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It's All Relative Ch. 05

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Matt Helps Dorothy Again and Meets A Fellow RVer.
7.9k words

Part 5 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/09/2020
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This story is pure fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. (wink)

Reading the previous part will make the following easier to understand. The last few paragraphs of part 4 are included.


While Dorothy showered Matt asked John how he felt about it.

"It was really weird, I felt jealous, very very jealous, I almost stopped you several times, but each time I looked at Dor and saw how much she was enjoying herself, and I just couldn't." There was another long pause, then he added, "and the more I watched the more I liked watching."

Another long pause was followed by another out of the blue question just as Dorothy stepped back into the room, back in her dress of course. John asked, "How long are you going to be staying and can we do this again... soon?"

Dorothy chimed in, "Yes, very soon."

Matt, who was sitting on the bed naked waiting for the shower, looked down at his cock and pretended to ask it, "Well old buddy, you want to play with Dorothy again tomorrow? What?"

Matt looked up and said, "He said he'd be happy to play with you again, anytime."

Dorothy kissed Matt on the cheek, winked and said, "Tomorrow then."

John shook his hand and they left.

Matt downed another shot of his single malt. He sat for awhile almost overwhelmed by the turn of events. He'd never imagined... then thought to himself, "and I thought the reunion was going to be fun."

To say that Matt was getting a bit overwhelmed by the attention he was getting would have been an understatement. When he'd seen Dorothy walking by in her bathing suit that one afternoon his little brain took over and he wanted fuck her. Now that he'd actually done it, and with the approval of her impotent husband, he was getting afraid he may have created a monster.

Their first "encounter" was on Wednesday, they'd returned for a proper fucking on Thursday and today was Friday, the day before the big family reunion at the Soaring Honker RV Park. Matt was looking forward to a relaxing day.

He finished his morning run and stepped into the park office to say his usual good morning hello to Dorothy and John. John wasn't there but Dorothy was behind the counter. She stepped out from around it. Matt expected the usual hug. She instead pulled him to her, pressed her hips tightly against his. It wasn't the open mouthed passion driven french kisses of last night. It was a light but firm closed lip kiss, a smooth. Matt grabbed her ass and kissed her back.

The playfully pushed him away, "Now stop that, someone might see." Dorothy said and then added, "But ,God, I can't wait until tonight," she giggled to herself, "and the night after, and the night after that."

Matt maneuvered her behind the counter so no one could see if looking through the windows. With his hands he pulled her dress up high enough to slip his hands under her panties and take a hand full of bare ass in each hand. He gently squeezed her ass cheeks, "Anything I can do to help."

She smiled, patted his chest and said, "Now go sit down, I'll get the coffee."

John was out working on the showers, someone had managed to break a valve. The empty part of the park Matt hadn't reserved for the reunion was filling up because Monday was a holiday. It was busy, the park was almost full, and they needed everything working.

They sat at the table sipping coffee, the office door was open and to the left behind Dorothy. She was sitting to Matt's left with her right hand on his thigh while gazing out the window. .

Matt caught her eye, she smiled and he winked, "So, how are your lady bits feeling this morning?" Recall, she had officially lost her virginity and had three orgasms less than 12 hours ago.

Dorothy blushed and then smiled and looked at her coffee. Then she coyly looked up and said, "Wonderful, although it's a distant warm kind of wonderful," then adding as she looked over her coffee cup, "not really sore, but I'm acutely aware of my lady parts this morning."

"Well I'm not surprised one little bit. They got a work out. Last night was really great, and I have to admit I was surprised you went on for as long as you did," he said ending with another wink.

Dorothy blushed again and looked out the window to watch a truck and trailer pull-up and said quietly, "I surprised myself, I never thought I could act like that, I wasn't raised to be a slut," and then whispered, "but if felt so damned good." She sipped her coffee lost in thought.

Matt saw her eyebrows furrow, "Hey," he said, "last night wasn't about sluttiness or fooling around. There was nothing slutty about it. It was about a loving couple wanting to get past a debilitating problem and experience sex as it's meant to be. Do you regret doing it?"

Dorothy looked down as if embarrassed, hesitated, and said, "Yes... but then again no. It makes me consider all we've missed over the years. I truly wished John could have..." she stopped deep in thought.

Matt really did feel for her.

Matt looked out the window with her then said, "He's a great guy" then, after a moment of thought, added, "What I never expected was that John is a cuckhold." He'd added that to suggest to her that John liked the experience.

Dorothy scrunched up her eye brows again and quizzically looked at him from over her coffee cup and asked, "A cuck what?"

"Cuckhold," he said louder, "It's a term used for men who like to watch their women, girlfriends, usually wives, have sex with other men."

Dorothy laughed and said, "Good God, it's so common there's a name for it?"

Just then a woman walked in the door behind Dorothy and paused. Her head was tilted to the side looking at Matt.

Matt winked at her and smiled.

The lady grinned back, Matt said, "Dorothy, you have a customer."

The woman stepped in as she said, "That's an interesting conversation to walk into the middle of. Am I in the right place to check in or should I come back a little later." She had a huge smile on her face as she stood waiting for a reply.

Matt smiled and quickly brought his coffee cup, raised it to her and said, "Oh no, you're in the right place. We were just making... um, conversation" he said in an intentionally unconvincing way, "ya, that's what it was, conversation."

Dorothy turned 1,000 shades of red as she got up and hurried behind the counter, stammering "I'm so sorry" and gestured to the counter "please."

The woman stepped to the counter and in a few moments was followed by a man and three children all under the age of 10 and running amok.

Then his little brain took over as Matt examined the wife. "Holy shit those are nice legs" he thought to himself.

Yes, Matt is a leg man, and an ass man, and a breast man, and a, well, I suppose you get the point.

It took Dorothy about 10 minutes to get them assigned a space and checked in.

Matt sat and watched. Every few moments the wife would glance his direction and his smile would grow each time. She obviously knew he was checking her out, and didn't care one damned bit.

He admired what he saw. She was tall, probably 5 ft 8 or 9 in, hair was a dirty blonde cut in a layered tinted way that looked a bit like one made popular by Jennifer Anniston a few years back. She was nicely shaped, strong shoulders, breasts were probably a C cup hidden under a pull over tank top, nice tan lines visible, sports bra underneath making her breasts appear smaller than they likely were, no nipples visible, nice waistline, no belly to speak of, motherly hips, sport shorts on, long shapely smooth legs, pink tennis shoes with bobbed socks, and designer sun glasses tipped back on her head.

This was a woman who took care of herself.

Matt was guessing she was about his age, "Older for a family with those young of children, probably a professional of some sort, started the family later, career first," he thought.

Matt saw that after a glance from the woman, a glance mind you not a word spoken, the man took off after the kids who had run outside screaming.

He chuckled to himself and thought of a comedian he liked to listen to on the road, "husband was well trained, her mother would be proud."

The woman asked to use the toilet and Dorothy showed her where it was.

Dorothy was still at the counter when the wife reappeared. She walked past and said, "Good bye" to Dorothy. Then, just before she stepped out the door she glanced at Matt, "Nice meeting you Mr. Cuckhold," winked and left laughing and saying, "I'll leave you to your conversation."

Dorothy looked at Matt.

Matt looked at Dorothy.

Then they both burst out laughing, Dorothy so much she had tears in her eyes.

It took a few moments before she was able to regain control of herself and return to the table. She sat fanning herself and said, "Thank God they're from Minneapolis, I'd have been mortified if someone around here learned about... " she let the sentence complete itself.

Matt let his curiosity change the subject, "So where did you put Ken and Barbie?"

Dorothy laughed and said, "It's Denise and Larry and they are on pad 22. They wanted 50 amp with full hook-ups and only made the reservation last night. It's not the best spot but it was the last we had. We are fully full full."

A few minutes passed by and Dorothy's hand was back on his thigh, she gently stroked it.

Matt noticed her nipples were showing, "Something has her interest," he said to himself.

Dorothy said, "So sex as the husband watches huh? And the husband supposedly likes it?"

"Oh, that's it." Matt thought and then nodded saying, "Oh yes, it's not at all uncommon. For whatever reason some men find it arousing to watch and women seem to like lit when their husband or significant other is watching. In fact the internet is loaded with videos husbands take of their wives having sex with other men."

"VIDEOS? They film it and then share it?!" Dorothy said in shock, "My God I can't imagine."

He let that sink in a bit then off-handedly added, "Quite often those other men are black."

Dorothy's eyes popped wide and her mouth gaped opened, "What? black? why blacks?"

He nodded, "Maybe it's naughty, or a taboo, or maybe it's the huge penis reputation black men have. You know, big feet, big hands, all that stuff."

"I can't imagine...," she said as she went into expressing her beliefs and ideas about minorities.

Matt understood but disagreed with her feelings, they were after all, sitting in a very conservative traditionally German Lutheran part of the country, few if any minorities around. It wasn't a hatred of minorities, just an outdated belief that they should keep to themselves. All this flashed through his mind followed by, "Ya, but the last few days has revealed to me that the conservative, stuck-up, modest, proper, women around here can be anything but. aaaaand little Mrs. Minneapolis sure knew what a cuckhold was."

He made a mental note to follow up on them, or more accurately, her.

As she spoke he couldn't resist looking at her lips and mouth and wonder what it must feel like. Last night he had seen her take John's flaccid cock and balls into her mouth, he orgasmed and she swallowed it down without even a hesitation or gag. "Even soft John wasn't tiny, and with cock AND balls...", Matt's mind wandered.

Dorothy looked at Matt, "Hey you where you'd you go?"

Matt snapped out of it, "Oh, sorry. Something on my mind."

She chalked it up to "men" and went back to looking out the window.

He waited a few moments before he changed the subject. "May I ask you something about last night?"

Dorothy broke her gaze from outside the window, "Of course, it's not like we're not familiar anymore," she said. Then her face showed concern, "You didn't like something?"

"Oh, God no" Matt quickly said. "Everything was terrific. No, more than terrific, fantastic, something I'll never ever forget. Hell, I woke up this morning and my balls were still tingling just thinking about it. In fact, you don't even have to ask me ahead of time. Just drop in whenever you'd like to, well... share," he ended with a wink and a smile.

"I, I mean we, enjoyed it to. In fact John and I played this morning and all he could talk about was watching me with you last night, he was frisky," she laughed and paused, then with a twinkle in her eye and added, "We or maybe, just I... will, almost definitely drop in on you."

Then she suddenly looked embarrassed, a flash of red in her cheeks, she slipped her hand off his thigh and onto his cock. "So, what's your question?"

That took a moment to soak in, "She'll visit," and Matt loved it.

"Well, when you were, uh... pleasing John..."

Dorothy's nodded, then her eyes opened a bit and her hand flew to cover her mouth as in shock. "How could you see?"

"The mirror on the closet," Matt said.

She was so embarrassed her face and shoulders turned red.

"It's ok, couples do what they do to please each other, oral sex is part of it. There's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about between them... or now between us." Matt left the "because we've fucked unspoken."

"But what got my attention was HOW you pleased him."

"Oh?" she said.

Matt leaned toward her and almost whispered, "You took his penis AND balls into your mouth at the same time. Having one or the other is a pretty normal part of sex or foreplay, whatever normal means I suppose, but it's something I've never seen or heard of."

Dorothy was awash in red again, "It's just how we've managed over the years. It's unusual?"

Matt sensed the bait was being nibbled at. "I can only speak from my own experiences but I've never seen or heard of it, certainly never experienced it." He paused again and looked at her mouth, "and how on earth do you get it to all fit?"

Dorothy sat silently and he could almost hear Dorothy's mind working it over. She let her hand slide over and knead his hardening cock.

There was a long pause before she quietly said, "Would you like me to try it with you next time?"

"Oh hell yes," he said without a thought, "Well not right now. Things are pretty busy and we wouldn't want an interruption when we would be... playing."

She squeezed his cock and said almost as an afterthought making an appointment, "We'll do it later then."

Sensing his cock was beginning to show a bit more interest than he wanted at the moment he said, "Well, I'd better get going." Matt stood up.

She kissed him again and gave his cock a pat and whispered into his ear, "See you later."

He had to pass pad 22 on his way to his coach. Since all the pull through pads were occupied Denise and Larry were having to back in their huge Rockwood 5th wheel. His offer to help was accepted and it took Larry a few tries to get into a position she liked. Typical couples backing-in exercise.

Matt hung around and helped them get unhooked, leveled, and their services hooked up. They were missing quite a few things an RVer considers standard equipment. It turned out they had only purchased the rig the previous weekend and it was their first time out.

Denise told Larry to start a list of things they were missing, but between Dorothy and Matt they were able to borrow everything they needed. As he left he told them which pad he was on and if they had needed anything to drop by anytime.

The park had ten 31 ft trailers as permanent rentals and Matt had rented them all for the weekend for family members who wanted to stay at the park for the long weekend. Each were rated to sleep 8, but really could only sleep 4 adults comfortably. The other 4 had better be adolescents or children to fit into the beds.

4 were filled with families who wouldn't have been able to afford a hotel, motel, or had relatives they didn't want to stay with. Families, gotta love'em but there are those squabbles.

He stopped by and chatted a bit with each one before returning to his coach. There was an aunt and uncle in one who had their daughter, Sally, and grand kids with them. Matt made a mental note to check back and do a little one on one genealogy with her.

Aunt Rebecca was due to arrive tomorrow and was going to stay in the fifth trailer, which happened to be next to Matt. She had called and said there were 2 nieces who lived in North Dakota were driving in and they'd stay together in that trailer.

He almost felt like an evil villain wanting to rub his hands together with glee at the ration of woman to men.

Matt spent the day puttering around the coach and about 1 pm he decided to take a dip in the lake. The temperature was in the high 80's with humidity close to the same. Hot and muggy. After swimming for a bit he saw Larry and the kids about 50 feet down the shoreline so he swam down to say hello. Just about the time he decided to get dry and walk back to the coach here came Denise down to the water's edge.

She was dressed the same but now Matt was only in his bathing suit. Mind you Matt thought speedos were likely the stupidest suits every invented. He was wearing what amounted to a traditional men's bathing suit which looked simply like shorts.

Denise said, "Looks like they're all filled up for the reunion we've heard about."

"Pretty much, last I heard there were just under 100 people coming."

"Are you family?" Matt asked.

Denise looked around as if considering how to answer and replied, "No, not really. I knew some people from around here though."

They talked for a few minutes about the weekend and what was going on in the area. Denise had Larry go chase kids again. When Larry was out of ear shot Denise said that from the conversation she walked in on she thought Matt and Dorothy were the owners. Matt corrected that, they laughed and then he said his goodbyes and started to walk back.

During their conversation he couldn't help himself and his eyes drifted up and down Denise whenever he thought no one would notice. She caught him several times looking at her legs. And more than once he was sure she was checking out his cock. She noticed him noticing her, smiled and winked.

Matt just smiled back and thought, "Possibilities here, definite possibilities, but there's something amiss with Barbie."

He really found Denise attractive. On the walk back to his coach he turned to look back after a few minutes, only to find she was still standing there watching him walk away. "Sweet" he thought, "that's a good sign.

Matt closed the coach door and almost jumped out of his skin.

"I've been waiting for you," he heard from behind him. It was Dorothy's voice.

He turned and didn't see her so he walked to the bedroom. There he found Dorothy fully dressed and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Matt leaned on the door frame, "Well that's a pleasant sight to come home to."

"John is watching the office and he said I could 'go out and play.' You feel like playing?" she asked as she slid to him across the bed.

He didn't move but said, "Wow, I don't know. I just took a swim, I'm pooped, all wet, hungry." Looking down he lifted his cock and said, "I'm not sure I'm UP for it at the moment."

Dorothy laughed and said, "Let's see if I can fix that. I want to see a proper one of these up close." She motioned for him to step closer.

She was sitting on the edge of the bed and he was standing with his hands on his hips, his feet outside hers.

In one smooth movement she grabbed the bottoms of his shorts and pulled down as she slipped herself off the edge of the bed, her knees going between his. She settled to sit on her heels, his shorts were across her thighs..

Matt looked down as she looked up at his soft cock. The coldness of the lake had had it's natural affect on his cock so it was pretty shriveled and small but that wasn't going to last long in here and he already felt swelling.

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