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Jessica Jewels

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Exhibitionist uses sex to drown out the voices in her head.
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This story is staring a character from my Immersion Therapy series. It is not vital to read that to enjoy this story, but it is there if you want it. This story contains almost every category there is, but I believe it mostly falls under Exhibitionist. Also, this story might be long, but there is plenty of sex and nudity throughout. Constructive criticism is always welcomed, but critiques on typos and grammatical errors are pointless since the story is already posted. Please remember to have grace with me on those things, as I am proofreading these myself.


Jessica got lucky, and it had nothing to do with the guy she was bouncing up and down on. Last year, her and four of her friends were arrested for rape and assault with a weapon. By weapon, we used a guy who was not in his right mind at the time to give anal to the woman who put him in that state.


Jessica was brought back to the present when an orgasm rippled through her body. She shook a little and screamed out in pleasure. The guy jumped up and they changed positions. Jessica bent over the couch, and the guy began pounding her from behind.


Jessica realised afterward that they messed up. And when Dr. Stuart filed charges against them, Jessica took full responsibility. She didn't want anyone else to suffer because of her, especially Sean. The judge sentenced her to 20 years, and Jessica saw her life flash before her eyes.


Jessica started to feel another orgasm coming on, so she used a trick that she had perfected. She squeezed her kegels every time the guy slipped out of her. It drove him to pound her harder, which made her orgasm even more powerful. So powerful in fact, that she started shaking and convulsing. She thought she might of even blacked out for a second.

"I'm about to cum." The guy grunted. Jessica nearly missed the declaration as she was fading back into consciousness. She quickly jumped off of him and finished him off by hand.

He blew his load all over her hair, face, and tits. That was another specialty of Jessica's, she knew exactly how to draw a guy out so long, that he would cum buckets.

They collapsed side by side on the couch, gasping to regain their breathe. Finally, as they started calming down, Jessica looked at him, smiled, and said, "Thanks, that was great."

The guy simply nodded. Jessica continued, "Does that mean I have a job?"


"Great, but I'm sorry to tell you, you're under arrest." The guy didn't have a chance to react before five cops rushed in, flipped him over and handcuffed him.

Jessica just laid there, covered in cum, as the officers started reading him his rights. Detective Snyder, an attractive black woman with shoulder length black hair walked in as they were carting the guy off.

The detective looked at Jessica disgusted. "You were just supposed to get him to offer you a job."

Jessica shrugged as she played with the cum on her chest, "I figured that I would give him a nice send off before he went to prison."

"We didn't get you a plea deal so you could bang the pimps, we got you the deal to help us arrest them."

Jessica smiled as she stood, "And now he's arrested, so what's the problem?"

Detective Snyder had no words. To her it was obvious that you don't have sex with the mark when you go undercover, but not Jessica. Out of the three pimps she helped them bust so for, she had had sex with all of them.

"I think your the one that needs a good f..." Jessica began but was cut off by the detective holding up a finger in warning.

"Go home, and get some sleep." The chief has a big case to go over with us in the morning.

Jessica scooped up some cum on her finger and showed it to the officer. "Ok, do you want some of this?" Jessica asked purposefully to gross the woman out.

"You're disgusting."

"Your loss." Jessica said right before she stuck her finger in her mouth. This made Snyder nearly gag. "Mmm, he must've had a lot of pineapple recently."

"Get out of here, Sargent Stevens will give you a ride home."

Jessica shrugged and walked out the front door, still butt naked. Snyder would have started yelling for her to put her clothes back on, but she wanted as little to do with Jessica as possible.


Jessica didn't walk, she sashayed to the waiting squad car. Their were cops and curious neighbors everywhere. They all stopped and watched as she walked. Some watched her tight little round butt wiggle, while others stared at her bouncing C cups, that seemed to defy gravity.

Jessica could feel herself already getting wet again. The prison psychiatrist said she was a sex addict. But she saw herself more as a sex artist. She was always looking for new and inventive ways to get off. Exhibitionism was one of the more common ways she got turned on.

Sargent Stevens was standing by the back door of the squad car, his mouth currently catching flies. "Are you going to open that door for me?" Jessica asked coyly.

Stevens snapped out of his revere, and opened it quickly. "D...Don't you want to put some clothes on first?"

"No." Was her simple reply. She sat down in the back of the squad car, and found a towel back there. Most likely compliments of Snyder. She began dabbing the cum off her her gingerly.

"M...Maam, I'm afraid I'm going to have to reinstall your ankle monitor now."

"Do as you please." Jessica turned to face the officer, and lifted her right foot out of the door. This gave Stevens an excellent view of her shaved slit.

Stevens squatted down and started reattaching the monitor. As he did, Jessica flexed her foot so that it pressed gently against the officers crotch. He stopped working, and from the looks of it, stopped breathing as well.

"Stevens." Snyder yelled from the door. Stevens quickly clicked the monitor in place and stood. "I don't want to hear about you having sex with Ms. Jewels. Think of her as a police dog we use to sniff out criminals."

Jessica leaned out and asked, "Does that mean you want us to do it doggy style?" Several nearby officers laughed, but Snyder just rolled her eyes.


It was an hour ride home, which gave Jessica a lot of time for reflection. She hated being alone with her thoughts though. She tried to talk to Stevens for a while, but the guy barely had enough blood left in his brain at the moment to safely drive the car.

She loved having that kind of effect on guys, and girls actually. When she was young, she idealised Jessica Rabbit. How she had guys wrapped around her little finger. Sadly, she did not have such accentuated assets as Mrs. Rabbit.

She shared the same hair color as the busty cartoon, but that was about it. One thing that Jessica was actually happy she didn't share with the cartoon character was her intelligence. Jessica, despite the role she played quite often, was not an airhead. She was also much more aggressive in the pursuit of her desires. Whether those desires were sexual or not.

Jessica couldn't help but think about her checkered past. How she had developed a cocaine addiction, and used her sex addiction to pay for it. Not her proudest moment. Using one addiction to feed the other.


The squad car pulled into her driveway and Stevens came around and opened the door for her. Jessica stepped one long leg out after the other. Stevens was trying not to watch her, fearful of retribution from Detective Snyder. Jessica loved when they played hard to get.

"Thank you for the ride home." Jessica said in a breathy voice as she leaned into him, sandwiching him between her and the car. "Would you like to come in for some tea, coffee... Pusy!" Jessica looked over and saw her cat jump on the hood of the squad car.

Jessica quickly scooped her cat up into her arms and snuggled with it while Stevens regained his composure from her question. Then he laughed. "What's the cat's name?"

She looked at him in mock confusion, "It's Pusy. Pusy Licker to be exact." That got the captain nervous again. Jessica turned and put her cat down. Purposefully rubbing the officers erection between her butt cheeks. He jumped with the sudden stimulation.

"Ma'am, I need to get going."

Jessica made a pouty expression and said, "But I never got to thank you for the ride home."

"Ma'am Detective Snyder was very clear..."

"You keep calling me ma'am, and I might have to make you my sub." The man's eyes widened at the shock of her statement. "Look, we don't have to have sex. There are plenty of other things we could do."

Jessica began gently kissing his neck up to his mouth. Then she began guiding his kissing mouth down her neck, over her chest, and to her breasts. His sex drive was finally taking over. He sucked a breast into his mouth and played with the nipple.

That wasn't Jessica's end goal though, so she gently guided his mouth further down. He kissed a line down her stomach and tongued her belly button. That made her squirm. The belly button had always been an especially erogenous zone for her.

But she kept guiding him down. He kissed what would have been her panty line, and then traced that to her hip. He followed the curve of her hip down to her V, and finally to her lower lips.

Jessica shuddered a little when her little pilgrim finally made it to the end of his long journey. Stevens wasn't especially skilled at cunnilingus, but Jessica was experienced enough to know how to use his mouth to full affect. She came in less than a minute.

She pulled him back up her body, him kissing his way back up again. Then she started her descent. She kissed down his body, but it wasn't the same with him fully clothed in uniform. Although, Jessica thought, that probably kept him from cuming before she got to her target.

She undid his belt and pants, and set his little snake free. She kissed the tip and along the side. But, by the way it was jumping, Jessica knew it wouldn't be long before this snake shot it's venom. So Jessica engulfed the entire shaft to the base in one go.

She only had to bob her head a few times before the officer shot his load into the back of her throat. He instinctively held the back of her head in place, even though that was pointless. Jessica was planning on swallowing every drop of his seed anyway.

Jessica sucked every drop out she could. She even used her fingers to drain any lingering droplets. When she finished and slipped off of him. The officer just slid down the side of the car behind him, like she had just drained his life force from him.

To finish off the night, Jessica kissed him on the check and said, "Thanks for the nightcap." She stood and walked inside, leaving the officer on his own to recover.

Jessica retrieved her secret key and let her and Pusy in. She walked to the kitchen, fed the hungry feline, and then got a glass of water for herself. She drank several glasses of water as she watched her cat eat. She was really dehydrated after all of the physical activity of the night.

Once the cat finished, Jessica cuddled and affectionately bumped heads with Pusy for a few minutes before turning on the tv. Her thoughts were starting to veer towards her past again and she felt a minor panic attack coming on. She always had to be distracted, and the best distraction for her was always sex.

Despite already having a full night, Jessica got ready for her nightly tradition. She started up the Sybian in the middle of her living room, and pulled her favorite porn site up on the tv.

Jessica never trusted her thoughts not to go to negative places as she lay in bed. So this is how she went to sleep every night. She straddled the Sybian, turned it to max, and pressed play.

She was orgasming in a matter of seconds. Despite being quite out of breath, she continued to ride this bull. About a minute later, she came again, squirting a little this time. She was starting to feel light headed from the exertion, but she had yet to reach her goal.

Finally, roughly 10 minutes later, after her sixth orgasm, Jessica passed out on the small mattress she kept by her Sybian. She was unconscious before she could even fall onto the makeshift bed. She had no time to think about all the things she actively avoided.


Sadly, they still haunted her dreams. Flashes of every negative comment her parents ever hurled at her were replayed in her mind.

"I'm sure someone's got to like someone as homely as you." Her dad told her.

"Honey, have you ever thought about getting implants, I love mine. No guy is going to want a girl with a chest as flat as yours." Her mom suggested.

"I'm sorry, but I don't see what a guy that hot see's in you. You must be great at giving head." Her mom criticised.

On and on they came, one after another. Then came her ex boyfriends voices. "Let me see your tits. Meh, they'll do."

An image of the first guy she had sex with climbed off of her and said, "You know I'm not really interested in you right? I just wanted something other than my hand for a change."

Then there were the other women. "Look at how slutty she dresses. What a whore."

Finally, her first pimp. "You're too scrawny, why would any of my clients want you? On second thought, maybe if we dyed your hair black, and you squinted all the time, they might think your chinese." The pimp started laughing uproariously.

The laughing just kept going, driving her crazy. She finally woke with a start to her phone buzzing. She was crying, curled up into a fetal position. Her cat was licking the tears from her cheeks.

Jessica sat up and grabbed her cat. The softness of the creature comforted her. She took several deep breaths and finally looked at her phone. It was Snyder: "You're late."

Despite her befuddled state, Jessica always had to mess with the detective. She put her cat down, spread her legs, and took a picture of her pussy up close, not the cat. She sent the picture to Snyder with the tag: "What's your hurry? If you're hungry I could offer you something to eat."

Snyder sent back: "I'm a vice detective, I've seen a better pair of lips on a 60 year old hooker."

Jessica poked the bear, so she should have expected a retaliation, but after her dreams, it still stung. She thought about climbing on the Sybian again to make her feel better, but she knew she needed to go. So she stood and walked to the bathroom.

On the way, she saw that she had a message from last night that she missed. It was from Alex, one of the girls from the Dr. Stuart incident. Jessica really liked Alex, and all of the other girls from that group, baring Dr. Stuart of course.

They had actually been nice to her, and had no problems complimenting her. Nearly everyone else in Jessica's life either called her a screw up or a slut. She decided to lean into the slut side because it was more fun.

Alex was giving her the contact information for the therapist that her and Sean had been seeing. She swore he was really good, and specialised in sexual trauma and addiction, like what Jessica had experienced.

Jessica didn't respond. She knew her friend meant well, and that she would really benefit from counseling. But she also knew that going to a counselor would mean confronting her past. That was bound to be painful, and she wasn't that kind of a masochist.

After showering, shaving her legs, and brushing her teeth, Jessica stood in front of her closet deciding what to wear. She saw the respectable clothes she should wear, but those were no fun. So she grabbed a cut off pair of denim shorts. They were just barely long enough to hide her butt cheeks. She also grabbed a cotton white spaghetti strap tank top. It hugged in under her breasts, perfectly accentuating her figure. It also only came down about two inches above her navel.

Without a bra, her nipples left distinct prints through the shirt. She was about to grab her flip flops, but then had a stroke of genius. She would wear at least one thing dressy. She slipped into her six inch stiletto heels. This enhanced her butt and legs, but also gave her a nice bounce with every step she took.

Both detective Snyder and Chief Hall rolled their eyes as she came strutting through the precinct. Every eye in the station was on her as she sashayed to Hall's office.

Hall was a middle aged man about six foot three with a shaved bald head. Jessica nearly wet herself the first time she met him. He had a strong body underneath his white dress shirt. Not an Arnold type of body that was mainly for show, more like Jason Statham.

That was exactly Jessica's type, if she had one at all. If she ever settled down, she wanted a guy who towered over her and could pick her up like she was a kid. Something made Jessica feel very safe and protected with guys like that.

She wondered if she also enjoyed the feeling of not being in complete control around guys like that. Wasn't that kind of what an orgasm was? A build up until you reach a tipping point and fall into the release? Jessica had played around with BDSM a little, but never found it to her liking. She never really felt helpless in those situations.

Sadly, Hall seemed to be her kryptonite. He was happily married and was not in anyway interested in an affair with Jessica. No matter how sluttily she dressed, or how heavily she flirted, he just stayed all business. Maybe this was because he had seen so much already as the head of the Vice department.

That didn't mean that Jessica would stop trying to seduce him though. She walked into his office with a big smile on her face as she said, "Hello Mr. Big." She extended her hand out like she wanting a hand shake, but actually went to grab his crotch.

Hall was faster though, and had great instincts. He grabbed her wrist before her hand reached it's target. The firm grip made Jessica's breath catch in her throat and her stomach go fluttery. She was reminded about her thought of being out of control earlier.

Jessica was instantly worried that her wetness would show through her shorts. Which was weird, because she loved flaunting her body and sexuality. She had often had fantasies about having a threesome with Hall and Snyder on his desk while the entire precinct watched.

But suddenly, with his firm grip and his penetrating eyes staring into hers, she felt sheepish. There was a part of her that suddenly wanted to put more clothes on.

"None of that." Hall said firmly before releasing her wrist.

Her awkwardness vanished as soon as he released her hand. "Please, have a seat." Hall invited.

Both her and Snyder sat in the guest chairs in front of Hall's desk, and he sat behind his desk. Jessica immediately began fanning her legs back and forth. Considering she wasn't wearing any panties, all Hall had to do was glance down and he would most likely see her slit.

But he did not seem to notice. If Jessica didn't know better, than she would swear that he must have been gay. Hall droned on about the events of last night, but Jessica was too busy playing her own game.

She reached up and scratched her chin lightly. Then her finger slipped to her collar bone before gently resting on the collar of her shirt. She caressed the hem briefly, before slowly and subtly pulling it lower and lower.

The spaghetti straps offered little resistance. She worked her top all the way down so that she was showing the valley between her breasts. Hall never broke stride. Jessica then slid her finger to the left revealing her left breast in all it's glory. Still nothing.

She hooked her shirt under her left breast to keep it out as she traced back to her right. She hooked her shirt under that breast too, and then removed her hand. Both of her tits were fully on display to the chief, and yet he kept talking.

His willpower amazed her, and turned her on even more. Jessica was about to press him further by unbuttoning her jeans, but that was when Snyder noticed what she was doing.

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