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It's The Way You Look At Me Ch. 02


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I couldn't help but kiss her neck. I wanted to be inside of her now. I wanted to tell her that I've always wanted her. I just kissed her neck and let her know that way without words. She panted and let the tip of my cock slide against her opening again. She whimpered hard as she turned her hips and let me slide against her clit again.

I palmed her breast harder now as her cunny slipped up my shaft. My head crossed her clit until it rested at her opening again. I could feel it like a little mouth wanting to swallow me inside and take me deep into her. She panted next to my ear again, breath ragged as it caught in her throat. My fingers curled around her nipple as I felt my tip part her just a little before she tipped her hips and let my slide between her parted lips and catch her clit again.

Her lips split around my cock as she slid down on me again until her cunny rested against the base of my cock. My lips were still working her neck. I tried to control how hard I was kissing her neck so I wouldn't leave any marks. It was hard with what she was doing to me now. We were so close to having sex right now. Her cunny was so wet against my cock as she twisted her hips and started to slide up again.

She looked at me now as she let my tip rest against her clit. I was just an inch away from penetrating her as she sat there with her mouth open. I leaned up and found those lips again. She pressed them into mine and kissed me harder than she had up to this point. Mouth fully open before our tongues would slide over one another and tangle before retreating. A quick breath from both of us then back together for more.

Her hips undulated hard against my cock. She stopped moving her body and just used her hips to tease my cock and stimulate her clit. Her cunny lips were flared around my cock making it feel almost like I was inside of her. Her heat and wetness coated me and let me slide so easily against her sensitive skin.

She whimpered now, a deep sexual cry, as her hips twisted with a little more urgency now. I could feel it building inside of me, the release was starting to come fast.

"Jamie," I whispered. "I'm going to cum if you don't stop."

"I'm not stopping," she panted back. "I'm going to cum too."

She leaned over my shoulder again and rested her chin right where it was before. My head rested against the side of her head as she tipped her hips hard and let out a low moan. It wasn't sex but it was intense and I couldn't take it anymore. My muffled moan covered hers as we both started to cum. I shot thick ropes between us as my head started to spin. It was the most powerful release that I think I had ever had. The whole time she was panting hard into my neck as she turned her head to cover her gasps.

She leaned off my shoulder and looked at me. Her face was so flush with excitement from what we had been doing. She leaned down and kissed me again. Her lips were swollen red from her excitement as I found them with mine again. She panted into my mouth as she opened and let my tongue find hers again.

Her hips still turned against my cock. It was still hard and begging for her to take me inside of her. I could feel her wetness leaking from her more now that she had cum. My hands covered her ribs at her sides and held her. I traced her skin, feeling how excited she was as we tangled our tongues together.

Her cunny was sliding higher up my body again. My cock was passing by her entrance as she moaned into my mouth. She tipped her hips this time, letting my cock just catch her opening. I wanted it so bad right now. I wanted to leave the seat and press inside of her. I just couldn't find the courage to do it. I didn't want to me this up. I wanted her to make the moves and be in control.

I knew the thoughts that were running through her head right now. She was so ready to press back and take me inside but so unsure of what it meant for us. She tipped her hips in the opposite direction and let my cock slide back between her parted lips until my tip started to pass over her clit. She slid down all the way until the base of my cock was teasing her clit.

She took the temptation away now. She used her hips and rolled her cunny over my cock to tease her clit again with the middle of me. The tip stayed clear of her opening now. It was a good thing. My will was breaking and if she passed my tip over her opening again, I didn't know if I could stop myself from entering her.

I pushed the thought out of my head for now. I focused on her perfect lips on mine. I felt her soft tongue trace mine as she whimpered softly into my kiss. She was so soft and tender with her mouth. The best kisser I had ever kissed. She used her mouth with perfection and made my desire to enter her fade.

We had been kissing for a long time now. A lot longer than we had been earlier when we stopped to make a spot check on the others. Time seemed to fade away and it was just us here in the hot tub. She finally moaned as she pulled back and looked at my eyes. They studied mine before she smiled at me with those big, swollen lips.

"I love those eyes Owen," she whispered. "I love the way you look at me."

"I love those lips on mine." I whispered back.

She growled as I leaned up and closed the distance again and found them. They were so soft against mine. Just a hint of her cherry lip gloss remained on them now as she tilted her head and traced her tongue over mine again. I pulled her tighter to my body and felt her chest press against mine. Her nipples touched my skin as my hands traced her down to her hips and over her butt now.

She moaned into my kiss as I gave it a soft squeeze. It felt even better than it looked as my fingers curled around her cheeks. My fingers explored her body as we kissed with more intensity now. Her hips had stopped sliding over my cock, we just focused on each other. My fingers traced her butt again before I went down to her legs at my sides. Then I went up her legs and over her tummy to her chest again. Cupped her tits and felt their slight weight in the water. Teased her nipples and curled them in my fingers as she whimpered at my touch. Up to her neck and tangled my hands in her hair as I pulled her harder into my kiss.

She was so content with what we were doing. She had been jaded so many times by her past boyfriends. She knew I wasn't that way. I wouldn't ever do that to her. Even if it was strange that we were doing what we were doing. That was fading quickly with each trace of her tongue over mine. I had never done this with anyone before like what we were doing. I was always in a hurry to get to the prize. I started to realize the dance was more important than the music so to speak.

I traced her body again creating a mental map of her skin in my mind. Felt her ribs ripple under my fingers as I went down her sides. Cupped her butt again and felt how perfect it felt in my hands again. Traced her back now, fingers softly scratching her spine all the way up to her neck. Across to her shoulders and her tight muscles as she cupped my face with her hands and pulled me into her kiss. Up to her neck now, curling my hands around the back of her head. My thumbs touched her small ears and felt the studs she had in them. Back over her arms and under until I was at her throat. She panted as I touched her there and traced her sensitive skin. Down her chest, over her collarbone and over her breasts again. I felt her nipples rub my palms as I went further down over her tummy to her navel. Flattened my hands out on her tummy and let my thumbs rest on either side of her navel now. My fingers touched the little points her hips made on her skin. She was a beautiful creature. Every little detail my fingers touched seemed so perfect right now.

Her hips started to move against my cock again. She was sliding all the way up my cock this time. The tip pressing into her lips and almost catching her opening again. I tried not to think about it as she moaned above me and let me slide down her cunny until her clit touched my base. I tried not to think that maybe she would take me inside of her this time as my tip touched her opening again.

It was shattered as my ears spoke to my brain. I pulled away from her mouth and turned my head to listen. The gate at the far end of the pool started to rattle as somebody shook it. I focused hard trying to see if it was one of us trying to get out or somebody trying to get inside. There were no outlines of anyone on our side. Somebody was trying to get inside. The jingling of keys put the last piece of the puzzle together.

"Shit," I hissed softly.

"What?" Jamie asked.

"The gate," I stammered. "Somebody is at the gate."

"Oh crap," she half giggled.

"Get up," I whispered. "We have to get out of here."

She lifted her body quickly off of mine and climbed the stairs. Even in my panic I still noticed her body. Her body was so flush with excitement right now. Every part of her body looked like it was tingling with excitement. I watched her perfect body leave the water and stand on the pool deck before I snapped out of it and moved myself from the water.

"Jordan," I rasped.

"Hum? What?"

"Security man. We have to bolt."

"Shit," he quipped. "You sure?"

"Yeah, come on."

"Bobby," I rasped in his direction.

"I'm coming," he called softly.

I couldn't help but chuckle with Jamie as her mind went to the gutter. Four bodies left the pool quickly as the gate rattled and the keys jingled again.

"Bobby," I called. "Grab the clothes. Jordan, get the beer and head to the back. There's a gate that we can use to slip out if we hurry."

"Naked?" I heard Trish question.

"No time right now Trish," I hissed. "We have to go."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Bobby hissed as he found the piles of clothes on the deck and the chair.

"Come on," I rasped. "Let's go. Go Jamie, open the gate and hold it for them."

She bolted for the gate and pulled the latch once she got there. I stood on the deck and waved the other four on. They all rounded the pool and passed by me before I fell in line behind Bobby and followed them to the gate.

"Oh my god," Trish gasped as she slipped through and headed under the amber light that lit up the storage area behind the pool. "I can't believe we are doing this."

"Just go," I panted as I slipped through the gate.

The gate at the front of the pool opened finally. The security guard must have seen a flash of me as I tried to close the back gate softly. Thinking back on it now, there was no way he didn't see me. The light showed my every move.

"Hey," the guy called. "Stop right there."

"Fuck," Bobby hissed again.

"Run for it," I called.

The beer in the cooler sloshed around as Jordan quickly pulled away from us.

"Where the hell are we going?" he called.

"Around the boat trailers," I answered. "There's a small gate that leads out to the road."

"The road?" Trish shrilled. "God, I'm going to be running down the road naked now. Holy shit, if we get caught I'm a dead woman."

"Then move," I ordered. "Go, go, go!"

Jordan navigated us through the trailers and behind the one big RV that was parked in there. He was smart enough to find the gate and tossed the cooler down to figure out the handle. It popped loose as he flung it open before grabbing the cooler again and slipped through.

"Jordan," Jamie called. "Hold the gate you ass."

"Fuck, sorry," he called back.

He kicked the gate open with his foot just before it slammed shut. Jamie hit the gate and held it open for the rest of us. We flowed through quickly in a single fill line. I was the last to exit and was seen again by the guard.

"Hey I said," he barked. "Stop running and come here."

"Fuck you," Jordan howled.

"Geez Jordan," I hissed.

"Where to now?" he asked.

"That way," I pointed. "Down the street a little then we can slip in behind the hedgerow and have some cover to get further away."

"How far away are we from the house?" Trish asked.

"Three blocks.....maybe."

"Oh god," she gasped.

"It's late," I offered. "There isn't anyone out at this time of night but Terry. Just go."

"Even better," she hissed.

I passed by Jordan now and took the lead. I navigated us down the side of the road until we reached the hedgerow. We had to sprint across the street to get to it but it was the only option. There was nothing coming from either direction so I bolted across. One by one the rest of them followed me as I led us through the grass and into the darkness.

"Can we stop now?" Trish begged.

"I'm calling the cops," the guard called from the road.

"Hell no," I rasped. "Keep going. Don't worry about us seeing you naked. We are all in the same boat."

"It's not you guys I'm worried about. It's everyone else."

"Three blocks and we are home free. Just keep moving."

"Shit," Bobby huffed. "I'm losing stuff."

"Fuck it," Jordan called. "Just keep fucking moving."

We reached the end of the hedgerow and had to cross another street. It was clear once again so we bolted across and slipped between two houses to get to another street. We crossed without incident again and raced between two more houses until we hit a road block.

"Fuck," I quipped. "Fucking fence."

"Go," Jordan called. "I think it's open in the back."

"Geez fucking whiz," I croaked and pulled the gate open.

We slipped inside and continued on. I was cautiously leading us through the pitch black backyard until I hit the fence.

"It's not open you idiot," I chuckled. "What the hell are we going to do now?"

"We're trapped," Trish quipped.

"Out of the way," Bobby called.

He just lowered his shoulder and hit the wood planks on the old fence and barreled right on through. The poor fence exploded into chunks as he put his full force into it.

"Damn," I chuckled. "I knew we brought you for a reason."

The five of us slipped right through and headed through another backyard. A dog howled and barked as we slipped by a porch and continued on with more encouragement now. We rounded the front of the house and stopped as we reached the side of the road.

"We can take the long way around and go behind the laundry mat in the dark or we can chance it and run the road," I said.

"How long will the long way take?" Kelly asked.

"Two or three minutes," I offered. "But there's no telling how many bums are out back sleeping in the alley."

"I'm taking the road," Jordan called.

"This just gets better and better," Trish huffed.

"The house is right there, the road is dark and clear. It might not be if we keep talking about it," I said.

"I'm not waiting," Jordan called. He started running again with Kelly quickly on his tail.

"Let's roll," I called and started following Jordan.

I heard the rest of them following me as we started down the road again. We ran right along the side of the road in the ditch as the Williams' house came into view. Headlights dimly glowed from behind us as a car now started to come down the road.

"Holy shit," Trish shrilled.

"Go," I cried. "Faster."

We flew into the garage and made our way to the back as the car quickly passed by the house but didn't notice us.

"Give me my damn clothes Bobby," Trish hissed and panted from the long run.

Jordan and I looked at each other now. We started laughing. It turned into a hysterical laugh as we doubled over and held our stomachs. I leaned back and found a chair to sit in I was laughing so hard. Jordan fell into his and tipped it over. He landed with a thud. It brought out more laughter from me now. Jamie and Kelly couldn't help but start now as Jordan just lay there. We tried to get out words in between but nothing was coming out. We must have laughed for a solid minute before I calmed down enough to speak.

"Gosh damn, that was fucking close."

"Holy shit," Jordan still chuckled. "You ain't a kidding Owen."

"That was the dumbest thing I have ever done," Trish now smiled.

"That was pretty crazy," Jordan agreed.

"It's right at the top of my list," I offered. "But damn was that fun."

"I don't know how that was fun," Trish still giggled. "It scared the shit out of me."

"It just is," I laughed.

She looked at us as we sat in the chairs and still laughed about it. It finally occurred to me that we were still naked. Trish and Bobby were the only ones fully clothed now.

"You two aren't embarrassed that you are still naked?" Trish asked the girls.

Jamie shrugged. "I've seen Kelly plenty of times."

"But Owen and Jordan," she pointed.

"I'm not looking at them," Jamie offered. "I know they're both naked but it doesn't mean I'm looking at them."

"Relax Trish," I sighed. "You can't be shy around this group."

"I guess not," she laughed now.

"Alright Bobby," I sighed. "Hand what you have over."

He sorted and passed out what belonged to the proper owner.

"This is all I got?" Jamie teased. "My thong. That's all you grabbed."

"I told you I was dropping things," he said sheepishly. "I'm sorry."

"Here," I said. I tossed her my shirt as I slipped my shorts up my legs.

"Thank you Owen," she said sweetly.

We got dressed now. Jordan and I were shirtless since Bobby dropped Kelly's shirt too. We sat in the chairs and opened up another round of cold ones as I popped another dip into my mouth. We still laughed about it for a while.

"So, what other kind of crazy shit have you two done together?" Trish asked.

"Two?" I questioned. "Don't make Jamie out to be so innocent."

"I'm a good girl," Jamie sassed.

"Bullshit," Jordan and I said at the same time.

"Tell her about that time we climbed the billboard," Jordan chuckled.

"Oh god," Jamie giggled.

She went into the story as Trish listened and laughed about it. We spent about another hour telling stories of our mischief that all of us had gotten into together. It was well after two in the morning before we called it a night and headed off for home.

I opened the door for Jamie and let her slide into the cab of the truck. I got a little inadvertent flash from her as she got in the truck. She smiled a dark smile at me as I looked at her before closing the door. She never did put her thong on I thought. I got into the driver's seat and drove us the short drive home.

It was a silent ride home except for her singing some country song on the radio as I drove us home. I couldn't help but rest my hand on top of hers. She closed her hand in mine and continued to sing like there was nothing out of the ordinary about anything that had happened tonight. I pulled into the driveway after I killed the lights. I glanced over at her as she just smiled her smile and waited on me.

"Are you going to get the door for me?" she sassed.

"I didn't know this was a date," I teased back.

"It sure felt like it," she smiled.

I slipped from the truck and opened the door for her. She openly flashed me her cunny before slipping out the door and let her feet hit the ground. The way she looked at me as she stood there made me want to kiss her again. I didn't care if she was my cousin. I had never had this feeling before. A feeling like I wanted to feel every part of her. Maybe it would get to that point and maybe it wouldn't. I leaned down and found her lips again. It was just a soft and tender kiss that she stopped after a minute.

"I guess you are ok with what happened tonight," she softly breathed.

"I had the best time with you tonight Jamie. I wouldn't change anything."

"Me either," she smiled.

"Do you want to know something Jamie?" I asked.

"Tell me," she said. She tilted her head and looked at me with her blue eyes. They said she probably already knew what I was going to say but she wanted to hear me say it.

"I've had a crush on you for as long as I can remember. I just never said anything since you are you and I'm me, you know?"

"I know Owen," she smiled again. "I've felt the same way. You are the one guy who has never let me down."

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