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It's not What You Think

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Relationships get stale don't they?
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Well, call me crazy, call me paranoid. I think my wife might be cheating on me. But I am getting ahead of myself let me tell you when the idea first came to mind. It was a Sunday morning and I was sitting down at the kitchen table on my laptop thinking about last night. When I decided to Google, signs your wife is having an affair. Why was I looking this up you may ask? Well a few reasons, starting with like I said what happened last night. My wife, Shannon and I have been married for twenty years now. Do not get me wrong, she has given me twenty of the happiest years of my life. But all relationships have their difficulties and recently a few things have cropped up. For instance, she started heading into work a little earlier in the mornings time to time. On more than one occasion a week, she comes home a couple of hours later than usual. She always had a good logical explanation, but it was just out of character.

The next thing that stood out in my mind is our love life. I know it is not a good thing, but we sort of had a routine. We would make love, usually, two or three times a week. Once or twice in the middle of the week and again every weekend on Saturday, or sometimes Sunday. We never went more than three days in a row without love making of some sort. But on a few occasions over the last few weeks, we have not. I would initiate and she would say that she was not in the mood, or she was tired, had a headache or some other excuse. It appeared to me it would line up with the days that she either went to work early or came home late. The status quo seemed to be normal on the weekends though.

Which brings us to last night, Saturday night. I was really in the mood because I was expecting sex midweek. She came home late Wednesday night and said she was exhausted. I took a shower, had a bite to eat and went to bed early. So, by Saturday, it had been six days. I had just freshened up for bed after Shannon and then I went into the bedroom. She was sitting up reading a book. When I came into the room, I snuggled in beside her. She folded her book and set it on the end table, turned towards me and we began to kiss passionately. I was caressing her body really in the mood and probably acting a little more eager than usual. When She whispered into my ear.

"Slowed down. Hun. Listen, I have an idea. Why don't we try something different." With that She reached into the end table and pulled out a handful of silk scarves. I was thinking to myself where did those come from? Why did she have them in her dresser drawer? She said. "Why don't you tie this one around my eyes like a blindfold and then you can tie my hands with the other ones to the headboard!"

I was horny as hell and hearing her say that she wanted me to tie her up while blindfolded, increased my arousal. As she adjusted the blindfold over her eyes and then held her wrist forward. I tied them together, She laid back and put her arms over her head. I secured them to the headboard, stepping back and observing my work as I pulled down my boxer shorts my erection sprang out in front of me. My wife in a low tone whispered out. "Take your prize my master" she slowly spread her legs.

I knew instantly while climbing on top of her I would not last, but I definitely wanted it to. So, I worked my way up from the bottom of the bed between her long, sensuous legs kissing my way towards my prize reaching her kitty. I devoured it like a starving man, she cried out in ecstasy as her body shook. After recovering. from her orgasm, I crawled up between my love wife's legs and started to slowly work my way inside. Taking my prize as she once again stated that I was her master.

"I am all yours take me."

I took my time and savoured every moment of this experience and when the time came! It was almost like an out of body experience. Rolling off to her side I reached up and pulled the knot releasing her hands. As our sweaty glistening bodies laid there our breath heaving our chests up and down. I looked over at Shannon and stated. "Where did that come from?"

She smiled and spoke. "Did you like it?"

Then drop the subject without answering my question. I never thought much more about it, and we kissed. We fondled each other in the afterglow then took a shower together. Larry. After crawling back into bed, she spooned up against me and we drifted off to sleep. At about 4:00 AM. I woke up in a panic from a nightmare sweating profusely. I was dreaming that some faceless man was making love to my wife while she was tied eagle to a bed. I heard him say when are you going to leave that loser of a husband of yours and trade up to a real man. After that exact moment I woke from my nightmare, looked over at my wife sound asleep beside me. Rather than disturb her, I crept out of bed downstairs to get a drink of water to clear my thoughts. I found myself sitting in the kitchen thinking to myself, Reed do not be stupid Shannon would never cheat on you. I could not shake the dream from my head. Nor the circumstances of unusual behaviour as of late. I opened my laptop that sat on the counter and started Googling. Signs your wife is cheating on you.

Frequent Late Nights at Work

Changes in Your Sex Life

Intuition and Gut Feelings

Sudden Change in Schedule

Constantly Checking Her Appearance

Changing Passwords on Devices

Mysterious Physical Marks or Smells

Overprotective of Her Phone

Increased Interest in Appearance

Unusual Expenses or Financial Activity

I closed the computer, leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I started thinking to myself okay so changes, there have definitely been some changes. That new little sexcapade last night for one. It took me by surprise and now thinking back about it I remember thinking to myself. Last week when she came home from work, she said she was going to take a shower. That she had a long day I do not recall her ever taking a shower after work.

I am going to have to keep an eye. On her and see if there's other signs that I have been overlooking. I decided to go back to bed and try to get a couple more hours sleep.

The next thing I remember is smelling bacon and coffee. Looking over at the clock I realized it was. 9:45. Then I heard Shannon yelling up the stairs. "Reed, are you coming down to breakfast?"

"Be right there, Hun."

When I got downstairs Shannon was walking around in her robe and slippers. She leaned over and gave me a kiss on the lips and spoke. "Help yourself to some coffee breakfast is almost ready. Honey, I was thinking of going out and getting my hair done today. I am getting tired of the same old same old look,what do you think?"

"But I like your hair just the way it is sweetheart."

"This is something that I really want." Shannon returned.

I just smiled and looked up at her. I always thought that she was the most beautiful woman in the world. If I was trying to describe her to someone, I would say she looked similar to Catherine, Prince of Wales. That long, thick brown mane of hair and those eyes sparkling emeralds. Snapping back to the here and now, I realized that Shannon was still talking to me.

"Are you listening to me? Reed I'm meeting up with your sister. We are going to go out and do some shopping and then get our hair done. Maybe you can phone up one of your buddies, make a day of it yourself. Listen Hun, I am going to get cleaned up and get ready. I will talk to you tonight, alright?"

That put a thought in my mind. I wonder if my sister has any indication that something is amiss with Shannon? I do not want to come off as paranoid. Before I ask her anything, I think I will do more investigation on my own. I'd like to get a peek at her phone or possibly get into her laptop, see if there is anything I can find. Up to the bedroom I looked for her laptop. I could hear Shannon humming to herself in the master bathroom with the door shut. The first thing I did was investigate the dresser drawer, I see she put the scarves back in there. Then I grabbed hold of her laptop that was sitting on the nightstand and opened it up. I Punched in her pass code that I have known for quite some time. The computer did not open, I tried it again. I know Shannon's pass code is her birthday, damn it. She's changed her pass code. I closed the laptop and went to look to see if I could find her cell phone. When I heard her talking to someone I crept over to the bathroom door, listening.

"Yes, I am just getting ready." Then I heard her laugh. "No, he hasn't said anything so far. But I think he is starting to get suspicious. I'll let you know if anything changes. Got to go see you soon."

I quickly rushed away from the door thinking that she was coming out. I waited for a few moments getting dressed myself. About ten minutes later, she came out wearing a pulchritudinous blue dress, it was one of my favourites. She had her hair in a ponytail, bare foot she came over grabbed her shoes from under the bed, looked at me and stated.

"Did you get a hold of your friend David?"

I replied. "No, not yet"

"Okay, well I am heading out. I'm going to meet up with your sister. Send me a text if you need me, I think we are going to go to the mall. Then I have my hair appointment at 2:30. Love you talk later." Off she went down the stairs.

I decided to do more snooping and went through her dresser, nothing. I found an old purse hanging in the closet, nothing, nothing. I investigated the laundry hamper; I do not even know what I was looking for but it was empty. So, I decided to go downstairs and check the washer dryer. There was a basket of freshly folded clothes on top of the dryer. I started to snoop among the towels and a few of my pants, some other tops I came across. her black bra. She wears it quite often, also four pairs of panties. Plain old white cotton and then in the bottom there is something! A bright red lace bra with matching thong now this is something I've never seen on her before. Where did this come from and why was it in the laundry what day did, she wear this? The next thing I decided to do was go upstairs and check our bank accounts, see if there were any unusual purchases. I generally never paid much attention to that. Shannon usually takes care of the bills, so I had no reason to, but I did have access if required. I sat back in the kitchen again, poured myself another cup of coffee, and went online.

Going through our expenditures over the last month. Three weeks ago a purchase, Victoria's Secret. Could that be the lingerie that I found downstairs? I did some more searching, the only other thing that stood out was. Two credit card charges over the last couple weeks. Cracker Barrel restaurant near her work. We had not been out to a restaurant in months. I could feel my heart racing, something was up it did not sound good. I must see if I can figure out how to get on to her laptop and into her phone. I decided to take the day to do some yard work. Cut some grass and work on some projects around the house, try to keep my mind busy. Around 5:00 o'clock I heard Shannon's car pull in the driveway. As she came in the front door, I was just coming down from taking a shower after sweating up a storm working in the yard all day. She had a big grin on her face. I have to admit, Shannon's hair looked fantastic. She had added highlights, but all I could think was. Who was she changing her hair for?

"Well, what do you think? Do you like it?"

"Yeah, yeah, it looks great."

"Thanks, Reed."

She took her hand, bounced her hair, and said, "I like it too, so what have you been up to did you go out?"

"No, no, I just did some work around here. Worked on some of those projects that you have been bugging.....asking me to do. I changed the bulb in the hall and worked on filling that crack in the kitchen wall and cut the grass."

"Oh, my big strong man thanks, let me get dinner started."

She hung her purse up in the hall and when into the kitchen, I could hear pots and pans rattling. I stood looking to see that she was not coming and reached my hand into her purse and fumbled around to see if I could find her cell phone. Pulling it out I tried to access it once again hitting a wall, another pass code. Quickly putting it back in her purse I went into the kitchen. "Can I help with dinner?"

"I would love that, we haven't cooked together in so long. Reed, come help me cut up some vegetables."

After we made dinner together, enjoying a great meal, I asked Shannon if she bought anything while she was out shopping. She stated no but informed me my sister bought a couple of new outfits and got her hair cut. She asked me again if I liked the highlights in her hair and I assured her that she looked lovely. I wanted to ask more questions regarding my concerns but decided not to push it any further. Instead I changed tactics and asked questions about her work. If she was busy and if that is why she had to go in early or stay late some days. She assured me no, that everything was much the same. The only difference is Her employer was a little bit more flexible about her coming in early and leaving early. Or coming in late and staying late. I thought to myself, I am aware that you go in early, but I do not remember you coming home earlier! I also do not remember Shannon going in late to get home late, and again did not push it. I suggested we could watch a movie that she likes tonight, one of her Chick flicks.

She said. "Oh, that is a great idea," and jumped up saying "let me just clean up."

"No, why don't you pick out a movie, I will clean up the kitchen and meet you in the living room."

She came around the table, gave me a hug and a kiss and then went off to the living room. I cleaned up the kitchen a little bit, put the dishes in the dishwasher and then joined her in the living room. I sat beside her on the sofa, and Shannon snuggled up against me, her legs over top of my lap. I do not recall the last time we actually sat and watched a movie together, it was nice. I just could not get the thought out of my head that possibly she was having an affair. After the movie we went up to bed. I was wondering if we might make love. But was not surprised when She said. "Let's just snuggle."

The next day was the start of another work week. On Monday, she started work at her regular time and came home at her regular time. Same Tuesday but Wednesday, she came home an hour and a half late. I was a little irritated and it must have showed because she asked me what was wrong. I assured her nothing. Later that evening, she was watching television and I took a minute to give my sister a call. We just chatted about life in general. I asked her about the kids and if she enjoyed her shopping trip with Shannon on the weekend. She assured me that she had a good time. I was definitely fishing, but she wasn't biting so I said my goodbyes. After that I peeked my head in and told Shannon I was heading up to bed, she said.

"OK, I will be up in a little while."

So, I went up and took a shower and laid in bed. It has been four days since we made love, so I waited to see what would happen! I ended up falling asleep. When I woke up It was one in the morning and Shannon was asleep beside me.

Thursday evening after dinner I came out of the kitchen and said to Shannon.

"Can I borrow your laptop?"

"Why, what is wrong with yours?"

I stated, "I was in the middle of something, and it started to do an update. It is going to take about an hour and there's something important I need to send off to work."

She hemmed and hawed for a minute and said "yes, okay, give me a minute."

She ran up the stairs, about ten minutes later, she came down with the laptop already booted up and open. I set it down on the kitchen island, went into my emails and started to make an e-mail to my employer. When she walked away to the bathroom, I quickly started checking her history. It had just been deleted, I had no access to any of her e-mails, no history no sent messages no received messages that is very strange. I could hear her coming out of the bathroom, so I shut her computer. When Shannon walked in, I said.

"Oh, sorry I thought I was done," opened her laptop back up and went to log in. When I couldn't log in. I said "Shannon, when did you change your pass code?"

She replied, "I don't remember, I just changed it a while ago to match my laptop at work. That way it is easier for me to remember the pass code."

I said, "Oh well my laptop won't be much longer. here you go."

I handed her computer back; she shut it and took it back upstairs. That seemed like a pretty lame excuse something was definitely up, She never came back down. I went on to my laptop and did more research. I've convinced myself that my wife has not had a physical affair yet. But I am certain that it is at least emotional. I love her and I want to win her back. I am aware I have been lapsing as a husband and until I know for certain that she has been unfaithful I am going to try to win her back.

The next day, Shannon went to work about an hour early. But I was prepared, thinking that she possibly might. Because she had not done that recently. When she came downstairs, I had coffee and toast made for her. Shannon did not like to eat a heavy breakfast throughout the week. She thanked me with a kiss and went off to work telling me that she loved me. The next day after helping her with dinner, I asked Shannon if she wanted to go for a walk when we finished cleaning the kitchen. It would not hurt us to get a little bit of exercise and even start eating better. She replied. "That's a fantastic idea we have not gone for a walk together in so long and yes, I agree. We are not young any longer, we should start looking after our health."

Over the weeks that followed we went for a walk every other night and started eating better. Periodically I asked Shannon if I could give her a foot rub or a back massage. That seemed to really get me brownie points and she was more than happy to reciprocate. We made love like teenagers after that first massage. I had still taken notice that she was on her cell phone quite often texting, but I never questioned it. The irregular work hours haven't changed either, but our love making has increased. I surprised her on the weekend by telling her that we were having a date night taking her to a really nice restaurant, we even went dancing.

In the evenings we spent more time talking with each other rather than watching television. We also made plans to visit our son in university on the weekend.

The week after we had gone away, Shannon and my sister went shopping again on the weekend. The following day my sister called me, and she said that she wanted to meet up for coffee. That we have not spent any time together in a while. I told her I would meet her at Starbucks tomorrow. That evening we were sitting down having dinner. Before I had an opportunity to tell Shannon that I was meeting my sister, She announced to me that there was a training course through her work. That she wanted to take it would allow her to move to a better paying position. Shannon really wanted the possibility of advancement and more money and was asking my permission if it was okay. "I said certainly anything that will help you make more money and advance your career I support."

She came around and sat on my lap, hugged me, and gave me a kiss and said "I'm so happy to have you and that you support me. I love you, Reed. I will only be away for one night."

The smile fell off my face instantly. "Why would you be away?"

Oh honey, it is out of town. It's too far to travel back and forth. It's a two-day course. I'll only be gone for one night."

I put on a fake smile and drop the subject. I was going to meet up with my sister tomorrow and I definitely needed her advice. I was concerned that was it, She was meeting him, whoever he might be. If she had not cheated up till now, this was her opportunity. I had failed at trying to win her back.


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