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Joining the Church Pt. 02

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Nancy's Ritual Of Initiation Begins.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/25/2018
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Upon arrival on Sunday morning, couples from the congregation separated just inside the church door. The men went downstairs to strip and don their crimson robes. Their women went upstairs to strip and don their white robes and line up at the door of the sanctuary. When the men were lined up opposite the women at the door of the sanctuary, the first man took the arm of the first woman in line and found a pew to sit and await the service. So each man took a sexual partner at random when he came to the front of the line. If the first woman in line happened to be his spouse, she passed to the next man in the line so that her husband could have the next woman as his partner, and eventually all the men were paired with another man's wife.

As the organ played softly, the huge video screen at the front of the church came on with greetings and church announcements. Then a series of porn flicks came on showing group sex from yesterday's Holy Orgy in the church basement. Some were commercial porno videos from around the world, and some were made in Ecstasy, a series of approved porn videos showing anal and multiple penetrations. One was a prolonged video showed multiple sessions with individual Church wives, including bondage, electric shocking, and whipping, all ending in multiple penetrations of asses and pussies.

It was very stimulating. In a short time, every man in a pew had his hands on his partner's tits and pussy. Women were stroking erect penises while rubbing their vulvas and flicking their clits.

The introit music began. The lights dimmed, The video screen went to a live cam and focused on the back of the stage where four Deacons in crimson robes led forward a beautiful young woman into the spotlight at center stage. It was the Female Initiate, Nancy Kent.

Her innocent, eighteen-year-old face was radiant and glowing with high color, her blue eyes were downcast, and the pink bow in her short, blonde hair matched the soft pink robe she wore, pink to symbolize the vagina lips of the Initiate who was about to surrender her cunt to the Church.

From a side door, Pastor Ron walked toward her, magnificent in his crimson robe trimmed with gold. He stepped to the microphone. The music ended.

"Members of the Church, we are gathered together today in God's house to celebrate His gift of sex. It is through our orgasmic ecstasy that we come to know Him fully. Today, Nancy has come with her mate, Jonah, to dedicate herself to our Church of Divine Rapture and to its ideals: all sex all the time, every woman pregnant by every man."

He offered a brief prayer of dedication and then beamed at Jonah in the front pew and nodded. Jonah got up and came up the steps to the stage with Pam Talbot, his chosen partner for the initiation. As the husband of the woman being initiated, he escorted his chosen woman from the congregation to prove his lust and to confirm his membership by fucking her on the stage during the ceremony.

At another nod from Pastor Ron, an elaborate version of a doctor's examination table was rolled out to the front of the stage. This was the Female Altar on which the women of the Church first submitted publicly to the lusts and desires of its men. The decorations on the crimson cloth covering the Altar consisted of gold embroidered cocks in cunts in various positions. The top of the Altar was padded in black leather and hung with straps and handcuffs for restraining the Female Initiate being dedicated to the service of the Church.

The Deacons removed Nancy's pink robe, and she stood alone in the spotlight, head bowed, completely naked, hands at her sides as Pastor Ron had coached her. Male members of the congregation sitting in the near pews murmured and pointed with lust to her pussy. Her vulva and sex slit were clearly visible under her pale whiff of blonde pussy hair.

The Deacons turned her away from the audience and bend her over, exposing her asshole and pussy lips. A Deacon reached around her buttocks and spread her vagina lips wide for their viewing pleasure. It was the ritual invitation to the Church to have sex with her. A spontaneous cheer rose from the pews.

Pastor Ron raised his hand for silence and moved behind her, turning her again to face the audience in her nakedness. Reaching around to fondle her tits, he addressed the congregation.

"Here are her breasts, round and full, with dark lovely nipples for you and her future children to lick and suck." He pulled up on her tits, one at a time, grasping them in his large hands and pinching the nipples between thumb and forefinger. Then his hand moved south to her blonde, curly muff.

"Here is her cunt," he told his male audience, his large hand rubbing Nancy's lush vagina knoll framed by her shapely naked hips, "in which you will spend many ecstatic hours of pleasure. You will fuck her many times, come hard into this pussy, give her all your sperm, and soak your sacred prick."

Pastor Ron's hand was moving back and forth over Nancy's soft pubic hair, and his forefinger disappeared into her vagina several times. He withdrew it and placed it on his tongue with a look of sheer lust and sexual desire. Audible moans were heard again from male members in the audience as they imagined the pleasure Pastor Ron was about to experience, a pleasure they too would experience when she attended her first Holy Orgy and they had their lustful way with her.

"Nancy will now take the Promise of Membership." Pastor Ron nodded to the Deacons, and two of them took positions on either side of the victim. Each opened his robe to reveal his erect penis. As she had been instructed, Nancy reached down with both hands, grasped their penises, and recited the words she had been taught.

"I promise to spread my legs for every Male Member who wants me. I will allow his penis in my vagina and welcome his sperm to my egg. I will dedicate myself to more and better sex, and learn the ways of the Church of Divine Rapture."

He nodded again at the Deacons, who now came and seized Nancy's arms and legs, lifted her up, and laid her on her back on the Female Altar with her feet toward the audience. They fastened her wrists together and pulled them up over her head to lock them to a gilded post fixed at the top of the Altar.

They grabbed her legs and pulled them apart, placing each in a stirrup and fastening each ankle to the stirrup with nylon straps. Then they unlocked the stirrups and pulled them wide apart and upwards at a 45° angle so that everyone could see in the spotlight Nancy's buttocks, pussy, and bum hole framed by her spread wide legs.

On the wide screen, the video camera zoomed in for a classic crotch shot. The audience could see now strapped to the Female Altar the whole invitation to lust that they had waited for: their new Female Initiate, Nancy Kent, her cunt wide open between her spread legs, her full breasts surmounted with stiff nipples, and her face now frozen with the shame and fear that assault a young woman who has been stripped, publicly exposed, and soon to be publicly fucked.

Pastor Ron stepped to the front of the stage between her spread legs while the Deacons each took positions at Nancy's head and breasts. Two took turns kissing her on the lips, long tongue kissing. The two at her breasts sucked the nipples and cupped the full melons. They alternated light touching and cupping with sharp slaps upwards and across the nipples, a taste of what she would have to endure later in the torture chamber during her Deaconess training. The pastor paused dramatically and announced, "It is now time for the Public Exposure of this Female Initiate's sex organ as we continue the Sacrament of Lust on this Initiation morning."

He spread Nancy's pussy lips and applied some oil. Her spread cunt lips now filled the big screen over the stage in the church, and the men in the audience stared at it with naked desire. The oil contained an irritant that made her labia immediately go a deep red and caused her to lift her hips several times while moaning sexually. Ron ran his finger up and down her inner pussy lips, now lubricating and dripping white fluid. "These are the secret labia she offers to enclose your penis," he intoned.

Then his finger circled her clitoris several times and stopped to flick it vigorously, making it stand up from its fleshy hood and causing Nancy's hips to dance again and her mouth to issue moans of sexual arousal. "This is Nancy's clitoris at the gateway to her vagina. It will give her great pleasure while her cunt gives you pleasure."

He moved his finger down to Nancy's vaginal entrance and pushed in. "This is Nancy's cunt that she gives freely to you for your lustful pleasures, to do with as you wish and fill with your male seed. She will now surrender her cunt to my cock in this holy place as a sign of her submission to all Male Members of the Church and to the will of God who loves to hear her cries of ecstasy as we enjoy His greatest gift, the Gift of Sex."

Lifting his eyes heavenward, he paused for a Deaconess to step forward and remove his robe. His magnificent cock bobbed up and stood out from his hard body. The Deaconess knelt and placed the head in her mouth, licking and sucking it, running her knowledgeable tongue up and down his cock shaft and around the engorged head to ensure maximum stiffness for his immediate public penetration of Nancy's cunt.

He stepped forward and placed the great mushroom head of his prick against her inner pussy lips. The video zoomed in on the big screen, making his giant penis look even bigger as it paused at the entrance to Nancy Kent's vagina. The Female Members in the church that morning all paused in their own stroking and sucking of their partners' cocks to watch in awe as that magnificent sex organ, the cock that they had each had to take into their vaginas in this public Initiation Ceremony, began to invade Nancy's cunt.

Pastor Ron took his time. He ran the head of his cock up and down her vulva lips, pausing at the top to caress her clitoris with it. Then he lowered his penis to Nancy's vaginal entrance and pushed in so that only the flange connected to the shaft was visible on the video screen. "With this cock, I anoint this cunt in the name of God and the Church of Divine Rapture," he intoned.

This was the signal for the men of the Church sitting in the pews to invade the cunts of their partners for this Initiation Sunday. Most chose doggy style to allow them to see the screen more easily, a double pleasure: fucking and watching fucking.

Pastor Ron rammed forward, shoving his penis right up into Nancy's vagina. His balls smacked against her bum. She groaned as she felt her cunt suddenly stretched and filled with his great cock. At least she had known what to expect, thanks to the rehearsal on Friday night. In her inner heart, she had actually been looking forward to feeling his huge member inside her intimate place again.

Music, rich and ecstatic, swelled from the church organ as Pastor Ron began fucking Nancy Kent in the stage spotlight. The video display split its screen to display the fucking from three angles. From below, the audience could see the pastor's cock thrusting down from above like a piston into Nancy's cunt centered in her pussy mound. From beside the copulating couple, they could see her vagina between wide spread legs, with its fur of blonde hair and open lips now rhythmically penetrated by Pastor Ron's thrusting penis. From above her head, the audience got a Nancy's eye view of her fucking: her breasts being mauled by the Deacons, her flat belly punctuated by her belly button, and her legs spread wide, with her Mound of Venus at the base of her belly and her pussy lips that hinted at the cunt opening they knew was below just out of sight but being hard fucked by that great cock of Pastor Ron.

The video screen alternated close ups. It showed the sex conjunction of Ron's cock and Nancy's cunt, his great penis pounding in Nancy's naked vagina. It showed her vulva lips foaming with her sex juices that coated Ron's cock shaft and left white streaks on it. It showed Ron's face getting more and more fierce and lustful as he felt his cock stiffen in Nancy's warm, tight cunt.

It showed Nancy's face groaning and crying with the pain and passion of being fucked by that great prick. Every woman in the audience knew that feeling and were grateful for the fucking they were presently getting as their male partners rutted in their pussies with ever greater passion, their lust fuelled by the spectacle of raw sex being played out on the church stage.

Pastor Ron never stopped or slowed his fucking of Nancy Kent. He progressively fucked his cock deeper and faster into her hot, tight, teen cunt, ignoring her moans of sexual pleasure and her cries of pain whenever his penis head slammed into her cervix.

Finally, with an animal cry of lust and ecstasy, he felt the final stiffening of his hot cock as his penis muscles contracted and spurted semen powerfully out of his cock into Nancy Kent's cunt. He stroked and stroked and stroked his penis as his semen slammed into her vaginal vault again and again. His mouth opened to draw in breath as his hips made the final thrust deep into her cunt, holding the shaft of his cock for a long time right up inside her wet pussy to prolong his pleasure by soaking his prick in their sex juices in the deepest, warmest depths of her vagina.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
i'd join this church

this church could have some fascinating youth programs for teens -- alas, it wont happen here, due to literotica's age eighteen restrictions, but a church youth summer camp could easily be imagined ... i do hope the author will continue this story

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