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Jason's First Gangbang

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A straight-ish guy decides to be with another man...
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Editor's note: this submission contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sexual situations.

My name's Jason. I was always a decent looking guy. Not movie star levels of hot, but far from ugly. I'm right at six feet tall and about 165 pounds. Brown hair, blue eyes. Not in bad shape, but don't have too much muscle definition. I've always wanted six pack abs, but alas, I'm too lazy to work out more than a couple times a month.

I never really had too much of a problem finding girlfriends. I wasn't always attached to someone, but I managed to have a girlfriend at least once a year or so. Unfortunately, I've never been able to make relationships last too long. For a long time, I figured I was just picking the wrong girls, but if you keep having the same problem over and over, it's probably got quite a bit to do with you and not them.

It wasn't until my mid-20's , though, that I found myself being sexually attracted to men after I watched some gay porn because straight porn wasn't really doing it for me anymore. The key word there is sexually, though. I still had no desire to date men, nor to even kiss or do anything remotely romantic. I just wanted the dick. The weird thing is, I didn't have any desire to top. Like, at all. I wanted them inside me, pounding away.

I bought a dildo and began practicing inserting it into my asshole with lots of lube and patience until it didn't hurt anymore. It lasted as a fantasy for a while, but I decided that it was time to turn that fantasy into a reality. I downloaded a gay dating app and created an account. I didn't want to show my face in my profile picture because I wanted to be discrete, so I took a picture of my naked, shaved torso and some jeans.

Within an hour, a few guys had messaged me pics of their cocks. It turned me on immensely, but when I asked for face pics, they either declined, or I didn't find them the least bit attractive. After a bit, I just decided to close the app and jerk off to the dick pics they sent. I inserted my dildo into my ass and began to masturbate. I'd never came so hard in my life. I shot out a few ropes of cum, one of them almost hitting my face.

This same routine lasted for a few days until someone I was attracted to finally messaged me. I said I wanted him so I sent a pic of my face. He said he wanted me too. He asked me for my address, but for some reason, I just couldn't do it. I was extremely nervous. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I wouldn't have a problem with the nerves so much if it was a girl that wanted to fuck. So I blocked him without thinking and just wanked again.

This happened a couple more times, so I gave up. For the next few months, I just watched porn, straight and gay, and jerked off. One day, out of nowhere, though, I wanted to try again. The porn just wasn't doing it for me.

I redownloaded the app, took another profile pic, and went looking through the profiles.

I decided I wasn't going to be so picky. If I was remotely attracted to him, I'd message him and make an offer, or take an offer if it was he who messaged first. I also decided I would not back out. It didn't take long before a guy named Randy messaged me.

Randy was pretty average, but certainly not ugly. He had a few extra pounds, but like I said, I wasn't going to back out. I prefer people without pubic hair, as I've always shaved all mine, but he did have some. It wasn't full bush, and his balls were shaved, so I didn't mind.

The thing that really sealed the deal for me though, was his glorious cock. It was bigger than average, but not incredibly so. The veins were perfectly placed. The purple head was the perfect shape. It had a slight upward curve and was hard as nails. I could tell just by looking at the picture. I hope it had half that luster in real life. I almost blew my load right then and there, but managed to hold it in.

He messaged me, "so are we gonna do this, sexy?"

"Yes," I messaged back. "But I do have a couple of ground rules."

"shoot," he said.

They were, as follows:

  1. No kissing or cuddling.

  2. I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.

  3. Bring condoms. No bareback.

  4. Be rough, but start slow to let me ease into it.

  5. I will not top for you.

  6. I don't want my dick sucked.

  7. We fuck, you leave.

I waited for him to reply. It took him a few minutes. I wondered if I was being too

Demanding. Oh well. Dem's the rules, as they say. Finally, though, he messaged back, "cool. what's ur address?"

I typed my address out, barely able to because my hands were shaking. I repeated to myself in my head don't back out. I inhaled deeply and pressed "send". I exhaled.

I was so terribly nervous. My major hard-on was gone. I felt like throwing up. He messaged back that he would be at my place in ten minutes. I turned on some porn to try to get my horniness back. It sort of worked. I was able to get semi-hard. I stroked my cock to keep what little of a boner I had going. Too late now.

After twelve minutes, I heard a knock on my door. I breathed deeply trying to calm my nerves. It helped a little. I slowly made my way to the door and looked out the peephole. It was him. Randy. The guy who was about to take my gay virginity.

I opened the door and let him in. I nervously said, "Hey."

"Jason? I'm randy. Nice to meet you," he said.

"Yes," I said, shakily.

"Nervous?" he said, holding out his hand for a handshake. I reached my trembling, sweaty palm up and took his hand as firmly as I could, which wasn't very.

"Yeah." I said, trying to eek out a smile.

"Don't be. It's cool. You've done this before, right?" he said.

"Oh, yeah. I, uh, always get this way," I lied. I breathed, trying to make my nerves go away. They slowly, but surely started to calm down.

"Here," he said. "This'll help."

He grabbed my hand and put it on his crotch, surprising me. Holy shit, this was actually happening. I felt him get hard in his trousers. I felt my growing in mine. I wasn't nervous anymore. It worked. I just wanted his cock. Now.

I unzipped his pants and fished his hard dick out. It was even more beautiful than in the pictures. Bigger, too. I was starting to get insatiable. I stroked and stroked, his cock getting even harder in my hand. That thing could probably cut glass. I reached up and unbuttoned his trousers and let them drop. He wasn't wearing any underwear.

There it was, his dick and balls right in front of my face in all their glory. I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out. There was precum coming out of his pee hole. I licked it off. It tasted so good. I'd always loved salty flavored stuff, and this was amazing. I put my mouth around the head of his cock and sucked on it, trying to get every ounce of that precum out of his cock.

"Yeah, that's it," he said. He put his hand on the back of my head and gently pushed down to where my mouth was about halfway down his seven or so inch fuck pole. I started sucking with vigor. I put my hand around the base of his cock and stroked, my hand meeting my mouth halfway, his hand still gently guiding my head.

I started really getting into it, my mouth going further and further down his cock until it hit the back of my throat. He held it there for a second before I started to gag. Normally gagging on something doesn't feel so great, but for some reason, gagging on this man's cock really turned me on.

I felt my own dick twitch, getting even harder. He pulled my head away. Drool pooled up in my mouth and spilled out over my chin. I breathed hard a couple of times before he grabbed my hair and lifted my head up to meet his eyes.

"Wanna get fucked now?" Randy said.

"Hell yes," I replied.

He pulled up his jeans and checked his pocket, looking like he was missing something. I stroked his cock eager with anticipation.

"Well shit. Looks like I left my condoms in my car," he said, looking sheepish.

"Yeah, as much as I'd love to feel a bare cock in me, I don't really know you that well. No offense," I said, feeling a little dejected.

"No, it's fine. I completely agree," he said. "I'll be right back."

"Okay. I can't wait," I said. I really didn't want to wait and didn't care for condoms at all, but my desire to not get an STI outweighed my desire to feel bare flesh in my anal cavity.

He pulled up his pants and walked out the door. I pulled my cock out of my gym shorts and began stroking it, being careful not to stroke too hard, lest I cum.

I was desperate to get fucked. Just the thought of having a cock in my asshole was driving me insane.

After a couple minutes of trying to find the balance between staying horny but not jerking off enough to cum, I finally heard rummaging outside. About time, I thought.

What I saw next scared me half to death. The door swung open. Randy was back, but he wasn't alone. In walked four other guys with him.

"What the fuck?" I yelled, standing up. My heart was racing. My boner had gone down.

"Oh yeah. We're gonna have us a grand old time with you, buddy. Didn't your mother ever tell you not to trust strangers on the internet?" Randy said with a sly smile.

"Get out of here, right now!" I yelled.

"Oh no. We're gonna rip you a new one. Get him, fellas," Randy said.

Two of the guys ran up to me and pushed me against the wall. It hurt like a motherfucker. One of them was a white guy, and the other was black. Both were big and muscular. They grabbed my arms and held them above my head.

I tried to wring myself away, but it was no use, so I just started kicking. One of the other guys, another black guy, even bigger than the other two, grabbed my feet. A fourth guy, a short, stocky white dude took out his dick and put it up to my face.

His cock was huge. Way bigger than Randy's. It had to be nine inches and as big around as my wrist. I tried to resist. He slapped me in the face hard. I winced as it stung. It made me open my mouth for a split second, which was enough to get his cock in.

"Alright, little bitch. If I feel you try to bite down on my dick, it ain't gonna be a slap. I'll punch you square in the jaw, and I can punch pretty goddamn hard. Might knock a tooth out if not dislocate your jaw, so you better be careful," he said.

"You tell him, AJ," the black guy holding my right arm said.

I figured I'd better listen to him. There were five of them and only one of me, so I relaxed my jaw. He stood over me and began thrusting inside my mouth. He began picking up the pace and hitting the back of my throat.

The other two guys that were holding my arms let go. My arms flopped down beside me. I thought it was best if I didn't try to fight it. The less I struggled, the quicker this would go by. Or so I thought.

AJ started fucking my face full force like it was a pussy. I was gagging and spitting up something awful, soaking my shirt. I was surprised I didn't vomit.

With one giant thrust, I could feel the tip of his cock slide down my throat. It had never been opened up like that. He kept it there for a few seconds, pushing my head against the wall. I started gagging over and over again. He then started thrusting harder and faster, the head of his cock never leaving the back of my throat.

"I'd better pull back else I'm gonna cum down this little bitch's throat. I ain't ready for that yet," AJ said.

As he pulled out, I started taking deep breaths. I had just noticed that the black guy holding my feet had gotten my pants off. My dick was twitching, not fully flaccid or hard.

AJ grabbed my wet shirt and lifted it over my head. There I was, completely naked, with five guys who were gonna rape and destroy me.

"Jerry, it's your turn," Randy said.

Jerry was the black guy that had been holding my feet and took my pants off. His dick was about the same size as Randy's, if not a little longer. He stuffed his dick down my throat and held it there, my head pressing into the wall. He then started fucking my face.

He'd fuck it for a few seconds and then slap me. I doubted it was as hard as he could, but still pretty hard. He did this for a little while longer

Everyone except Randy, who just sat on my couch egging the other guys on, took their turns on my throat. I didn't move or say anything the whole time, not wanting to get punished even harder than I already was.

My throat was getting sore and I'm sure my face was red from all the slapping. Even though it hurt really badly, it was also kind of a turn on for some reason.

Besides Randy, AJ, and Jerry, the other black guy's name was Clevon, and the other white guy's name was Greg. AJ's dick was the biggest of them all, but the others were no slouches. They were all bigger than mine, which is slightly bigger than average at six and a quarter inches.

"Alright. Time to give this cunt a bath," Jerry said. I had no idea what he meant, but I was about to find out.

Clevon and Jerry grabbed me and led me to the bathroom.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked. My voice was a little hoarse from being throat fucked by four guys for the last ten minutes.

"Oh, you'll find out, faggot," Randy said.

We got to the bathroom. The guys who were practically carrying me dropped me down hard on the floor next to the toilet. My knees and hands stung. I started getting scared, not knowing what was going to happen.

Before I knew it, Jerry and Clevon had my hands around the toilet. Randy had a pair of handcuffs. At this point, I knew resistance was futile so I just let Randy cuff my hands around the toilet. I had a pretty good idea what was about to happen.

They all took off their clothes and gathered around me. They were all in pretty good shape, so I knew there was nothing I could do. I braced myself for what was about to happen.

"Alright boys, light him up," Randy said.

Almost at the same time, they let out jets of piss all over me, soaking my body, face and hair in urine. It tasted surprisingly good. It was warm and felt kind of nice. In fact, I was loving it, the only downside being that it stung my eyes. I licked my lips off and savored the flavor.

"Holy shit, I think this little queer likes it!" Jerry said.

"Looks like we got us a little piss slut," said Randy. "You like it, bitch?"

"Y... yes," I said just louder than a whisper.

"Say it! Say 'I'm a little piss slut!", Randy said.

"I'm a little piss slut," I said, quietly.


"I'm a fucking little piss slut!" I yelled. This was all I needed to get over my nerves. I wanted it. I wanted them to use me and do whatever they wanted to me.

Randy gave me a slap on my ass and said, "That's a good little faggot."

They all finished, and there I was, covered in five strangers' piss. The pee covered the floor and had sprayed all over the toilet.

Randy reached over and undid the handcuffs. Clevon grabbed me by the hair and lifted me to my knees in front of the toilet.

"Now clean it, bitch," Randy said.

I reached for the toilet paper, but he slapped my hand away.

"No, no, no. Not with that. With your tongue, motherfucker," he said in a serious tone with a serious look.

"What? No. That's disgusting," I said. He slapped my face as hard as he could. It hurt like hell. I reached up to rub my face. He took me by the wrist and put my hand back down on the piss covered floor.

"You don't have the fucking luxury of saying no to me, boy," Randy said. "Now clean that damn toilet."

I reluctantly stuck out my tongue and licked the toilet seat. I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would as I had noticed by the recent activity that I quite enjoyed the taste of urine. I started licking with more urgency and frequency.

"I wanna hear some slurping," Randy said. I slurped up some pee and swallowed. I alternated between licking and slurping. I could hear the guys talking and laughing, but I couldn't make out what they were saying because I was concentrating on cleaning the toilet off.

After I had tongued the seat and the edges of the bowl, Randy grabbed me by the hair.

"Now, the inside," he said.

It had been a while since I had cleaned the toilet. Not that it was in too bad of shape, but the idea still was kind of gross. However, I didn't hesitate. I started licking. After a few seconds, though, I felt someone grab my hair.

It was AJ. He shoved my face down in the piss in the bowl. I made the mistake of breathing a little in and started choking. He lifted my head out of the bowl and shoved it back in.

He held it there for a few seconds. Just when I thought I was about to run out, he pulled my head back up. He then shoved it back in. That's when I felt a finger go into my asshole. It startled me.

He pulled my head back up then dunked it again. In went another finger. It felt amazing. I could feel my dick getting harder. Whoever it was began fucking my ass with their fingers.

Then, someone flushed the toilet, my head still under, giving me a piss swirly. When the water went all the way down, I took a deep breath. AJ pulled my head back up. It ended up being Jerry with his fingers, now three, in my asshole.

He started finger fucking me hard. It burned, but there was quite a bit of pleasure in the mix as well. I started moaning.

"The little bitch likes it, homie," Greg said.

"Oh yeah. Finger my little fag asshole," I said. It felt so good. I thought I was about to cum from prostate stimulation when he pulled his fingers out.

"Alright. Time to fuck this asshole like there's no tomorrow," Randy said. "Get him in the bedroom, boys."

"Wait, the bedroom? We'll get piss all over my bed," I said.

"Not my problem," Randy said. With that, the other four guys grabbed me off the ground. We went into my bedroom, and they threw me on the bed.

Greg grabbed me and turned me on all fours, lifting my ass in the air. He put his cock up to my asshole. Then, it hit me.

"Wait, wait. Aren't you gonna use condoms?" I said. Like I mentioned, I really didn't want an STI, especially HIV.

"Again, not my problem," Randy said. He went around front of me and slapped me in the face hard. "Now, you're gonna do what you're told. I'm pretty sure these guys are clean. I know I am, and the top is a lot less likely to get something from the bottom, so I'm not too worried about getting anything from you."

I then felt Greg's spit rolling down my crack. He took his cock head and smeared the drool around my hole. I braced myself for penetration, which came swiftly. He got the head in and slowly began inching it in further. It felt so good, I didn't really care about STI's anymore.

Clevon came around and waved his cock in my face. I grabbed ahold of it and put it in my mouth.

Greg had started fucking me. I could feel it moving in and out, putting pressure on my prostate. He started pretty gently, but was gaining speed. He hadn't quite bottomed out in me, but with each thrust, he got further.

"What are you waiting for, motherfucker. Fuck this little faggot's hole," Jerry said.

Greg was off. He pushed it all the way in, which hurt quite a bit. He started fucking me hard. Like, really hard. Clevon had taken a cue and began fucking my face. They fucked me like their lives depended on it. It hurt really bad at first. I could feel tears running down my face.

I was drooling from Clevon's cock going balls deep in and out of my throat. My asshole was burning from Greg's dick fucking my ass. The other guys were cheering them on. The longer it went on, though, the less it hurt. It started to feel really good, actually.

Greg started grunting and thrusting even harder. Clevon's balls slapped on my chin. Greg slapped my ass over and over again on the same cheek. It hurt, but I didn't care. I just wanted them to fuck me.

"Oh yes. Oh god yes. Fuck me you motherfuckers," I said, Clevon pulling his cock out of my mouth.

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