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Jan in California Pt. 05


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"No, Linda."

"Double penetration" she said as if she was trying out the words. "Is it fun Jan, have you ever done it?"

"We've done it," Jan nodded.

"She passed out,"

"Do you have to tell everyone that?"

"So, I'm a braggard. It was so good, Jan passed out."

"You passed out?" Linda said, marveling at the image. "I've never passed out from cumming. But I've never done double penetration, either." She turned to Joshua, "OK. Joshie, let's do this. Make me pass out when I cum."

I lay on my back on the uncomfortable whicker. My cock was thick and hard. Jan found the pink bottle with the screw on top. She poured some on her hands and rubbed them together for warmth before spreading it on my dick. Linda cooed in delight, "Ooo. I want to do that."

"You have more important things to think about.," her husband reminded her.

"What could be more important than his gorgeous cock?"

"Your precious ass. Get on all fours, Linda." She obeyed quickly and Joshua started spreading lube around her anus. Linda giggled and wiggled. "Feels nice. We should do this at home just for fun."

"Wait. It may not be so much fun in a minute."

"What do you mean?"

"Often times it hurts when something big goes in, even with lots of lube. The muscles get stretched and they don't like that. But after the big part is through, the muscles relax and it starts to feel good."

Linda was looking perturbed. "OK, I know all that. No reason to talk to me about anal sex the way you'd talk to a child."

"I wouldn't talk to a child about..."

"Just grease me up, Joshie."

Joshua took several minutes to carefully lube Linda's virgin anus. After spreading it around, he inserted one finger. It took her a while to figure out that, to let something in, she had to push out, so when her sphincter muscles relaxed it would pull Joshua's finger inside. She was a bit uncomfortable at first but then, as promised, one the finger was inside, she said it felt quite pleasant. Joshua worked up to two fingers, then three, sliding them in and out, then spreading them to stretch her further.

Jan kept me hard by rubbing the lube along my shaft, and discussing the high points of Linda's naked body.

When Linda and Joshua decided she was ready, Linda straddled my hips facing away from me, depriving me of the view of her marvelous tits, and lowered her virgin ass until the tip of my cock touched her anus.

"Now, he's much bigger than my fingers" Joshua explained, "so you should probably..."

Linda dropped her weight on my cock, sending it deep into her rectum.

"FUCK yessss." Her teeth were clenched and her eyes were shut tight. I felt her muscles relax around my dick, as she let her breath out long and slow. She opened her eyes and said, "You told me putting the big head in was the hardest part. I figured I'd get it over with."

Jan decided to step in, "Linda, you can seriously hurt yourself if you're not careful. Your rectum is not like your vagina. It doesn't stretch that much and can tear very easily. Please be careful, honey.

Linda exaggerated her shrug. OK, Mom. Can he fuck my ass now?

"Let me help," Jan started caressing Linda's mons, pressing against the flesh above her clit. Linda moaned as she rocked gently on my dick. "Such a nice cock. Filling my most private hole. I never knew..." Her voice drifted off as her husband laid between her legs, his mouth on her pussy. "You like him in your ass, Linda" He licked her, working his tongue to her clit. She responded by lifting her hips to his face, sliding along my cock.

I whispered into her ear. "Do you want us both? Me in your ass and Joshua in your wet cunt, Linda?"

"Oh, yes," she sighed as she bent her legs, opening herself to her husband. I glanced past Linda's back and saw Joshua's face, tight and hungry with lust. He moved up her body, Jan's fingers guiding his cock to Linda's wet center.

She tightened up, her rectum gripping me as her husband slid into her pussy. Her hands went around his broad shoulders. "Oh, Joshie, my love."

When she rocked forward to take him deeper, I could feel his cock, only a thin film of tissue between us as he moved deeper into his wife. Joshua paused when he realized, looking over her shoulder at me. I winked, "Come here often, sailor?" He grinned and started to back out. I pulled back, following his movements until we both had only the heads of our cocks inside his wife. Joshua nodded and pushed back in. Again, I followed, feeling him slide up her vagina.

"Oh, you wonderful men. Filling me up. Fucking me from both sides."

I saw Jan lean in and kiss Linda's breasts. One of Linda's hands moved from Joshua's back to Jan's white hair, pulling her close. "More," Linda whimpered.

Joshua and I started sliding out and back in a steady rhythm, letting her contractions massage our dicks. Jan brought one hand between Linda and her husband, stroking her pussy with her long fingers. Linda was groaning quite loudly. "GOD, the three of you, loving me, together." Jan looked down at me and winked. Again, she slipped in to kiss and suck Linda's nipples was her husband and I sped up, by mutual consent. His big dick pressed down on me inside her, pushing the head of my cock against the back of her rectum, sending sparks up my spinal cord.

Without a glance at Joshua, I started pounding Linda's ass, shoving my lust-fueled cock into her dark hole again and again. He picked up my rhythm and slammed into her cunt, crushing Jan's hand against Linda's clit.


We both started fucking her with complete abandon. If Linda wanted to pass out from her D-P orgasm, we were doing our best to make it happen. Joshua leaned in and sucked his wife's tits. Linda screamed "CUMMING!" and her juices poured from her cunt over her husband's cock and my balls. Joshua and I kept going, fucking her harder until Joshua froze up, gritting his teeth. I felt his cock throbbing as he pumped his wife's cunt full of cum. It was too much for me and I climaxed as well, humping her ass until my cum leaked out around my dick.

Jan was stroking my face and kissing my forehead. "That was so hot, Lover."

Joshua rolled off of Linda and Linda pulled off of me, leaving my cock laying on my thigh, limp and reeking of shit. She sprawled on the floor of the gondola, fluids leaking from both her holes and she turned and started sucking her cum from her husband's cock.

And that is how David found us. Digging his way through the fabric of the balloon his face appeared over the edge of the gondola. "Why did you say there was a traffic problem? There was no..." His brain caught up to what he was seeing.

"Because I wanted to fuck my husband and his friends, in peace." Linda looked exasperated, "Now don't just stand there. Get the team and start dismantling this rig." She turned to the rest of us, as she started gathering up her clothes. "Tom will give you a ride back to the resort. I recall Kathryn promised some wine. Clothes optional, of course.

+ - + - + - + - + -

Castle of Lovers

The next day found us in an SUV and, like the golf cart to the balloon, Armond was driving, Kathryn was in the shotgun seat, and Jan and I were in back. Unlike the golf cart, our hostess was fully dressed, wearing a striking poplin, mans-style shirt, buttoned up to her throat, with long sleeves rolled at the cuffs and flap-pockets over each of her sizeable breasts. The shirt itself extended to mid-calf. When Jan saw it, she whispered "Saks, $600." Black wool leggings hugged Kathryn's calves and thighs. Her outfit was completed by a pair of ankle-high boots with pointed toes and spiked heels.

Kathryn had sadly insisted we all "dress normally" since we would be "going into the world of Puritan prudery and misogynistic authority." In short, we'd be in public.

Jan had decided that "dressing normally" meant the absolute minimum. She wore a lightweight, rust colored spring dress that covered her to mid-thigh, matching sandal pumps, and nothing else. It was a delight to watch her standing nude in our room, her breasts high and full, and her pubes well on their way to a full regrowth. She gathered the sun dress in her hands and stretched her arms over her head, holding it there for a moment as she smiled at me before letting the hem drop over her face, followed by the bodice. Her arms found their way around the spaghetti straps and her smiling face popped from the collar. She tugged at the hips, settling them around her full ass then adjusted the round neckline, to its lowest possible point. Her cleavage seemed quite content to be on display.

I followed her cue, dressing in a cream-colored muslin shirt and tan dockers, pleated in the front, also with no underwear, and brown loafers with no socks. My cock enjoyed the freedom in the loose pants.

Jan stepped close, rubbing the front, "I can't wait to see you get hard in these"

"What makes you think I'll be getting hard in these pants?"

Jan smirked, "It's Kathryn."

So here we all were, driving through picturesque Napa Valley, with Kathryn rubbing the front of Armond's pants as she chatted about the winery we were on our way to visit as if she had memorized the guide book.

"The Castello Degli Innamorati. It's 170 acres of rolling hills and grape vines with an authentic fourteenth century Italian style medieval castle. Over 100 rooms, including the wine making facilities, offices, tasting rooms, and living quarters for the employees who take on the personae of monks to heighten the experience." Kathryn turned back to discover I had my hand in Jan's dress. She was sweating and moaning softly.

"Have you heard anything I said?"

Jan nodded, "Heighten ... oh god Lover ... heighten the experience," she managed between gasps as my fingers strummed her clit.

Kathryn glanced at the tent in my pants. A wet spot was growing at the tip. Kathryn's tongue slid across her teeth. "Neither of you touch that. Today, it's mine."

Jan winked at me, "Told ya."

I shoved my fingers deep into her wet cunt while my thumb flicked at her clit.

"FUCK ME LOVER!" Jan's orgasm was mild enough that she wouldn't have to change her dress.

Soon we were winding along a narrow, country road toward, I swear, a full-on castle. "Look at that." Jan stared out the window, "And if you say 'it's only a model' I will smack you."

I kissed her. "Do you think you can do that Terry Gilliam voice when we're having sex?"

I got smacked anyway.

The road to the castle was lined with vineyard on both sides. We pulled up to a stone gate. An attractive woman in a guard's uniform with the name badge "Sister Margaret" asked for a name. Kathryn leaned across Armond to answer her, but I wasn't sure if the guard heard because her attention was entirely on Kathryn's hand still rubbing the huge bulge in Armond's pants.

Finally, she tore her attention back to her iPad "Um, yes. Brother William is expecting you in the sanctuary. To the left and," she actually drooled as her eyes landed on the clear outline of Armond's massive cock, "and around my back door. Around back."

"Thank you," Kathryn said cheerfully. "I'll send him back if you want to suck it."

"Yes," we heard her say as we pulled away. "Please!" She shouted after us.

We drove to the left in a small courtyard then through a tall stone archway that ran the length of the castle. At the back, we found a small wooden door. Jan and I got out as Kathryn turned to Armond, patting his hard on. "Thank you for keeping me occupied, Armond, darling. If you go back to the main gate, I expect Sister Margaret will finish you off.

"Yes, Milady Kathryn," a grinch-grin split his face as he pulled away to drive around the building.

Kathryn's long shirt flowed with the movement of her legs, buttoned to just above her knees, as we followed her to the door. It opened easily and we walked into a good-sized medieval cathedral. The high arched ceiling absorbed the candlelight and the rows of pews gave off the scent of polished wood. There was no crucifix, or any other item relating to a specific religion. A man stood at the pulpit, wearing shirt sleeves and a clerical collar with no vest or jacket. His hair had receded to a wide patch beginning above his ears and circling around back, in what I always think of as Friar Tuck.

"Brother William!" Kathryn called out, perhaps a bit too loud for the sacred setting.

He looked up and smiled brightly, "Sister Kathryn!" Jan and I shared a smirk, wondering when Kathryn had taken the holy orders.

As she sped up her walk toward him, she unbuttoned her shirt. Brother William stepped from behind the pulpit, revealing that he was not wearing any pants. The shirt ended high enough to reveal perfectly cut abs and a dark pool of pubic hair around his dick, which, though limp, hung at least eight inches.

He embraced Kathryn, sliding his hand into her shirt, pulling it wide open to show us her large tits and thick pubic hair. What I had taken for leggings, were thigh-high stockings, held up by elastic a few inches below Kathryn's pussy. "I should have known," I said with a sigh. Jan nodded as the couple shared a long, intimate kiss. His hand went to her cunt as she stroked his dick.

"It's always good to see you, Sister. And who do we have here?"

She escorted him toward us, his dick bobbing as it started to grow. "These are two of my dear friends. Bill, we were wondering if we could get a tour of the winery."

"Well, sister, as you know, we're not open to the public on Mondays. But if you'd like a private tour, I could make myself available."

"Oh, that would be wonderful." She guided Brother William closer to us. "This is Sister Jan."

He took her hand, kissing the palm langourously. Jan fluttered. "Is it the fashion of your order to remain nude?" she asked the same question I was wondering.

Brother William's laugh was deep and genuine. "Oh, no. First of all, none of us have taken the holy vows, except, of course, the vow to make the best wine possible. The brother-sister thing is merely an affectation for the tourists. And the lack of clothes is in recognition of Sister Kathryn's visit. We all know of her distain for the rigid system of hiding what God herself has given each of us, and most are quite willing to oblige her, except in the processing area for health and safety reasons, of course. In fact, let me take off this silly thing." His clerical collar and shirt came away with the zip of Velcro, "Again, it's mainly for the tourists." Jan stared at his body, which I had to admit was very nice. Firm and athletic without the over-sculpting that implied hormone use. He stroked his dick, which had gotten quite hard in Kathryn's presence. "Plus, it makes quick sex so much easier."

Jan melted into his smile as she started lifting her sundress. "It certainly does," She agreed with enthusiasm as she exposed her big tits and frosted pubes.

Kathryn walked over to me, rubbing the front of my pants. "I'll have you out of these sooner or later. It may as well be now and avoid any mess."

No sooner was my shirt unbuttoned than Kathryn's fingers were running through my salt-and-pepper chest hair, teasing my nipples. I took the shirt off and quickly dropped my pants, pulling them over my shoes. Suddenly I was a middle-aged man with a hard dick standing in a church wearing nothing but loafers. Kathryn bent over to kiss the tip of my cock.

"Shall we begin the tour?"

Brother William offered Jan his elbow, which she took, linking hers through his.

If you've never toured a winery, I do recommend it. The process is simple, but the chemistry is complex.

Brother William took us through the buildings, step by step. At the first room, which he called "mashing," we had to put on paper gowns, hats, and booties before we could proceed.

Jan surprised Brother William by kissing his long cock, "See you later, good lookin'," she purred before letting him put on his gown.

After the mashing room, came pre-clarification, followed by fermentation, when yeast is added, then it sits in large barrels of either oak or stainless-steel during maturation.

Brother William slid his hand though the back of Jan's gown, fingering her before pulling out and sucking them as he continued to explain "The wine is then tasted to determine if it needs a second racking before being sent for stabilization and bottling.

Jan shuddered, "I'm waiting for my first racking."

It may sound dull, but it can be lots of fun when accompanied by two beautiful women wearing only thin paper.

When we left the manufacturing area, Brother William took us into the tasting room where we shed our gowns, returning to our puritan-free nudity. Jan immediately dropped to her knees and starting sucking Brother William. Kathryn looked at me, as if I had any control over Jan's libido.

Kathryn tapped Jan on the head. "Jan, darling, there are much better places for that still to come."

Jan shook her head on his cock. "Hm um." She took a breath, "Brother William has been fingering me and teasing me with this big, hard cock." She gave it a long, sloppy lick. "Now, it's my turn!"

Brother William grabbed her white hair and fucked hard into her mouth. His voice was a growl. "Suck me Sister Jan. I want to cum in your mouth!"

She sped up her pumping of his cock. I slipped my hand into Kathryn's long shirt, finding her clit.

Kathryn's gasped on my fingers. "Not you, too, Sir? Can we all just enjoy some wine and fuck later?"

I grinned at her. "Who are you and what have you done with Kathryn?!"

Jan started to laugh, but Brother William chose that moment to climax. "SUCK ME SISTER. I'M CUMMING SWALLOW MY SEED. LET ME BAPTIZE YOUR TONSILS WITH MY HOLY WATER!"

Now I was laughing, "For the tourists," I said. Brother William winked at me as Jan licked his cock clean.

I stepped to the tasting bar, where an attractive blonde wearing only a lanyard name tag that said "Sister Debra" between her large breasts began by commenting, "It looks like you missed all the fun over there."

"Not all the fun, Sister Debra. She's going home with me."

She grinned as she teased one of her nipples. "Why can't I find an open-minded guy with such a pretty dick?"

"I could give you my number," I added a wink.

"Buy some wine with a credit card, and I'll have all the information I need."

"Well, that sounds ominous," I grinned.

Jan stepped along side of me, taking my hand and licking the corner of her mouth. "Sister Jan, this is Sister Debra."

Sister Debra leaned closer, conspiratorially, "I was just telling him how envious I am that your man shares you without getting possessive or jealous."

"We're not that way and," she dropped her voice so Sister Debra has to lean close. Jan stroked Debra's nipple. "I'd share him with you, too. You'd love how big his cock gets" Jan kissed Sister Debra, who looked up, surprised.

"As for wine, Sister Debra," I said, "let me start by saying I know nothing about it. I enjoy a good red, but can hardly tell the difference between a cab and a Merlot."

Her smile made he hard. "I know just what you mean."

Sister Debra flexed her arms, as though shooting her sleeves, if she had any, and her breasts bounced alluringly. She poured a double tasting of a dark red wine. I took a swallow before handing the glass to Jan, who took a drink and held it in her mouth for a moment before swallowing. She nodded appreciatively, "Very good."

I nodded, "Yes, very good but nothing special."

Sister Debra handed us each a small wafer.


She grinned politely. "It's to clear the palette. That was our 2006 Cabernet." She poured a fresh glass. "This is our '96. $180 per bottle."

Before I even got it to my lips, the aroma drifted through my nostrils and filled my head. I looked up at Sister Debra, wide-eyed. She grinned, "Yes, that is what we call a really nice nose."

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