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Joy & Strip Poker

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She takes next step & goes all the way.
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I was recently sent on a business seminar with another guy I work with named Roy. They sent us to some national park for this meeting. It was out in the middle of nowhere. There wasn't but one restaurant, no bars, malls not anything.

The first couple of nights were torture, so I called home and ask Joy to come up and visit. She said she would and when I told Roy he seemed exited, he had met Joy once before at a Christmas party. Roy had a room next to mine and we had been playing Poker and drinking each night, so when Joy showed up it was no difference. Joy looked great as usual, she had her long dark hair down and had on this little sun dress with some sort of flower print on it. I Like that dress cause rarely does she wear panties with it. I was more than disappointed when I hugged her hello only to feel that not only did she had she wore panties, but a bra as well.

I introduced her to Roy again and she said she remembered him. We chit chatted about how bad the food sucked in the State Park restaurant and how bored we were. Roy ask if she would like to play poker, but Joy politely declined. That's when I started to get this wicked Idea. Roy continue to talk and flirt with Joy as we played hand after hand, until finally I said I was out of money. Roy laughed and said "Well that's my cue to leave." Joy and I both insisted he stay. I said, "How about we continue to play and since I don't have any more cash we can play for Joys clothes." Roy chuckled, not realizing I was serious. Before he could even comment with some smart ass remark, I had started dealing.

I lost the hand of course, so I turned to Joy who was sitting on the edge of the bed by our table, and said fork something over. Roy said "She doesn't have to do that," but Joy said "No I don't mind, I think its kind of fun." Boy, if you could have seen the smile came across Roy's face, he looked like the Grinch or something. Joy slipped off her sandal and said "This is yours now" as she laid it on top of Roy's winnings.

The next sandal went the second hand and when I lost the third I couldn't wait to see what would drop next. Surprisingly it was her panties, Joy stood up and turned around backwards and pulled them down slowly giving us a great little peek at her perfect ass in the process. When she turned around and dropped them on the table and you could have heard a pin drop. Joy said "Come on play some more, I need to start winning some, I cant drive home nude." Roy and myself were having a hard time concentrating on the game. Her panties were lying on top of the table and were visibly wet and I swear I could almost smell her perfumed pussy from across the table.

After loosing the next hand, Joy expertly pulled her lacey bra off without removing the sun dress. She looked like a sexy Harry Houdini escaping a straight jacket. As Joy threw here bra at Roy, he had to reach down and adjust his ever growing pants.

After losing the next hand I turned to Joy and said" O.K. the moment of truth." She had put on a good front up till this point, but now I could tell she was really scarred, I mean we had flashed her in the past, but never so close, never so blatant. She turned around to unzip the little zipper in the back of her dress, I could see her hand shaking. She was having a hard time with it, so I told Roy to help her. He was starting to freak out a little bit to, saying stuff like "You guys are crazy" and "Oh she doesn't have to do that." Joy turned and faced Roy and in a nervous voice said "He doesn't care go ahead, fair is fair, after all." When Roy slid down her zipper Joy let the sun dress drop to the floor, with Roy standing there with his mouth watering, she immediately jumped up in the nearby bed and sit cross-legged covering her beautiful Breast the best she could with one arm and her puss with the other. Roy said are sure you don't want me to leave and I said "Of course not, I need to win my wife's clothes back." He sat down and I dealt.

After loosing the next hand I said "Damn what to do now, Joys out of clothes. Since you don't have any more apparel to give old Roy, how about moving your arms and sitting spread eagle." Joy in a little meek voice said "O.K." she moved hers hands back behind her and closed her eyes looking upward toward the ceiling and slowly spread her legs open. There she sat her naked body spread wide open. Joys wet cunt was swollen from excitement. Roy starred at her twat and neatly trimmed bush and was in a trance. He had the look of a wild man. "How about another hand," I said. "Sure" said Roy" I'm on a lucky streak."

After losing the next hand Roy and I just stared at each other in silence, I really hadn't thought this far ahead so was kind of playing it by ear. I said, "Would you like to taste my wife?" Didn't take long for Roy to drop on his knees at the edge of the bed. He pulled Joy closer by tugging on her calves. Roy buried his face in Joys pussy and drove her wild, I notice that he wasn't going all out so to speak, but was kissing her inner thighs and nuzzling her clit with his tongue, more than licking hard. This had an effect on Joy who started to squirm around and up in down, I think to make some facial contact. Roy would back off each time teasing more and more, Joy said something, it was quiet at first but got louder. She was saying fuck me. Roy with no blood left in his brain, started to take down his pants. He climbed on top of my wife's nude body and slipped his hard cock into her. He started pumping away as she had her legs wrapped around his waist and was moaning yes! yes! He rolled her over after a time and fucked her like an animal from behind.

It seemed as though the bed was going to fall apart. It was an incredible sight, Joys tits swaying back and forth. He was really into it, smacking her ass and saying things like You like that don't you. I this whole time was slapping my 7 inches silly. It was like watching a 3D porno. I slowly walked around the bed talking in the action. I felt like the invisible man until Joy motioned me over and pulled my dick into her mouth. Every time Roy would pump Joy, she would deep throat me.

It wasn't long before everybody came. Joy told Roy to keep the panties as a Souvenir. It was quite an adventure for us, I look forward to more. Oh and case you didn't know...I was losing on purpose, nobody is that bad at poker.

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