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Josh's Journey Ch. 03

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Edna throws out the rules; Josh becomes Emily.
4.1k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/20/2023
Created 10/15/2023
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Josh sat sideways on the end of the chaise lounge with his mother's feet in his lap. They each had a small glass of wine on the small table next to the chaise. Josh looked closely at her toe nails to make sure the polish was even. He pulled her dainty foot to his face and blew softly on her nails to dry the polish. Then he kissed the underside of her toes.

"Josh! Why are you kissing my toes?" she giggled.

"Because they are pretty," he said. "You have really pretty feet, mama."

She smiled at him. "No one has ever told me that before," she said. "Thank you."

He pulled her foot up back to his face and ran his tongue across the bottoms of her toes.

"Josh! My feet are filthy! And they probably stink!"

"No they don't, mama," he told her. "They are sexy. They smell like when you wear hose and pumps to work. And now they smell like fresh polish, too!" As he said that he sucked her big toe into his mouth and ran his tongue around it.

"Josh, stop it!" she said. But she didn't pull his foot away from his face.

Josh moved his mouth down her toes, sucking each one into his mouth and running his tongue between them. Josh had never actually sucked a girls' toes. He'd read about it in some of the stories he read online, and it sounded sexy.

Edna had never had her toes sucked. Like Josh, she'd read about it in some of the stories she'd read online. She always thought it would be gross for a man to put her toes in his mouth. She certainly didn't think it would turn her on.

But she wasn't pulling her foot away from her son's mouth. And she was feeling a familiar tingling at the junction of her thighs.

Josh pulled his mother's toes out of his mouth and kissed the underside of her foot. He moved his lips across her ankle and toyed with the stubble on her calf with his tongue. As he moved his mouth up her leg, Edna moved down in the chaise, and let him push her dress up around her waist.

Josh moved his lips past her knee. He had his hands on her inner thighs as he slowly moved his head closer and closer to his mother's crotch, surprised that she wasn't stopping him. He could smell her strong musk as he toyed with the hairs on the insides of her thighs.

Edna moaned and pulled her dress up even higher and slid further down in the chaise lounge. Josh brushed his lips against the curly hair covering her pubis. He pushed his tongue out and was pleased when his mother moaned and pushed her pussy up slightly to meet him.

"Mama, teach me what to do," he said softly.

"Oh, yes, Josh, I will teach you," she moaned. She reached down and spread her hairy lips apart. The scent of her musk hit Josh hard when she opened her pussy to him. "Lick me, Josh," she said, her voice hoarse. "Lick up and down right there." She pulled her knees back to give her son full access to her most private area. "Mmmmm, yes, lick my pussy, baby!" she moaned when she felt his tongue on her wet slit.

Josh's cock throbbed when she told him to lick her pussy. He put his tongue in her pink slit and moved it up and down. He tasted the musky lubrication and the salty pee clinging to her hair. It was just like what he'd found on the crotch of her panties, just stronger. And better.

Josh was barely aware that his cock was rock hard and he was humping the chaise lounge while he licked his mother. He tried to concentrate on the pleasure he was giving her instead of on the growing pleasure between his own legs.

Edna used her index fingers to flick her swollen clit. "Right there, Josh. Lick me right there. Suck on me right there," she said breathlessly. It had been so long since something besides her own fingers or her vibrating egg had touched her pussy or her clit!

Josh found her engorged clit and sucked it into his mouth. Edna moaned and pushed her hips up as she put her hands on his head to pull his mouth down hard against her. She put her feet back down on the chaise. Her hips started bucking, pounding her pubic bone against his lips.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes," she panted. "Right there, baby. Suck my clit! Ooh, ooh, ooh!" Her breaths were coming now as a series of high pitched yelps and other noises Josh had never heard before. Her head was back, pushing her chest out.

Josh was sure the neighbors could hear her growling as her passion built. Suddenly she stiffened and raised her ass high off of the chaise. She pushed his head down, away from her clit.

"Lick my hole, Josh!" she growled. "Put your tongue in my hole!"

The way she was holding his head Josh had no choice but to do what she said. He worked his tongue in and out of her wet hole. Suddenly a gush of thick, musky fluid filled his mouth and coated his face. Josh swallowed and kept licking her hole, and another gush came out.

'She's cumming!' he thought to himself as he worked his tongue in and out of her pulsing hole. 'I'm making her cum!'

Edna relaxed and let her ass fall back down on the chaise.

Josh figured she was ready for him to stop and started to pull his mouth away from her wet lips. Edna grabbed his head and held his mouth tight against her hole.

"Not yet, baby," she whispered hoarsely. "Keep licking me!" She held the sides of his head and pushed her pussy up against his mouth.

Josh ran his tongue up and down her wet slit. He licked back down her outer lips, licking the wet, curly hair, tasting the residue of her cum. He tried to put his mouth back over her clit, but she held his head firm. "Not yet," she groaned as she pushed his head down further between her spread thighs.

Josh licked down her crack to the edge of her hairy ass cheeks. He pushed his tongue against her puckered back hole, savoring the different musty scent and taste. He heard a sharp "Oooh!' and a quick intake of breath when the tip of his tongue touched her pucker.

Edna pulled her knees back again, tilting her pelvis up to give her son access to her back hole. Josh ran his tongue through her back crack, flat across her puckered hole, then pushed the tip against it again. He felt her sphincter open slightly to his probing tongue.

"Oh, Josh, oh!oh!oh!" she yipped as she pulled his mouth tight against her ass.

"OH, NOW!" she growled against as she put her feet back down on the chaise and pulled his mouth to her swollen clit. "Suck my clit, baby! Suck mommy's clit!" Her hips undulated, pounding her pubic bone against Josh's mouth.

He tried to suck her clit into his mouth and suck on it, but her movements kept pulling it out of her mouth. Each time he sucked hard as she pulled it away from his lips, then clamped back down on it when she moved her hips back to him.

Enda's pants were a series of high pitched "ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah..."

Suddenly her thighs squeezed down on his head. Her fingers tangled in his hair held his mouth tight against her hole. Josh felt her pussy muscles spasm, and an even bigger gush of her cum flooded his mouth and coated his face, dripping off of his chin to the chaise lounge pad. Her whole body was tense. Her mouth was open, but no sound came out.

Finally she let out a high pitched squeal. Her thighs released their grip on his head and fell to the side. Edna used her fingers in his hair to pull him up on top of her. She put her hands on his face and held him still while she licked her orgasmic juices off of him.

"Oh, baby, oh, baby, oh, baby," she panted over and over as she cleaned his face. "So, so, so good," she whispered. Her hips were still jerking, pushing her pussy up against his crotch.

Josh ground the bulge in his panties down on her wet pussy. He felt a wetness that he realized wasn't from her, but from his own cum.

Edna pulled his mouth to hers. Josh opened his mouth when he felt his mother's tongue probing his lips. He let her shove her tongue into his mouth as if she was licking the inside of a jar to taste the juices she had squirted down his throat.

Finally she pushed him off of her, to the side, and rolled on her side to put her head on his shoulder. Josh wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him.

Edna lay beside her son until she was again breathing normally.

"Did I do it good, mama?" Josh asked quietly.

Edna snorted/laughed. "Oh, honey, that was amazing," she said softly. "I haven't had an orgasm like that for years, since I was in college."

Josh smiled. "I'm glad I made you feel good, mama."

Edna rolled up on top of him and kissed him lightly on the lips. "And now I'm going to make you feel just as good," she smiled as she started to move down his body.

"You don't have to, mama," he told her quickly. "Um, when you were, um, you know... well, I guess I did, too."

Edna put a hand under his dress and felt his damp panties. "So you did," she laughed. "That's okay. I still want to do this. I need to do this."

She moved on down between his legs. She pushed his dress up around his waist and licked the outside of the cum-filled panties, the panties she was wearing earlier today when she went shopping. She could smell and taste his thick sperm.

She pulled the panties down and looked at her son's still semi-hard cock, at the thick cream coating it. She extended her tongue and licked him, sucking his cum up into her mouth to swallow it, savoring the taste of her son's cum.

Earlier she had wondered how far she was willing to bend the rules. As she sucked his slightly limp cock into her mouth she realized she wasn't just bending the rules... she had thrown them out the window!

Josh lay back and enjoyed the feeling of his mother's warm mouth on his smooth shaven pubic area. He'd never had a girl lick him like this before. He'd dreamed of how it would feel to be licked like this. To just lay back and enjoy the warm breath and hot tongue of another on his always horny cock and balls. But he'd never imagined that when it happened it would be his own mother!

But in the moment he didn't care. He'd just enjoyed licking and sucking on her pussy until she had two massive orgasms. He'd loved swallowing the musky juices flowing out of her pussy. He'd loved feeling her wet, curly pubic hair against his face when she fucked his tongue with her hot hole. He loved it all so much that his own cum flowed from his hard cock to fill the sexy panties his mother had left for him to wear.

Edna savored her son's cock. She'd loved sucking cock since the first time she'd done it in high school. She loved feeling it get hard in her mouth, then feeling it pulse and throb while she worked her lips up and down the hard shaft. She loved how it felt when the cock throbbed and spurted hot cum in her mouth, coating her tongue, flowing down her throat.

She loved it so much she had gotten a reputation in high school for giving blow jobs on the first date. Or even without a date. Sometimes she'd just meet a boy she liked and they'd drive off to the lake where he'd pull his pants down and she'd take his cock in her mouth. Sometimes she even made that trip to the lake with more than one boy in an evening.

But that was all they got. They wanted her pussy, but she was saving that. Some wanted her ass as an alternative to her pussy, but she wouldn't do that, either. They could cum in her mouth or not at all. That was her rule.

Now as she worked her mouth up and down on her son's cock she compared it to his dad's cock. Josh's was longer, but his dad's was thicker. She worked at getting her mouth down on his hard shaft. She wanted to take it all in her mouth.

She toyed with his balls that were pulled up tight against his body. She felt him tense when she put a finger on his puckered opening. She felt his cock throb when she started to work her finger into his tight hole.

Josh pulled his knees back to give his mother access to his back hole.

"Mmmmmm, oh, that feels so good, mama!" Josh moaned as she pushed another finger into him. Edna didn't know that Josh had some sex toys of his own, one being a medium sized realistic rubber dildo, complete with a mushroom head and veins that he regularly pushed into his tight hole.

Edna could feel his sphincter muscles contracting, gripping her fingers as if trying to pull them deeper inside.

"Mama, Mama, oh, mommy, mommy, I'm going to..."

He never got the words out. The sudden gush of his creamy cum in her mouth surprised Edna, but her instincts took over and she started to swallow. Josh held her head and pumped his dick in and out of her mouth, shooting stream after stream of the musky fluid in her mouth and down her throat. She let him push her head down on his dick until his smooth pubis was bumping her nose with each pump.

With each thrust into his mother's mouth a sharp "ooh! ooh! ooh!" burst out of his mouth.

When she felt him start to relax and the flow of his cum changed from hard spurts to a warm gush she slowly pulled her fingers out of his ass. She pulled her head back, sucking he last of his cream out of him, letting it fill her mouth. She let his sensitive head slip past her lips and fall on his belly, still oozing sticky cum.

Edna moved up her son's body until her face was over his and her sloppy pussy was rubbing on his softening dick. She put her lips against his and snaked her tongue out to touch his lips. Josh opened his mouth to let him kiss him, then gasped in surprise when he felt the thick, musky liquid slide out of her mouth and into his.

His eyes opened wide when he realized what was in his mouth! He was on his back, so the slimy fluid slid to the back of his tongue, forcing him to swallow. He gulped hard once, then again to get the last of the cum out of his mouth.

Edna pulled her face back and smiled at him. "Doesn't that taste wonderful?" she asked.

Josh looked at her, unsure if she was joking or if she really liked it. And unsure how he felt about it. But he swallowed again and realized it wasn't a bad taste. And, like the juices that flooded his mouth when he licked her pussy, it was a sexy taste. It was the taste of sex!

He smiled at her and nodded. "Yeah, it kinda does."

"Your first time to taste it?" she asked.

Josh blushed. "Well, like that. I've tasted it a few times before."

"But only your own?" his mother asked him.

He nodded. "Yes, only my own."

Edna thought she detected a slight disappointment in his voice when he admitted he had only ever tasted his own spunk.

She kissed him again, this time tasting the combination of their juices in his mouth.

She again pulled her head back and smiled at him. "We need to go take a shower and put on some clean dresses," she said. "We got these all messy."

Josh looked up at her. "Mama? What about the rules?"

She gave him a peck on the lips. "We still have a few to bend," she laughed. "But we've got all afternoon. Come on, let's go take a shower together."

They stripped their dresses off and tossed them in the washing machine. Josh pushed the cum-soaked panties down his legs and tossed them in, too.

They stood under the warm spray of the shower. Josh rubbed the bar of soap over his mother's body, lovingly caressing every inch of her. When he rubbed his soapy hand between her soft ass cheeks she bent over slightly, her hands against the wall, and spread her legs. She sighed when Josh pushed the tip of his finger against her puckered hole.

After he'd soaped her body, front and back, Edna took the soap and did the same to him. She, too, rubbed a soapy hand in his ass crack and put the tip of her soapy fingers against his pucker. Josh pushed back, remembering the feeling of her fingers inside him when he was shooting his cum down her throat. But she pulled them back and concentrated on his front side, especially his nipples and his cock and balls.

She pulled him close to her as she used both soapy hands to massage his limp cock and balls.

"Have you put it in a pussy?" she asked softly.

Josh blushed and shook his head.

Edna nodded. "Good. I want to be your first," she said. "Do you want to put it in my pussy, Josh? Do you want to fuck me?"

Josh felt his cock start to stiffen when his mother asked him if he wanted to put it in her pussy. Edna felt it, too, and knew the answer.

"Tell me, Josh," she whispered, squeezing his ever growing dick. "Tell me you want to fuck me."

"I want to fuck you, mama," Josh moaned. Even though he'd had two really good cums in the past hour, he was afraid he was going to lose it and blow his load on her soapy hands.

"Mmmmmm, yes, baby," she cooed. "I like that. Tell me again. Tell me you want to put your dick in my pussy. Tell me!"

"Oh, mama, yes," he groaned. "I want to put my dick in your pussy." His cock was almost fully hard.

"Oh, baby, yes, yes," Edna moaned. "I want your cock in me. I need your cock in my pussy!"

She had moved so that the shower spray had rinsed most of the soap off of them. She turned the shower off and pulled Josh out of the shower and to her bed. They fell on the bed, wet and dripping, Edna on her back with her legs spread, Josh on top of her.

She was still gripping his now hard dick. She lay back on the bed and pulled her knees back. She pulled her son's mushroom head to her wet hole.

"Fuck me, baby," she moaned. "Fuck my mommy pussy. Mmmmmm, yes, yes, tell me you love my mommy pussy!" she moaned when he pushed and his long dick slid easily into her. She wrapped her legs around his thighs and pushed her crotch up to meet his hard thrusts.

"Oh, mommy, I love your pussy so much!" Josh almost yelled. "I love you, mommy! I love your mommy pussy!"

"That's is, baby," she moaned. "Fuck me hard. Mmmm, yes, baby give me all of your cock. Mmmmm, oh, yes, fuck my cunt deep! Fuck my nasty cunt hard!"

Edna hadn't been so turned on for intercourse since early in her marriage. She rarely had orgasms from intercourse, but she loved the feeling of being fucked. And she loved it even more when she talked like a nasty slut. She had wanted to be a nasty slut when she was younger. But... the rules.

Her husband didn't want her to be a nasty slut. He'd heard the rumors about her, but didn't believe them. He didn't want her to talk like a nasty slut when they made love... or had sex. So she had suppressed those feelings. And she learned to take herself over the top without him, while he was at work or asleep.

But now she was throwing the rules out the window. And Josh seemed to like it. He was pounding his young dick in her middle aged pussy hard. He was panting and growling in her ear while he fucked her. He was matching her thrust for thrust.

"Oh, mommy, I'm going to do it again!" Josh cried out. "I'm going to cum in your nasty pussy! Oh, mommy, mommy, I love you, mommy!"

"Yes, yes, baby," Edna yelled. She wrapped her legs tighter around his thighs and ass. He put her hands on his ass cheeks to pull him hard into her. "Yes, baby, yes, cum in mommy's pussy! Give me your cum, baby! Oh, Josh, I love you, too! I love your cock in my pussy! I love you, baby!"

Josh tensed and held his cock deep inside her. He wasn't sure how much sperm was coming out, but he could feel his cock throbbing, spasming inside his mother's pussy. He could feel her inner muscles spasming, too, and wondered if she was having yet another orgasm.

Josh collapsed on top of his mother, gasping for breath. Edna relaxed her legs and let them fall to the side of his. Josh rolled onto his side, his quickly softening cock leaving a trail of cum and pussy juice across her hip.

"Your bed is all wet," Josh giggled, still gasping for breath.

Edna laughed. "I know. If it's not dry by bedtime I may need to sleep in your bed with you."

"Mmmm, that sounds nice," he said.

"Yes, it does," Edna agreed. "Come on. Let's dry off and do our hair. We still need to do your nails."

Two hours later Josh sat on a bar stool in his other new dress, a light blue one with the outlines of flowers in darker blue. His mother had looked in her panty drawer and found a pair of panties that was almost an exact match of the color of the dress. He had his feet propped on a table in front of his mother.


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