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JAG Revisited Pt. 03

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Sarah & Harm Continue, they add Bud, Harriet, Bobbi and more.
19.7k words

Part 3 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/29/2014
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These following stories will be writing part in the first person where Harm and Mac speak about their past affairs and past in the third person where their stories unfold as they occurred.


On the third evening of their tell-all escapades Harm was waiting for Sarah at his apartment, he was in his running shorts and tank-top. He popped open a beer and waited on the sofa for Sarah to come home. When she did, he handed her a soda and ice. She flopped down beside him and picked up the large salad he prepared for the both of them. She was dressed in her Marine khakis and her blouse was as tight as ever.

"You know Mac, the first case we were on together, where we investigated your Uncle who stole the Declaration of Independence; you wore a uniform exactly like the one you're wearing now. I had a very difficult time looking you in the face."

She had a confused look on her face; "And why is that Harm?"

He pointed to her blouse; "I've always admired the way you fill out a Marine uniform."

She slapped him playfully on the arm; "You mister are incorrigible, but I guess that's why I love you. Are you ready for the first story? I hope you don't mind that I eat and change while I tell my first story?"

"Sure go ahead Sarah!"

"As a matter of fact you're sort of involved in the next story and it also has to do with that first case we were on together."

"Now wait a minute Mac, we're supposed to tell stories of past affairs, not current ones."

"Ah ha, that is where you're wrong Harm, that was one of my affairs, after that we sort of broke apart and didn't reconnect till later, you may want to use one of those stores for later, or I just may use another one or two also."

"Okay, okay, but I still protest, start the story I already know. Let's see if I remember it the same way you do."

Sarah and Harm ditched the U.S. government vehicle and traded for an old pick-up. She changed out of her uniform and ended up in a sexy multi-colored sundress. It fit her like a glove showing off her ample bosom and long sexy neck. The dress had a full skirt and hugged her full hips and gorgeous ass. Her slender legs were encased in nude stockings and when the hot Arizona winds blew, he caught a great view of her panties and stocking tops. The only thing that gave her away as a military personnel was her short hair.

Harm was dressed like always in a tight tank-top and jogging shorts. He noticed Sarah checking out his package from time to time and loved his muscular arms and broad shoulders. She knew she was in trouble, but decided to hope for the best. What made things even worse for her was when Harm opened the back of the pick-up he noticed a bed in the back. He mentioned it, but she ignored it, but remembered it for later if need be.

They headed out into the desert to locate her uncle and she was lost when she saw his smile. She sort of lost her roughness after she heard about her twin, the Lt. Diane Schonke, who was Harm's first love. She was killed last year, but the case wasn't unresolved till later.

To make a long story short, Mac and Harm solved the case, killed the bad guys and allowed her uncle to tell his story before a JAG jury; it was what he wanted in the long run.

After the case was solved, Sarah and Harm decided to take the pick-up back to the filling station where they got it from. On the way there, after they ditched Bud and Clayton Webb, they were caught in a flash flood and were forced to pull off the road and climb in back until the flooding dissipated.

They were relaxing in the back of the pick-up in a make-shift bed. Harm managed to open the vents of the pick-up cover and a cool breeze, after the rain ended, flowed through the bed area.

Sarah rose up on one elbow and looked at the smiling face of Harm; "You know Harm that may work on all of those Navy women, that smile and those gold wings must make them spread their legs for you, not so with a Marine Officer.

Harm leaned over her, his lips were inches from hers and just before they met; he pulled away and flopped down on the mattress. He knew this would infuriate Sarah and it worked.

She slid over and it was Sarah who now hovered over Harm; "Oh you think you are so coy, coming in for a kiss you know I would accept and then you pull away, nice play, but...!"

Before she could finish her sentence, he quickly wrapped his arms around her bare shoulders and planted a hot, toe-curling kiss on her full red lips. Before she could react, his tongue slipped between her parted lips and darted in and out of her mouth.

She kissed him back and suddenly realized what happened. She tore her lips from his and pulling back, she cocked her arm to slap him, but one again he was too quick for her.

Harm rolled her over and had Sarah pinned to the mattress, his large muscled body had her trapped. He planted another hot kiss on her lips and she pushed at his shoulders with the heels of her hands.

Sarah's struggling became weaker and weaker. After a minute or so of intense kissing, her arms slipped from his shoulders and wrapped around his neck. Her fingers stroked through his short, sexy hair. Her lips parted and she gave as good as he did. Her tongue danced around his mouth and sucked wildly at his tongue.

Sarah's legs parted and even though she was wearing a full skirt, she wrapped her strong thighs around his body. She humped up and down against his cock and tearing her mouth from his groaned out; "Oh fuck you Harm, you know I wanted this before I did, now get out of those shorts and fuck me will you?"

Harm yanked his shorts down and kicked them off and slid his hands up her stocking clad slender legs. When he came in contact with her bare thighs, he slid higher and brushed against her wet and sticky, silky panties. Yanking them down, he loved how she raised her gorgeous ass to assist him in doing so.

Sarah reached down and wrapping her warm fingers around his cock, she let out a groan; "Oh Fuck Me Harm, I didn't realize it was so fucking thick and long. I haven't had a cock in me for nearly five years."

He let out a grunt when he realized she had been celibate, but that didn't deter him from doing this. He kissed her hard and pulling his lips from hers said; "Oh my god Mac, I can't do this, I don't have a condom and don't want to force you to do this."

Her grip on his cock tightened and hissed through clenched teeth; "No, no I can't wait, just do it! I need this, I've held off too long and you made me realize I missed this more than I ever knew. Just promise me you'll pull out and not cum in me. I finally got to where I need to be and I don't want to get pregnant!"

He kissed her passionately as he slowly sank into her incredibly tight pussy. Pulling his mouth from hers he panted out; "Oh fuck Mac, I promise, but you feel so fucking tight, I don't want to pull out, never! Mmmm Sarah I love how hot you are, I can feel your cunt muscles clutching at my cock, try and relax or you're going to make me cum sooner than I want to. I want to fuck you nice and slow, but I can't move at the moment!"

She giggled; "Oh my hunk of a Navy flyboy, where the hell is your stamina and control, but I understand, I feel the same way! Just hold me and kiss me until your urge to cum dissipates. Mmmm I can feel your pulse surging through your cock. Oh yes, yes I love how you're sliding in and out of my tight pussy. Mmmmm deeper, oh fuck, you're hitting spots I never knew I had. Yes Harm, faster, faster, oh fuck don't stop, never stop, oh fuck I'm going to cum soon, harder!"

He pounded into her as hard and as fast as he could and he knew he was going to explode soon. "Oh god Mac, unwind your legs from my body, I have to pull out soon. I don't want to, but I promised not to cum in you!" He pounded her as deep as he could go; "Now Mac, now let go, I'm going to cum!"

"No, no Harm, don't stop, I don't give a fuck, I'm sooooo close, don't you dare pull out, cum in me. I want you to, I need you to!"

"He gritted his teeth; "Oh Sarah, are you sure, oh fuck here it cums!"

"Yes, yes Harm, fill me up! FUCK ME! I'm cumming, cum, cum with me Harm!" She clawed at his naked back and she exploded and clung to his sweat covered body as he emptied his swollen balls.

He filled her up and overflowed his cum as he slowed the pace and heard the squishing of both of their orgasms mixing together.

She kissed him hard and went directly into an even more intense orgasm. She clung to him and as her orgasm lessened, her legs and arms loosened their grip on him and lay there panting and basking in the afterglow of her first heterosexual orgasm in over five years.

Harm rose up and tried to take some of his weigh off of her, but she grabbed him and whispered; "No, please stay where you are."

He smiled down at her; "You have me at a disadvantage Mac, I'm completely naked and other than your panties and your skirt lifted around your waist, you're still fully dressed."

"So Harm, I take it you want to see my breasts huh? Well maybe the next time we're together, I'll let you see them. I think it's time to try and get back to the station and get our car."

He slowly rose and shook his head; his cock was dripping with a mixture of both of their cums. "He slipped into his shorts and chuckled; "Who said there will be a next time Mac?"

She let out a disgusted laugh; "Yeah sure Harm, you know as well as I do, there will be another time and then another one. As they said in Casablanca Harm; "This is the beginning of a beautiful relationship," now let's get the hell out of here!"

Harm stood up in the apartment and went and got another beer; "I'm surprised Mac, your version is very close to what I remember, but the only things I find inaccurate, I'll let it slide. So tell me Sarah, was I really the first affair for you on over five years?"

She got up and took the salad plates into the kitchen, now dressed in a mid-thigh length cotton sleep-shirt. Getting another club soda she came back to the sofa; "I didn't say relationship, I said sex with a man, a cock, a real cock. During those five years I was with Juanita Ressler and we had a lot of sex, but not with a real cock, just strap-ons!"

"So tell me Mac, that is what you consider as your next affair, so I guess I can tell my version of OUR affair?"

"Yes that was my next affair and no you can't tell your version. Come on, I'm nice and comfortable, I changed, I got my drink and my popcorn. Out with the next affair you had stud I can't wait, especially seeing it was after we met, right?"

"How do you know it was after we met?"

"Wellllllll, you did say the next affair was ours and you were going to tell your version, right?"

"Okay, okay you got me! Mmmmmmm let me see, okay it was with Princess Alexandra from Romania, she was a spoiled brat, but persistent!"

"Okay Harm, please begin!"

Harm was assigned to watch over the Princess while in Washington DC after an attempt was put on her life. After she snuck out of a dress ball, Harm went into town and found her at a nightclub. He carried her out just like in Officer and a Gentleman and returned her to her embassy.

The following day Harm took her on a tour of an aircraft carrier. She looked amazing in a two piece peach colored suit. Her legs went on forever and the top had five or six large gold buttons. While driving back to the embassy, Alexie unbuttoned the top three buttons and flashed her naked breasts to Harm, before either of them could do anything more, they were at the embassy. Getting out, she insisted on the first dance at the NATO Ball and before he could reply, she kissed him and shoved her tongue down his throat. A stunned Harm watched her disappear into the house.

That same evening Harm was in his apartment working on a cabinet and with all the pounding he thought his neighbors were complaining. He opened the door to apologize and was shocked to see Alexie standing there in a short auburn wig; he found out later that it was. She was dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans and a very tight, powder blue turtleneck. Her perky breasts winked at him. It was evident she was braless; her stiff nipples were poking against the material.

To make a long story short, she tried seducing him, but when Webb came to his apartment to see if she was there, she hid in his shower. When he finally got Webb to leave, he returned to his bedroom to find her in his bed. He flopped down in relief that Webb didn't find her.

Alexie knelt on the bed, slipped off her jacket and climbed up on top of him. She leaned in and kissed him, he tried to fight her off; "Listen Alexie, you're way too young for me!

"You're perfect for me, you're built and you can't tell me, I don't excite you. I can feel what's in your pants poking me in the belly. I am bound and determined to get you to poke me with it somewhere lower. Don't fight it Harm, I'm the Princess and I always get what I want!"

Kneeling up she reached down and grabbing the bottom of her turtleneck, she drew it up over her head. That is when he realized she was wearing a wig, it came off with her turtleneck, and her long chestnut brown hair came tumbling down and flowed down around her shoulders and back. It covered her pert tits and her gumdrop nipples. "Mmmmm Harm, I can tell you like what you see, I can feel your cock poking me even more. Time to un-wrap that monster and see what I can do with it!"

Before Harm could react, Alexie slid down his well-muscled thighs; her hands gripped his shorts and pulled them along with her movement downward. She pulled them off his feet and darting back up, she wrapped both of her hands around his cock and squeezing hard, she stroked it upward. When she reached the fat, red mushroomed head, a large dollop of pre-cum oozed out. She leaned forward and pursing her lips, she covered the dripping tiny hole with her lips and sucking lightly, she stabbed out with her tongue and flicking it back and forth, she trapped all of the slippery juice and swallowed it down. Opening her mouth wider she dipped her head and slid more of his cock into her mouth.

Harm groaned out and fisted her thick, silky chestnut brown hair. He pushed her head downward and thrust his hips upward at the same time. He watched her eyes widen and her nostrils flare out as she tried to suck air into her lungs. The thick shaft nearly cut off the air supply to her lungs as it bumped into the back of her mouth, and the head lodged in her throat. He felt her swallow and opening her throat muscles, she lowered her head and she allowed his shaft to enter her throat.

Harm nearly lost it as he looked down at her gorgeous green eyes as they stared back at him. He let go of her hair and reached down and completely encompassed her firm, yet yielding tits. Her nipples were rock hard and when he ran his thumbs across them, she groaned and slowly began to pull his cock from her throat and mouth.

Alexie let it fall from her mouth and she giggled when she saw it standing nearly straight up. She unzipped her jeans and kicked them off along with her shoes. Now naked she rolled over onto her back beside Harm and rolling her head towards him, she kissed him passionately; her tongue darted in and out of his mouth. "Harm, please do me a favor, please eat my pussy. For some reason the men in Romania, love anal sex better than eating pussy. Don't get me wrong, I love getting my tiny ass fucked, but with that monster of yours, I doubt of it would fit!" She rolled back onto her back and spread her slender thighs and urged him downward.

"I know Alexie, this is going to come back to bite me in the ass, but how can I resist the requests of a Princess!"

"Exactly Harm, now stop your talking and begin munching!"

"Well Alexie, if I'm going to do this, as an American Naval Officer, I have the honor of the Navy to uphold, and to do this properly!" He leaned in and kissed her so hard and passionately, that when he broke the kiss, he had taken her breath away. Her eyes were glazed over and she sucked on her lower lip, they were bruised, but in a good way. He heard her coo and awe as he moved to her neck and ear. He nipped and sucked on her sensitive flesh and as his hands traveled down her body, he felt it covered in goose-bumps. He was setting fires all over her slender, but still luscious body.

Alexie arched her back and rolled her head from side to side as she felt his capture one of her stiff nipples between his lips. She bucked up and down when she felt him suck harder, drawing more of her firm tit flesh between his lips. She nearly exploded when she felt his tongue enter the fray and begin to flick back and forth over and over again on the tiny nub and surrounding aureole. She urged him to her other mound and he went willingly. She felt like a bowl of Jell-O, a quivering mass of flesh without any bones and when she felt him suck even harder on her second nipple, she fell back against the bed and experienced a tiny orgasm.

Harm let loose of the stiff nipple and began leaving a wet trail of kisses down her extremely flat and fit belly. When he reached her pronounced pelvic bone, he inhaled her womanly scent and dove in for the kill. He normally teased the women he pleased by bypassing her treasure and play with her legs, but he was beyond control now and wanted nothing more than to taste her intoxicating pussy. He noticed she was shaved bare, not a single hair to hide what he was about to attack. She had a very large pussy for such a tiny woman. It wasn't large in size, but the lips were large and engorged with blood making them look even larger. He didn't even have to use his fingers to part them, he lowered his mouth and stuck out his tongue and flicking it from side to side, he was able to worm his way into her dripping hole.

Alexie was bucking wildly and was frustrated when she felt Harm grip her tiny, slender hips and held her still. She quivered and bucked against his active tongue and when she felt him capture her tiny red button, she exploded, coating his tongue and lips with her love juice.

Harm was going to make her scream over and over again. He held her in place and continued to eat her pussy. He was swamped with three or four orgasm from her well soaked cunt. When he slipped two fingers into her incredible tight pussy and slid his cum coated thumb into her asshole, she shot off like a stinger from one of the Tomcats he flew.

"Please, please Harm, give me a moment to recover, I've never been eaten like that before. I may just give up my crown and come to live in America if all of the men here can perform like you just did."

"I doubt if we're all as capable as I am, but we do aim to please. Are you ready to fuck Alexie; are you ready to have my big, fat cock slide in and out of that tiny, tight pussy of yours?" He looked down at her, her long chestnut brown hair was disheveled, it covered half of her face and drifted down to covered her pert tits. He swept it from her face and kissed her. At the exact same time, he lowered his hips and the head of his cock pierced her swollen cuntlips.

Alexie's green eyes nearly shot out of her head, she had never experience a cock as thick as Harm's before. She was breathing heavily through her mouth and tried to breathe as Harm continued to plunge his tongue into her mouth as he sent more and more of his cock into her tight well.

He broke the kiss and attacked her firm tits once again. Biting down on one, it took the pressure off her pussy and she groaned in pain and pleasure. He sank deep into her, and was almost completely in her. He reached down and cupped her tiny, compact ass and pulled her towards him, delivering the finale two inches of his stiff cock into her. He held it there allowing her to become accustomed to his length and girth. When he felt her hips begin to grind against his, he began moving out and in.

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