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I want Daddy to be my first.
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All characters in this story are over 18 years old.


Damn lawn. It just grows and I mow it and it grows again. I can see myself, dead, my skeleton hanging on to a mower. Maybe if it wasn't ninety it wouldn't be so bad.

I grab my water bottle and see there's only one swallow left. Just as I start to walk into the hall from the garage I hear my lovely wife's voice.

"Ok, honey. It sounds like we need to have a girl talk."

'I stop and listen. This should be interesting. I've always wondered what happened with one of these.'

"What's on your mind, honey. Boy trouble?"

"Well, kind of. I was just wondering what sex is like. I've seen some on the internet, but it seems so faked"

"Oh my. I guess it's about time we talked more about it."

"I'm really curious. I hear you and Dad sometimes and it doesn't sound like the videos I've seen."

"I haven't seen too many videos, but with your Dad, even after all these years, he still melts my panties. He's so loving it makes my heart just swells up with joy."

'Wow. This is getting good. I want to hear more. My ears are on full alert.'

"Was Dad your first?"

"Sorta. Once, before I was going with you Dad this boy and I tried it. He made a mess on my leg and he was so embarrassed he ran away. I found out later what had happened. He was so excited he couldn't control it. He never talked to me again. Then I met your Dad."

"We really had some hot make out sessions. I let him play with my titties and I gave him some hand jobs. I would rub on his leg and have an orgasm. We decided to wait till Prom night. An older brother of a friend of his had an apartment near the school. Dad talked him into letting us use it."

"Were you on the pill, or did you use a condom?"

"We used a condom, but I didn't care. I loved him so much I would have given him a baby right away. He was the adult that night.

Anyway, we did it twice. The first was kinda fast and it hurt a little. We waited a while and did it again. I had two orgasms that time. He was so sweet and tender. I just loved him all the more. After that we joked that we would put the condom factory on double shifts."

"Is it the same every time?"

"Oh my, no. Even after all these years it's still so special. Sometimes he bangs me like a drum and sometimes he's just sweet and tender. Sometimes, I just give him a blow job. I sleep knowing I just gave my man something nice just because I love him.

Before you were born we did it in every room in the house. We would run around naked all day. We do that now when you're not home."

"Do you swallow it or spit it out."

"I always swallow. After a while, I got to like the taste. But, mostly, I want to stay and cuddle with him afterwards. I really like to cuddle after any kind of sex.

"Mom, somethings been on my mind for a while now. But I'm afraid if I tell you you'll hate me."

"Oh god, no. I'll never hate you. You can tell me anything. Anything at all."

"I'm not sure. Sometimes I think I'm crazy for the thoughts I have."

"I'm sure you're not crazy. Just tell me."

"Sometimes I think about having sex with Daddy."

"Oh my. How long have you had these thoughts?"

"They started when I saw him naked. I think I was sixteen or seventeen. I'm going to college this fall and I don't want to be a virgin then. I want Daddy to be my first.

"Well, I'm heard about young women that had thoughts like that. Also, some young men want sex with their mother. I think it's normal. I don't know how many actually do it with their Daddy. They probably don't tell anyone."

"You don't hate me?"

"Of course not. I'm just glad you can talk to me like this."

"Sometimes I masturbate thinking about him, and I've even had a few dreams where it happened."

"It sounds like it's pretty intense for you."

"It is, Mom. Sometimes I listen to you guys and pretend he's doing it to me."

"Let me think about this for a while. I need to get my head around it."

"Mom, please don't tell Daddy."

"OK, I won't. And don't worry about this. We'll figure something out."

"Thanks, Mom. You're the greatest."

"I know, sweetie."


I hurried back out to my mower, my head in a spin. Holy shit. My daughter wants to fuck me. Jesus Christ on a crutch. I can't fuck my own daughter. That's incest."

I wondered if any of my friends that had daughters Jen's age they were fucking. I wondered what Sue was thinking. Surely she wouldn't be OK with it. Would Jen put a move on me when Sue was off somewhere? What if I did fuck her. Would it mess her mind up so she would never have a normal relationship in the future? What if we did it and she got knocked up? If Sue did give Jen the go ahead, how would I know. Would I do it if she did. If she did make a move, should I reject her. How would she handle the rejection. If I did start fucking her, could I handle two women. Imagine me, being double teamed by my wife and daughter. The possibilities of this going bad were off the scale.

I decide to wait and see what they come up with. I'll just watch. I'm sure I'll notice any change if I pay close attention. Once I know what they're up to, I can go from there.

Way back in the recesses of my mind was an inkling that Sue was going to OK this and my sweet daughter would be going after my cock.

The first hints were so subtle I really didn't notice. Jen usually wore a t shirt and panties after her shower at night. Then I caught it. She would pull them up in her butt crack. When she would walk away she would do something with her hair, lifting her t shirt. I got the full view of her sweet little ass. I wasn't positive, but it was still a hint. A few times she did it facing me with her panties pulled up into her pussy, showing me her camel toe. A couple of time with that and I knew it was on.

The next move she made was asking me for a cuddle when I was in my recliner. She was so cute, like a little girl asking.

"Daddy, can I have a cuddle, Please."

"Of course, sweetie." And I would pat my lap.

She would sit across my lap with one of her firm titties against my chest. She would lay her head on my shoulder and gently breathe on my neck. I knew Sue had told her to do that. It was one of my hot spots. Along with the neck breathing she would wiggle a little trying to get me hard. Well, it worked. When she got up and I saw her glance at Sue with a sly little smile.

This went on for a few days and then she raised the ante. Where my recliner was, I could see down the hall to the bathroom and bedrooms.

One evening she came out of the bathroom with a towel on her head drying her hair. She was completely naked. I got the back view of her beautiful legs right up to her naked ass. She got to her door and dropped the towel on the floor. She bent over stiff legged and picked it up. I could see all the way to Philadelphia and it was all good. There was no hair showing so I guessed and a total shave or a landing strip. I kinda hoped for the total shave. That happened three more times and then came the clincher.

"Honey, Sis called today. She wants me to come and visit for a while. She got a bonus at work and wants me to help her revamp her wardrobe."

"Oh god, not that. You two in the mall will bankrupt me. Please, not that."

She put her arms around me and rubbed her titties on me. When she stroked my cock, I gave in. Actually, I made her work for it. I would have said yes anyway.

"When you going?"

"Tomorrow is Friday. I'll leave after you get home from work. It's only an hour to her place. She wants to go out for dinner. You and Jen can come up with something."

I almost choked when she said, 'come up with something.' I knew in one or two days Jen and I would be running around the house naked.

When Jen mentioned it she said: "Don't worry, Daddy. I'll take care or you." My cock twitched at that thought. I was going to be getting some sweet, tight, virgin pussy. That made me think back to when I got Sue's cherry.

After dinner that night, Jen came and gave me my usual boner before she went to bed. Sue and I were watching the last of a movie and I started thinking.

I knew Sue and Jen were ok with it, but I wondered if all of this was going to fuck up her head. I had to trust that they had worked it all out and everything would be fine. Sue looked over at me.

"You're in deep thought over there. I can hear the wheels grinding."

"Yeah, I was just thinking about you being gone. I'm missing you already."

"Why don't you come to bed with me. I'll make you unmiss me."

"Hey. Sounds like an offer I can't refuse."

She almost fucked me into a coma.

The next day, I called Sue from work.

"Sweetie, I'm taking off a little early this afternoon. I'll be home around three."

"Oh really? Did you have something in mind before I left?"

"Well, maybe. I wanted to make sure we have time for a proper goodbye."

"I thought last night would hold you, but guess I was wrong."

"You were way wrong. See you then. Love you."

"Love you too."

I walked in promptly at three. I saw Jen out on the pool deck getting some sun. Her top straps were untied. My cock stirred. Sue met me with a hug and a kiss.

"Hi, honey. Come in the bedroom. I'm just finishing packing."

I followed her in and she shoved me on the bed. Without further ado, she unzipped my pants and attacked my cock. I just laid back watching her. She teased me for a while and then fired my rocket. She didn't waste a drop.

"Funny thing. That's exactly what I had in mind."

"I read your mind. Now, if you can, carry my bag out to my car. I"m all sweaty. I'll be in the shower."

I picked up her bag and commented that her sister probably had enough rocks. That she didn't need to take her any more.

I came back in and stopped in my tracks. I was looking at Jen, laying on the pool deck. It struck me that up until a few days ago I didn't realize how beautiful she really was. Till then she was just my sweet daughter. I walked out on the deck and sat in a chair beside her.

"Hi, Daddy. You're home early."

"Yeah, I came home to make sure Mom got off ok. She needed help with her two hundred pound suitcase."

She chuckled.

"Maybe she's going to stay a month or two."

"She had better not. I would have to find a replacement."

"Daddy! You know you can't replace Mom."

"I know. You're getting a little red there. Want me to rub some sunscreen on you."

"Please, Daddy."

I did an evil chuckle to myself and picked up the tube. I knelt beside her and squirted some on my hand. I started on her shoulders and worked my way down to her waist. Another squirt and I started on her feet. I slowly worked my way up, massaging her firmly. I found a hot spot on the back of her knees. I pulled her legs apart a little and started on her thighs. Her bottoms were bunched up in her butt crack, exposing both cheeks. I bumped her pussy a couple of time and got another groan. She spread her legs a little for me.

I thought, 'Good girl. Open them for Daddy.'

One more squirt and I smacked her on the butt and started rubbing the lotion around. She groaned again and I massaged it in. I ran my fingertips under her bottoms and down her butt crack, my fingers sliding over her little pucker and under to her pussy lips. I could feel a little moisture on her lips. I got a louder groan that time. I straightened out her suit and sat back in my chair, watching her breathing. It was a little faster than normal. That brought out my evil smile. Getting her tuned up for later.

Sue walked out.

"I guess I'm ready now, you two."

I stood up and hugged her. Jen sat up and retied her suit top and adjusted the two small triangles to cover her nipples.

We walked with the out to her car, kissed her good bye and watched her drive off. I turned to Jen.

"OK, kiddo, it's you and me against the world."

"We'll kick their butt, Daddy."

"Sure will. What are we doing for dinner. Wanna go out or fix something here?"

"Mom made some meat loaf. Let's eat in. Maybe we can go out tomorrow night."

We finished dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. I took a shower and walked into my bedroom with just a towel around me. I hung it on the doorknob and got in bed. I turned on the TV and ran the guide. I picked a movie and kicked back.

In just a few minutes Jen stood in the doorway. She was wearing her old threadbare Tweety Bird t shirt. I could see her dark nipples showing through. I didn't see any dark pussy hair showing through. I hoped she was shaved.

"Daddy, can I watch TV with you . I'm kinda missing Mom being here."

"Sure, sweetheart."

I patted the bed next to me, wondering if she would get under the covers or on top at first. She pulled the covers down and crawled in nest to me. She snuggled up next to me with her breast against my side. My arm went around her on her back. She moved one leg over my and put her hand on my chest. I pulled up her t shirt and rubbed her back.

"mmmm, that feels good, Daddy."

My hand slid down feeling for her panties. I found her naked butt cheek.

"Sweetheart, You don't have any panties on."

"I never sleep with panties, Daddy. The get all stuck in my butt."

She moved up and started breathing on my neck and my cock was filling with blood. She caressed my chest, running her fingers through my chest hair. Then she curled her fingers and started using her nails. My cock was full hard and throbbing now. Slowly she moved her hand down closer to my cock. She raked her nails across my stomach, causing me to moan.

"Is that good, Daddy."

"It's better than good, honey. Way better."

She kissed me on the neck and gently took hold of my cock. Another groan escaped my lips.

"Honey, you're a naughty girl, getting bed with your Daddy, without panties."

"I think you like have a naughty girl in your bed. At least part of you does."

"Bad girl, holding your Daddy's cock. Bad girl."

"Bad Daddy is holding his daughters butt cheek."

"Bad Daddy wants to take off your t shirt. Bad Daddy wants your naked titties on him."

She quickly raised up and I pulled her shirt up and off.

"Can I see it, Daddy. I've never seen a real one."

"Of course you can. Pull the covers down and tell me what you think."

She pushed the covers all the way down and moved to get a better look.

"It's really hard and hot too, Daddy. I can feel your heartbeat in it."

I watched as she started stroking slowly. Her other hand lifted my balls.

"Big Balls. They feel heavy and they're all hairy."

Her gentle stroking and naive talk was pushing me toward the edge. I could feel the stirring in my loins.

"Careful, honey. You're gonna make a mess."

She looked at me and grinned. She held my cock tighter and started stroking faster. In just a few strokes it hit me. I humped and shot my wad all over my stomach. She squealed and kept stroking. She looked at me and smiled.

"Did that feel good, Daddy. Did I give you a good hand job."

All I could do was groan. After a few minutes I found my voice.

"That was great, honey. But we sure made a mess."

"I know. It looked so cool, squirting up in the air. I want to taste it, can I?"

"Of course. Tell me what it tastes like."

She dipped her finger in it and licked it off.

"It's a little salty and has kind of a tang to it. Pretty good."

She tasted it again. Then she smiled and started wiping it up with her fingers, licking them clean. My mind was blown. Either she was a natural or her Mother coached her. Maybe a little of both.

"Now, it's your turn."

I rolled her on her back and got between her legs. Her eyes got big as she watched me.

"Hang on, little one. You're gonna love this."

I opened her legs and licked her from her pucker to her clit. She squealed and clamped her thighs on my head. I pulled them apart and pushed them up. In just a few minutes she was making all kinds of animal growls and groans. Her first oral orgasm rolled over her, her hips were humping up to my face.

I didn't let up. I made her cum three more times before is stopped. Her head was rolling back and forth and the animal sounds were louder. I moved up and held her in my arms.

"Oh my god, Daddy. I never expected that. That was amazing. So much better than when I do it."

"We're just getting started, honey. There's so much more for you to enjoy."

"I love you, Daddy."

"Love you too, honey."

She started caressing my chest again, slowly working her way down to my cock. She found my balls first and rolled them around. My cock was slowly filling with blood. It was taking over my thought processes.

I lifted her and moved her over me. I pulled her knees up into the classic woman on top position.

"Put it in, honey. Go nice and slow so it doesn't hurt."

She took in both hands and lined it up. She touched her sensitive clit with the head and I heard a groan. I started watching her facial expressions. She was concentrating on getting it lined up. I watched as she pushed down, my cock pushing her pussy lips open. They gave way and it was in. She groaned and squeezed with her pussy lips just behind the crown, holding it in place.

Her eyes had rolled back and her mouth was hanging open. I could tell she was ready to cum.

"Push down, honey. Take it all the way in."

"You're so big, Daddy. I have to go slow."

"Good girl, nice and slow."

It took a few minutes, but she finally got it all the way in. she looked and me and smiled.

"I did it, Daddy. You feel so good in me. Better than I imagined."

"Now, move around and make it feel good for you."

She quickly discovered rubbing her clit on my pelvis bone. Her head was back and her eyes were closed.

I felt her clamp down and those animal growls and groans started. Her pussy muscles were so strong it was all I could do to hold back.

"Good girl. Cum for Daddy."

"I am. It's so good. Yes. Yes."

"Make me cum, honey. Then you'll be a woman. My woman. Take my cum in your tight little virgin pussy."

I thought she would start stroking, but instead she started milking my cock with her muscles, holding her clit on my bone. My little head took over and the last of my cum painted her cervix. I could hear myself braying like a jackass. She was calling out my name as she came with me.

She fell, exhausted on my chest, her firms titties mashed against me. I held her tight, enjoying the afterglow.

"I love you, honey. You're a woman now."

"I know, Daddy. I'm your woman now. I love you so much."

I rolled her off and pulled her to me, spooning her back against me. She held my hand against her titty and pulled the other down to her soaked pussy.

"Hold me, Daddy."

"I got you, sweetheart. I got you."

As I drifted off, I was wondering how much of what she had done was coaching from her Mom or just natural talent. I was blown away by the fact that she got me off just using her pussy muscles.

I woke the next morning with a soft hand gently stroking my morning wood.

"Good morning, Daddy."

"Good morning, honey. Did you find something to play with this morning?"

"Yep. My favorite new toy. Let's get in the shower and I'll wash it for you."

She led me to the shower, hanging onto my cock. I obediently followed. Still hanging on she adjusted the shower and pushed me. She closed the door and took the hand held head and wet us both down. She clicked the water saver and got the body wash.

"Put your hands on your head, Daddy. I'm gonna wash you. You smell like sex. Do you want to pee first."

"I should. My bladder is full."

"OK, I'll hold it."

I relaxed and let it flow. She held it and then aimed it at herself. She moved it around, getting it all over herself.

"You are a bad girl, making me pee on you."

"I thought it would be OK in the shower. I can wash it off. It felt kind of kinky."

"You didn't invent it, sweetie. Your Mom and I have done it too."


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