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Journal of an Agent Ch. 11

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Dean's first meeting with Jennifer Love Hewitt.
6.3k words

Part 11 of the 28 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 05/22/2001
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Chapter 11: Jennifer Love Hewitt

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This is Part 11 of an ongoing series. Yes I know the celebs don't act like this in real life, but this is a fantasy after all.

* * * * *

Straightening my light blue bow tie, I ran my hand down my chest, straightening out my cummerbund. Putting on my black tuxedo jacket, I grabbed my keys and wallet and hustled out the door.

I was going to be escorting the buxom and beautiful young actress Jennifer Love Hewitt to the premiere to her new movie, "Heartbreakers". This was my first movie premiere in the six months since I began running my father's talent agency out here in L.A. and though I've been to many black tie events (you may remember my recount of the People's Choice Awards with Jessica Alba) this one I was really looking forward to, primarily so that I could spend time with Jennifer. Back in college, she had been a popular girl around my dorm room, with all three of my roommates and myself watching the dreadful "I Know What You Did Last Summer" over and over again, just for Jennifer. If only the guys could see me now...

My affection towards her was really just a school boy crush, but nevertheless I was going to relish walking down that red carpet with her by my side. I almost fell out of my chair when I read in Variety that the premiere was coming up. I had called Jennifer at home to ask her if I could be her date that night.


"Hi Jennifer, it's me Dean," I said to her.

"Oh hey Dean!" she said excitedly. This was pretty common practice with her whenever we spoke over the phone. She always seemed to sound like an over excited teenager when I called. We had not actually met in person yet, conducting all of our previous business over the phone, so I hoped that I would get a chance to accompany her on the night of the premiere.

"SHIT!" Jennifer said loudly into the phone, enough to startle me. "Hold on just one second Dean,"

I heard her put the phone on a table or something and listened intently to see if everything was all right. I could have sworn I heard moaning in the background, but it was probably my over active sex drive WANTING to hear something like that.

A minute or two later, she picked up the phone again. "Sorry about that, I was watching TV and when I got up to answer the phone, I accidentally knocked the remote to the floor. It changed the channel and landed on one of those porn stations on the satellite system," she said, out of breath after having run to quickly change the channel. So I WASN'T hearing things. I decided to try and have a little fun with the porn thing, mainly for my own benefit.

"Sure Jennifer. You knew I was going to call and that thought got you all hot and bothered so you decided to put on some porn," I said to her in a half joking manner. If only that had been true.

Jennifer laughed in response, that trace of her teenage giggles still apparent in her light laughter.

"Yea, that's it Dean. Just the thought of you - never mind the fact that we have never seen each other before - gets my panties all wet," Jennifer said, playing along with the joke.

"See, I told you. Women around the world can't hear the name "Dean" without shuddering in orgasm," I said laughing myself at the conversation we were having.

Jennifer laughed again but finally said "So, why did you REALLY call?"

"I called to see if you need any accompaniment to the premiere of Heartbreakers next week," I replied, crossing my fingers under my desk that she would say yes.

"Hmm... I hadn't really thought about that. See, my agent is kind of a slacker and he forgot to remind me of the date of the premiere," Jennifer said, getting in her own personal jab at me. I took it in light fun. "But yea, since I am dateless right now, I'd love it if you came with me,"

"Sounds great. The premiere starts at 9 so I'll be there to get you at 7. Traffic and all...you know," I said.

And that brings me to where I am now. I had the driver of the company limo, Leonard, pick me up around 6 to allow time for the 45 minute drive up to Jennifer's Malibu house. Pulling up to the gate, Leonard parked out front and walked up to the buzzer. I had my window cracked and I watched him do this. The gate opened and Leonard walked up the driveway to Jennifer's home. I took the spare moment to give myself one last look in the mirror, gave my brown hair a quick comb and then sat back in my seat. Glancing out the window again, I saw Leonard walking down the driveway with Jennifer on his arm.

She was much shorter than I thought she would be, probably no more than 5'2. She was wearing a silky black dress with spaghetti straps over the shoulders. The dress stretched down to her mid calves. Her ample breasts were highly accentuated by the dress, and the cleavage she was sporting was unbelievable. Over her shoulder she carried a small black purse that looked to be made of the same material as her dress. As she got nearer to the car, she looked taller than she probably was because of the four inch high black shoes she was wearing.

Leonard seemed to be quite pleased with himself for escorting such a beautiful woman as Jennifer down her driveway, even if no one but me was there to see it. Leonard was one of the hangers-around from when I took over the business, a short older man, with gray and balding hair. He had that classic "well-aged and still semi attractive" look that can only be found out here in Hollywood. Still, he looked like a kid again as he smiled, opening the door for Jennifer as she got in the limo. Leonard hustled back to the drivers seat and we were off.

"Wow Jennifer, you look amazing," I said to her. Her auburn brown hair was up in a bun over her head and I couldn't help but notice how well she was fitted to play the role of Audrey Hepburn in that TV bio pic about a year ago. She blushed at my comment.

"Thanks. You must be Dean," she said, extending her hand. I took it in mine and shook it, feeling the texture of her manicured nails run over my palm when our handshake broke.

"I'm glad you're not a troll or anything. You are actually very handsome. I didn't know WHAT you would look like after only talking to you on the phone," Jennifer said, laughing a little as she said it. Now it was my turn to blush slightly.

"Thank you. I used to dress and eat like a pig back in college but since I moved out here, I have gotten in much better shape. I feel healthier too. Must be something in this California air," I replied, smiling.

"Yeah. The smog!" Jennifer said, and we both broke into laughter.

The rest of the car ride was a lot of fun. Jennifer and I carried on a really good conversation. I found talking to her was just like hanging out with an old friend, albeit a very beautiful and famous one.

Pulling into the long line of limos outside the Mann Chinese Theater where the premiere was being held, I knew it was showtime. Jennifer had already begun primping herself slightly in the mirror next to her. The car inched forward for a few minutes until we reached the entrance. A nicely dressed valet opened the door for us. Stepping out first, I was there to take Jennifer's hand as she got out of the car. I was momentarily blinded however, by the sudden barrage of flashes from the cavalcade of press standing behind the guard barriers, all striving to get that perfect shot of Jennifer as she walked down the red carpet. Jennifer took her time moving inside, stopping occasionally to pose for a picture. She was all smiles, waving and doing the typical Hollywood star thing for the press.

When we finally got inside, the theater was packed full of people. Most of them were the crew and producers of the film and their assorted wives, mistresses or girlfriends. I stayed close to Jennifer, lingering behind her and making chit chat with various people from the studios that I saw. Jennifer was doing the same, except for with the crew of the movie and the other stars. I saw her walk over to where Gene Hackman and Sigourney Weaver were standing. Figuring it would be a private conversation, I headed over to the bar outside the entrance to the theater and got Jennifer and myself a drink.

Walking over to where Jennifer was still standing talking, I handed her the drink.

"Sigourney, Gene, this is Dean Simonds, my agent," Jennifer said, taking my arm in her hand and introducing me.

Gene Hackman was much shorter than I thought he would be, but I was still amazed that I was standing in the capacity of one of the best actors around. We shook hands and he said "Nice to meet you Dean. You make sure you arrange some deal where Jennifer and I can work together again. She's such a blast to have on set," Gene said as he smiled politely. I knew that stars didn't like being seen by their agents mingling with other heads of an agency, so I told him I would try and turned my focus to Sigourney.

By contrast, she was very tall, much taller than I thought she would be. We shook hands and said hello, but she seemed to be preoccupied with something else and said "Excuse me, I've got to go finish mingling," and walked away. Gene took this as his cue to leave too, before patting me on the shoulder and walking off in the direction of Sigourney.

Alone again, Jennifer took me by the arm once more and we began making our way to the seats. Unlike what it appears to be on television for the Oscars, the theater was much smaller than I thought. It was already starting to get filled so we ended up having to take a seat in the middle of the theater floor. I sat down, but Jennifer remained standing, leaning this way and that as she shook hands or gave hugs to people she saw coming in. Leaning over me, her beautiful breasts, the object of lust for so many men and boys around the world, were just inches from my face. The smell of her perfume was almost arousing as her lush, tanned skin was so close to me. I longed to reach out and touch her, but knew that it would be all over the papers and that it would ruin my budding reputation.

After filling up the bottom floor, the studio head for MGM got on stage and said a few words. Since the film was a comedy, the crowd was pretty raucous and loud, but in a fun way. He left the stage after a few minutes and was replaced by a gigantic screen coming down from the rafters. The lights dimmed and the movie started playing. The first scene was really funny and the audience showed this, as the whole auditorium was filled with laughter. The movie continued and I settled in for what I hoped would be a good movie. If Hollywood liked it, that meant that the public would love it, and that would make Jennifer's bargaining in future projects go up.

About fifteen minutes into it though, Jennifer grew a little restless in her seat. I looked over to see what she was doing and saw that she was reaching into her purse. Pulling out a black towel, she carefully unfolded it and reached over to me, draping across my lap. Her arm had been resting next to mine on the arm rest up until now, but slowly she moved it away from mine, sliding it over to my leg so very carefully. The next thing I knew, her small hand was moving up my thigh and onto my crotch. The room suddenly seemed to get much hotter as her hand finally came to rest right on top of my dick. I could feel myself hardening slightly under her touch, but tried to control myself. And then she started unzipping my zipper.

"Jennifer, what are you doing?" I whispered to her. All she said in return was "Shhh..."

Showing my inexperience at events like these, I stupidly asked "Why aren't you watching the movie?"

Jennifer shot me a coy and a little angry look. I felt her hand start to move away, but then she thought better of it.

"Relax. I've already seen it. Bootleg off of the Internet," she said with a smile now. "Just relax and let me do the work,"

Her hand furthered it's exploration of my pants, and I felt it slip inside into my boxer shorts and make contact with my now hard cock. I tried to act like nothing was happening. Glancing over at the man next to me, he was too interested in the movie to even care about what was going on in the seat next to him.

Jennifer took my cock in her hand and slowly, so agonizingly slowly, pulled about 3/4 of it out of my pants. Then she began moving her hand up and down at a very slow pace. I think that if she had sped up, I would have moaned loudly and shot my wad all over her hand then and there, Hollywood be damned.

Jennifer's pace was a bit maddening, but it felt so good. I could feel her nails, only a few minutes before shaking the hands of some of Hollywood's elite, rubbing against my skin so lightly and delicately. She moved her thumb down on the downward strokes and teased and flicked my balls a little, causing me to shut my mouth as tight as I could to keep from groaning out.

I laid my head back on the seat and again tried to act naturally. Jennifer meanwhile had her other hand in her lap and seemed to be paying attention to the movie, occasionally glancing over at me as she rubbed and teased my cock head up and down. I felt her index finger run over the top of my slit and smear the precum all over the rest of the head. Her pace sped up a little after that, and I knew I was on the verge of cumming. Jennifer sensed it too, and her hand was now moving much faster than initially. I leaned forward slightly so that it wasn't too apparent that I was getting a fantastic hand job from one of Hollywood's hottest young stars. I closed my eyes and bucked my hips a little bit as I felt my hot cum rising from within my balls.

Jennifer acted quickly though, and leaned my dick forward. Aiming it at the handkerchief, I exploded in orgasm as my wad shot all over the inside of the cloth. I must have blown almost a gallon of cum, but the cloth was pretty thick and seemed to absorb it all. Feeling my cock soften, Jennifer moved the remaining dry portion of the handkerchief (what little there was) over my now deflated 9 inch cock and cleaned it off. Putting my cock back in my pants with her nimble hands, Jennifer carefully saved one big dollop of it on her finger. She reached over with her other hand and neatly folded the handkerchief up, it still soaking with my cum, and put it back in her purse. She zipped me back up carefully and slowly again, and then finally moved her hand away. Her finger still holding my cum, she casually moved the tip of it up to her mouth and sensually licked it clean. Her eyes shut as she enjoyed the taste of it, sticking her whole finger in her mouth and licking it clean.

Folding her hands neatly back in her lap, Jennifer focused her attention on the movie. I tried to act calm and normal for the rest of the show, but after what had just transpired, it was more than a little hard. I would look over at Jennifer occasionally, but she continued to stare straight ahead and I began to wonder almost if the whole thing really had happened.

The movie concluded an hour or so later and we got back into the limo. At first, neither of us said anything. I sure as hell wasn't going to say the first word about it, for fear that I may really have just had a fantasy about her while in the theater and I didn't want to completely embarrass myself about it.

Finally though, Jennifer spoke, quietly and a little indignantly.

"You know Dean, you could have said thank you," Jennifer said, the orange tint of the passing street lamps of the L.A. freeway a blur as we pulled away from the theater as she leaned her face against the cool leather of the inside interior of the limo, her face casting a disinterested stare.

I was stunned for a moment, but then regained my though process. "I'm sorry about that Jennifer. It just seemed so surreal. I have to admit that just two years ago when I was still in college, you were one of the women I masturbated to the most. I feel really weird telling you that, but I just want you to know that I did appreciate it. A lot," I said. I couldn't bring myself to look at her as I said this, partly out of shame but more from sheer embarrassment at doubting the sexual effort Jennifer had went to for me.

I glanced up to look at Jennifer's face. She was staring directly at me with her normally soft but now quite intense, brown eyes. She had her arms folded across her chest, beneath her shallowly moving up and down breasts. She had her back to the seat and her legs crossed, but I could see in the faint light that would enter the limo from the street lights that a smile was coming across her face.

"So then say it," Jennifer said devilishly. "Say 'Jennifer, I loved the hand job you gave me. It was the best.'" she said, smiling gleefully now, happy with her handiwork.

I wasn't going to lie about it, so I flat out said "Jennifer, I loved the hand job you gave me. It was the best I have ever had," I said as deadpan as possible. I was having real trouble reading where Jennifer was going with this, but she quickly gave me a hint.

When she realized I was done, her manner changed totally. She was back to the bubbling little girl that she had been when we first met, and now she laughed at the whole charade that had just gone on.

"That was classic Dean. Classic. I'm going to have to remember that one for in the future," Jennifer said with a huge smile that I couldn't help but feel almost warmed by. "Now, enough chat. We have 45 minutes till we get to my place. I want to use all those to the full advantage and get in a good, nasty fuck session,"

My jaw almost hit the floor of the limo, and it would have too if Jennifer hadn't already begun undressing. She had moved her hands up to her shoulders and made a huge scene of sliding the straps of her dress down to the very base of her breasts so that it just barely covered over her nipples. When she finally let it down, I was speechless. Her breasts, despite all the celebrity skin I had seen in the six months since I moved here, had to be the most gorgeous things I had ever seen. They were the perfect conical shape, not pointing outright from her chest but far from saggy. The natural shape of them let me know right away that, to steal a line from "Seinfeld", "they were real and, their spectacular". The nipples on both breasts were around the size of a half dollar. The areola and the base of the now erect nipple were a medium shade of brown, with the shade lightening up till it finally stopped at the end of her jutting out nipples. They looked so succulent and beautiful, and I hoped I would get to touch them soon.

Fixing my gaping mouth, I wasted no time in taking off my expensive Armani coat and the rest of my tuxedo and flinging them to the side, leaving me in just a pair of boxer shorts. Jennifer by this time was down to just her panties, a silky black pair made from the same material as her dress. They were thong underwear and when she moved her ass, I could see her beautiful ass cheeks, firm and tight. Her pussy was shaven around the edge of the underwear but I could smell her quite easily from across the limo. It must have been a while since she had had sex, and I was happy I was going to be fixing that. Her musk was not a bad scent by any means, but I think the excitement in not having had sex in a while made it even the more strong.

Being relatively short, Jennifer barely had to duck as she walked across the limo over to me. I looked behind her and saw that the window between us and Leonard was still open. He had a pair of headphones on, but I didn't want to take any risks and shut the window. With the window closed, I flicked on the lights in the back of the car. The floor was illuminated with miniature little lights, each of which gave out a whitish-yellow glow on to everything in the car, especially Jennifer's pale white skin. She looked almost heavenly in that light, as she sat down up lap.


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