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It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...

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A sensual re-telling of a familiar Christmas tale.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/03/2024
Created 01/06/2023
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"It's beginning to look a lot like--ahhhh!"

The snow whirled around the setting sun in the city. On the snowy steps, a woman sang her heart out for her friend, who recorded it for social media. However, a man brustling past her without a care and a scowl on his face knocked her down to the ground.

The woman barely had time to turn and scream at the man before he disappeared into a waiting limousine. The man, with his chiseled chin and fresh-cut face did not notice. The man, with a suit costing more than the woman's rent, did not care. The limousine sped off as if no one else existed.

"Motherfucker!" Screamed the woman. "Merry fucking Christmas!"

The man inside the limo looked out the window, bored.

"I hate this season," he said.

"I'm sorry, sir?" The driver said.

The man responded by closing the separation window between them. He idled with his phone for a moment before calling someone.

"Steven, it's Jay," the man said, adjusting his tie. "You got the number?"

"Jesus, Jay, it's Christmas eve."

"Great. No one is doing important work, then. Getting that number should be easy."

"No, Jay, it means half the staff are off and the other half are leaving early."


"Because it's Christmas Eve, and I'm sorry if the mighty Jay Roberts can't find enough emotion in his hollowed-out heart to enjoy the festivities, but others can and do. So, your precious numbers will have to wait until after the holiday."

Jay scowled. "Are we talking day after Christmas or--"

"After New Year, Jay."

"There are plenty of days in between!"

"And there is no one that is going to work hard enough in those days. And, even then, the other offices are closed the entire week. So, if you want to pay the employees to come in and do no work--"

"No, no. Fine. Fine!" Jay said, throwing his hands in the air. "I guess we don't need to run a business!"

"We will, Jay. Our infinite growth can wait until the new year. I promise it will still be there."

"You are lucky you are my right-hand man, Steven, or I would have you fired for talking to me like this," Jay said with a sigh. He rubbed his forehead and reached for the small bar fridge. Using his fingers, he cracked open a small bottle of some sort of alcohol.

"Jay, are you drinking already?"

"No, Steven, I'm celebrating. Celebrating the fact I now have a week of no business, no numbers, no nothing."

"If only you had friends and family."

"I'm starting to think I can live without a right hand."

"I get away with talking to you like this because you need it. And you know it. You replace me with one of those young yes-men and they'll be so far up your ass you'll either start to like it and get yourself a p-spot vibrator or miss the days when I would chew you out for failing at being a human being."

Jay gulped the bottle. He gagged. "P-spot?"

"Nevermind," Steven said with a sigh. "Are you going to be okay?"

"What do you mean? We beat last quarter's earnings by--"

"No, I mean you."

"Besides suddenly having a vacation I didn't ask for, yes Steven."

"It's the holidays, man. What are you going to do for the holidays?"

Jay shrugged and emptied the bottle. He let loose a loud burp. "I don't know. Maybe I will go to Vegas. Or, have a few women come up to my place."

"Even some escorts take the holidays off, Jay."

"Not the ones I pay for, Steven. They'll do as I say."

The limo pulled up to a large, sleek, glass building.

"I'm home, Steven. Make sure the crew is back working double-time when all this nonsense is done. I want those numbers at ten o'clock in the morning on January 2nd."

Jay heard a loud sigh. "Yes, my friend. Try to have some fun and joy this holiday season?"

Steven received no response.

"Merry Christmas, Steven."

The doorman opened the door with a smile and a nod.

"What am I supposed to say to that? Bah humbug?"

"Love ya too, pal."

Jay smiled and disconnected the call.

"Hello, Mr. Roberts!" Bellowed the cherry man. "And how are you on this fine Christmas Eve?"

"I just heard it was that today," Jay said, stepping out of the vehicle and buttoning up his jacket. "Miserable time of the year."

"Oh, I think it's full of magic and wonder myself, sir."

"And that's why I have the penthouse suite, and you are working this holiday," Jay said with a shake of his head. "I like you Derek--"


"Danny, sure. Take my advice. Magic? Wonder? You can't exchange that for cash. You can't use that to leverage yourself into a better position. If you stop looking around for all this joy and happiness and see that you can have it for yourself if you work long and hard enough, you'll get there. You have it inside of you," Jay said, pointing at Danny's chest as they walked to the front door. "Stop with all this holiday nonsense. Work hard. Kiss up a little. Get ahead. And then one day you'll have a doorman as you go to your penthouse."

"I'll try to remember that, sir," Danny said in a professional but exasperated tone.

Near the door, a woman walked by. A plain-looking woman with curly brown hair, rosy cheeks, and brilliant green eyes. She carried a large stack of parcels and bags, trying to walk in the snowy winter while unable to see ahead of her. She took her time crossing the door.

"Ma'am, do you need help?" Danny asked, tipping his hat.

The woman stopped to smile.

Jay did not stop.

He plowed through the woman, the stack of parcels and bags tipping over and falling. She, too, fell on her butt with a squeal.

"See? That's the problem, Derek, you have to keep your eyes on what you are doing, not get distracted by...this," Jay said, stopping at the door.

Danny, now openly glaring at Jay, knelt down to help the woman. "Terribly sorry, Ma'am--"

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Derek. I did it. And I'm not sorry," Jay said, looking at the woman. "You need to watch where you are going."

The woman sputtered in anger.

"Hey, don't get mad at me. You stopped in front of a door. On private property. You should be banned from the premises."

Jay snapped his fingers at Danny. "Derek, are you forgetting something? The door, man! The door! That's what you're paid for."

Danny looked at the woman and sighed. She nodded, understanding the man and the situation clearly. Danny got to his feet, dusted his shirt, and opened the door with such force it created a small burst of wind.

"You sir, are uncouth and unpleasant!" The woman yelled as Jay walked inside. Jay paused and turned, bemused. "You need to remember the reason for the season!"

"The reason for the season is for poor people to try and have hope one day they'll live like me," Jay said with a smile.

The woman clenched her fists and bounced on her butt, steaming mad. "You are something else, sir. Something else. I will tell you what. You will be visited by three--"

Jay waved her off, rolling his eyes. "I hate that story."

"You'll hate yourself if you don't see the error of your ways! Just you watch, sir! Just you watch!" The woman screamed as the door closed behind Jay.

Jay shook his head, chuckling to himself as he walked to his elevator.



A few glasses of champagne later, and a full meal, and Jay collapsed onto his silk sheet bed, clad only in his underwear. His head spinning, he managed to slip under the covers before sleep came for him.

Sometime in the still of the night, he felt something. Something against his leg. He stirred but did not wake up immediately. Then, the feeling grew. Something brushed up against his leg. Something wonderful. It rubbed against his crotch until even Jay could not deny the pleasurable feelings. He opened his eyes.

And saw something underneath his sheets.

Yelping, he threw off his sheets. His eyes grew wider as he saw a woman with red hair, red lipstick, and red lingerie rub and grind against his erection. His eyes fell to her breasts.

"See something you like?"

He looked around. "How did you get in here?"

"Why, do you mind?" She purred, tugging down his underwear. His half-hard cock popped out to attention.

"I don't remember ordering any women," Jay said, rubbing his forehead. "Then again, Reese knows what I like, and the staff downstairs know better than to bother me..." He opened his eyes as the redhead started to lick and tease his cock. "You're really good at this. Are you one of Reese's new hires?"

The woman smiled and shook her head. She ran her tongue up and down his shaft.

"Oh, man, you are good," he said, leaning back into his bed. "I'm not much for blowjobs but, that's...ohhh," he moaned as she took his entire cock in her mouth. He sat there, paralyzed with pleasure as she bobbed and sucked his cock like it was her career.

Soon, Jay felt the orgasm building. "Okay, I'll pay extra if you take it down your throat," he moaned. "Shit, I need this. I need it, baby. Give it to me."

He grabbed her head and used it like his personal sex toy. She sucked harder and faster when he did this.

"Just a few more, just a few more, yes, yes, don't stop," Jay moaned. Lost in his own pleasure, he awaited the next moment when he would orgasm.

Except, she stopped. She wiped her lips of his precum and her saliva and grinned at him.

"What the fuck?" Jay said, rising to a seated position as she curled up at the foot of the bed. "Look. I'm paying you. Finish this. Don't tease."

"Oh, but that's what I do best, hun," the woman said.

Jay raised an eyebrow. "Not when I'm paying you, you're not."

"You're not paying me. I'm paying you a visit."

"I see that. Wait, if I'm not paying you, who is?"

"The woman who warned you three of us would come for you tonight," the woman said with an evil laugh. She reached across the bed and fondled his balls.

"What do you--oh--oh that's good," Jay said, falling back down to the bed. "Jesus, you are an expert."

"That, I am, hun. I know ways to make you feel such pleasure from such innocent things you'll swear it's magic. And maybe, it is," she said, putting her mouth over his cock. "You want to cum?"

She sucked on his cock once more, right until he felt ready to cum again. Harder, this time.

Once again, she stopped.

"Goddamnit woman!" Jay said, slapping the pillow beside him. "Will you finish me off already?!"

The woman chuckled. "Maybe. Or maybe I'll keep you in this sublime torture of pleasure forever. Unable to cum, unable to stop yourself loving it."

Jay protested, but the woman kissed him. Hard on the lips. His resistance melted and he fell to the bed. When she broke the kiss, Jay couldn't move for minutes, dazed by the bliss of her lips.

She continued to play with his cock. Jerking it, licking it, fondling it. All the while keeping him right on the cusp of an orgasm but not allowing it to happen.

"All this pleasure and joy," the woman said, tugging on his cock, "You get this. Daily. You can pay for it, or earn it. But, you get it. And yet, Danny. Sam. Lionel. All downstairs, waiting to serve your needs and whims of you rich and powerful people in this building. When they could be with their families. With their lovers. And yet, you all demand they stay. Without extra pay. Without joy. Eating soggy sandwiches they made early in the morning and stale coffee. Why should you get pleasure when they don't?"

She engulfed his cock and agonized him again with another edging session.

"Jesus, stop! Just, just stop! Please," begged Jay.


"What do I have to do? I'll do anything. I'll buy you anything, just let me cum, please!" Jay said.

"I don't need anything. Except for you to see that pleasure should be shared. Should be enjoyed by all. Don't you agree?" She said, squeezing his balls.

"Yes, yes! God yes! Yes I do!" Jay said.

"So, what are you going to do about it, big boy?" The woman said, licking her lips.

"I--I--with who?"

The woman sighed and edged him again with her mouth.

"Fuck, okay, okay, you mean the people working downstairs?"

"That would be a good start, big boy."

"I can't relieve them! The board of this building will have my head!"

"So, you'll just give up? Maybe I should then, too," the woman said, stopping her hand from jerking his cock and moving away.

"No, no, no, wait! Wait! I can't let them go home, but I can make it enjoyable here! Right? Can't I?" Jay said, sitting up and grabbing the woman.

The woman smiled. "Better hurry, baby. I have to go soon and I'd hate for you to be stuck with blue balls."

Jay leaped to his feet, putting his underwear over his comical erection, and strode off toward the door.


Danny sighed and watched another advertisement on his ad for another play on the mobile game. The elevator dinged. He did not raise his eyes.

Until he saw motion. He looked and saw Jay Roberts, wearing only an open silk robe and his underwear, which did not hide his giant erection. He held in his hands his black credit card and marched over to a dumbstruck Danny.

"Danny! Are you and the boys still here working?!"

"Uh, yes sir, yes sir!" Danny said, hiding his phone.

Jay slapped his credit card down on the counter. "That will not do. That will not happen tonight. So, I'm ordering the following. My fleet of cars to take you all home fast tonight to get home to your families. And, while you're stuck here, you will eat. You will drink. And you will be merry, damnit. I have ordered from my catering company. They will be here in a half-hour. Lobster, garlic shrimp, steak, three types of cheesecake, three salads, a bean salad, two types of champagne, two sweetbreads, four dips, a chicken enchilada set, five different artisan cheeses, homemade crackers, and I think homemade chocolates. Do you think you will all enjoy this? Do I need more? Something else?"

Danny stood there, unable to speak.

"Well? Danny, my night's joy is riding on this!"

"Uh, yes! Yes, it will!"

"Good! Use my card. Tip well, it's Christmas and I need them to feel joy as well. And, I want every one of you to order something online for yourself. One thousand dollar minimum. Get the receipts and slide the credit card under my door. Do you understand?"

"You're serious?"

Jay strode back to the elevator. He held up a finger. "You're goddamn right! If I don't see those charges on my card I will have your jobs! Now, spread the news and get to it!"

"Y-yes, sir!" Danny said, dumbfounded and holding the black credit card. He looked up to see the elevator doors closed once more.



Jay threw off his robe and walked toward the woman on the bed. She held his phone, grinning at the dinging the phone made.

"You made an impression," the woman giggled. "Your bank account is racking up charges."

"Fuck that, I have the money. I won't even notice," Jay said, slipping off his underwear. He stood at the foot of the bed, his raging cock pointing at the woman.

She tossed the phone. And then spread her legs. "So, you are saying you can spread joy whenever you want."

"Yes, yes, I get it, ghost of Christmas past," Jay said, mounting her. "Can I have my orgasm now?"

She smiled. "I'm no ghost of anything. Will you remember this lesson? Or do I have to come back and give you blue balls again?"

"I'll remember. Now, shut up," Jay said, slamming his cock deep into her pussy.

He groaned and his face contorted. Never did a pussy feel this good. "Holy shit."

"Spread joy around the world and it'll always feel like this, big boy," she whispered. "Now, give it to me good."

"You give me blue balls for this long? You bet your tight ass I'm giving it to you good!" Jay yelled, grabbing her wrists and holding her body down. He rammed her, shaking the bed. Each thrust felt better than the last. The bed shook with his might as he penetrated her deep.

Soon, his orgasm came. And this time, she did not stop him. In fact, her legs wrapped around him and held him close, squeezing him and making him cum deep inside of her. He roared in triumph as he shot his seed inside her.

"Oh, good going, big boy," the woman cooed. "I haven't been fucked like that in ages."

Jay collapsed face-first onto the bed. "Guh."

"Well said, big boy," she said, patting his back. She leaped to her feet. "Mmm, I like the feeling of that inside of me. I like it."

She turned and blew him a kiss. "You learn your lesson quickly. Which is good, because it gets better from here. Good luck, big boy."

And like that, between blinks, she disappeared. Jay continued to live inside of his own pleasure swirling inside of his body. He heard the phone continue to beep as his bank notified him of charges.

"Fuck, this is the best version of that goddamn Christmas story," Jay mumbled into the bedsheets.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hmmm such a great story

Thanks for the reason to look forward to Christmas... although, I'd enjoy you sitting under the tree wrapped up as my Christmas present even more... ^^


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