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Jayne's World Pt. 14

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More photography and two massive fucks; one in a car.
3.8k words

Part 14 of the 28 part series

Updated 01/18/2024
Created 08/26/2021
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Jayne's World Pt. 14.

More photography and two massive fucks; one in a car.


Out of all the fucks we'd had to date the one we had at the end of the second session, the day before Jayne went home was, in my opinion, the best. It hadn't been a long session, probably forty-five minutes or so, but it was totally dedicated to me taking shots of her touching herself, which hadn't really been planned. But then, like many things, photographic sessions can often benefit from spontaneity and, in essence, what we did was simply carry on from where we left off last time. Well, not quite left off for that finished with me wanking myself and cumming onto her tits which she pushed together for me. And when a fifty-five-year-old man is photographing his twenty-five-year-old mistress, well lover really, we did just what came naturally to us both.

Without asking, Jayne had started touching herself and playing with her tits. That of course had aroused me even more and gave me some wonderful shots. But, of course, it also led to us breaking off the posing when I couldn't stop myself from embracing her, laying on top of her, kissing her and running my hands over her beautifully naked body; she felt lovely.

"This ok Jay?" I completely unnecessarily asked you.

"More than ok, it's fucking brilliant," you giggled back, finding my zip and sliding it down. Between us we struggled my chinos, underpants and polo shirt off so I was as naked as you. Your nakedness against mine felt great and I couldn't help metaphorically pinching myself to confirm that this really was happening and was not some wonderful wet dream; I could hardly believe that a middle-aged old fart like me was with such stunning young thing as you.

"Good, because I so want to fuck you," I went on, sliding down between your legs that you quickly spread to accommodate me.

"Then get in me, you silly old bugger," you sighed, kissing me.

I pressed my cock against your lips, probing them open so I could get it in as you asked. Even without any Cialis it was about as hard as it had ever been, and it slid easily and quickly into your soaked passage. You grunted and your body jerked as I pushed myself up you as far as it could go. Your hands gripped the cheeks of my ass and squeezed so that your nails dug into the fleshy mounds. Then we started to fuck.

What made it so good was that you matched my movements all the way and that we fucked with everything we had. Thrust by thrust and surge for surge, our bodies writhed and squirmed together as we kissed and tongued each other and our hands roamed all over each other's body. Your finger slid into the crease of my ass and pressed right against my hole. I opened my legs hopefully sending a signal to you. It was clearly sent and received for I had that beautiful feeling of your finger sliding into my ass.

"Okay James?"

"Fuck yes," I groaned pushing against it as it went further and further up me. I had no idea where you had got the idea from to do that as you hadn't done it like that before. The feelings on the entrance to my ass combined with what was happening to whatever your finger was touching inside me were incredible. That made me fuck you harder and deeper and seemed to motivate you into giving more back than most women I'd been with.

"Fuck my cunt you filthy old bastard," you moaned.

Getting into our dirty talk mode I retaliated. "Finger-fuck my ass, you dirty little bitch."

Then you started to pant and your body was wracked by a series of convulsions as you moaned. "Oh my God, you dirty old fucker, you've done me, I'm cumming."

It so excited me that I could do that to a young, attractive woman that I also started to climax and felt the cum building up and starting to flow. Then I exploded and it seemed to just go on and on gushing into you to complete what I felt was a truly memorable fuck.

After such a fuck that Jayne agreed was stupendous, in some ways I couldn't wait for her to go home so I could be alone. I was really looking forward to developing and printing the shots and then adjusting and cropping them. Photography was taking me over and taking photos of my young lover was becoming an obsession.


Back home after a fun-filled and sexually enjoyable few days with James I came back to reality. No parents, no real home, no job, no money and no prospects! On top of all that Mickey put my rent up so I had to keep every other Thursday afternoon free for him. But I was getting used to him now and as, other than James, I had no men on the go he well quenched my sexual appetite.

James had asked a lot about my circumstances when I'd told him that mum and dad had split and dad had gone bust. As I unfolded my tale of woe brought on by those bloody American bankers causing the 2008 credit crunch, several times he had offered to lend or give me money that, of course, I refused. It's one thing acting like a hooker but quite another being paid like one was my thinking. But I was tempted.


I hadn't really thought it all the way through, but I had an idea at the back of my mind how I might be able to help Jayne financially without it being a loan or gift. After a couple of chats with Max, the guy who owns and runs the studio and camera club, I emailed Jayne saying: 'I have an idea how you could make some good money.' Almost immediately she came back with: 'How?'

I emailed back outlining the idea that I had broadly agreed with Max. She came back with: 'Hmmmm interesting. I'll call you.'

"Hi," you said on the phone a few seconds later.

We chatted for bit asking each other how we were before you said, "So, this posing, tell me more."

"Well, I asked if he needed any models and he said that he always wants new girls for, as he put it, models only have a short shelf life at any studio."

"You showed him our photos then?" you asked.

We went on to discuss what Max had told me about one-to-one posing, for which he paid around a hundred pounds for ninety minutes, and modelling for a group as I had attended. That was based on how many attended, with the thirty quid fee being shared equally between Max and the girl. "He reckons that on average there's ten to twelve there, so it's usually around one fifty or sixty pounds."


Although I was a little pissed that James had shown 'our' photos to a stranger without agreeing that with me first, I realised it was with good intent and after a long, slightly acrimonious and fairly detailed discussion with him, I felt reassured and overall, quite pleased.

Hence, a few days later I was back on the 10.30 am train from Kings Cross to Leeds. As usual, I removed my bra on the journey and thus, enjoyed seeing your pleasure and feeling your hands on my tits in public at Leeds station. And also as usual, once in your house you undressed me and we fucked in the hallway with me leaning over a chair and you taking me from behind.

Later that evening I was hellishly nervous after you'd dropped me off at the studio and I met with Max. Though pleasant and friendly, he was a bit sleazy and explained in more detail what could be on offer.

"I saw the photos Jayne, but I need to er, um see the real thing if you know what I mean," he said after explaining more about how the bookings worked. I thought it all sounded pretty interesting and quite easy money just for flashing my bits at a few grubby old men, almost grinning as Max explained things.

"I'm not sure whether James explained that I am pretty inexperienced at posing," I told him.

"Don't worry, technique's the least important aspect of it," he grinned reassuringly.

"So, what is the most important?" I asked rather naively.

"Using a well hackneyed expression Jayne, tits 'n ass are the most important, followed by facial expressions.

"Oh I see, not sure about my facial expressions," I told him adding, "I never fancied myself as an actor.

"Well, you sure have the looks, and it looks like you've got the figure," he went on as he ran his gaze up and down my body. "You only really need any acting ability for videos and we don't do many of those. Let's go into the studio and knock off a few shots, shall we?"

He led me into the studio and told me to stand in front of what I thought was a white wall. It wasn't until later that I realised it was a sheet of white paper pulled down from a huge roll hung from the ceiling and that there was a variety of other colours as well; obviously to provide a variety of different backdrops. He set up a couple of cameras on tripods, fiddled around with some lights that I found to be surprisingly bright and uncomfortably hot.

"Okay, strike a sexy pose looking right into the camera," he instructed me.

I put my hands on my hips, pushed my jeans covered tummy forward and stared right into it as instructed.

"Turn to your right."

He clicked away. "Now left." More clicks.

"Ok let's lose the top please Jayne."

With shaking fingers, I fumbled the buttons undone and slipped it off, feeling embarrassed as I knew that my nipples showed clearly through the thin fabric of my bra. Again, I went through the process of posing and watching him click away making grunts and sounds that generally sounded to be of approval.

"Now the skirt please love," he said in a very matter of fact way which, I suppose it was to him.

I wasn't wearing very sexy underwear, although it certainly wasn't bog standard, department store cotton stuff. I was wearing a quite nice, pale blue, lacy thong with a matching bra so when I was down to just them I guessed, and hoped I looked ok.

"Mmmm very nice, Jay, you look good, is it okay calling you that?" Max commented as he lined up the camera and told me to turn away and bend forward and backwards.

"Yeah sure some do."

As I posed in the underwear in a variety of positions I began to relax and feel more comfortable. Those feelings were helped by Max's encouraging remarks as he snapped away.

"Ok a few nudes now luv, if that's ok?" he suggested.

Although I'd been standing and posing in front of him for ten minutes or so in my underwear, it felt odd undressing completely. It was particularly strange unclipping my bra and taking that off then slipping out of my panties as he looked on. To a slight extent my discomfort was mitigated by knowing that he'd seen the photos when I had posed for James. However, I'd have felt more relaxed had he have looked away as I undressed. But his intent gaze as I revealed all was rather disconcerting, yet frustratingly to me, strangely exciting. And, as he once more went behind the camera, I again felt those tingles that I'd had with Barry, my dad and James when they had photographed me.

"Nothing too explicit Jay, just some straightforward tits and ass stuff," he said smiling at me as he set up the camera. "Ok hold your tits and push them up as if offering them to the camera."

I did as he asked staring deep into the camera lens as that caught the image of my 33B going on C cup boobs pressed together with the two pink nipples hardening and seeming to me as if they were flashing at him.

"Mmmm, lovely, that's great Jay, now just pinch those nipples for me and smoulder at the camera."

I found that surprisingly easy and, in fact, it seemed to come naturally to me. But then, of course, I had done it many times when I masturbated, The combination of posing for this charismatic and quite forceful, albeit slightly pervy man, being naked, having the camera intruding on me and seeming as if it were seducing me and now pulling on my erect nipples made it very easy to smoulder. In fact, I didn't have to try, I just had to act naturally.

Max spent a few more minutes taking shots of me naked from a variety of angles.

"Ok Jayne," he said walking over towards me and turning the lights off. "Let's have a look, shall we?"

"Look at what?" I asked.

"All the shots are on the computer now so we can look at them," he explained walking behind the rolls of paper and into a small alcove where there was desk with a large screen PC on it. "Here sit here," he said patting a straight-backed chair next to his office chair.

I felt awkward still being naked. I didn't know whether to ignore what Max was suggesting and walk back across the room to where my clothes were lying on a chair or do as he said. He solved my dilemma by saying. "Don't get dressed just yet, luv, we may need to take a few more shots as I want these for your portfolio," he explained looking right into my eyes.

I could hardly believe what I felt when suddenly there I was on the screen pressing my boobs together and smouldering at the camera. It had been exciting enough posing, but now seeing the results of my modelling and his photography made me feel even more excited.

"Mmmm," he said quietly clicking the mouse so pose after pose of me naked and in just my underwear filled the giant screen just inches from my face. It really was a strange experience. It was as if in some ways it wasn't me, as if I hadn't just been posing for Max and the camera and as if I wasn't sitting totally naked beside another man I didn't know.

"Very nice, very nice indeed," he went on staring at the enlarged pictures of my breasts. "Oh yes Jayne, oh yes," he continued as the huge screen was filled with close ups of my nipples, my pubis, boobs and bum.

I couldn't work out whether he was making professional photographic comments on my body or whether they were his typical male views. I did, though, realise that we were sitting so close that his leg under the desk was pressed against mine; that his hand that wasn't operating the mouse frequently brushed against my wrist as he made comments on various shots and that he seemed to have leaned a little more towards me so that our shoulders were touching.

"You really do have a natural talent for this Jayne," he remarked turning and looking me right in the eye. "Hasn't anyone else ever told you that before?" he went on holding my gaze.

"Er, um no, no nobody has," I lied not wanting to mention James or my dad.

He rested his fingers on the back of my hand, continued staring deep into my eyes and said, very quietly.

"Well, I am now love, I'm telling you now that you are an absolute natural for photographic modelling. You have a gorgeous face and a great body with......." he paused before letting his gaze drop a little and adding as he rubbed his fingertips in little circular movements on the back of my hand, "absolutely stunning tits."

I didn't really know what to say. But then how could I? It's not often a twenty-five year old kid has a man who's old enough to be her dad, photograph her naked and then tell her what great tits she has.

I mumbled my thanks, I think adding something inane like, "you really think so?"

"Yes Jay, yes I do," he said slowly and softly, "they are beautiful."

"How did it go?" you asked when you picked me up outside the studio ten minutes or so later, "was Max ok?"

"He's a bit of sleaze but ok and it went well," I said as we drove off on the eight-mile journey to the house. We chatted away with me feeling surprisingly horny. The posing for Max, a stranger had done that. I was worried about it, for I knew deep down that he would not have had to try very hard to have his way with me. I wasn't sure if that went as far as letting him fuck me, but I thought that I would probably have let him kiss and fondle me had he wanted to.

"Did you pose for him?"

"Yes, I did."

"For how long?"

"Half hour or so I guess."

"And how far did you go?"

"I'm not really sure we should be talking about that, James."

"I have no idea on the etiquette of talking to a woman about her modelling, but I would like to know."

"Know what?"

"Well, whether you posed naked?"

"Yes, yes, I did, is that okay with you? I mean you did arrange the fucking thing, didn't you?"


I knew that I was being unreasonable and stupidly jealous, but I wanted to know. Over the nearly twenty months we'd been together, we had got closer and saw and contacted each other more frequently, so my feelings for you had strengthened emotionally, as I hoped yours had towards me. We both used more endearing terms of affection and, though I had no illusions about the future, I believed that our relationship was going from strength to strength.

Along with that, though, there were numerous areas where I had no idea what was going on but then, I guess, why should I? You'd talked about your dad's friend Mickey, who seemed to be a typical London East End businessman cum crook, and how you were living in one of the many flats he owned. I hadn't asked and you hadn't told me, but I was pretty sure that there was more to that relationship than dad's friend, landlord and tenant. Then also there was the photos that you had told me your dad had taken. They were not as explicit as those I had taken and in them you looked to be quite comfortable and sexually interesting. I could hardly bring myself to think why you had posed for him, but as there seemed to be a clear intimate linkage between you and him, almost inevitably I couldn't help wondering if you'd had sex with your father.

We'd stopped talking for a while as I drove out of the Leeds city limits and into the country with those thoughts going through my mind. Then I felt your hand on my leg. It just rested about half-way between my knee and groin for a few moments and as I was getting used to that, it moved upwards. You'd done this before but not after dark as I could hardly recall us being out in the car at night.

"Jayne what are you doing?" I asked taking a risk and moving my eyes from the dark road towards you. You smiled and slid your hand up further. At the same time, you took hold of your top and said in a husky tone.

"I didn't bother putting my bra on after Max took photos of my tits, James."

"No, really?" I mumbled, risking another glance at you and saw you pulling the top open so that you exposed your left boob. As usual it looked lovely with the nipple stunningly hard.

"So I can see," I croaked back, "and what are you doing now?" As I asked that, you slid your hand further up my leg so that it pushed against my groin, making me realise that I was now fully erect. Your reply was as surprisingly arousing as it was so typical Jayne.

"Rubbing your cock James, to see if you'd like to have sex with me in the car."


"You heard. I feel horny after being photographed and would like to be fucked and thought it might be nice for you to fuck me on the back seat of this rather posh Jag. Would you?"

I was aroused, interested, surprised and confused. Of course, I wanted to fuck you, but where would be safe came immediately to mind, making me realise the difference in attitude between my old fart thinking and your devil-may-care approach. That was emphasised when you slid your hand across me and dropped something onto my lap.

"What's that?"

"I told and showed you that I hadn't put my bra on after Max had finished photographing me, didn't I?"

"Yes Jay, yes you did and it was a very nice show too," I replied picking up what you'd dropped on my lap and realising it was a pair of panties.

"I didn't put those on either look."

Again, I took my eyes off the road and glanced across at you. "Oh my God Jane what the hell you doing?" I groaned tearing my eyes away from where you had pulled your skirt up so it was bunched around your hips and your lovely pubic mound was on show between your spread legs.


I wasn't at all sure just what had got into me or what was causing this outburst of wanton behaviour. Okay, I was a bit of a tart and had been known to put it about a bit, but I'd not done anything quite like this overt display of sluttishness before. In some ways I would like to have thought that it was purely down to my sexual attraction to you but, deeper down, I knew that it wasn't. There was something else that I couldn't quite put my finger on, although if you didn't do something soon, I would be tempted to put my finger on what needed satisfying!


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