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Judith: The Power of Desire Ch. 08

Story Info
Mature businesswoman unexpectedly becomes a voyeur.
5.7k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 12/31/2011
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Part 8 The Dampness of Sex

A long hard day at work.

Judith leant back in her seat on the train and closed her eyes. A difficult but successful day and her boss had seemed pleased, really pleased—which was nice. Nothing she thought was more motivational than praise. Money was useful, yes very useful, but knowing you were doing well, were doing useful things, knowing you were doing right was the thing really. 'Self actualisation' as Maslow called it. She could buy that management concept. Money though gave you food, a roof over your head and, yes, safety but there were other re­wards than just money and, of course, being happy in your circumstance was important. You did not just need food and a roof but contentment in relation­ships. Having all three— good food, a good roof and good relationships — pro­vided more, of course.

Judith thought back over the last few weeks and how she was happier now than she had been before; not only was she enjoying good food, good clothes, a good flat but good sex. She was really enjoying those two young men and what was the harm in that, she hadn't damaged their relationships with their girlfriends one iota. She had been careful in that—she had just 'borrowed' Gary and Keith. It kept her free of ties, no emotional involvement to speak of, and that had left her free to concentrate on work and her recent success, both recognised by her and by her boss, was the result. Of course it might lead to more reward, yes money, new responsibility, promotion even.

The Blackberry buzzed but Judith let it be. She wondered if one of the boys was free tonight, she was tired but a little relaxation of such a pleasing physi­cal sort would be just right. She hoped those two girlfriends were not interfer­ing with them. It would be awful to find them both out, staying around Lou and Chloe's flats. Surely at least one of them would be in? She picked up the Blackberry and called Keith,

"Have you anything on tonight," she asked.

"No, nothing," he'd replied, "just catching up on some work."

"Well put a sock on it," she'd replied, "and come around for a drink at nine." A coded phrase but one which would mean exactly what it said!

What was more Gary was 'in' as well, she was in luck, they would both be around at nine. Both her boys coming round to please.

They were, at her front door right on the dot of nine. Judith loved the effect of the pills upon them, the way they simply had to do what she said. Not only were they prompt but each as naked as the day he was born apart from, of course, each wearing a pink sock modestly enclosing his generative organ. Ju­dith was momentarily taken aback; she hadn't meant them to be at the door quite like that but to strip once they were inside. What if they had been seen? No wonder they had looked so worried and had rung the bell so urgently. She hadn't intended them to take her quite so literally and would have to be more careful in future; it was one thing risking their own embarrassment but quite another if they had been seen at her door. Safely inside her flat, though, they looked just wonderful. Young strong men with just an intriguing little pink (with green hearts) cotton pouch (or sock!) covering their manhood and there she was still dressed in her business suit. It was just so lovely to welcome them both with a kiss each on the cheek and then to pat their tight naked bot­toms as she ushered them into her lounge, to be free to roam over their bodies as and when she wished.

It was a pleasant time sitting there in her lounge chatting away about this and that, about how the day had been, difficulties shared, amusing reminis­cences exchanged and all the while Judith had poured the lager. The result of her generosity was rather inevitable, first Keith then Gary said they needed to pay a visit; Judith though said "no hurry" and "not yet" whilst she refilled their glasses; she was playing games again At first Keith and Gary were not much perturbed but as time passed they became more anxious and their re­quests repeated. Finally Judith pretended to notice the very obvious signs of distress and the bulging socks displaying in a very visual way their need 'to go.'

"I've always wondered," she said, "what it is like having a wee when you are a boy. Having that hose must make it so different. I've always wanted to try; rather like the little girl in that joke, you know, the one when the mother of the girl says to her next door neighbour that she doesn't want the neighbour's son coming around to her garden to play with her daughter anymore. The boy's father asks, "Why not?" and the mother says, "Come here and I'll show you." In her garden the girl's name is written in wee in the snow. The boy's fa­ther said, "Oh, come on, that's just boy stuff." The mother, though, says, "You think I don't know my own daughter's handwriting?"

The boys really were not interested in jokes, they were in pain.

"Come on then, may I try please, may I hold?" Judith asked.

It was not as if they could refuse: their need desperate, the pills preventing their objection.

"Well, this is not going to work is it?" said Judith feigning bemusement. She had plucked Keith's sock and had his erection in hand. "It is pointing quite the wrong way. Even I know it needs to be pointed at the bowl!" Idly she stroked as she pretended to think about the problem. "I suppose you are no better?" Gary was plucked. "What do we do? Wait for you to both get soft?"

Her hands were fondling, there was no way the erections were going to subside. "What are we going to do with you two poor boys? I know if I make you come then you'll go all soft and then you can wee. I'd like to fuck and make use of those lovely hard penises of yours. They really do look so fuckable. Semen first, then urine. What marvellous multi-function devices!" Her hands were stroking; she was playing with them, enjoying her teasing whilst they were in pain. They were her playthings—she was in control.

"Judith please, I want to pee." Gary was pleading

"Let me get my clothes off." Letting the penises go, Judith began to take her clothes off, neatly folding them on the chair, taking her time, teasing the young men.

Naked, she pulled the two men to her feeling the hard warmth of their penises against her skin. "Now where shall we fuck? You know, I could just bend over the settee and you two take me in turns." She made to bend over, her bottom round and inviting.

"Judith, please, no."

"I wouldn't want you in the bedroom in case you started leaking wee all over the bed. Perhaps standing up in the bath would be safest! Quick, I can hardly wait."

Holding them by their penises she led them to the bathroom.

"In you get boys." She got in too. "Now how are we going to do this?"

"Can't I just pee in here please Judith; it won't go on the floor but down the plughole?" Keith was being practical.

Judith smiled; she had been waiting for that suggestion. "Well, all right then but'" her hands closed around the two penises, "I'll control these. Are you ready?"

"But Judith," said Keith, "I'm too close to you and Gary; I might spray ei­ther of you."

"I know, that would make you a bad boy wouldn't it"


"No 'buts', both of you start weeing now!"

The command released them, the pent up pressure of their lager filled bladders was unstopped, and between Gary and Keith two fountains shot up in the air to fall splashing down into the bath. Judith giggled whilst Gary and Keith looked on with a mixture of relief that their pain was ended and horror as Judith moved the aim of their penises; instead of the streams of wee falling between them it was now hitting each other in the chest and cascading down their bodies, running over their stomachs, penises and Judith's hands to stream down their legs into the bath. Something they would never have dreamt of doing to each other in a thousand years.

"How funny," said Judith, "is it nice, can I try? Stop weeing."

The command was obeyed; Judith moved and then she instructed the boys to start again directing their flow onto her breasts so the hot streams splashed onto each of her nipples.

"Ooh I like that," exclaimed Judith, "I bet that would feel fantastic on my clitoris. Let's try. Stop again."

She sat on the side of the bath by the wall, legs splayed and with the two men kneeling between them. "Keith, you first, you aim and go!"

Keith aimed well and the hot torrent caught Judith just where she wanted. She leant back against the tiled wall revelling in both the heat and force of the steady onslaught on her little nub; it was not so much a tickling little stream as a stinging hot jet, striking and bouncing off her to pour down into the bath. She could have enjoyed that for a long time but, inevitably, Keith's flow soon faltered and fell away to a weak trickle. It was then Gary's turn and he was still in spate; his hot stream further excited Judith, hitting her just on the right spot. It was all a surprisingly pleasurable experience for her. Should she return the favour?

Motioning for the men to lie down, Judith stood over them with her legs wide apart. She looked down at Gary and Keith lying side by side in her big bath looking up at her; she knew what they were looking at; knew they could see everything but she was in the dominant position. "Ready boys?" And be­fore they could answer she let fly. It was surprisingly easy to aim, just a slight movement of the hips and her broad stream moved. She giggled, little girl like, as her stream first caught Gary's penis right on its head and it twitched at the sudden sensation—it actually jumped. Her hips swivelled and the stream swept across from Gary to Keith and his penis did the same little jump. With just a swing of her hips she moved her torrent from one boy to the other watch­ing it bouncing off their large penises and splashing away over their hips and balls. Of course it could not last and so all three were drained. It was now time for the real sex.

"Shower time," she said. That would mean more hot splashing water cas­cading over them and with the fun of lathering, the feel of slippery shower gel on skin.

It was good in the shower, Judith liked having her two young men paying close attention to her, saving her the chore of washing; doing it for her. Two pairs of big hands roaming, hands slippery on her thighs, hands massaging her large breasts; fingers in intimate places; hard men beside her; handles to hold onto.

Intercourse in the shower was not her idea. She had liked seeing the boys lying in the bath with her standing over them. Her desire now was to be on top; for her to be in charge of which penis was inside her; for Judith to control the pace.

Being dried by two attentive men armed with fluffy towels was bliss; hav­ing them apply the moisturising oil and making sure it was really rubbed in well was so... invigorating. Judith revelled in the attention. She let them dry themselves whilst she watched admiringly—really Keith and Gary did have such fine bodies, so delectable and so erect.

Leading them from bathroom to bedroom, once more by their maintained erections, Judith had them lie down on her bed, side by side, but with room for a thigh between them. She knelt over Gary, thighs splayed, one knee either side of his hips, her sex in position above his, ready for the joining; and, as she leant forward, her breasts hung above them, swinging a little. Gary's eyes fol­lowed their movement as if mesmerised.

Glancing down her body Judith reached with one hand and lifted Gary's penis, pulling it away from his stomach upwards towards her, aiming it; she settled, touching her sex to his, lodging the penis head just inside her. Her hand was released—connection was made—the feeling delightful, more than anticipation but the start of the act.

Despite the activity lower down Gary was still staring at her breasts and so was Keith for that matter.

"Oh, OK then, one each," Judith said and lowered her breasts towards the seeking mouths; Gary taking the left, Keith to her right the other. The unusual delight of having both her breasts suckled at the same time was a fresh plea­sure. The boys were eager, the sucking strong. Judith lowered herself, millime­tre by millimetre, down Gary's long shaft, savouring the feeling of being opened as the smooth, round, tapering head probed deeper. There was no diffi­culty; Judith was flowing like a young girl as she absorbed the long penis.

She began to ride, up and down, as if on the saddle of a horse. A steady rhythmic, bouncing movement, an exercise likely, she thought, to be good for thigh tone and certainly very pleasurable not least the scratchy, tickly feel of curly hair on her clit at the end of each down stroke. What she did not want to feel, though, was the warm pumping of semen—not yet anyway; she did not want Gary coming before her; she wished to conserve her men, maintain them for her prolonged use; Judith had a long way to ride. A few more bounces, a few more delicious slides and she was off Gary and manoeuvring over Keith. There was no need, though, to unplug her nipples; she left the young men at their suckling whilst she lifted Keith's penis in turn and pushed herself onto it and renewed her activity on the fresh penis, an easy slippery sliding—she was impressed by her flow.

Turn and turnabout, Judith moved easily from one erection to the other. She was amused by how the resting penis looked, as hard as anything but coat­ed in her lubrication, standing above or, in Gary's case, tightly against a damp stomach and a nest of very wet curls. The 'dampness of sex,' she thought as her thighs worked the now active penis, driving it in and out of her.

There was no hurry, Judith could bring herself to the brink and slow down to let it slip away before building again, teasing herself knowing the boys were there for her pleasure. She could rest astride them if she wished and play with their nipples; there was nothing much to hold compared to her own breasts though, certainly, they were little hard peas she could squeeze and pull: or she could ride hard, back upright, thighs pushing her up and down whichever slip­pery pole she was on at the moment, her breasts bouncing unless she chose to restrain them or have the boys hands knead them. The thigh work was excel­lent exercise; she would have to develop it as a regime; it would be good for her; better than the gym.

It was pleasing for her to compare the two young men, as she hopped from one to the other, sliding on first one penis and then the other. One boy so hairy, dark hair running in a line from his pubic hair up his stomach to his re­markably hirsute chest; a really manly man, though Judith was not too sure the other boy could be described any differently given his muscular frame and air of manly fitness. The light dusting of fair hair, almost hairless to his chest leaving his nipples in clear view, was not, she thought, particularly male; yet the nest of fine fair curls all around his penis showed he was not devoid of bod­ily hair. She wondered how his beard would grow; perhaps she should encour­age that to see?

She felt her orgasm building again and she was not now minded to delay it, the tingling feeling was growing and she bounced faster driving the penis (it happened to be Keith's) into her harder, perhaps deeper, and then it came, the delicious heat spreading out across her body and the intense electric feeling be­tween her thighs. Judith's head went back but there was no let up in her bounc­ing; not immediately.

Finally she slowed and lay sprawled across Keith's chest, his penis still lodged within her. She rested as he stroked her sweaty body. The exercise had been energetic! Could she repeat the orgasm? A little unsteadily she got back up and began moving, riding Keith's penis again. Once more she swapped, Keith's erection dropping wetly from her and she moving across to pull Gary's hard penis away from his stomach, holding it almost upright so she could slide down. It was hot, wet and so firm in her hand; she squeezed and was sur­prised at how difficult it was to grasp, so slippery in her hand. Settling she began her next ride, starting at a trot she built up to a canter, moving with con­fidence on her mount, demonstrating her control.

The idea of her as a horsewoman came to her. She liked her present ride, but would it amuse instead to have the boys on all fours taking her for a ride around her sitting room, her wet sex planted on their backs, the ridges of their backbones catching her clit and stimulating it as she road bareback and they moved. She could imagine them as proud stallions with their large penises swaying beneath as she rode them around the room—hard penises but sore knees! Perhaps she should have Chloe and Loo as part of her herd. She would enjoy controlling the mounting of those fillies, the boys rearing up and trying to settle on the girls' backs, trying to mount the girls. She could help or frus­trate. Perhaps she could strap the boys up, prevent the joining, leaving them stamping and snorting in their failure with the two mares in heat equally un­fulfilled; or she could coral the girls away from the boys before releasing one of their penises to service her whilst the others watched in frustration.

Gary was the first of her men to come. Despite her care in not over using one, swapping regularly to let their enthusiasm cool, there was a steady build­ing in their excitement and, just before she was about to swap to Keith she ob­served the change in Gary's face, the sudden faraway look of imminent ejacula­tion. She rode the harder and felt the pulsing within and the sudden increase in lubrication as she watched with pleasure the look on Gary's face, the strange grimace of orgasm. Judith did not let up in her riding. Merely because Gary had come and his penis was now tender was no reason for her to stop; she intended to use up its remaining stiffness until it was gone when she was forced to fall back on her other man. Almost immediately, though, she felt the change—a creeping loss of bulk, the sense that all was not as solid as before, an increasing feeling that she would not be able to hold onto the penis and its period of lodgement within her was over. On the rise it fell out and Judith left it, moving smoothly over to straddle Keith, she smiled down at him and took hold of his hard penis and looked at it pointing up between her legs. As she watched a dollop of Gary's cream leaked from her and slipped out to fall direct­ly onto Keith's shiny dome coating it in whiteness -- icing on the plum! Judith let herself down, the dome slowly disappearing into her, returning the semen from whence it had come, pushing it back up into her. She glanced again at Keith, he had not missed the event, must have felt the dribble on his penis.

Judith found the movement even freer than before, the boys, her orgasm and now Gary's ejaculation had relaxed her. She could feel how squishy-squashy she was — 'sloppy-seconds' for Keith, she thought. Again she was far off but a little extra stimulation was needed.

"Your hands please Keith."

With one hand on her breasts and the other stroking her clit Judith came again. Not usual for her twice in one bout but, there again, how often before had she had the opportunity of fucking two young men at once. Well it was ac­tually becoming a little more common; she could become very used to the expe­rience! It was as good, if not better than before. The electric feeling moving out from between her legs, the continuing feeling of Keith's penis within her and the heat inside her body. She shuddered and squealed before falling across Keith just as she had with Gary. It was several minutes before she moved. Within her she could feel Keith as hard as ever; she pulled off and lay on her back regarding the still excited boy.


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