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Joy Ride

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Young man gets dreams telling him to drive at night.
12.4k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 07/14/2023
Created 07/06/2023
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No one under 18 in sexual situations

Some locations are real, took place 47 years ago. Some real stuff from memory, some just pure fantasy, how it should have turned out, maybe? All names are fictional to protect the guilty. Strangely, the dreams and rides were real, as was the Charger. Miss that car. Next part is almost done. It takes me longer as I have no editor, so you may find some mistakes. Oh well, we do what we can.

Joy Ride

Way, way, back, the year of our Bicentennial, 1976, I was woke up from a sound sleep with a sudden desire to go take a ride in my pride and joy, my black '68 Dodge Charger. I had no idea why I felt like driving, but I just did. I loved that car. I had Cragar wheels and new Goodyear rubber all around. It was a stunning auto. I always thought that it looked like it was going 90 miles an hour just sitting still.

So for whatever reason, I thought it was a great time to go out to lake Nockamixon. At 2 am? Well it seemed like a great idea at the time. I still had a six pack of beer, and Lord help me if my parents caught me drinking at home. So I fired up my shiny black Mopar machine and away I went. I decided to go out route 212 through Springtown and then down the river road by the Delaware River, and then bring it back to the lake on 611 and 563, our unofficial race road. The lake was still frozen from the cold, cold

weather we've been having. Hell, it was snowing here and there.

Men make plans and God laughs. I never got that far.

On my way into Springtown there was another Chrysler. It was an old green station wagon and there was a woman trying to flag me down. Of course I stopped to help. Her car was pretty messed up. Some kind of accident.

Some assholes had moved a big concrete and wood park bench into the roadway and apparently the poor woman had run into the thing. Her car was very banged up. I saw the front tire on the driver's side was flat, and the wheel was mangled up. I guess it hit the concrete part of the park bench.

"Could you use some help ma'am? What the heck happened?" I had not yet seen the bench, now under her vehicle. Once I saw it, everything became clear.

"Oh thank you, thank you so much for stopping! I ran into a park bench, the ones with the concrete ends. It was in the middle of the road and I couldn't steer out of the way fast enough. My husband is going to kill me."

"Don't worry yourself about anything. I'll get you fixed right up in a jiffy. If you want to, why don't you go sit down in my car and relax. The heat is on to warm you right up." As I spoke I could see her shivering as it was March, and at 30 degrees, it was a bit cold. She didn't have a coat on. Her nipples were big and hard, and they were poking through bra and shirt! She had very big tits as well. She got in the Charger. I got my spare jacket out of the back and handed it to her. Her teeth chattering she said thank you. She used it like a blanket. She was happy getting warm in the Charger.

Her left front tire was toast and the rim was bent. She was trying to put on her spare tire, but I noticed that it too was flat. I got out my tools and my spare tire which should fit ok. It was on a fancy Cragar wheel. Oh well, it would get her home.

I got the X wrench to break the lug nuts loose, and I was having a hell of a time. I'm pretty strong, and I gave it my all... And I bent the damn wrench! What the hell? I got down with the flashlight and examined the nuts. There on the studs was the letter "L". Oh fuck, am I stupid or what? Left side of the car, left hand threads! I'm turning it the wrong way! How idiotic of me. Well, it took some bitching and swearing, but I got the wheel changed out. I had inadvertently tightened all the lugs, but once I figured it out, everything started to come together.

The bumper and fender I pulled out enough to let the tire and wheel turn. The suspension was ok, near as I could tell on the side of the road. Under the hood, things were not great. The lower radiator hose had an inch long tear in it. The battery was a gonner. The left headlight was smashed as well as the bumper and the fender. I managed to get what was left of the battery out of the car. I put it over on the side of the road, as it still had most of the battery acid in it. The top was just hanging on by a thread. The one post was broke off, and the other was attached to the top of the battery, now separated from the main body. It took me a while, but I got my spare battery in there, hooked it up to get her home. I had some black friction tape, and I used that to wrap up the radiator hose and give her a fighting chance to drive home. I left the radiator cap loose, a very big dont-do-this, but the friction tape would not take any pressure at all. She was only going a few miles. Filled to the top, she could make it fine.

I cleared out the debris from under her car, checked the fluids, filled up the coolant and started it up. It didn't sound great, but it was running. The exhaust had taken a beating, and would require more repairs than I could do in the middle of the night on the side of the road. I used a wire coat hanger to hold up the exhaust. That seemed to help a bit. All the lights worked except for the one headlight. I used a couple of bungee cords to hold the fender and bumper in place, just good enough to get her home. I hoped my jury rigged quick repairs would make it to her home.

I pulled what remained of the park bench out of the road and walked back to my Charger. The poor woman was dead asleep in the passenger side. I just took notice, she was tall and had really nice big tits, at least DD easy, maybe bigger than that. She had long brown hair. She didn't look very sexy in her dirty hospital scrubs. Her name tag said County General Hospital, Donna J. O'Connor. I knew some of the nurses there, but I had never met her. She had a big wedding ring.

"Mrs. O'Connor... Wake up. Mrs. O'Connor." I touched her shoulder and she grabbed me with surprising strength and pulled me into a full on the mouth kiss. With her tongue in my mouth. Of course I kissed her back!

"You saved me. You come to rescue me in a Charger. You are either a knight in shining armor, or an angel." She was slightly slurring her words. I guess she found my beer. "I'm Donna O'Connor. So very pleased to meet you." She had a way of looking straight into your soul. It was really uncanny, and a little bit unnerving.

"I really do hate to disappoint you, Mrs. O'Connor, but my name is Dan, Dan McDonald, and I am just a regular guy out on a joyride... that happened to see a very beautiful woman in dire distress. What kind of man would I be, to not stop to help you?

"I mean really, a nurse that takes care of sick and injured people all day long. I just had to stop. Anyway, your car is working good enough to get you home, so you better get home to your husband. He's probably frantic with worry." I told her. This was way before cell phones even existed.

"But I wanna do something for you." Donna's hand was on my pants, my rapidly hardening cock being fondled by her nimble little fingers. Next thing I knew she had my pants undone and her mouth was wet, and hot, and locked around my rock hard cock. Donna's head was bobbing up and down like a jackhammer. The woman was a gifted cocksucker. She was cradling my testicles in her hand. Her head was bobbing like a blur. The woman had a great talent with her mouth and throat.

I did not last long. "Mrs. O' Connor I'm going to cum!"

"In my mouth! I really want to fuck you. But I love cum! Give me your cum. Shoot it in my mouth, please!" That was it, I erupted like Vesuvius. I must have surprised her with my volume of semen, it shot out of my dick so hard and fast that Donna choked herself and some came out of her nose, and around my cock. I think I came at least gallon of jizz, maybe more. She swallowed every bit of my cum. She smiled as she licked the last traces of my cum from her sexy, plump, cocksucker lips.

"Thank you for the really wonderful blow job. You know that you didn't have to do that, right?" I said.

Donna licked her lips. "I wanted to. Damn, Daniel you have a very nice cock. Look at that, you're getting HARD AGAIN! OH I need your big, fat dick inside of me this very instant." Donna was practically jumping out of her clothes. I could smell her sexual excitement. In what just seemed like seconds, I was in the passenger seat with her on my lap, her hard nipple in my mouth and my hard cock getting shoved into a very tight wet place, Donna's very wonderful vagina. It was tight, hot and slippery, and she was rhythmically squeezing my dick as she went up and down on my meat pole like crazy. She was a champion dick rider for sure! Yeee Ha! Oh she felt so wonderful on my cock, and she kept mumbling something about big hard young dick inside of her. Her head was flung back as she crested. Her tight cunt got even tighter as she spasmed and locked her delicious snatch on my dick with amazing force in her hard come. What a magical pussy she has! My thrusting just seemed to make her spasm harder and squeeze my meatpole like heavy-duty vise! It was truly a wonderful experience.

"Oh fuck I'm coming on your big fat dick! Ohhhh!" Donna convulsed hard again as she hard climaxed. I shot a huge load into her married pussy as she clamped down on my dick severely in her orgasm, seven or eight jets of my jism deep in her cunt. Just then I saw a black and white Pennsylvania state trooper car pull in behind her car. He had the brilliant flashing red-blue-white, red-blue-white lights going. Damn the timing!

I had literally just filled her cunt up to the brim with my sperm, and THAT SECOND a fuckin trooper shows up. FUCK.

Oh shit! We had just a few seconds to get dressed! She and I scrambled to get dressed. We were both dressed very quickly. I got out of the car and walked back towards the cop. At least my pants were on! I hope my fly was up. Shit.

"Hey you, keep your hands where I can see them! Put your hands on top of the car. Do not move!" He yelled at me. He wasn't the trusting type. Of course, it's like 3 in the morning on a lonely road and he doesn't know me from adam, so I can understand his concern.

The cop frisked me and handcuffed me. He got my wallet and checked my ID.

"Who are you, and what the hell are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" he asked me, reading my license to check my story.

"My name is Dan McDonald, and I was just out for a joy ride. This is my nice Dodge Charger. I came up on this car here..." I motioned to the station wagon. "It was all smashed up! That poor woman was freightened and freezing to death." I motioned at Donna, who was back in her nuses outfit. Her nipples were still visibly hard, but it was so damn cold, so it had an easy explanation.

"Whose car is this?" He asked me about the station wagon.

"It's mine officer. I'm Donna O'Connor. I hit that park bench in the middle of the road. This young angel was kind enough to stop and help me." She nodded at me.

"Are you ok? Do you need medical attention?" the cop asked Donna.

"I'm ok. My car is very badly messed up. Dan jury rigged it to get me home. I only live about three miles from here, up by the reservoir. I'm up on Pine Tree Road." She explained.

"Well, you should fill out an accident report. You can use it when you talk to your insurance company." The officer uncuffed me. "Show me the repairs you made." I pointed out the various fixes. He laughed about the left hand threads. I showed him the bent wrench. He laughed again at my little miscue.

"I made the same mistake on one of our cruisers. Good job overall. This is not the first time this has happened in this area. I think someone has way too much time on their hands."

"Who would do that? Poor Mrs. O'Connor could have been killed." I said.

"I dunno. Kids maybe? Or some crazy guy. We'll catch up with them. You should get home. Your folks are probably calling the station right now. Thank you for stopping by the way. Great job on fast repairs. Now git on home. Be careful driving home. There are quite a few deer to hit at night!" He shooed me to my car. He shook my hand as he motioned for me to get going.

"Mrs.O'Connor. Do you want to exchange our phone numbers? I will be needing my spare wheel and battery back. I mean no hurry, but eventually." We exchanged phone numbers.

Donna kissed me on my cheek, "I still want to fuck you so bad. I'll call you," she whispered in my ear. Then she said loudly, "Thank you so much for all your help Daniel McDonald." She went back to filling out more accident paperwork for the cop. I left and went home. I felt terrific. I had really done something. I had helped someone. Wow, it felt good! Plus, I got laid, wonderfully fucked and sucked by a beautiful woman! Who would believe me?


Back in the real world, my parents were wide awake when I got home. I told them what happened and they of course did not believe a word of it. Then a funny thing happened. The phone rang. It was a Pennsylvania state trooper calling, officer Jack Martin. He was just making sure that I got home safe, and telling my parents what a good kid I was for helping the stranded nurse. He told them they should be proud for raising such a decent young man. My parents were in shock. Happy shock. I have to say thanks to that cop. He saved my ass with my parents.

My folks were wide eyed when they heard that. They both hugged me and kissed me. My mom said, as a reward I didn't have to be at the nine o'clock services. We would all go to the second service at eleven. It took everything I had not to fall asleep as the pastor droned on and on. The man had a talent for putting folks to sleep. My mother's elbow is very sharp in my ribs.

The rest of the week would be all school and work. I was wiped out.

The week just flew by. I was in my last semester in high school and then I was going to be a Marine. That was happening in late September. Well that was the plan anyways. That was my planned induction date. I had not committed yet, but I was sure I would be going.

I had my afterschool job at a grocery store. I was working in the produce department, when this huge guy comes over. He was missing his left arm. He had a Viet Nam Vet hat on and he walked with a cane. The man walked with quiet dignity, but it was plain to see he was fragile from his

severe wounds. It looked like he had gone through hell.

"Are you Daniel McDonald?"

"Yes sir, how may I help you sir?"

"You already did son. I'm Mark O'Connor. You are the guy who fixed up Donna's car enough to get her home?" He was appraising me as we talked. That was weird.

"Mr.O'Connor, it's a pleasure to meet you sir. Did your wife get home ok?" He shook my hand with his one big hand. He had a very strong grip.

"Just call me Mark. She certainly did get home just fine, with a state trooper right behind her. Donna's car is in the shop for repairs. Here." He stuffed a hundred dollar bill in my shirt pocket. I handed him back his money. I didn't help Donna for money!

"I don't want your money sir. You and your beautiful wife both thanked me. Hell, that big state trooper Martin even thanked me. I'm good. I will be needing my spare wheel and battery back when it's convenient for you. I was only too glad to help sir."

"You are so very right." He put TWO hundred dollar bills in my shirt pocket. "I heard that you just turned nineteen, so consider that a birthday present from us too. Donna wants me to extend an invitation for you to come over tonight or Saturday night. She wants to cook you a meal, and thank you herself properly. What do you say?"

"I have to call my folks or they will go ballistic. Sure, tonight is fine. How do I find your place?" He had directions on a piece of paper. It was a bit out in the sticks. Way out in the woods up on Ghost Mountain next to the lake, er... reservoir. It was mostly trees up there. Kinda spooky as well.

"Do you know where the reservoir is? Just past that take a right up Pine Tree road, we're on the right, way up on top. Do you like corned beef and cabbage?" He smiled.

"Sure. Who dosen't?" I said.

"Well it's settled then. When do you get off work?"

"Oh geez I forgot. I don't get out of here till nine, tonight and tomorrow. That ok? It will be very late."

"That's actually better, Donna works late too. See you then tonight." He shook my hand. His hand was big. He was big. Maybe six-four, or six-five. But I felt I should watch out for him, like there was something wrong, but I don't know what or why. The way he walked you could see he was in pain. But he held himself straight as an arrow.

I had a bit of trepidation as I recalled his wife sucking on my cock like her life fuckin depended on it. Then Donna telling me that she was going to fuck me. Oh, what the hell, she was making corned beef and cabbage! I'm Irish and I was not gonna turn that down! Not even if his wife was a little dirty! What a naughty little bitch she was.


That night, when I got up to the O'Connor house, I was very impressed. On top of a very big hill, the back of the little bungalow overlooked Helertown and the Saucon valley. It was a very amazing intoxicating view, with all the lights. You could just make out Bethlehem Steel and the smoke coming out of the stacks in the distance. Talk about a million dollar view. The other way, the moon danced upon the gentle waves in the reservoir reflection, it was just beautiful up there. Up in the sky was a million stars. Wow. I wondered how the water in the reservoir was not frozen. It looked like more than half was frozen, but everything close to the overflow was liquid. I guess spring was getting very close.

I knocked on their door, fear and excitement in equal measure running through my head. I had fucked this nice man's sexy little wife, so the man had a very good reason to end my life, but for some reason, I was not afraid. Indeed, I felt safe. I must be nuts.

"Welcome Daniel. Come on in. We're going to eat right away if that's ok with you?" Mark said. He had a hell of a grip. He had a farmers hand, big and very strong. The guy was built like a bear.

"Sure, I'm starving. I never turn down corned beef and cabbage!" I replied.

Donna was in the kitchen serving up the plates. They handed me a green beer. Saint Patrick's day was two days ago on Wednesday, and it was Friday. But what the hell, we Irish don't need much of an excuse to drink green beer. Seems like everyone thinks that Saint Patrick is the patron saint of green beer. I see no reason to disillusion them! I have heard that corned beef and cabbage is not a big thing in Ireland, but I don't care. I love it. It's just plain delicious. It's even better on a cold night, and this unseasonably cold weather made it seem like winter was not going to end.

"Or would you prefer a Guinness?" Asked Donna.

"I do love Guinness, but this is already poured. I don't want to be wasteful, especially when it comes to beer." I do enjoy good beer. She smiled at me when I said that. I was technically not old enough for beer, like that ever stopped a teen from imbibing!

"Dan why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself." Mark opened the dinner conversation.

"Well, I just turned nineteen. I'm graduating in several months. I'm happy about that. I'm kind of a motor head, I have a pretty decent car that seems to suck up every dollar I make. I have a job at the grocery store that foots the bills. At the end of this summer, I plan to go for my basic training."

"I'm going to be a Marine. I'm gonna sign up for a four year hitch. I'm going to try to get some money for college. I might become an officer and go that route, or go for engineering. My last career path may be in law enforcement, but there are so many hurdles to get by there."

"I don't have a girlfriend, and with me leaving now in late September, it probably would not be a good idea to get into a basically doomed relationship. I don't think long distance would work for me."

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