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Jeremy Bayer, Dragon Layer Pt. 02


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This was like if Jeremy had been a vampire, meeting a guy named Abraham Summers Belmont.

Jeremy gulped.

Mr. St George narrowed his eyes. Oh yeah, those eyes said. I'm a dragon hunter. And I know you know I'm a dragon hunter. And thus, you know that I know that you know that I'm a dragon hunter. Which means that you know I know you have some goddamn dragons.

Jeremy tried to look very un-draconic.

"Now, I know you've all been reading Joseph Campbell -- and I know, you're all very excited to get to Star Wars," Mr. St. George said, cheerfully. "But according to the notes that Miss Bevenfield left me, you were right on step five...Belly of the Dragon." The book said belly of a whale. But the class didn't seem to care as Mr. St. George looked right at Jeremy again. "There are a lot of historical and mythological traits that Campbell is drawing on here, lets talk about some, starting with, of course, Enkidu..."

When the class finally, mercifully, ended, Jeremy started to stand up and cram textbooks into his backpack, when Mr. St. George said: "Oh, and Mr. Bayers, may I speak to you quickly, before you go to lunch?"

Jeremy gulped. He walked to the desk, every footfall feeling like his last. He stood a good arm's length from the desk, while other students walked out, chatting to one another. Mr. St. George looked at him with a warm smile that didn't reach his eyes. "You seemed to be...quite interested in today's discussions," he said, his voice warm. Welcoming. "Was there anything more you wanted to talk about after class? Any...eggs you wanted to hatch, so to speak?"

Jeremy gulped. "Uh. No. Sir."

"Please. Call me Beo," Mr. St. George said.

"Okay! Beo," Jeremy said.

"May I call you Jeremy?" Mr. St. George asked.

"S-Sure!" Jeremy said, nodding. "Uh, was there anything else you wanted to, uh, talk about?"

"Oh, no, I just wanted to touch base with you," Mr. St. George said. "Don't get lost in the...hoard out there." His eyes flicked to the thronging corridors beyond -- and yet, somehow, Jeremy could hear the 'hoard' as 'hoard' and not as 'horde.' It was all in the ominousness dripping from every bit of Mr. St. George's voice. "And remember that old saying about...those who hunt dragons."

"R-Right! Don't become one," Jeremy said, walking backwards. "I'll remember."

"See that you do...Mr. Bayers..." Mr. St. George said, his face growing shadowed as he put his fingertips together and leaned back in his seat, watching Jeremy as Jeremy practically flew out of the classroom.

Jeremy thought he would get through the rest of the day without a heart attack, until he stripped down to his underwear for PE and the boy next to him in the locker room said: "Holy shit!" And Jeremy remembered he now had a dick that would make a horse blush. He hastily got dressed as the other boys tried to check out what the frick was going on before he jetted away -- but wearing PE shorts meant that the girls could see the bulge too, and the attention that was glued to him was...uh...


The way that Cindi Fong bit her lip, and flushed, and her eyes widened?

That felt nice.

But after dodging the balls and managing to keep his dick from popping out of his short-leg or ripping the fabric when he got a hardon watching the girls jog ahead of him, Jeremy was able to change back into his clothes and begin the walk home -- which was a huge relief, considering how terrifying today had been.

And then.

At last.

The shoe dropped.

His phone buzzed and he pulled it out -- and saw it was a call from Morgan. He closed his eyes, then put it to his ear. "Yeah, Morgan, what do you-"

"Shut up. Get. Over. Here. Right. Now." Morgan's voice was a low, fierce growl, utterly furious. "Or I will fucking kill you."

He hung up. Jeremy, though, had noticed something was faintly off about Morgan's growl. Like he had started to come down with something? He wasn't sure -- but if Morgan was sick, that would make sense. Though, Jeremy had no idea why Morgan would want to...okay, no, he knew exactly why Morgan would want him to visit when Morgan was sick: To get him sick. Because fuck you. Jeremy considered blowing him off...but then he remembered the last time he had tried to blow Morgan off. He sighed, then started to trudge away from school.

Fortunately, Morgan B. Clark's family, the Clarks, lived within a short walk of the school. This didn't stop Morgan from driving his freaking Tesla to school every day, just to show off that his dad was an investment banker who'd gotten rich by foreclosing on family businesses that had gone under during COVID, then parlayed that into buying apartment complexes to rent to people at murderous rates. It also meant that within a few short minutes of walking, Jeremy was in the swanky part of town. The lawns were wider, and had actual gardeners. The houses glittered with large front windows and they had two, three stories.

Jeremy could smell the chlorine from the pools.

He came to Morgan's place and didn't see Morgan's mom, a preposterously beautiful trophy wife with tits so fake she might as well have been chrome, nor did he see his father. Instead, he just was able to walk right up to the front door, then ring the doorbell.

No one answered, but Jeremy's cellphone buzzed. He looked at it and saw a text: IT'S UNLOCKED.

Jeremy's brow furrowed and he grabbed onto the knob, then opened it and stepped inside, looking around curiously. Big entrance area, with a curved stairway heading up to the second story. The whole place smelled fresh and clean. He noticed a pair of shoes by the front door -- Morgan's shoes, duh -- and they looked like they hadn't been touched all day. "Morgan?" he called out.

"In here," Morgan's voice was a rough rasp and Jeremy stepped over to a darkened doorway. Morgan was in the kitchen of the place, which was an interior room without windows. The lights were off and the other doors were shut, so the room was lit only by the thin wedge of sunlight that slid past Jeremy's legs and shoulders. He could just barely see a lump of cloth and blankets that might have been Morgan, sitting in the kitchen. "Now, you are going to get those freaking psychos and get them to fix me."

Jeremy blinked. "Psychos?" He asked, his brow furrowing. The other shoe dropped. The third one this day. "The girls!"

"Yeah!" Morgan's voice cracked, as if he was in puberty. Jeremy reached for the light. "Don't-"

The light flicked on and Jeremy blinked.

Morgan, even wrapped up in blankets, could not hide what had happened to him.


What had happened to...her.

Her features were sleek and feminine, her hair was a long cascade of blond hair, her eyes were the same ice blue, and despite the blankets, Jeremy could see she was fucking stacked, to use a scientific term. She drew the blankets tighter around herself, glaring daggers at him as Jeremy gaped at her. She squirmed, rubbing her thighs together, her cheeks heating. "This is all your fault!" she said, not trying to disguise the fact her voice was high and feminine now. "You and your psycho girlfriends!"

She pointed a single finger at Jeremy. This caused her blanket to fall forward slightly, revealing a muscular shoulder and the curve of her breast. Her fingernails were finely manicured and bright pink and extremely girly. "S-So get them to fix it!"

"I didn't mean to...I...they just did this!" Jeremy said, hurrying forward. "I'm so sorry."

"Sorry!?" She stood up, and the blanket slipped partially off her shoulder. Morgan hastily put her hand on her chest, to pin the blanket, but this meant she wasn't holding the other side and she was left standing in the kitchen with her front covered and her bare ass to the wind, her cheeks heated. "Oh come on, don't try and pretend you're not loving this, you hunky bastard!" She glared at Jeremy.

Hunky? Jeremy thought. "What? I-" He shook his head. "Do I, part of me, appreciate the fact that you finally got a tiny bit of a little comeuppance for being a major jerk to me for years? Yes. But, like, I'm not gonna...rape you or anything!" He threw up his hands. "Unlike you, I'm not an asshole!"

Morgan's cheeks heated. She glared daggers at him, then snarled. "Oh, you think you're so honorable and noble!" She said, angrily.

"I mean, I think 'honorable and noble' requires more of a fucking bar to clear than 'doesn't rape people', yes," Jeremy said, unaware of how many people in the world would have failed to clear even that. "Listen, just, where did they go?" That was when the plastic cup bounced off his forehead.

It was not a very dense or heavy plastic cup, but it still bonked into him and rebounded into the air. Jeremy rubbed his hand, his brow furrowing, while Morgan glared at him. "Stop that!" She shouted.

"Stop what!?" Jeremy asked.

"Being so fucking hot!" Morgan shouted. "I'm into girls! are being all honorable and nice and fucking ripped and...and...holy shit..." Her eyes dripped down to his crotch. "I...f-fuck, is your...I...argh!" She let her blanket drop and this was when Jeremy learned that not only were her breasts large and perfect, not only was her belly flat and sleek, not only was her ass so taut that it looked like he could bounce a quarter off it -- and he could tell that from her front because it was so bubbly -- but also, she had no pubic hair.

But she did have a stylized JB tattooed where her pubic hair should have been.

She was also soaked. Her thighs gleamed and her knees trembling slightly.

"Whoa," Jeremy whispered.

"T-The instant I heard your voice over the phone, I was soaked, I just...I couldn't stop thinking of you holding me, sucking on me, licking me, fucking me, I...I don't even like girls anymore!" Morgan exclaimed, her hands sliding along her body as she trembled. "I just...I...god, I need cock. I, I don't need cock. I need your cock, Jeremy. I need it so fucking bad." She panted, her eyes glazed slightly. "I...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything I ever did. Please. Let me make it up to you. On my knees. On my back. In the shower, on the porch, in the car, on a desk, right here, against a wall, I don't care..." She whimpered.

Jeremy trembled. He gulped. And he did something that shocked him. Something that caused a part of his brain to facepalm -- but another part of him, a part that was bigger than he expected, to smile with pleasure. That part of him saw himself as more than just a put upon nothing. That part of him had decided to throw a book at a jerk's head, just because it was the right thing to do.

That part of him that wanted to be a Protector. Not just in name, but in truth.

"Y-You're hypnotized. It wouldn't-" He started.

And that was when Morgan tackled him.

Jeremy's back hit the floor and he skidded and before he had even stopped, Morgan was kissing him. The first thing Jeremy learned? Morgan was actually a really, really, really good kisser. He wondered, faintly, if that was because had kissed his sisters a lot. Like, she had gotten a lot of practice. Er. No. He. Morgan was a he. That was why...his breasts were so large and firm, and why he felt so...feminine and soft as his tongue desperately quested inside of Jeremy's mouth, his hands cradling the back of Jeremy's head as he broke the kiss to desperately whisper. "Fuck me, Jere. Please. Fucking destroy me."

Jeremy felt the 'he' pronoun slip between his fingers, hit the floor, and shatter into a million billion pieces. Morgan was a she, she, she, she and she was so curvy and eager and Jeremy...hadn't realized how hard it would be to resist sex after going twenty four hours without. He'd gone eighteen years without, he should have handled twenty four hours as if it was literally no big deal.

Instead, Jeremy felt as if his entire soul would crawl out of his dick if he didn't bury it between Morgan's thighs and fuck her brains out.

"A-Are you sur-"

"YES, GODDAMN IT!" Morgan shouted, grabbing his shoulders, rearing back.

Behind him, Penny and Cinder leaned into Jeremy's point of view. Cinder winked at him, then held up a camera, grinning impishly. Penny pointed her finger at Morgan's head, then pulled back on a 'finger gun' and a jolt of coppery energy slammed into the side of Morgan's head, sweeping out, coiling around...

And Morgan's ears vanished into her head with a soft pop.

A second later, bright white cat ears popped out of the top of her head with a floop noise as a cat-tail burst from above her rump.

Penny gave Jeremy a double thumbs up as Morgan looked down at her hands -- flexing her fingers.

Claws popped out.

Morgan's grin showed off her new cattish canines.

"Hey, this is my only-" Jeremy started. His shirt was in tatters and his jeans were peeling off in the same flash and Morgan moaned as she buried her face between his thighs. Her nose flared as Penny mouthed 'your welcome' as Cinder came in close to film his cock, resting against the curve of Morgan's face, her mouth pressing against his balls. Something Jeremy hadn't noticed was that a byproduct of Cinder's spell was that his balls had been getting bigger bit by bit to match his dick. They were now big enough to match Morgan's fist.

Her old fists.

When she'd been a boy.

She tried to close her mouth around one of his balls, moaning greedily as she sucked on him, her palm closing around the tip of his dick, squeezing him. A thick dribble of pre-cum slid between her knuckles. She kissed from Jeremy's balls to the base of his cock, licking against him, whispering softly. "Oh yes, oh Jeremy, I love your cock so much." Her nose flared. "You smell so...macho...god, so much bigger and macho than I was..." She whispered, drawing back, panting softly. "My dick was a micro dick compared to this...fucking beast."

Jeremy gulped.

Then Morgan cradled his dick against her breasts, leaning forward and closing her plush lips around his cock.

That was where Jeremy learned why they called them 'dick sucking lips.'

Morgan pushed forward. Her lips swept down a quarter of his dick and the tip of his member bumped against the back of her throat. Her cat ears twitched backwards and she closed her eyes, her brow furrowing. She slid back, opened her mouth, gasped, whispered out a soft. "Jesus Christ..." And then closed her mouth around his dick again. She pushed forward more as Cinder leaned in close, licking her lips as she filmed.

Jeremy's fingers dug into the tile of the kitchen floor as he lifted his head up. The tile under his butt was both cold and hard, and he didn't give one solitary fuck, because Morgan was beginning to hum, her voice buzzing through his cock as she worked down to the halfway point, her throat bulging faintly. Her free hand was cupping his balls, squeezing them together as best as she could as she bobbed her head. Each movement created the lewdest sucking, slurping, slick noise that Jeremy had ever heard, leaving his cock dripping with spittle and Morgan's lips glistening wet. She drew her mouth back, gasping heavily, strands of pre-cum sticking her lips together messily, her eyes unfocused, her blond hair tumbling around her features.

"Holy shit, Jeremy, your cock is...fucking addicting..." She whispered, softly, then blinked as she noticed Cinder. "Hey..."

"Hey yourself," Cinder said, then held her camera up. "Tell the Camera how much of a little cockslut you are for our protector."

"I'm Jeremy Bayer's little cockslut," Morgan whispered, her voice dazed.

"Mmm, and who were you?"

"Morgan B. Clarke, bu...but...I'm Jeremy's slut now!" Morgan crooned.

"N-No, you're still M-mmphh!" Jeremy started as Cinder used her tail to gag him, her eyes gleaming with predatory eagerness as Morgan licked her lips clean.

"Because he's more of a man than you ever were?"

"Yeah," Morgan said, nodding eagerly. "God, I barely even remember having a cock now, and I've only been sucking his dick for a few seconds..." She giggled, quietly. "Uh, do you think I'd look good in a dress?"

"Oh, totally," Cinder purred. "Now, why don't you get back to sucking your master's dick."

Jeremy groaned into Cinder's tail as Morgan pushed herself down on his dick -- her mouth plunging down to the point where she paused with a soft gluck...and then she pushed down harder, her delicious bubble butt lifting into the air, her tail wagging a bit in the air, reminding Jeremy that she was a catgirl...a second before her eyes closed and she began to purr. She began to purr around his cock and Jeremy felt the entire world collapse into a singular moment of white hot pleasure. His brains shorted out and he let out a choked groan, unable to even warn her as his balls twitched and he came.

And came.

And came.

And came.

His eyes filled with white heat and when they cleared, his heart was hammering and he could barely breathe. The fact that Morgan could barely breathe too was obvious -- her eyes were closed, her mouth was open, she was swallowing, moaning, rubbing...rubbing his cum into her bountiful breasts, rolling her nips as she groaned and licked her lips slowly, her voice husky as she whispered. "Oh yes...yes..." She said, quietly. "Oh yes..."

Jeremy gulped. "D-Do you want to-"

Morgan stood up. Turned around. Bent over the island in the middle of the kitchen. Ducked her head down. And lifted her ass up. Her tail coiled against her back and her hairless pussy dripped with eager arousal so thick, and so plentiful that Jeremy could see it puddling on the tile floor. His cock immediately went from softening gently to rock hard and he started to stand up. He gripped her tail, gently, then licked his lips. "You...liked rubbing it into my nose that you were screwing my sisters, huh? Before making me do your homework."

"Y-Yeah..." Morgan whispered.

She moaned as his cocktip pressed against her cunt and Jeremy felt a heady rush explode through him. It was a memory of every time Morgan had bulled him and pushed him around. It was the memory of the time he had come home and Morgan had been screwing his sisters on Jeremy's bed. And he had just smirked at him. As if he was daring Jeremy to try something. He had pushed Jeremy to the edge again and again and because he was bigger and strong...Jeremy looked down at himself. He wasn't fat -- he was more of a rail skinny nerd than big chubby nerd.

But he still didn't have muscle.

"Penny, can you...give me muscles?" Jeremy asked, nervously.

"Sure!" Penny said, then pointed her finger at him. The coppery blast that hit him felt like cool water, rushing through his veins, which turned into liquid fire, bursting through every pore. When Jeremy had blinked away the spots that filled his eyes, he found that his body was now literally ripping with finely toned, finely honed muscles. It wasn't that he was now a Schwarzenegger or anything -- he was still a rail thin twig of a boy. It was just that with his shirt off and with his pants down, anyone could see that every inch of that twig was seamed and lined with muscles that looked as toned as granite.

"Whoa," Jeremy whispered. "Uh, how long will these last?"

"Well, since you're our protector, I've tied it into your status -- which is a quasi-enshrined one. So, so long as you keep protecting us, forever!" Penny said, then grinned. "Which means you have to do everything we say."

"Really?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah, so, come on, get to fucking destroying this kitten!" Penny said, thrusting her arms up into the air. "Smash that puss! Smash it!"

Jeremy swung his focus back to Morgan, who was whimpering, trembling with her eagerness. Her ass tightened slightly as she bit her lower lip and Jeremy felt his tongue sliding along his lips as a dark urge swelled through him. His palm cupped her ass, then squeezed her. "You were a real asshole to me, you know?" He smacked her ass and Morgan gasped. "I think you should apologize."

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