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Juicy Lucy the Art Model Pt. 03

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And further into erotic art!
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/05/2022
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(Please read Parts 1 and 2, to learn about an avant-garde private group extending the limits of erotic art with their uninhibited favourite model.)

Lying there, Lucy noted that she had sexual fluids all over her body, some drying and some still wet. While trying to wipe Michael's unplanned cum off her face and tits, some of her brother's semen, and Nancy's own juices from around her (Lucy's) twat, Lucy remarked that she didn't want to soil her robe, so she would just stay naked. Then she asked for a volunteer for the next pose. My hand went up first, but she asked me to wait for later. She chose Jack, a longtime friend to nearly everyone there, including Lucy and also to me. She'd always admired his paintings, and from many previous sessions we all knew he could control his penis when placed inside Lucy or Sarah. Michael and Jack went off to the changing area, Michael to clean up and Jack to get into a robe. They returned together, Michael to his easel and Jack to drop his robe and join Lucy, who just then was idly twisting a finger of one hand into her pubic hairs and circling her clit with a finger of the other hand, all whilst chatting with us about her favourite positions for intercourse, and thus, for posing.

I noticed that Lucy's abbreviated patch of pubic hair was matted with cum, some still wet and some dry. New juice was seeping freely from between her now reddened and puffy pussy lips. The sheet beneath her bum was soaked with her wetness and the cum of the various men who had posed with her so far.

The new pose required Jack to sit on the stuffed chair and Lucy to sit on his lap with her legs straddled over the armrests, her back to him, both facing us. First Jack was seated, and since her hands were to stay behind her neck she asked me to guide Jacks' cock up into her as she was lowered. As this arrangement allowed us an unobstructed view of the penetration, Lucy took in the entire cock. With one hand I guided Jack's cock upward into Lucy, holding her lips apart with the fingers of the other hand. This was easy, given that she was so wet. As soon as she announced she felt full, she leaned down to give me a quick kiss on the forehead, then wriggled a slight bit to find a comfortable position with the new cock inside her. I noticed her clit was extended again, so I gave it a quick tickle with my finger. That earned me another kiss.

After Jack's hands were placed cupping Lucy's breasts, the pose was set, so I returned to my easel for a new sketch. But first I took the time to survey the scene: The view was spectacular. Lucy's arms were stretched upward to emphasise her slender torso, and her nipples were just peeking over Jack's hands, her legs over the armrests. Her slit was open to reveal her clit, prominent and dark pink in contrast to the lighter pink around it. We could see the underside of Jack's rigid shaft disappearing into the arch of Lucy's wet folds. She asked if we could see her clit and if some of Jack's cock was still visible as it disappeared into her.

Yes, and yes. All was wet and shiny. I told her that, apart from the embedded cock, her cunt looked like open rose petals awash in morning dew. But the best part was that Lucy made eye contact with us as she maintained this pose. Looking deep into the eyes of a naked woman who happens to be very close to you, engaged in the ultimate act of public sex is, in itself, a world-shattering thrill. And no matter how many times, I never tire of helping to guide another cock into her. Whilst thus posed, she asked me to come kiss her, first on the mouth and then at her slit, just where Jack's cock entered her. In doing so, I felt an intense closeness to her.

For nearly half an hour she maintained her pose, then we lifted her off of Jack. Jack was still hard, and just before his cock was completely unsheathed he ejaculated into her. For her part, Lucy dribbled some of Jack's cum onto the sheet then was immediately ready for the next pose, and asked Michael to join her again. He agreed, stripped off while the chair was moved out of the way, then he joined her on the divan, now made down flat. This position had her on her back, with his body arched over and just penetrating her. Her ankles were over his shoulders, thus tipping up her bum and exposing her anus--I love the sight of Lucy's neat little asshole! She asked me and Sarah to arrange the pose.

Michael had regained his erection. Sarah used two hands: one to roll back Michael's foreskin and the other to place the exposed tip up under Lucy's bum and into her cunt, which I held open. Then I held Michael's cock in place while Sarah stepped back to survey the scene. After a few adjustments, the pose was set and Sarah and I returned to our easels. (I'd helped Sarah guide many cocks into Lucy, and had even fed quite a few cocks, including my own, into Sarah's own cunt when it was her turn as principal model. We enjoyed working together and were good at it, and I especially enjoyed having my cock inside Sarah although I felt more at home with Lucy. As noted, all the women stripped off for modeling but only Lucy and Sarah allowed penetration.)

Lucy and Michael held the pose, until one of the artists asked that the cock be moved further in. In response, Lucy moved her knees further outward and asked me to come over and help feed Michael's over-sized cock the rest of the way into her. So now her bum was tipped up even more, with just the tip of Michael's cock already in, but there was still another 20 cm or so still outside of her, and of course there was its girth to deal with. Over the previous several poses Lucy had produced plenty of lubrication, but I still had to ease her lips apart while Sarah returned to make sure Michael didn't enter too forcibly.

As I worked Michael's cock into her, Lucy met my eyes and playfully remarked that with all this lube inside her we should be having an easier go of it. At one point, when Michael withdrew his penis so we could aim it better, Lucy's vagina remained open and I could see that in its uptipped angle it was brimming with creamy cum. Juicy Lucy indeed! I didn't even try resisting the temptation to dip my fingers in and stir the pot a bit! Lucy giggled at the sensation.

We dipped Michael's cock into her again, and slowly she took as much in as she could, whilst another artist was busy making a series of quick sketches of the changes in Lucy's expression as she gradually took in her young student's full cock. Other artists were busy trying to draw the fluid squishing out of Lucy as Michael's cock went in. When Lucy joked that she thought she could feel the cock up in her lungs somewhere, we decided it was time to stop. Again, the contrast between her pale skin and his darker tones, so intimately coupled, accented by cum oozing out from their juncture, made for some very interesting drawings as the two models kept still, obviously fighting the urge to hump. Lucy didn't look over at me except for a few instances, and I could see she was enjoying having Michael's cock in her. The accumulated cum from the previous several penetrations was leaking out and flowing over her upturned bum, now all shiny and sticky. As the cock was being eased into her she coyly avoided eye contact with me, but once she had taken in its full extent, she locked her eyes onto mine and kept them there.

The whole time Michael was inside her, she gave us a running commentary on how it felt, that this wasn't quite the longest she'd ever taken, but that it certainly was her thickest. I admired her dedication to the craft, and her willingness to provide us with yet another opportunity to create new and unique art.

Even lying still, she experienced another orgasm. As she came, Michael came for the third time that evening, then pulled out, leaving her there catching her breath. She remained in pose for a few minutes more, granting us time to sketch her vagina while still open from Michael's cock having just been withdrawn. We could see deep into her, a rare sight in an art studio.

The next pose called for Lucy to lie prone over one man, his cock in her vagina, whilst another man was to drill his own cock into her anus. This was accomplished with two new fellows, Thomas to penetrate her from below and Miller to kneel behind with his penis between her spread legs and into her ass. It was during this pose that Lucy's mum and dad arrived from their church dinner. The two bent over to give their naked and doubly-penetrated daughter a quick peck on the cheek, and chatted a moment with each of the men, before settling in behind their own easels. As the timer sounded, Miller withdrew his cock from Lucy's ass, leaving her to roll over off of Thomas. As she stood up to stretch, I saw that she was leaking fluid profusely from both front and rear. She told us her legs were so slick with cum that she could barely feel them one against the other.

Since her mum was now here, Lucy suggested the next pose be a mother-daughter scene, so Edith, a comely woman in her mid-sixties, stripped off to pose with her daughter. The familial resemblance between the two women was striking. Edith's breasts were full and swayed easily, while her prominent labia hung loose and open below her sparse bush of grey hair. She was very handsome of figure, having kept herself very well. Any woman would be doing well to look as good as Edith at her age. Lucy chose a pose to emphasise the differences and similarities between her mother's cunt and her own. So they sat side by side, leaning back on their elbows, each with a knee to the side. Edith's cunt was naturally open while Lucy's formed a neat seam. She asked me to come and spread her apart a bit, so her clit could be compared with Mum's. I discovered that what was keeping Lucy's lips together was the sticky cum, which I dabbed away as best I could. Several times throughout the ten-minute pose, I had to spread her twat apart again, while Mum's stayed open on its own.

I noticed that Mum was still capable of producing womanly fluids, and a complement regarding her scent and the attractiveness of her breasts and especially her nipples earned me a kiss on the forehead. I asked about the apparent liveliness of her clitoris, and she reassured me that even at her age this part of a woman could still be quite active.

Lucy stood up to stretch her legs and announced that she'd take a short break and then be ready for the final pose of the evening. Still naked, she came over to give me a hug and thanked me for tending to her cunt so her arms and hands could remain in pose. Then she grabbed her small handbag, and, with only a towel for cover, went out the door to go down the hall for some water and a pee. (I noted that this was the first time Lucy had ever left the studio without her robe. Maybe I'd find out later if there were any consequences.) Meanwhile, my clothing was left hot and wet and sticky with cum everywhere she had pressed her hot wet flesh against me. She left the sweet smell of raw primal sex on my clothing.

I took this time to go over and chat with Lucy's mum and dad. Lucy's son Jonathan and her brother Louis also joined us. After hugging both her grandson and her son and talking with them for several minutes, Edith eventually located her clothes and put them on.

With Lucy still gone, someone was describing the next pose: Lucy was to lean back on a cushion, knees raised and apart, whilst the other model would be on his side with his legs under Lucy's, and turn to face her. If this was posed properly, his penis would be seen just entering her from underneath, with one hand on her clit as if manipulating it. With her own hands she would hold his face to her breasts.

I was hoping the 'he' would be me!

So far tonight I'd kissed Lucy's nipples, diddled her clit, handled her labia, dipped my fingers into her cum-filled vagina, set other men's cocks into her cunt, and seen her mother naked, but I was still hoping to finally slide my own cock into Lucy's cunt.

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GinafrommaineGinafrommainealmost 2 years ago

Still a very nice and erotic series. He (I don’t think the narrators name has been mentioned) seems comfortable touching and posing other model’s cocks. I’d love it if 2 of the guys did an erotic / sexual pose with each other.

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