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Jeremy Bayer, Dragon Layer Pt. 05

Story Info
Jeremy Bayer fucks his twin sisters! A catgirl falls in love.
6.1k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/11/2022
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Jeremy Bayer was shocked, shocked to his core, that one could actually get a little tired of being sucked off in public by gorgeous, big titty dragon girls while cloaked by illusions. On Monday, it had blown his mind. But on Tuesday, all he could think about was how incredibly afraid he was, even as Cinder and Penny tugged his jeans down and nuzzled against him while he listened to his English teacher lecture the class.

The fact his English teacher was Beowulf St. George, the most fearsome dragonhunter that Jeremy had ever met (a number that was worryingly higher than zero, at the grand total of 'two') did explain at least some of his distraction. But-

And then Penny took his cock to the base and Cinder began to lick on his balls and Jeremy realized that the first sentence of this chapter was a fucking lie. He groaned, audibly, in his seat and leaned backwards as his hand reached down to grip one of Penny's horns, while Cinder's tongue swirled around the base of his scrotum, her eyes closing as her nose flared. The two of them were in their nearly pure dragon forms -- and Cinder looked absolutely delicious as a lithe, muscular red scaled lizard-girl - and they were both clearly intent on their plan.

That plan having been laid out about five seconds before when Cinder had said: Hey, Penny, want to help me tank Jeremy's grade?

Penny had clapped and said: Do I! And here they were.

When the class finished and Jeremy had filled both dragon's mouths with his cum, he managed to not look like he was completely done in as he stood and walked over to his teacher. "U-Uh, Mr. St. George, are...we...uh, good?" He asked, gesturing between himself and the burlier man. Beowulf St. George paused in his wiping away of the whiteboard, erasing words he had written up there and leaving behind clean whiteness. It was a bit surreal to think that this very white board had been smashed into itty bitty pieces yesterday. It was fine now.

Dragon magic was just like that.

"We're...under advisement," Beowulf said, and Jeremy nodded, gave him a thumbs up, then stepped out of the room and into the corridor. There, he saw that his dragons were all together in a group. Rayne looked a bit depressed, but...that was pretty normal for her. Skye and Cinder were both nose to nose, hissing at one another.

"No, I get him tonight," Cinder said.

"You got him first, I get him tonight," Skye said, shaking her head.

Jeremy shook his head, then stepped over to Rayne, letting the two dragons bicker over who got to steal him for some kind of insane adventure. So far, he'd been to Venus and Europa with Nova, and he'd fought a dragonhunter to a standstill with Penny. He was pretty sure that Cinder would end up with him foiling a James Bond villain because she wanted to go skinny dipping in a volcano or something, and Skye? He wasn't sure if she'd rather go to the People's Republic of Bulzechia and fight against their dictator's repressive army or if she'd want to stay home and veg. Either or, it was a 50/50 shot.

"So, what are you up to, Rayne?" Jeremy asked.

Rayne sighed.

"I...get a feeling you're kinda-" Jeremy stopped himself before he said 'blue.'

Rayne sighed again, then shook her head.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Jeremy asked, biting his lip nervously.

Rayne opened her mouth, then hunched forward in her omnipresent blue hoodie. Her face almost vanished in the hood as she drew back. "It's dumb."

"Rayne, try me," Jeremy said, laughing. "I'm a dragon protector! Heck, if it's not about you trying to set me up with my own sisters or my mom, or robbing a bank, then I'm pretty sure it can't possibly be dumb."

Rayne paused for a long moment. "Okay," she said, then lifted her head. "Have you ever heard of magic?"

Jeremy blinked. "Is...is this a trick question?"

Before he could hear Rayne's response, Cinder and Skye both grabbed onto his arms. "Hey," Cinder said, leaning in close. "Pick one of us!"

"Me, pick me," Skye said. "I was reading about how there is an evil king in the eastern frontier of the Bulgarian Empire!" She growled, quietly. "I'm sure the Romans are behind it, scheming in Constantinople, you know how Romans are like, right?" She paused. "Wait, is that...racist now? No, no, it can't be. Lots of people are Roman. And they're all assholes."

"What about Justinian?" Cinder asked.

"He was the WORST ONE, Cinder!" Skye growled. "...Theodora was a fucking piece, though. Is she still dead?"

"Yes!" Jeremy pinched the bridge of his nose. "Now! I will not pick either of you until after school. Got it? End of story!" He looked between the two of them, and saw that rather than settling things, it had just refocused their ire on him rather on one another. Which Jeremy chose to interpert as a good thing.

"You better chose wisely, then," Cinder said, then sauntered off, rolling her hips as if she still had a tail. She had skirts. It was effectively the same thing.

"Yeah," Skye said. "See how much of a jerk she is about this? That's why you should go with me." She grinned at him, toothily.

Jeremy laughed softly. "I'll think about it, okay?"

When he glanced over at Rayne, to see if he could get some more answers on what she had been about to talk about. Instead, she was gone, following after Penny and Nova. Jeremy sighed and shrugged, then started to walk forward after them. But when he came around the corner to head for his next class, he was instead cornered by his twin sisters. Which was to say, his sisters, who were twins with one another, and not his twin sister. That'd make triplets. He was pretty sure even his Mom would have had a problem with that.

"Hey," Jes (or was it Jen?) said, pointing her finger at him and prodding his chest. "Where is Morgan?"

"Morgan? She's, uh-"

"No, not that Morgan. Our Morgan," Jen said, cutting him off. Or was it Jes? Jeremy blinked as he looked between his sisters, a trickle of fear sliding along his back. His hand went to his neck and he laughed, nervously.

"W-Whatever do you mean?"

"We have a boyfriend, you know," Jes said, nodding.

"May have noticed him a few times?" Jen asked.

"Ripped," Jes ticked it off on her fingers.

"Big dick." Jen added, and Jes ticked that one off.

"Attentive lover." Jes purred.

"Bad boy, dreamy too..." Jen looked faintly distracted, her hands going to her chest as she sighed, clutching to her heart.

Jeremy, who had been on the receiving end of a lot of that 'bad boy'ness for his life, frowned a bit and tried to think of a response to that that would be both polite, accurate, and not blow the fact that their catgirl maid, Morgan, was actually Morgan, his former worst bully and his sister's boyfriend. Since that was impossible, he settled for: "Uh, I dunno, have you called him?"

"Called our boyfriend?" Jen whispered, her hands going to her cheek in mock shock. "No, we never even thought of thaaaaaaaat!"

"Okay, okay, I am texting him, lets see if I can get him to show up and-" Jeremy pulled his phone out and tapped hastily to the dragon general chat. He wasn't sure if anyone but Penny actually knew how to use their phone, so the general chat went to all of them, to increase the chances none of them would be distracted or confused. The text was simple: Help, sisters remember Morgan as a boy!

"Oh, so, you know where he is?" Jen asked.

Cinder and Skye came around the corner and Jeremy breathed out a sigh of relief. "Listen, there's a very easy-" He started, but then Cinder and Skye pounced. Their hands grabbed onto his sisters, spun them around, pinned them against the lockers, and their eyes locked onto their eyes. Watching his sister's faces slowly going slack with the swirling light of the dragon's eyes was...Jeremy took all the feelings that was arousing in him and crammed it into a big black box, then threw the box into a mental river, then hurled the mental river into the sun.

"You are very happy with Morgan C. Clarke," Cinder whispered.

"I am very happy with Morgan C. Clarke..." Jen whispered back.

"You don't remember Morgan ever not being trans," Skye purred.

"Mm, she was always a pretty trans girl..." Jes whispered in response.

"Okay, that should hold em," Cinder said.

"No it won't."

The sad sigh came from above Jeremy. He lifted his head and saw that Rayne had crammed herself up against the small gap between the lockers and the ceiling. She was laying on her side, watching them with the most intensely cattish expression that Jeremy had ever seen on a girl -- human or dragon. She sighed as she saw their expressions. "Jeremy's sisters are close enough to him that the Working is fraying -- since he made the permanent change on Morgan, their relation is muddying up the occlusion. Your hypnosis will only last a short time."

"Oh," Cinder and Skye said, at the exact same instant, in the exact same tone of voice. Jeremy thought for a moment about how both Cinder and Skye were think second, act first, kick butt kinda girls and how similar they really were and how, if he mentioned that, they'd both bite his face off. Cinder literally, Skye metaphorically...hopefully.

Then all conscious thought was destroyed by what Cinder said next: "Well, we just need to seat the Working more firmly within them with some sympathetic magic. Jeremy, take your pants off."

"W-What!?" Jeremy asked as Rayne nodded.

"Good thinking," he said, while Skye gripped Jen's chin, looked into her eyes.

"You are wet," she crooned.

"I'm soaked..."

"Your nipples can cut glass, you're so horny."

Jen let out a tiny whimpery whiny that...Jeremy had only heard once before in his life. It had been when he had come home early to find Morgan, back when she had been a he, balls deep inside of his sister and Jen had been watching. It was the sound of Jenny Bayer in a desperate cock-hungry need for dick. His cheeks burned and he felt his own cock hardening as Skye licked her lips, then leaned in close, her voice soft as she whispered against Jen's lips, not moving her eyes away from Jen's.

"You...have been thinking about your brother a lot. Haven't you? He looks pretty ripped these days."


Jeremy flinched as his pants dropped and he felt Rayne's cool palms against his newly exposed hips. Her hand cupped his balls and his cock, lifting him up as Cinder licked her lips and added her crooning voice to the lewd sounds of Skye's hypnotic purring.

"You've never wanted a cock more in your life than your brother's big fat fuckstuck, hmm?"

"...no..." Jes whispered. "I...g-god, even Morgan is tiny next to that."

"Yeah, you want him so bad," Cinder grinned, and Jeremy was forced to watch as his sisters tugged their tops open, careless of the fact they were in a relatively well trafficed corridor. The fact was no one even glanced their way. Dragons. Magic. Whatever. Jeremy's brain shorted out as he took in the sight of his sister's breasts. They were a cup size or two smaller than his Mom's, but just as perky and their nipples were...just as Skye had commanded...hard enough to cut glass. The only thing that Jeremy hadn't expected was that he could actually tell his twin sisters apart, as

Jenny had stylized Y tattooed right where her pubic hair should have been, all gold and red and inviting, like an arrow pointing towards the soft folds of her forbidden pussy.

Jessica, meanwhile, had a stylized A above her equally bare pussy, done in blues and blacks, and...well, it was impossible to look at it without imagining her spreading her legs, like the bottom brackets of the A. The two girls -- his sisters, his brain hastened to remind him in an increasingly shrill voice -- stood before him completely nude, their eyes glazed over with eagerness and lust. The two dragons who had hypnotized them stepped back, looking smugly proud of themselves.

"I think this might be the most heroic thing we've ever done in our lives," Skye said, nodding sagely.

"It's a pretty high bar, but yeah," Cinder said, and they both fist bumped one another.

"W-Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Jeremy said as his sisters stepped closer. Their nubile, teenage bodies pressed against him from either side, their palms caressing him, wonderingly.

"Wow, uh, when did you get so ripped, Jere?" Jes whispered.

"Y-Yeah, dang," Jen asked as Jeremy realized that, somehow, at some point, he had gotten a fucking eight pack and he hadn't even noticed because there was so much insane shit going on right now. He pushed it out of his mind and put his hands on his sister's shoulders, one per sister, and gently tried to hold them back.

"W-Wait! I don't have...time!" Jeremy clicked onto a perfect solution. "I can't d-do two girls before we have to get to class, even doing it quicky st-"

Rayne snapped her fingers and Jeremy felt a warm glow wrapping around his hips. His eyes widened as he looked down and saw that, as the blue light faded, he had gained a cock. He had two cocks. Two thick, equally long, equally hard cocks that emerged, one above the other, thrusting into the air and throbbing. The sensations of the cocks didn't combine -- they doubled. Transforming the almost painful insistence that a hardon was into a nearly agonizingly all consuming focus. Jeremy was unable to think of anything but...


"Here, I'll help!" Skye said, then laid down before him, transforming into a horse sized dragon. Jeremy's sisters laid onto her back, giggling as their bodies pressed together, their legs interlocked. The Y and A looked inverted, making it hard to tell which sister was which as their pussies ground against one another, their breasts touching...their lips locking, as if they had done this kind of thing a billion times before. Jeremy slowly gaped, his cheeks burning.

"...we didn't do that, actually," Cinder said. She reached down, tugging Jenny's head up so she could look into her eyes. "How long have you two been fucking?"

"Since we started dating Morgan," Jen murmured, her voice still the hypnotic dazed voice that turned Jeremy on so hard. "He wanted us to make out for him. So we did. Then we started doing it when he wasn't here. Since, we're both girls it was okay, right?"

"Yeah, see, she gets it," Cinder said, letting go of her hair.

This interruption in the kissing mean that both sisters could speak.

Both sisters immediately started to hit...every single one of Jeremy's most hidden buttons. The ones that he felt deeply ashamed of.

The ones that worked best.

"Mmm, I'd call you little brother, but you're so much bigger now..." Jen moaned. "Stick your big fat dick in my pussy and fuck me silly, brother." She panted softly. "Ah, I'm so fucking horny for your incestuous cum to fill my womb to the brim."

"Fuck me hard behind Morgan's back. Show me what a real man can do, Jere..." Jes crooned, reaching back. Her fingers spread Jen's pussy, while Jen's free hand reached down to spread Jes' pussy. Their folds glistened with arousal, while Jes continued: "Fuck me so hard I won't even feel him next time he's inside me."

Jeremy felt their pussies against his cocks almost before he realized he had moved. The tips of his cocks slipped into their cunts...and then he was completely lost. He grabbed onto Jen's hips, then thrust hard, and the two girls rocked against him. His sisters sounded almost alike as they cried out in their blissful pleasure. Jeremy's balls slapped against the scaled hide of Skye, who seemed more than happy to be the table for this impromptu fuck-session. Her body rocked slightly, adding some extra motion to the twins...but it was clear that Jeremy's sisters hadn't just been Morgan's girlfriends.

They had been practicing and they had been training. And the result?

Their cunts felt fucking divine. They didn't just take his cocks, they pushed back against him, their pussies tightening, then relaxing slightly when he drew back, adding extra friction to his every thrust. They added to it with some showy making out -- Jes kissed Jen, her tongue thrusting into her sister's mouth, her hands reaching back as Jeremy felt the delicious, sweet pleasure of knowing just how wrong this was. He was fucking his sisters.

"Fuck, sis!" Jeremy groaned. "You feel like a fucking pro."

Jenny laughed, throwing her head back, looking over her shoulder at him as her ass cheeks jiggled with every single thrust. "Are you calling us a whore, little brother?" she licked her lips. "Your innocent sisters?"

Jessica laughed, then gasped, her eyes closing tight. "F-Fuck, we should call him Big Brother now. G-God, Jeremy, were you always this...fucking hung, ah...no wonder Mom has been spying on you in the shower."

Jeremy almost lost his thrusting timing. He shifted his grip from hips to dragon, leaning forward, his chest pressing against Jessica's back. His mouth pressed to her shoulder blades as he paused, then whispered against her. "What?"

"Mmm, he didn't know," Jes crooned, looking down into her sister's eyes. "Our big cocked brother didn't even know Mom was spying on him."

"Perving..." Jen purred back.

"Fingering herself silly!" Jes giggled.

Jeremy froze -- and then noticed that Jes was looking past him. He snapped his head around and saw that Cinder was mouthing 'rev him up more' at Jes. Jes giggled and he snapped his head back and she gave him one of her 'ain't I a stinker' expressions. Jenny, realizing the jig was up, giggled and purred queitly.

"Yeah, we made it up. But you w-hunnnn!" She grunted as Jeremy went from thrusting...to fucking. He slammed into both of them with every bit of his newfound strength, rocking his sisters against the dragon as they started to scream their pleasure to the air, their bodies pressing together as Jessica clung to Jenny and Jenny kissed her sister on the throat, muffling her own moans by biting down on her. Jeremy groaned, his eyes narrowing to slits as he worked out every bit of arousal he had by slamming them as fast and as hard as he could.

He threw his head back. "Take it!"

Rayne and Skye pressed to his back. Magic flowed through him.

His sisters flashed.

And Jeremy came. His balls tightened and he felt the unique pleasure of a simultaneous orgasm -- one per cock. He didn't know if girls felt this way when they had a multiple orgasm. What he knew was that it felt like a double barreled shotgun had gone off in his pleasure center, blazing through him and filling his eyes with a brilliant white light. He panted, heavily, then slid slowly out of his sisters. They panted, laying against one another, and Jeremy saw his cum -- his own cum -- sliding slowly out of their extremely well fucked cunnies.

His sister's pussies.

His sisters.

He gulped, slowly, while Jenny giggled and squirmed. "Mmm..." she sighed.

"S-So, uh, they'll forget that Morgan wasn't a catgirl now, right?" Jeremy asked, dazedly.

"Huh? What?" Cinder asked. "Oh. Yeah, sure. Why not."

Jeremy gaped at her.


School ended and Jeremy was still trying to process everything involving his sisters. On the one hand...it had felt amazing. In fact, he was pretty sure he had never felt anything quite as delicious as sliding into his own sister's pussy. But on the other hand, they were his sisters. But on the third hand, held mostly by his dragons, they were also facing absolutely zero consequences for any of his actions. Did that morally make it...even incest?

And what made incest wrong? Having kids with your family was bad because of genetic stuff, but he wasn't going to have kids thanks to magic. There was the power imbalance stuff. In which case, there was still major problems, because he had a massive power imbalance, called 'having five dragon girlfriends.' But that stuff might not matter because, also, nothing mattered because of the Working! Except the Working didn't change how he, subjectively felt, so that meant the incest did-


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