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Jake's Sisters Ch. 07

Story Info
Michelle blackmail's Jake, so he plays dirty.
6.7k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 03/02/2005
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(Author's Note: Ok, I get it. Everybody wants this story to continue. I tried to take the easy way out and paid for it with a lot of hate mail. I get it a good story needs a good ending. My problem is I'm having a very hard time coming up with ideas. I have read and reread the previous chapters and, quite frankly, I don't know what to do next. I Don't! I'm sorry everybody I'm at a lost as to where to take Jake and his sisters. I don't want to bring in Mom because I don't like that side of incest, I don't want to knock anybody up, at least not in the same gene pool. So please tell me what ya'll think I should do.)

(P.S. Feedback, as always, is welcome. After all it got to me rewrite this Chapter)


Jake awoke with a start the following morning. As he lifted his head off the pillow a dry wad of spit made the pillow peel off his face. He blinked a few times to wake up and slid to the edge of his bed. The more awake he became the more energetic he felt.

He smiled, remembering the threesome with Sandy and Sarah last night. That had to have been the wildest fuck he's had yet. He thought for a second. "Yeah, definitely." He told himself.

As Jake got dressed Jessica and Sarah were talking downstairs.

"Are you talking your birth control?" Jessica demanded.

Sarah blinked at the question. "What are you talking about, of course I am!"

Jessica produced the still full pill container and showed it to Sarah. "Then why is this full?"

Sarah laughed. "That's my second container for next month. I gave Sandy some of them until she gets her own."

Jessica sighed a big sigh of relief. "Oh, that's good. God, Sarah I thought,"

"You thought I'd actually risk something like that!" Sarah cried. "Come on, Jessica. I may think the thought is erotic as hell, but it's the THOUGHT not the action."

Sarah pulled Jessica into a hug. "I'm sorry Sarah, it just scared me."

"I know, it's ok." She released her sister and snatched her box of pills from her hand. "Give me my pills, I don't want your dweebness on them. You might make them not work or something."

Jessica laughed. "Sorry."

Jake came bouncing into the room whistling to himself. "Hey guys." He said brightly, before moving into the kitchen.

"Someone's in a good mood." Jessica said.

Sarah laughed. "Yeah, me and Sandy did the twin thing to him."

"Twin thing?" Jessica asked. "Oh, like that football guy...uh...Tyler?"

Sarah just grinned.

"You better be careful, or you're gonna break him."

"I am not. He's big and strong, he can handle it." Sarah said laughing. She glanced at the clock hanging above the fireplace. "Fuck, I got to go to class. God, I fucking hate Wednesday. I'll be back about seven."

"Yeah I should get ready too." Jessica said. "Remember Mom's coming home tonight. Her plane is coming in at 8:30."

Sarah hung her head. "Fuck, I forgot about that. Guess no fun for us for the day huh?"

Jessica patted her sister on the back. "Think you can handle it?" She teased.

"No." Sarah said sticking her tongue out at Jessica.

Jake darted right to the kitchen cabinet and took out a package of Strawberry Poptarts. Lindsey sat at the table sipping a cup of hot chocolate and watching him. He tore the package open and put the Poptarts in the toaster. While he waited he leaned against the counter.

"Good morning." Lindsey said smiling at him. "I trust your sisters weren't too rough last night."

Jake shook his head. "Exhausting, but not rough."

Lindsey nodded and stood up. Jake's eyes widened at what she had on. She wore a white long sleeve shirt that she tied just below her breasts so that her mid-section was in full view. Below that she wore a black skirt that looking leather and was short enough that a strong wind would show some ass.

She came up to him and reached down her shirt between her breasts pulling out one of the condoms that their Mom had gotten him for his birthday. She smiled at him and winked, handing him the condom. Then she turned back toward the table and bent over it, hiking her skirt high. She was not wearing panties and without a word she looked back and beckoned him with a look.

Just looking at Lindsey bent over and ready for him got his blood moving. He opened his fly and pulled out his cock. He stepped toward her and pressed himself against her ass, ready to enter her.

"Don't forget the condom." Lindsey warned.

"You serious?" Jake asked.

"Unfortunately, my birth control hasn't had the time to work yet so we'd better be safe." Lindsey said.

"What if I pull out?" He asked.

"Too risky. Even a tiny bit can get the job done." Lindsey said.

Jake sighed and tore open the condom wrapper. He took hold of his cock and slowly rolled the condom down as far as it could go. The tight ring around the base of the condom squeezed his shaft painfully and he tried to adjust it to no avail.

Finally he gave up and just tried to ignore the pain by plunging his cock into his sister. She cried out and pushed back against him. He could feel her walls stretching around his cock, but he couldn't feel the warm juices or her pussy squeezing him. Compared to fucking without a rubber this completely ruined the experience.

Lindsey felt it too. She couldn't feel the muscles of his cock inside her nor did his cock feel nearly as hard as it did last time.

"Ok, stop." Lindsey said.

Jake backed away and Lindsey stood up.

"I'm so sorry Jake." She kissed him. "I can't do it without a condom and with the condom it sucks. I'm so sorry."

Jake shrugged. "It's alright, I have to go to school anyway. When will that damn birth control stuff start working?" He asked pulling the condom off and tucking his cock away.

"I need at least a few more days, so to be safe let's make a date for Saturday." Lindsey said. "Yeah, we can make a whole day out of it, just fucking and cumming with each other. How's that sound?"

Just then Sarah walked in jiggling her car keys. "Sound's bad, mom'll be home tonight."

Lindsey slapped her forehead. "Damn, I forgot she was coming back so soon." She turned to Jake. "Don't worry maybe we can get to a movie. I promise to make this up to you."

"What happened?" Sarah asked.

"Condoms suck ass." Jake said.

Sarah began laughing so hard she had to lean against the wall to keep standing.

"Hey screw you Sarah." Lindsey spat.

Sarah shook her head and opened the back door still laughing as she shut it behind her.

"I need to get to school." Jake said.

Lindsey nodded. "I don't care what she says, I am going to make it up to you ok?"

Jake just nodded and kissed her lightly. Then he headed to his room for his backpack. Before he left he grabbed his cooled Poptarts from the toaster.

Halfway down his lawn Jake froze to a stop. Leaning against the large green electrical box that sat on the curb in front of his house, was Michelle. She had her arms crossed just under her breasts and she looked determined.

Jake sighed and walked up to her. "What do you want Michelle?" He said, flatly.

"To apologize." She said, simply.

Jake looked at her and then started walking away.

"Hey get back here." She yelled after him. When he didn't stop she ran after him. "Look, Jake I'm sorry about what I did, but I never meant to have feelings for you. I just wanted to see if you really did have a big dick like the reporter said."

Jake paused and looked at her. "What reporter?"

"The lady doing the article on your band." Michelle said.

"No one is doing any article on my band." Jake said.

Michelle's face went blank. "Then who was that lady that talked to me?"

"I don't know I really don't care Michelle. You treated me like a piece of meat and that was really fucked up. So to be honest with you there's nothing you can really do to make it up to me. I've moved on, so should you." Jake said walking faster.

"Moved on?" Michelle said. "Wait, moved on to who? I know you're not dating anybody from school."

"How would you know that?" Jake asked.

"I've been watching you."

Jake nodded. "Keep digging that ditch your in Michelle. It really suits you."

"Come on tell me who it is." She pleaded.

"Get the hell away from me. You fucking bitch." Jake spat.

Such a comment caused Michelle to stop in her tracks. She never thought Jake would have those kind of balls before. He must really be fucking someone else for him to talk to her like that.

"You're mine Jake." She muttered to herself as he turned the corner in front of her. "You just don't know it yet." She just didn't know how she was going to get him back. She knew sex wouldn't work so she had to think of some other way to get him back.

Jake trudged home after school and walked in eager to throw his backpack into the wall of his room as hard as he could. Lindsey greeted him at the door with a distressed look on her face.

"We have a problem." She said.

Jake's heart dropped. "Oh god, what is it?"

"Well that girl Michelle came by and I thought it was you. I had planned on blowing you the second you came in the door, you know, to make up for the bad morning. I was dressed really sexy, well actually I had only a pair of heels on and I opened the door. I really thought it would be you, but..." Lindsey explained.

"Michelle!" Jake exclaimed.

"She's in your room."

Jake dropped his back and shoved past Lindsey. He took the stairs two at a time and burst into his room. There stood Michelle holding his box of condoms and a pair of Lindsey's panties that she must have found in the corner from days ago.

"Michelle, I." Jake started.

"Fuck your own sister." Michelle finished for him. "That's why you said you've moved on, because you get your kicks from having sex with your own SISTER!" She screamed that last word at him and hurled the box of condoms followed by the panties at him. "You sick fuck, how could you do that?"

"I can explain!" Jake cried.

"OH you can EXPLAIN. Well, by all means tell me the great reason why you have sex with your family!" Michelle cried.

"Look after you ignored me I came home all depressed and upset. Lindsey comforted me and one thing led to another. It was all an accident, but I was really upset over you." Jake lied as best he could.

"So you're saying that this is all MY fault?" Michelle cried. "I didn't make you fuck you own sister."

"Hey, my sister is the only reason you were even interested in me in the first place." Jake slipped, but he was too angry to care.

"WHAT!?" Michelle screamed.

"That 'reporter' that you talked to, was my sister Sarah." Jake said. "So don't think I don't know that the only reason you changed your mind that day was that she told you I had a big fucking pecker."

Michelle started to say something but shut her mouth and looked down at him. "That was your sister?" she sank to the floor. "I can't believe that. Why would she do that?"

"Because she knew I really liked you and she wanted to see me and you together." Jake explained. "Let me ask you this. If she hadn't mentioned to you about my 'size', would you have changed your mind?"

Michelle paused. "I...might have." In fact she knew she never would have considered the thought of going out with him, much less sleep with him. But once the thought was planted in her mind it was like she couldn't control herself.

Jake nodded. "Yeah, I didn't think so."

"Hey that doesn't make sleeping with your sister right." Michelle snapped.

"Yeah? And why not?" Jake asked. "You're so righteous, you tell me why it's so bad?"

"Because it's illegal, and immoral." Michelle.

"Smoking weed is illegal too, but you and your friends don't have any problems lighting up behind the bleachers." Jake said.

"That's different."

"But no less illegal. And why is it immoral? Sex is supposed to be between two people who love each other. I love my sister, she loves me, so why not?" Jake asked. "It's not like were making baby's or anything."

Michelle started to say something but couldn't. He had a point, it was only wrong because it was illegal. But people break the law everyday and it's no big deal. Besides it's not murder and Jake isn't hurting anybody.

"Alright, I won't say anything, but under one condition." Michelle said.

Jake nodded. "What?"

"You erase what I did at school the other day and give me another shot at being your girlfriend." Michelle said.

"Michelle I don't think that's a good idea."

Michelle grabbed his hand. "Oh come on. Look I'll be good and you can even keep fucking your sister if you want. Just, let me be the girl on your arm at school and stuff."

"Won't you lose popularity hanging by me?" He asked.

Michelle shrugged. "If the big bad jocks don't like it, fuck 'em. As for the girls on the squad, I already explain to them what happened with us. I think Tiffany wants a turn with you too."

Jake sighed. "Alright, fine. But you keep your mouth shut about my sister."

Michelle zipped a finger over her lips. "Mums the word." She kissed him quickly on the lips and bounced out of his room.

Jake sat on the end of his bed and tried to think about what he was going to do. He had just recently com to terms with all of his sisters and now Michelle's blackmailed her way into the picture. More than likely she would want sex. How would his sisters react to have to share him with yet another girl.

Lindsey knocked softly on the doorframe before she came in. "Well it seems that went better then expected."

Jake shook his head. "Not really?"

Lindsey frowned. "What do you mean?"

"She said she wouldn't tell if I let her be my girlfriend. She wants the whole thing too, so it won't be like, smile for the idiots at school and go our separate ways at home." Jake said.

"So basically she's like us." Lindsey sighed.

Jake looked up at her. "What do you mean?"

"Jake you know your sisters and I love you, and we love your cock. It's just that after one time, only one time seeing your cock or touching it or even better feeling it inside us, we become addicted. I think about you constantly and if you weren't around to at least stare at, I'd go nuts. Can you imagine what Michelle's been going through without even being able to be near you?" Lindsey explained.

"You mean you're all addicted like I'm a drug or something?" Jake protested.

Lindsey nodded.

Jake slapped his forehead. "God, I've been raping my sisters." He stood up and began pacing the room.

"No, no, no Jake." Lindsey said reaching for him.

"Yes I have! If you guys can't help yourselves than it's fucking rape." Jake cried.

Lindsey grabbed him and slammed him against the wall. "Jake shut up! Listen to me. We love it. We love you. We're not addicted to your cock like Michelle may be, we're addicted to the way you make us feel. You care so much for us and you have always gone out of your way to make us feel good that we want to have sex with you to make you feel good too." She pressed herself against him and kissed him firmly.

Jake relaxed into her and kissed her back. "I'm sorry I got carried away."

She smiled and kissed him again. "You know I never got to get you off today." She placed her hand on his crotch and rubbed him through his jeans.

Jake smiled. "What did you have in mind?"

She smiled and licked her lips. "I thought you good give me some medicine. I need your liquid medicine in my tummy to make me feel all warm and better." She giggled and slowly slid down to her knees.

She looked up at him as she opened his fly and slid his pants down to his ankles. She delightfully eyes his cock as she pulled it from his boxers, he was still slightly limp and she tugged him gently. She opened her mouth and let her tongue snake out and around his tip, tasting him. As his cock got hard she took her time in running her tongue down and around him, savoring him as much as she could.

"See? I love this." She said. And swallowed him. Taking his cock until it hit her throat and then she had to pull back. Jake groaned as her warm wet mouth drenched his cock in spit. Lindsey began to bob her head, back and forth down his shaft her tongue working over the bottom of his cock.

Jake leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of her mouth worked his shaft. Lindsey reached up and caressed his balls with her hand, feeling the heavy load they held.

She looked up into his eyes while his cock slid in and out of her mouth and Jake groaned, no longer able to hold back his cock swelled and exploded. Lindsey clamped her mouth around his cock and swallowed her heart out as the blasts of hot seed poured into her mouth. Jake could feel her mouth suck his cum as it left his cock and swallow it.

When it was over he slumped against the wall and Lindsey ever slowly rose to her feet. She pressed herself against him and smiled.

"I promise you, that next time you'll be in my pussy when you do that." She said, and left his room.

Jake put his pants back on and adjusted himself in the mirror as the last of his boner faded away.

The phone rang and he went downstairs to answer it. Grabbing the handset he glanced at the number and didn't recognize it so he prepared himself for some kind of automated message trying to sell new toilet seats or something.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey Jake." It was Michelle, all cheery and happy sounding. "You're coming to the prep rally tonight right? I was hoping to see you there."

Jake sighed, at least she ACTED like nothing had happened and they were happy boyfriend and girlfriend. He knew she wasn't really asking him, she was telling him so he sighed and said. "Yeah I'll be there. What time does it start?"

"Six-thirty, glad to hear you're gonna be there I'll be looking for you ok?" She said.

"Alright." Jake said and hung up. He glanced at the clock on the microwave. Almost six already, he thought, I'd better change and get going.

He changed into another T-shirt and jeans combo, his shirt this time said, "Support local music...Sleep with a musician." He was coming down the hall when Lindsey came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

"Oh hey." She said, looking him up and down, "you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, Michelle wants me at this prep rally tonight. I guess it's to show that she's serious about showing that she wants to be with me." Jake said. "I know I wanted to date her a few days ago, but it's like I just don't want to even look at her anymore."

Lindsey nodded. "I understand, but for now I think it's best that you do whatever she wants we don't want her to go flapping her lips to the wrong people."

Jake nodded. "I guess. Look I have to go, can I take your car?"

"Sure, the keys are on the ring in the kitchen."

"Thanks." He went downstairs and grabbed her keys from the kitchen before leaving. As he drove to the school his mind went through his options. Then he smiled to himself, after all if Michelle really was going to be all over him at school, then maybe he'd be at least a little bit popular. He could talk to all the other hot ass cheerleaders and they would have to be nice because he was Michelle, their leader's, boyfriend.

He grinned to himself. Michelle maybe blackmailing him, but maybe he could turn it around to his advantage. He began to come up with plans to use whatever status he gained to not only get rid of Michelle but be the envy of every guy in school by nailing every cheerleader on the squad, except that token fat one Lisa. Why didn't every school event have to have that one person that didn't belong there?

Jake pulled Lindsey's Toyota into the parking lot behind the gym where everyone else was parked for the grand prep rally. As he walked up to the doors he could hear the music blaring from the speakers that were set up on the home side of the court.

The bleachers were packed while the cheer team did a routine for the crowd. He had to make sure Michelle saw him so he squeezed into a spot right in front. Unfortunately his spot was just below the football team's seats and it wasn't long before they were jeering him and hitting his head with popcorn.


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