"So why 'Scar'?"

Scar scowled before she answered, "Because the name my parents gave me was a sick joke okay?"

"Lemme guess, they called you 'Beulah'?" Chris chuckled as he worked on getting a fire going in the stove.

"I wish," she snorted. "Try Scarlett O'Hara McCormick."

Chris tried to hide his smile behind his hand, "Yeah I can understand your problem. I think I'd go with Scar too. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you're not a natural blond?"

"No, and don't even think about trying to figure out how you can find out," Scar said.

Chris lit the fire, then blew on the smouldering embers and the kindling in the stove caught, transferring their flames to the larger pieces he put in to get it going.

"There we go, now we just have to get out of these wet things and dry off," he said.

Scar slipped off her vest then paused, "Uh what are we going to change into? The stuff in your bag is probably soaked too."

"Nope it's totally water proof. One of my friends' dad works in the coroner's office. It's a kid sized body bag." Chris said as he rummaged inside it and pulled two sets of sweats and a couple of towels out of it, handing some to Scar.

Scar motioned for Chris to turn his back then quickly removed her tee and pulled the warm sweat shirt over her head. "Huh, kinda creepy but I'm glad you have it. I'm gonna need help with the pants boy-scout." She said as she pulled out her braid and dried her hair.

Chris turned around and slowly slipped the sweat pants up Scar's legs, being careful not to hurt her knee. "Okay sis you have to stand up so I can finish pulling your pants up. Think you can manage it?"

"Yeah, I think it'll be cool if we take it slow," she replied as she put her hands on his shoulders.

He put his hands on Scar's waist and slowly helped her up then eased her sweats the rest of the way up, stopping at her slender waist again. "Y'know you really weren't what I was expecting when my mom told me you were picking me up."

"So what were you expecting boy-scout?" Scar asked with a frown.

"Well, uh definitely not you. I was kinda thinking you were gonna be a ditch-pig," Chris said as he blushed.

"After our little hike you got the ditch part right," she replied. "You weren't exactly what I was looking to pick up either. I was figuring you'd be a skinny dork like your picture."

"Here, we need to rest your knee. Sit back down and I'll prop up your leg Scar," he responded as he blushed again.

With Scar back on the couch and a few more pieces of wood on the fire Chris started rummaging through the cupboards looking for food. He found a few cans of Spaghetti-O's, some baked beans and fruit cocktail. The propane stove fired up right away so Chris dumped the Spaghetti-O's in a pot to warm up.

While the food was heating he checked a steel trunk at the foot of the bed and found some warm blankets. He took one of them and tucked it around Scar.

"Thanks Chris, I'm sorry for acting like a bitch. Hey you better get into your sweats too, I don't want your mom giving me hell if you die from hypothermia."

"Ha! Yeah I guess I should, that's all you need is my mom bitching at you for that." Chris said as he pulled off his shirt.

Scar surreptitiously checked Chris out, admiring his well toned upper body. 'Shit what a waste,' she thought to herself. 'Too bad he's my step-brother, I'd be tempted to give him a go even though he's not exactly my type.'

Chris caught her staring and flexed for her. "So sis, like what you see?"

"Uhm...uh," Scar stammered as she blushed and looked away. "Sorry, I just...well sorry."

"Ahh don't worry about it Scarlett, I was checking you out earlier and fair's fair right? I hope you don't mind me calling you that? I really think it's a lot prettier and suits you better than Scar." Chris said with a grin and wink as he slipped on his sweat top.

"Quite the charmer aren't you boy-scout?" she grinned, "I guess it'll be okay, but just between us though okay?"

"Okay Scarlett, deal." Chris said. "I'd tell you to turn around so I can drop my shorts but I doubt you could. Try not to stare." With that Chris quickly half-turned and dropped his shorts then grabbed the sweats and pulled them up his strong legs.

Scarlett blinked her eyes in surprise. In the few seconds that Chris took between dropping his shorts and pulling on the sweats she had had a great view of his boxer clad crotch. It took some seconds for her brain to register that he'd had a hard-on. She turned crimson and looked away briefly to clear her head. Scarlett wasn't a prude or inexperienced when it came to sex, but for all intents and purposes Chris was her brother now, and siblings didn't usually flash their crotches at each other.

"Oh shit, the food!" Chris exclaimed as he sniffed the air and remembered about it and headed to the stove. He quickly pulled the pot off and dumped its contents into two bowls.

He walked a bowl over to her and sat on a chair. "It's not filet mignon but it'll warm our bellies."

Scarlett took a spoonful and smiled with her eyes closed. "Mmmm eighth grade school lunches. It's been ages since I had these! Thanks Chris."

"Don't thank me, it was Chef Boy-ar-dee's idea, but yeah I know what you mean. I think I lived on Spaghetti-O's and Beef-a-roni for two years."

"Ha ha! With bread and butter?" Scarlett asked as she warmed up to her step-brother even more. She was beginning to think that having Chris as a brother might not be as bad as she had initially thought, even though there was that bit of an underlying attraction that she hadn't expected.

"Damn straight!" he replied. Chris could see that Scarlett was slowly lowering her tough chick mask and really liked her real personality. She was definitely fun and cool to hang out with, and they probably had more in common than either realized.

"Too bad you couldn't make it to the wedding. Your Aunt Marie made me dance with her all night. Steve said you were under house arrest or something?"

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