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Jeremy Bayer, Dragon Layer Pt. 05


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Jeremy blinked as someone snapped their fingers before his nose. "Hey, master," Morgan said, and Jeremy realized he had almost walked past her. "Your limo's right here."

"Oh. Right," Jeremy said, a bit dazed.


The limo. He had forgotten that his dragons, collectively, had decided that he needed a better way to get to school than just walking. The limo was long and sleek and every student in school seemed faintly impressed, even as Morgan swung the door open and gestured him inside. Jeremy slid in, and the dragons bounded in after him -- each of them transformed into small kittens of various colors for...no real reason as far as he could tell. He was ninety percent sure that they had just done that because they felt like being kittens.

The limo started to croon along the street. The driver was someone who was both extremely well paid and extremely quiet, and the front of the limo and the back of the limo was separated by a small black pane of glass, so Jeremy didn't do much more than squeak a little bit as Morgan slid onto his lap, her thighs spreading as she pressed her breasts to his chest, her tail wiggling slightly, her heterochromatic eyes glittering in the darkness of the limo.

"Hey Masturrr," she purred, her voice thrumming with lust. "Did you have a good day?"

Her fingers tugged at the buttons of his top and Jeremy sighed, and allowed himself...to enjoy this. "I fucked your ex-girlfriends," he murmured, cupping her ass through her skirts, squeezing and drawing her close. Morgan's cheeks heated and she looked away. He leaned in close and whispered in her ear. "And they fucking loved it."

"H-Holy shit, master..." Morgan whispered, then squeaked as Jeremy grabbed her top and ripped. Buttons flew in every direction as he freed her top and then leaned forward and began to suck on her nipples. She moaned and purred at once, while the dragons watched with eager, beady eyes, while Jeremy pushed his pants down with one hand, groped with the other, and Morgan ground her body against him as his cock free. Then...Morgan added another question.

"...w-were you bigger than me?"

"Yeah..." Jeremy breathed, kissing one breast, then the other, then grinning at her. "Jessica asked me to fuck her so hard she couldn't even feel you when you're in her. And that's what I fucking did and that gets you so fucking wet, doesn't it?"

Morgan whimpered and nodded, her ears perked up so hard and so high that they had almost migrated to the top of her head. Her eartips twitched and her tail was curled up behind her back, and if she had been on her hands and knees, she would have been outright presenting herself to him for plowing. Jeremy held her onto his lap and slipped his dick along her pussy, his voice rough and masculine -- and he wallowed in the pleasure of it. This was Morgan Clarke, after all, the dickhead who had been pushing him around his whole life...the fact he could both get his revenge and Morgan loved it was...


It was sweet as hell.

"Now you want your girlfriend's sloppy seconds. You want me to slide into your cunt and fuck you and you want to know that my dick's still wet with their pussies. Don't you?"

Morgan nodded, panting, her body thrumming as she purred.

"Say it."

"I d-do..."

"You do what?" Jeremy rocked his hip. His tip pressed against her soaked, blazing hot folds, and she let out a strangled mewl.

"I want...I want you to fuck me so hard, I want you to fuck my little kitty pussy, Master, I want you to fucking obliterate my masculinity!" She gasped out as Jeremy dragged her down, impaling her on his cock, his member stretching her. Her tail lashed and she bit down on his shoulder, her teeth digging into his shirt as she trembled and twitched around him.

"You're my good kitty...good little kitty..." Jeremy whispered, his voice soft, gentle. Dominating, but kind. His hands squeezed her hips and he began to rock her on his lap, thrusting up into her with a steady, soft, plap plap plap noise as his balls swung up to smack against her ass. Morgan gasped and clung to him, her claws rasping along his shoulder-blades, not quite ripping into his shirt as her mouth released his shoulder and she mewled, throwing her head back.

"I love being your kitty, ah! Yes!" She trembled, and tightened. Her pussy clenched around him and her juices spurted along his member, soaking his balls. Jeremy had noticed that...girls were cumming on his dick a lot more than he had expected. Like, he'd actually taken some time to research sex -- since he was going to be having so much of it after all. Girls didn't really cum from just penetration, it usually took...like, oral and fingering, and some girls had a harder time than others. But it seemed like no matter what, all he had to do was whip out his dick and-

He looked past Morgan and at the watching dragons. "Is my dick magic?"

"Yeah, duh," Cinder said.

"It is enchanting," Penny whispered, watching where he and Morgan were becoming one. "...and enchanted!" She giggled.

Jeremy laughed. "Well. So long as I don't get egotistical about it." He leaned back, watching the delicious sight of Morgan's gorgeous frame sitting atop his cock. Her eyes were closed and as he leaned back, she took advantage of the freedom to cup her own breasts, squeezing them for him, putting on quite a bit of a show as she rolled her nipples and moaned. Jeremy made sure to remember that, to affix in his mind that nearly ninety five percent of all of his newfound sexual prowess was entirely related to dragon magic.

It was like...putting himself in perspective.

"Oh, actually, uh..." Skye said, then coughed. "N-Nevermind."

"What?" Jeremy asked as Morgan opened her blue eye, looking confused.

"Sorry, shouldn't have said anything," Skye said, pawing at her face. When she was bapped, gently, by Rayne's blue-furred paw, she said: "What!? He said he didn't want to get egotistical."

"What are you talking about?" Jeremy asked.

Rayne rolled onto her back, showing her belly to the air as she pawed at it -- and somehow, despite looking as delightfully silly as it was possible for a dragon to look while shapeshifted into the form of a small kitten, she still managed to sound quite serious: "The spell that Cinder casts on you gives you a cock that you deserve. You are a genuinely nice person, albeit one with...fairly common non-con fantasies, with a noble spirit. And so, your cock was enhanced not only in a way that pleases you -- the size -- but also in a way that reflects what you want to bring to others."

Jeremy blinked, then looked down at where he was currently buried in Morgan, who rocked her hips up obligingly, to show off the length of him -- glistening with her arousal, like he'd been fucking lubed.

"Yeah, your cock only gets girls off so good because you want to get girls off so good, it's basically just externalizing your own internal spirit," Penny said, bouncing over to lay atop Rayne, the two making a cute kitten-ball. "If you weren't so good and kind, then girls wouldn't cum so much. Ergo, you should have an ego the size of a small planet."

"I suggest Europa," Nova said, dreamily. "Except that's a moon." She yawned, showing off her fangs, her midnight black kitten body shimmering as she splayed on her belly. "But it is a very pretty moon. Like your cock."

"...thanks?" Jeremy blinked.

"Master," Morgan said, her voice tight as a vice.



The words came with her hips moving up and down, pistoning on him and Jeremy...well, Jeremy went to town. He grabbed her hips and thrust up into her as the limo slowed and stopped. Morgan screamed in bliss and Jeremy gasped out in pleasure as his balls tightened and he came inside of her, painting the inside of her catgirl womb with thick, heavy blasts of cum, his voice shaping words that were barely coherent. "Fucking yeah, take my cum, you fucking girly, ah, fuck, yes, you're a fucking good kitty, good kitty, good kitty! Yes! Take my cum, you perfect kitten! Yes! Yes!"

Hey, he was trying.

Morgan gasped and sagged against him, trembling, and kissed him fiercely on the mouth, her tongue thrusting between his lips as she purred and thrummed against him. Then, pulling back, she whispered. "I love you...r dick!" she blushed, hard, and while Jeremy tried to process that, his eyes shifted past hers to the light that was shining along the side of her cheek, to the source of the light, which was his mom, opening the limo door, leaning in...and gaping at him.

"...sorry!" mom said, her cheeks burning, then hastily closed the door.

"Sorry!" Morgan said, then slid off his dick, tugged her top closed, then threw herself out of the sunroof -- literally clearing the entire car in a single bound, and fleeing so fast that by the time Jeremy got himself out of the limo, she was gone.

"Great!" Jeremy said, flushing, then turned back to his dragon girls. "I thought you said your Working meant that your actions can't have consequences. That's a big consequence! Morgan is falling in love with me."

"Wow, she's falling in love with a sweetie she's crushed on her whole life, who dicks her good every day, treats her with kindness and respect, and indulges her kinks?" Penny asked, leaping up onto Jeremy's shoulder. "You're right! That is weird."

Jeremy flushed. "No one likes a smartass, Penny."

"Yes they do!"


Jeremy found Morgan wriggling into her maid outfit. This meant that he found her bent over, her nose almost touching her toes, her skirt flaring up to show off her well fucked pussy, which had been only recently cleaned by...what Jeremy could only assume was either a paper towel or, considering how far forward she was bending, her toes.

Unfortunately, Jeremy's brain was still that of a teenager, and that meant that when he was faced by the pussy of a gorgeous catgirl, it still shorted out, no matter how many times he had fucked said pussy.

Morgan stood, put her little maid foofy thing on her head, then turned to face him -- and then scowled. "Yes, Master?"

"You can call me Jeremy, you know?" he asked. "Like, when you want to."

She huffed, putting her hands on her hips. "Sure, okay, Master. What do you want?"

"I wanted to-"

"I said what I said and what I said was I like your dick," Morgan said, then flounced past him. Jeremy followed after as she came to the first thing she planned to dust -- Jeremy was fairly sure that the vase she brushed her duster over was...not actually in need of any dusting. Thinking back, he wasn't sure how much work Morgan actually did.

Which, well, made sense. She wasn't here to be a maid. She was here to be the fantasy idea of being a maid in her mind -- and Jeremy was more than happy to give that to her. But he wasn't about to let her use it as an excuse to slip away from him. He spun her around by grabbing her hand. Her tail slapped the vase and Jeremy looked down into her eyes.

"Listen," he said. "I am getting a little bit sick of the girls in my life taking advantage of the fact that they're magical, shapeshifting, super-powered dragons to do whatever they want and get me to do things for them. I'm their Protector, and that means...that means that I am more than just a toy for them."

He grabbed her shoulders. "But that doesn't mean I'm not still Jeremy. Me." Morgan looked away. "And I, Jeremy, would like to know if...would..." he paused. "I just...don't want to hurt you, Morgan. The dragons could set you on fire or throw you into the sun, and you'd be fine. Heck, they could literally rape your ears and squish your brains out through their nose with their turbo-sized cocks!" He said, which caused her ears to twitch up and her eyes to widen. Jeremy filed that reaction away into not even going to touch that and pressed on: "But I...can...hurt you. By...being cruel. Or, worse? Thoughtless."

Morgan's nose twitched. Her lower lip trembled.

"You fucking asshole," she whispered.

"Huh?" Jeremy blinked.

"I...am trying to just enjoy being a pretty maid and a cute catgirl and...and no strings sex with the hottest boy in school, who I have a crush on, and...and then you keep acting nice and kind and...and then...you say THAT!" She grabbed onto him, swung her legs wide, hooked them over his hips and kissed him so fiercely that Jeremy stumbled backwards into the wall and the hanging tapestry that decorated it. His hands flailed as Morgan kissed him and kissed him and kept kissing him. Her tongue slid free and she panted, quietly. "You are an asshole, Jeremy Bayer."


"Because you're so fucking sweet and I want to stick my tongue in you," Morgan whispered, then leaned in close and kissed him.

Jeremy was fairly sure that metaphor only worked with flavored lube, regular cleaning, and someone who was into anilingus. He was willing to let it slide. It worked. Morgan broke the kiss, panting softly.

"W...What does it mean?" she whispered.

Jeremy flushed. "What?"

"That...I...you know..." She paused. "Do you..."

Jeremy paused. He considered his feelings with his mental tongue, like probing at a tooth that had become unusually sharp over the years. He had to admit...he wasn't sure how he felt about Morgan. Well...he wanted her to be happy. He loved being inside of her. He appreciated her snark and her wit. She was a fun counterpart to the dragons, since they were on a more even keel. Did that count as 'love'? Was that enough for 'love' at all? Hell, was what she felt even love? Or was it just lust in a tophat?

He frowned as he considered -- and he saw the way that Morgan's face started to fall.

He caressed her back. "I don't know," he said, quietly. "But I like you. I respect you." He grinned. "And I think love's something you work on, right? It grows, and it flourishes. Sometimes, it comes outta the blue, but it can also sneak up on you."

Morgan considered that, her ears twitching faintly.

Then she smiled, and shook her head. "You're a fucking nerd." She kissed him, warmly, and her tail writhed behind her as he cupped her ass.

"I know how to figure it out!"

The two of them snapped their heads to their side -- to gape, in unison, at the sight that filled the corridor.

Skye Silver stood before them, clad in a curved breastplate of shimmering steel. A helm rested upon her head, with the conical nose swung backwards to reveal her beaming features. She had a tabard of silver and black fabrics, dyed in a checkerboard pattern, and it swept over her breastplate, along her hip armor, and terminated right above her armored knee pads. Her greaves and her boots gleamed -- sabatons, Jeremy supposed. She had a longsword strapped to her hip, a heater shield on her back, and her gauntlets were articulated, beautiful gauntlets, one of which was resting upon her sword hilt. The other lifted and the gloves clenched with a squeal and a click.

"...what?" Jeremy asked. "How? Where? Why!?"

"We fight crime!" Skye growled, her eyes flashing.

Morgan burst out laughing, then leaped away from Jeremy, rebounded off the wall, and landed beside Skye. "What the fuck, I'm in," she said.

"Excellent!" Skye whipped out her sword and nearly sliced off Jeremy's nose. "To Bohemia!"

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MarkT63MarkT639 days ago

Still interesting!!! I would keep the 2 big cocks...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Still reading like it 4 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A ridicules story but so much fun, very enjoyable.

TomdullyTomdullyalmost 2 years ago

I don't read trans stories but I can't help myself I love this story its to funny not to laugh keep it up.

taco1085taco1085over 2 years ago

rofl, love this story, full of fun, laughs and action. thanks for a great read.

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