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Jebidiah's Change Bk. 01 Ch. 10


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"My clan be part of Klomtig, in the hills along along Holt. Many goblins, band together they could, would raze all Halfling clan. Only defense is their chaos, always killing each other. This happen in Klomtig, ally with Holt to bring down we would. This," she guestured around the hill, "small probe, scouts. No shaman, no chief, no magic."

The Captain nodded. "Unfortunately, that fits with our experiences dealing with the Darkhunt goblin tribes. These must be ranging out from Orc Fall; I see no orcs among them, which is hopeful. Perhaps this is just an overly strong chieftain, as you say, Mistress Hairfoot. If the orcs were banding the tribes together again, war would not be far behind."

Her adjunct arrived and reported, "Two dead, twelve injured, one missing, madam. The more seriously injured are stabilized, and everyone should be combat-effective in a few hours. The fallen are preserved for transport, and the missing was in the picket. Recovery is not likely from the looks."

"Very well, thank you, Corporal Molson," the Captain sighed. "Fifteen casualties are not insignificant but acceptable for a new company. Your orders, My Lord?"

Jebidiah thought about the military history he had studied for fun. As much interference as the Divine were showing, he wondered how much of his interests earlier in life were fostered and which were of his own design. "We move as soon as we can. Double the scouts, heavy toward the Woods north of us. Double the picket tonight. At our current rate of progress, we can reach the ruins area by nightfall tomorrow. If my information is accurate, the ruins will offer some protection for the camp."

"Would you please also have someone gather the tribal symbols that were present?" Crystal added.

"As you say, My Lord and Lady. It will be." She moved off once again, barking orders.

"That was well done, Lord Valor," Yantzee spoke when the Captain was out of earshot. "I would have made the same adjustments. And my thanks for not charging into the thick of things." Several of their guards standing with them nodded in agreement.

"Can't promise that it will stay that way," Jebidiah said. "Needs must where necessity compels."

"That sort of thinking will get women and men killed," Yantzee replied with a scowl. "If you are going to play general, you need to be a leader."

"I'm not going to pretend to know what's required to lead, Hiro, but if this is going to work, I need to try. If you are my First, then be my First, advise me, and tell me when I do wrong. I would prefer to not get our people killed through my ignorance."

Yantzee considered Jebidiah for a minute, obviously working through his thoughts as he took in the looks of his fellow guards surrounding them. Jebidiah was becoming slightly distracted by spikes of lust and arousal through his bonds. It was impossible to determine who or how many were spiking with the girls arrayed so closely around him. "If we are taking this path, we need to keep to it and not stray. If I am to advise, you need to consider my advice, not play lip service. We have seen too many nobles throw our lives away on a whim."

"You have my word; I will do my best. You are the shield."

Yantzee smiled at that. "You are the ax."

The First still listening to the conversation all saluted and finished the thought, "Uther's own."

"Let's be about it; light will soon break."

They quickly packed and broke camp, leaving the dead goblins behind as a feast for what scavengers still inhabited the area. The following evening provided no rest; sleep was a commodity everyone found wanting. The scouts reported contact with scattered bands of goblins, but the enemy lacked the numbers to attempt another assault. The command staff held several more discussions about probable cause for the goblin assault as they traveled; no likely causes were decided upon. Nearly every suggestion had some merit.

As the distant sun began to set on the second evening after the goblin assault, they arrived at an area of the plains containing signs of fallow fields and old foundations marked by fallen fieldstone chimneys lying about in jumbled piles like solemn tombstones marking a farm's grave. Jebidiah found himself saddened by the conditions of the land he found. The amount of decayed homesteads pointed to a vibrant community. "Captain, can you have more scouts spread out before us to find any shelters we can use? The irrigation aqueducts should lead the way to the city well."

Captain Gentry barked out orders, and more sets of guards departed to the northeast following the crumbling clay-lined aqueducts that brought water for crop irrigation. "We're limited to our guards with dark vision; I have sent what we can. I do not understand why these homesteads are outside a defensive wall. I had expected to find at least some standing wall and possibly a post to use for shelter tonight. These farmers were too exposed."

"We might as well take Lord Valor's suggestion to heart and follow this aqueduct ourselves." Yantzee prompted, "I have no doubt the scouts will find us an area for our camp, but we can hurry the rest along. Phanos will not provide much light tonight." Phanos was already halfway across the evening sky on the second of its two daily journeys and only at half crescent.

They moved on and eventually found remains of a road running parallel to the aqueduct they followed. The road sped up movement, and an hour after sunset a scout returned reporting a mostly intact guard post ahead. From what could be determined, the post was originally three stories high to allow a greater view of the surrounding area but had mostly succumbed to the frequent ground quakes. Only a single story remained, leaving a thirty by thirty roofed area behind. Camp was struck, and Jebidiah's group and their guard took residence within the shelter.

Despite the desolation around them, there was a lot of excitement in the air; the object of their search lay somewhere near. After the evening meal, they held a quick conference with the Captain and her staff.

"Tomorrow, at first light, we need to find the remains of the Keep. The spells to reinforce the stonework from the ground quakes would have failed long ago, but it should still be recognizable as the remains of a keep. We are looking for a few key items here. First and foremost is the armory; if any still exists. Even if it is empty, I want to find, if possible, how long ago it was emptied. Second, the forge. Same scenario; I need to know if it is empty and if so determine how long it has been. Third, the library if it still exists. Any documentation that we can find. The scrolls will be old and exposed to the elements so make sure everyone knows to take notice of where the scrolls or books are without disturbing them. Last, just in general, we need to find signs of any recent visitors, determine who or what they are, and how long since they were there." Jebidiah finally took a breath after getting his list out quickly. "Questions?"

"Any preferences on force disposal?" Gentry asked.

"None; when we see the state of the keep and environs, do what you feel is best." No more questions were asked.

After another restless night, everyone was up and ready by first light. An hour after leaving their camp, their forward scouts reported contact with the city wall. What was left of it. When the remains came into sight, Jebidiah let out an internal sigh. Any wild idea he had harbored about recovering the keep fled into the abyss of hopelessness. The wall had fallen into such disrepair they found it easier to walk through the remains of the wall rather than navigate what was left of the gate the road they followed had led them to. Past the wall, they spotted the broken walls of the main keep on a distant hill.

"With how bad the rest is, I'm surprised any of the keep is standing. The ground quakes ate this place up and only spit back out a couple bones," Dana quipped.

"Did you take notice of the fallen stonework around our accommodations last night, or the damage to the wall?" Michael asked quietly. Without waiting for an answer, he continued, "There were scorch marks hidden under the moss and large gashes in the stonework if you wiped the dirt and debris away. This wasn't the work of the quakes, at least not most of it; this was the work of an enraged dragon determined to completely decimate an enemy. Normally, with the lack of humidity, even at the age of these ruins, some wood would remain. I have not seen a scrap of wood. It was all burnt."

His commentary sobered the rest up as they spent more of their time examining the damage they passed, until reaching the front of the keep proper. The outer perimeter wall was completely demolished, even more than the city walls, and nothing remained of the front gate, leaving a hole easily traversed into the main courtyard. Three soldiers were stooped down on their haunches, examining the grass in deep conversation. One looked up in recognition of the main party's arrival, but the other two continued pointing toward the broken walls and talking. The first stood to address the Captain as Jebidiah and the others dismounted.

"Cap, there was a large party here recently. Most came and went from the south, probably a full score on horseback. There was a party from the north as well, maybe a dozen, thinner tracks like elves. If I had to guess, out of Orc Fall. They had a tail as it were." This brought a chuckle from one of the other of the three.

"A tail, Private? They were followed?" The Captain asked for clarification.

"A tail in both senses. There is another set of tracks following the group from the north which occasionally showed signs of a tail. Something scaly. No signs it followed them back out." The private answered. "Might still be around here."

"Ok Alpha, listen up people, we have a job to do!" Gentry called out. "One oh oh one, you're with me. Outer buildings, looking for the forge. One oh oh two, with Lord Valor and the First. They will detail duties. One oh oh three, by squad, scour the area. You are picket detail. No one or thing in or out. Execute."

Lieutenant Stripe looked at Jebidiah. "My Lord, how do you wish us deployed?"

Put in the hot seat and not wanting to look indecisive, he went with intuition again. "A squad forward and two behind for now. Let's move into the remains of the keep and see what we are dealing with. Joy, Stern, Dana, I need you to stay with Michael, Shirley, Farrah, and the staff. Make sure they are protected. Crystal, Tenner, Greta, Mila, you're with me."

The armswoman squad took point, shields raised and swords at the ready. The mages and archers brought up the rear. It made a certain sense to Jebidiah, but the deployment annoyed him for a reason he could not define. His internal calculator spun up yet another thread.

Their group quickly reached the steps leading into the keep proper; most of the walls still stood, but the roof was nonexistent. It was obvious the first space they entered was an entry foyer. The base of a wide set of stairs was before them at the back of the room, nearly thirty feet away. An empty doorway was to both the left and right, but what drew everyone's attention was a large set of crossed inlaid axes, visible under a fine layer of dirt on the stone floor, and the spent torches that lay on top. If the signs of recent use on the torches weren't enough, the multitude of footprints that could be occasionally seen in the dirt would ensure even the least experienced tracker knew someone was recently there.

"They must have gone below," Jebidiah said.

For some reason, the question startled the Lieutenant. "Below, my Lord?"

"Did you have a floor plan, Jeb?" Crystal asked.

Everyone was looking at Jebidiah expectantly and with a mixture of exasperation and impatience; he pointed to the right side of the room past where a door would be. "Below. You know, down the stairs. It makes sense why two of the torches are by the stairs."

More confused looks crossed people's faces, and Tenner said, "There's a wall there, Jeb."

Mila, however, gave a short grunt. "Huh, well spotted. No wall be there. Illusion. Old, strong." She crossed the distance and passed through the wall picking up a discarded torch that was behind the illusion. Once through, her action broke the illusion for everyone who saw her movement.

Yantzee snorted. "You keep raising the bar for what I consider incredible. Now that I see the torches, I agree. Down we go, Lieutenant."

The cry of a hawk overhead distracted Jebidiah for a few seconds as the vanguard began descending the stairs. They had not seen many birds of prey so far, the lands being barren of most game. The first level down branched to the left and right with a set of stairs going further down.

"We should split up to cover more ground. If something happens, we can only field so many people at a time, as confined as we are by these passages," Jebidiah said to Yantzee.

"I'm inclined to agree, but the platoons are set up as a unit, not suitable for this work. Staunton, Harris, take the archer squad to the left. Look for either the library or armory. Lieutenant, take the armswomen right, same instructions. The rest with us to the lower level."

Jebidiah added his own instruction. "If you find anyone, we need them alive if possible. Information is better than dead enemies."

Even after splitting the party up into thirds, their number made the stone hallways feel overly crowded. They ended up in a loose line two deep with ranks nearly ten deep as they descended.

The next level down was the family crypts, again with a split to the left and right with vault covers lining one of the walls in either direction. Jebidiah elected to head right first. The wall on his left held graves, their vault covers engraved with the names of the interred, all with the Valor surname. The right wall was rough-hewn rock with signs of moisture leaking through that looked odd. He wanted to investigate what that oddity was but kept moving.

The corridor took a sharp left, keeping the line of crypts opposite the rough-hewn walls on the same sides as the previous portion of the corridor. After traveling about thirty feet further, the torchlight revealed the corridor entered a room of some type. It was the water on the walls that held Jebidiah's attention while the others discussed how to safely enter the next room.

The water was probably from an underwater spring nearby. He had read that most keeps were built on top of such springs, tapping into them somewhere in their layout to provide water for the inhabitants. The water on the walls had a sheen that reflected different hues of color, and this section of the wall had disturbances added to the water trails. There were lines and circles on the surface, as if someone had dragged an object against the slimy water. Running his fingers along one of the lines, he noticed an indent or inscription. Clearing more away revealed a carving of crossed axes.

"Hold!" He called to the others. "There's something important here. Yantzee, look at these marks."

"I am not sure what we are looking at or why they would have stuck a sigil here," Yantzee said after examining the wall.

"There's a door," Greta began, "you can see the outline to the left and right of you where the water trail was disrupted. Probably pivots. I didn't hear of a rogue contingent within the guard? I went through some training on door mechanisms but I have no trap experience."

"Cover the traps I can. You, Dwarf! Forgive I know not your name nor rank. Can you assist this stonework?" Mila said with confidence.

A human beside Mila called to a dwarf, "Private Johnston!" Jebidiah assumed the woman who spoke was their squad leader. "Stay with the Ladies and help them as they require."

"Leave us to this Jeb, with our guard here we should be fine. Go see what the room is ahead and give us some room to work," Greta offered. She began examining the wall more and grumbling to herself in a sing-song voice, "This is so cliché. 'Go into creepy dungeons they said, find a secret door they said, treasures await they said. Zombies and ghouls will eat your brains they said.'"

Jebidiah shook his head in amusement then urged the rest into the room ahead. The First went in, well, first, immediately moving to the left and right to cover the others. Two of the mages led the remainder into the main portion of the room. It was the center of the crypt, having three standing sarcophagi for the most important deceased in the center of the room with fancier vault covers on the surrounding walls.

The rancid smell of recently dead flesh that greeted them was enough an indication something was wrong. When torchlight flooded the room, the sarcophagi demanded their attention. Upon each closed sarcophagi was a dismembered body of a young man or woman who were stretched out, their dried blood pooled around their bodies and streaked down the stone sides to finally mix into the dust on the floor. The center sarcophagus lid was on its side, leaned up against the open stone coffin. An entry from another corridor was located on the wall directly opposite where they entered. The crossed axe symbols of House Valor dominated the room, carved into bare spots that drew the attention of any observer. The dust on the floor was scuffed and showed the movement and passing of a large group of people and more spent torches littered the floor. "I think we know what everyone came for." Jebidiah said while glancing into the now empty coffin.

"This was dark magic." Tenner said in a hushed voice.

"What gave it away?" asked Crystal with a smirk.

Jebidiah noticed her levity with some surprise. The coffin he was looking in was completely empty, the silks the corpse had lain on were mostly intact, a rich bronze color with gold ornamentation. He searched the sides for the name and finally found it at the base of the lid. Wynnette Howard Valor. He knew the name. "This is, was, the resting place of Wynnette Valor, founder of the House. What purpose could there be to defile her grave and steal her remains? We are new to the name but I can only assume this act was meant as an attack of some kind aimed toward me."

"Something is wrong with these bodies." Crystal said in a tone Jebidiah could not place. Her bond was spiking, fascination?

"What did you find?"

"They were tied down and stabbed through the heart, standard requirement of a dark ritual with a sacrificial element, but there was mutilation after. The thighs on this one were carved, the muscle is missing but the cuts were clean, like a butcher. The chest was opened and some organs are definitely missing but I do not know enough anatomy to tell you which. I imagine the girl over there will be the same." One of the mages had been examining that body and called out her agreement to Crystal's assessment noting the missing organs were the heart, kidneys, and liver.

"Dark magic like necromancy was not on my reading list. I'm at a loss to what the intent was here." Jebidiah admitted out loud.

"Not all necromancy is Dark, love." Crystal replied. The concern Jebidiah felt about her nonchalant statement must have made itself felt through the bond. She continued, "Necromancy may be the opposition school of Healing but understanding death can help better understand life." Jebidiah nodded but his unease was unabated.

One of the guards examining the prints in the dust called out. "The tail with the tail was here as well."

Corporal Miller poked her head into the room, "Lord Valor, they have opened the wall."

"Crystal, come with me. Everyone else, see if you can find anything more in here. I want the names on the other two sarcophagi and these remains need to be removed for burial." Jebidiah began moving out of the room.

"Do not bury these remains." Crystal said. "Bundle them for travel. They will come with us." She addressed Jebidiah's shocked face; he had stopped to turn and stare at her.. "Necromancy has its uses, love. They are witnesses, we need to ask them what happened." She joined Jebidiah, grabbed his arm and turned him back in the direction they needed to go.

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