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Jenny's Day

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Jenny is fucked hard on a public bus and outdoors.
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[This is totally different from the type of stories I normally do, I hope you enjoy it and tell me if you like it]


I was in my bedroom checking myself out in front of the full-length mirror, 5 feet and 4 inches of eighteen-year-old sex kitten! My flame-red hair hung loosely around my shoulder blades and my slim body just screamed out to be touched.

I know I sound arrogant, but I was feeling good about myself. Especially now that my tits had made an appearance, after years of being flat-chested I finally had something that stopped me from looking like a little girl. Now my womanhood was flourishing, my confidence was at an all-time high, and I loved it. Just as I was admiring myself, I heard my phone buzz.


"Jenny? It's Stacey," my mega hot best friend sounded like she was at the beach, I could hear waves and wind. "I'm at the beach." (Told ya!)

"Sweet, what you doing there?" I asked.

"Driving the local wildlife crazy with our swimwear," she laughed. Stacey loves flashing and showing off as much as I do. "It's me, the twins and Sophie, we're posing and kissing and the beach dads are trying not to let their wives see them staring, it's class!"

"Sounds hot," I melted a little knowing the twins were there. Kelly and Kerry have been the subjects of many of my filthy dreams. I'm bisexual so for me, anything goes, I don't care if they're related! Shit, I was getting horny now! I stroked my hand over my hairless lips as Stacey continued.

"Problem is, we're missing a certain randy redhead to help us!" Stacey laughed. "So get your slutty slit down here! And take a pill, we all have and everything feels so good!"

The pill Stacey was talking about was something called Detraxine, a new drug known on the street as 'female Viagra' within an hour of taking one you get ridiculously horny! It doesn't make you out of control or make you dopey, but it makes everything feel amazing. I'd had it once before and masturbated like crazy crashing through orgasms one after the other. Stacey and I had bought about twenty of them and split them, pretty much every girl at school had tried it. I had only ever taken it at home though, the idea of taking it while out in public felt dangerous.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I said trying not to sound like a party pooper.

"Yes, it's a great idea and don't worry I've got some 'Red Flag' so no need to worry, c'mon," she pushed and I already knew I'd do it. 'Red Flag' was the slang name for Detrazone, it cancelled out the Detraxine within seconds of swallowing it.

"Okay I'll come, but I'm not taking it until I get there," I said as I opened my wardrobe. "It's a twenty-minute bus ride and I don't want to be..."

"No, take it right this second so you'll be hot by the time you get here," Stacey was adamant. Suddenly she hung up, I looked at my phone feeling confused but then it buzzed into life, this time it was a face to face call. I accepted the call, I didn't mind if she saw me naked, she's seen me like that before.

"Hey baby girl, look at this," Stacey turned the phone around and I saw the twins sitting together with their blonde hair blowing in the wind. They were barely dressed, all that covered them were tiny pink bikinis! Sophie had a light blue mini skirt and matching bikini top, and Stacey had a see-through yellow summer dress on with all the buttons down the front open so it was like a big yellow jacket! She showed me her yellow bikini underneath and..."Fuck me, are you naked?"

While she had been showing me the other girls there I'd forgotten I was on camera too!

"Look at Jenny, she's naked!" Stacey squealed and suddenly they were all crowding around her phone. I was suddenly the centre of attention and I basked in it.

"Woah, sexy bitch!" Kerry cooed at me. "Give us a closeup!"

"No," Stacey stopped me as I was about to flash myself to them. "I called you for a reason! Take the pill and get down here!"

"Yeah," Sophie and the twins joined in goading me. "Let us watch you take it!" I was feeling pushed into it but it was a hot idea! Maybe the pill wouldn't kick in until I got there, maybe it won't affect me at all.

"Do it, do it, do it," the girls chanted at me. I went to my drawer and found the tablet bottle, then tipped the little pink pill into my hand. I hesitated and considered pretending to take it, but they wanted to see it in my mouth.

"Come on, put it on your tongue and show us," Stacey pushed hard at me. I did as she said and showed them on the camera. "Show us under your tongue after you've swallowed it."

There was no way I could fake it so I just did as I was told, tipped my head back and let it tumble down my throat. I lifted my tongue to show them it had gone down which made them laugh and cheer, I felt like I was at the centre of attention again and I smiled at how much they loved what I was doing.

"Now what should she wear?" Stacey asked the group. "Red is definitely your colour so you should wear a red bikini!" She answered her own question but everyone agreed.

"And a mini skirt, the shorter the better!" Sophie chimed in.

"The only red skirt I have is, uh my old school skirt from years ago," I laughed.

"That'll do," Stacey told me.

"No way," I whinged. "It barely covers me!"

"That's kinda the point!" said Stacey. I stepped into the little pleated skirt and pulled it up, it only just covered my bum cheeks! "Excellent! And on you still have the shirt that goes with it."

"You want me to dress up like a schoolgirl?" I laughed and pulled it out. "Last time I wore this I didn't have any tits!" I tried on the old blouse and I was able to button it up, but only just!

"Damn girl! These guys will blow their loads when you get here looking like that," Stacey screeched. "C'mon get going! See ya soon sexy lady!"

Silence filled the room and without the girls egging me on I had a proper look at myself in the mirror, the red bikini was visible under the blouse and it barely reached my waist. My nerves were slowly being eaten away though, I found myself unbuttoning the top and bottom buttons and admiring how cute my flat tummy looked. I turned around and looked at my reflection over my shoulder, my bum cheeks were barely hidden. So why was I pulling my skirt further up? I stopped myself and pulled it down again, then found some sneakers and slipped them on. Just to finish off my look I put my hair into a high ponytail and grabbed my little purse.

I tossed my phone into the bag and put it over my shoulder and set about the tricky part of this first stage...not letting my parents see what I was wearing. I tiptoed to the front door and worked it open then quickly looked back.

"Mom, I'm going to the beach for a while! Love you," I called sweetly as possible.

"Okay honey, have fun!" She called back. I slipped out of the door and trotted into the street, it was so hot today, all around there were short skirts and little shorts, a pervert's paradise for sure! I was sure I could feel a little tingle already but surely it couldn't work this fast? I felt so excited about being so daring, I'd never looked like this before outside. I strode towards the bus stop and everyone who saw me stared! I was loving it!

At the bus shelter, there were two guys and a girl, they all looked about my age and straight away I felt their eyes on me. I just smiled and leaned against the shelter, basking equally in the sun and the stares! By the time the bus arrived I was definitely feeling some effects from the tablet, my pussy felt sensitive and my bikini bottom was pushing into my crack so hard. I squeezed my thighs together to try and get some relief but it made it worse! I had to move, the bus was waiting and the three teenagers were on the step already. I stepped up and my bikini ground between my lips, it took all my effort to pay with my phone and walk to a seat. I flopped down and quickly reached under my skirt to pull the bikini out of my crack and...snap...oh fuck!

I don't know if anyone else had heard it, just as things couldn't get any worse a man came and sat next to me pushing me against the window. I tried to take a deep breath but even that went wrong, a button over my breasts popped open and the pale skin between my breasts was on show. I looked around and no one seemed to be looking, I was near the front of the bus and two seats were facing me but they were empty. I slowly slipped my hands under my skirt to assess the damage, I wondered if I could tie it back together somehow but it was no good. I pulled at the waistband to try and get enough material to fix it together but...snap...oh fuck again!

I looked down and my ruined underwear was beyond saving, I couldn't leave it there because it was so noticeable, I teased and pulled until I felt it dragging out from underneath me. I got it all the way out, stuffed the remains in my purse, and tried to pull my skirt down more. The best I could do would be to cross my legs and point my knees towards the side, which meant giving everyone a full view of my right leg from ankle to hip, but it's the best I could do for now!

Finally, we started moving, I rested my head against the window and tried to think non-sexy thoughts but it was hard. The vibrations were driving me wild and...oh god I felt it starting! I was going to cum right now, I couldn't stop myself! I tried to keep my breathing low but a few whimpers escaped me, I pushed my thighs so close together it hurt and I felt the moisture between my legs running out of my pussy lips!

"Oh god, oh god, oh god," I whispered under my breath and squeezed my eyes closed until it started to pass. I took a careful breath and looked around, I couldn't tell if I'd gotten away without being seen. The guy beside me hadn't turned around, I glanced towards his lap and there was a little bulge there. That might've just been the material though, I looked out the window and tried to ignore everything around me. The bus stopped again and I'm sure the colour must've drained out of my face when a young couple sat directly opposite us.

The girl was cute, she had little shorts and a tank top on and she looked about a year or two older than me. The guy was okay looking, he had some black joggers on and a t-shirt. As soon as they sat down both sets of eyes were on me, especially my thighs! The sight of her cute legs and her belly peeking out was getting me excited again, I stared at her body not caring if it annoyed her. Her knee was pretty close to me and I desperately wanted to touch it! I knew I shouldn't but I really wanted it, I tried to make it look like an accident and leant forward a little and uncrossed my legs.

I wanted her to look at me, to see between my legs, her boyfriend too. I wanted him to fuck me and I wanted to eat her, to stick my tongue in her pussy, her ass, her knees fell apart and she looked. As soon as she did, I started to cum again! I didn't hide this time, I looked right at her and spread my pussy with my fingers. My mouth was hanging open and I could feel a bit of drool on my lips, my other hand hooked into my blouse's collar and I pulled it open, bearing my bikini to her and I squeezed my breast so hard it made me whimper and my pussy juice dribbled out of me like a leaking tap!

Her hand was on her boyfriend's lap and I could see a sizable lump under her hand, she reached out towards my face and put two fingers in my mouth and swirled them around until they were coated, then withdrew them and sucked them into her mouth. I don't know what she said to the guy next to me but he got up and left, then her boyfriend was next to me in his place. The girl tugged at his joggers until a rock hard cock was there, I looked up at her and she pointed and nodded towards it. I turned to it and slowly brought my face closer, I wasn't moving fast enough for her though, she grabbed my ponytail and forced me down onto the cock! I felt it hit the back of my throat but the girl kept pushing until the head was in my throat! I gagged and pulled back just enough to breathe but she pushed back, her boyfriend pushed up too and fucked my throat with vigour.

I heard speaking but I didn't know what was being said, I heard words like 'whore' and 'cunt' and then I felt my clothes being pulled at. There was suddenly fresh air on my back and on my bum, my boobs felt loose and free, was she undressing me? I pulled up and got his cock all the way out of my mouth and looked down, oh god...I'm naked! And something was pushing between my legs! I thought it might be a finger or a tongue but it felt too big, too thick. Suddenly a hand was on my head and I was pushed back onto the cock, I was starting to panic now and I wanted to fight back but I was feeling orgasmic again!

"She's wet as fuck! Fuck her now, she wants it!"

A sudden pain erupted as something huge pushed deep inside my pussy, I tried to squeal but all that came out was a gurgle. My head was bouncing up and down on this cock, it slipped in and out of my throat until it suddenly stopped and my mouth started filling up! There was so much fluid I couldn't help swallowing it until I coughed and gagged, then it was gone and my head was on the bus seat with cum drooling out of me. There was no time to relax though, the assault on my pussy was speeding up!

"I hope you're on birth control," the girl gleefully called out as the mystery guy buried himself between my legs and I felt his balls slapping my naked thigh.

"You next, fuck her arsehole," the girl almost sang.

", not that, I can't," I tried to speak but the relentless fucking made it hard to make sense.

"You don't get to say no, you opened your legs and begged for cock so now you're going to get it," she said sadistically.

Suddenly there was a moan behind me, the man fucking me had stopped and a new warmth was filling me up! I'd never felt a man climax inside me, it was so hot and it leaked out of me.

"Shove it in her mouth!" I heard. Then a wet and slimy cock was in my mouth, I licked and sucked the last drops out of his and his taste mixed with my own pussy was so nice! I looked up and saw the girl looking at me and smiling.

"I can tell you've already had some, but let's just make sure," she was holding a little pink tablet in her hand!

"No, I had one before, it..." I trailed off because she'd stuck it onto the end of her finger and shoved it directly into my throat!

"You, I told you! Her ass, now! And you, her throat!" She ordered like a fucked up movie director. My head was swimming and as much as I felt used and abused, I wanted more. When I saw the cock appear in front of me I opened wide like a good girl and took as much of it as I could. As it slid into my mouth I felt pressure on my bum, it hurt a lot! Pushing harder and harder until I felt the head of the dick in my ass, then slowly more and more filled it up.

The friction was burning and he wasn't making much progress, so he roughly pulled out and suddenly my pussy was full of cock again. After three or four strokes, the pressure on my arse was back but with lubrication aiding him it was much easier going. Centimetre by centimetre it slid in me until and long last I felt the hilt against my bum, I tried to relax the muscles with him inside me but it was so hard, especially because the cock in my mouth kept making me cough when it fucked my throat!

I felt my pussy opening up again but my arse was still full, surely they cant be...ohhhh fuck! My three holes were all full of cock! I don't know how they had managed to position themselves but I was being fucked by three different men! Then the torture took on a new intensity, they pulled and pushed together, filling my holes up over and over again.

I was just meat now, to be fucked by any man or woman. My pussy gushed as another orgasm hit me and my battered body writhed with pleasure and pain! I felt my mouth filling up again and I sucked hard to swallow as much as I could, then my ass and pussy were being filled with more cum! The guy I'd been blowing left and immediately another man took his place, I could taste myself on this cock though, he must've fucked me already! Another cock was in my pussy now, much bigger than the others, my mouth lolled open and my eyes rolled back.

Mercifully, the big man shot his load pretty quickly and no one replaced him, soon afterwards my mouth was filled up with more cum. I had no idea how much I'd swallowed by now but it must've been more than a litre of the stuff, I swallowed what I could and collapsed onto the seat. I smelled of sweat, cum and pussy and I still felt so horny. I opened my eyes and the girl was looking at me with a pill in her hand, she posted it into my mouth and let me lie for a moment.

The next few moments were blurry; I was bundled off the bus and sat in the bus shelter. I was at the beach; I could hear the waves and feel the fresh air on my skin. Someone had put my skirt back on and I had a tank top that looked very similar to the one the bossy girl had been wearing, she must've taken pity on me and donated it. The bus pulled away and I turned around to look at the beach, it looked so beautiful, like a postcard.

"Jenny!" I heard my name and turned toward the voices, four girls were running towards me with looks of concern on their faces.

"Shit Jenny, we saw you getting thrown off the bus, what happened?"

"Jenny, I'm so sorry for making you take the pill I didn't think..."

"Look at her, she can't talk. Did they attack you?"

The voices were soft and caring, my hair, cheek and arms were being stroked and as much as they wanted to help me I could not focus. I couldn't breathe while they were all over me.

"I wasn't attacked," I told them. "I wanted it, but they wanted more...I couldn't stop them but I didn't want to. I don't know, the tablet did something..."

"Oh god," Stacey was nearly crying as she cupped my cheeks in her hands. "I'm so sorry." She hugged me tightly and the other girls all held me.

"I can't go home like...this," I said looking down. "I can still feel their... stuff in me."

"Let's get her to the showers," said Kerry. "We can clean her up and no one will see if we stand around her!"

"Good idea," said Stacey. "Can you make it to the shower block?" I nodded and they all helped me up. Progress was slow over the beach but with the help of my four guardians, I made it to the shower block. It was one big showerhead over a grate and there weren't any walls around it, it was there for people to wash the sand out of their hair rather than a full body wash. Kerry, Kelly and Sophie stood around me facing away and Stacey helped me undress, once again, I was naked in public!

Stacey turned on the water and got to work on me, she gently ran her hands over my body getting the dried stains off me.

"Is it okay if I touch you... there," Stacey asked nodding downwards. I nodded and she smiled, I think she was happy to be doing something to help. Her summer dress was still hanging open, as it had been when she called me earlier. Kerry and Kelly both had short pink dresses on now and Sophie's cute mini skirt was almost as short as mine! Everywhere I turned there was a sexy girl to look at, it had been at least ten minutes since I'd taken the Red Flag but I still felt some of the urges.

Stacey squatted between my legs and cupped her hand against my pussy, gently working the cool water into it and teasing out and remaining spunk. She reached further around and massaged my ass too; it felt really nice and soothing. While she tended to me I started telling them what had happened on the bus, I didn't leave any details out and as I spoke the girls surrounding me started to fidget a little. I remembered that my friends had taken a pill earlier and they were still under the influence a little, I slowed down and made sure every detail was explained fully.


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