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Just For Kix


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"Trust me," Kix's words brushed softly against her cheek and Ahsoka shivered.

It took a considerable act of will to relax her tense muscles. Her body shook with the effort, but she forced herself to show that she trusted him. She trusted all of them. She always had. She always would.

She leaned her body into Hardcase and tried to steady her breathing. Kix stroked her, his tempo slowly pulling her toward another peak of pleasure. Then, so smoothly that she almost didn't realize it, he added a second finger and opened her a little wider. She moaned at the feeling of fullness; his thick fingers stretched her muscles and she felt every ridge on his knuckles as he pushed deeper into her.

She suddenly struggled against Hardcase, desperate to touch Kix, to run her hands over the Aurebesh tattoo on the side of his head, to run her fingers across the mouth-watering ridges of his chest. She eyes fluttered over toward Rex and was mildly shocked to see that he'd removed his groin armor as well and was slowly palming himself through the smooth fabric of his bodysuit. His eyes locked onto hers and Ahsoka bit her lip to stop a low moan.

"Kix," Hardcase growled against her shoulder. "I can't take much more of this," the words were gritted through clenched teeth.

Kix's fingers stopped and he cupped her in his hand. His fingers rested still, inside of her, but he didn't move them and she panted with the need he'd fired up deep inside her body. The medic leaned forward and tenderly kissed her cheek; Ahsoka mewled softly in protest.

"You'd be Hardcase's first, sir," Kix's words - and their implication - surprised her.

For a moment, Ahsoka's eyes went back to Rex. He merely narrowed his eyes and nodded, once, in silent permission. The young Jedi wondered, for a moment, why she felt she needed her lower-ranking officer's permission to do anything, but it had felt right. It wasn't the first time she'd sought Rex's approval; even as a general, it wouldn't be her last.

She turned her attention back to Kix, who still held her in his hand. She was a little surprised by the turn of circumstances - in the back of her head, she'd expected the medic to take her first. He had been the bolder of the two, but now Hardcase's reluctance seemed obvious. He'd been following Kix's lead, unsure of what to do, except as he was told. Even now, Hardcase was as still as the rest of them, uncertain.

It was strange, to sense such uncertainty from her brave troops. She'd seen Hardcase run head-long into a line of droids without a second thought; she'd fought side-by-side with him for almost over two years; she'd seen him confident and unquestioning in the line of fire. His sudden hesitancy touched her.

She nodded, just once, and arched her back as she twisted her body as best she could to turn her face toward Hardcase.

"Kiss me," she didn't mean to order him, but the tone came naturally by now.

And Hardcase responded immediately, without question. He moved his face so her lips could reach him; their kiss was light, sweet, and fleeting. She touched his lips with her tongue and he tasted like sour apple and spice. He opened his mouth to her and she leaned back as far as she could, her body supple and flexible enough to deepen the kiss.

Kix's fingers had started thrusting into her again - they kept time with her kiss, slow and gentle. Then, they were gone and Hardcase's body suddenly stiffened as he gasped against Ahsoka's mouth.

"Kix..." he growled, the word something between a plea and a curse.

Confused, Ahsoka turned back around and looked down. Her eyes grew wide as she saw that Kix had removed his hand from her, just to open Hardcase's bodysuit and pull him free. The medic's hand moved smoothly up and down Hardcase's cock with a certainty that begged quite a lot of questions - Ahsoka just stared, fascinated and she touched them tentatively through the Force.

They were both enjoying it and there wasn't even a hint of shock, disgust, or shame in their feelings. Ahsoka blushed as she realized that this definitely was not the first time Kix had touched Hardcase this way, or vice versa. They knew each other, knew each other's bodies, knew how to give each other pleasure. Females were the strangers to them - though, less so to Kix than to Hardcase. Hardcase was almost terrified of females - uncertain, painfully self-conscious, confused by his attraction. The familiar touch of Kix's hand seemed to embolden him, though, and Hardcase put his hands on Ahsoka's hips and pulled her up briefly against his body.

Kix held Hardcase steady as his brother guided her down onto his lap. Ahsoka moaned, the sound low and uncivilized, as the tip of Hardcase's thick cock pushed slowly into her. Kix moved his hand, his fingers trailing up the length of Hardcase's cock and then across the folds of Ahsoka's pussy as he moved toward her clit.

Ahsoka expected Kix to continue touching her, but what he did next surprised her. Hardcase's heavy groan filled the room as he finally pushed all of himself into her; he throbbed, hard and long, inside of her and his thickness spread her open even further to Kix's gaze.

The medic slid his body down the length of the bench, until his knees came almost parallel with Rex's boot. He lowered his stomach onto the bench, reached out to grab Ahsoka's hips, and brought his face toward her crotch. Ahsoka gasped and squirmed against Hardcase, who gasped and tightened his grasp against her. Kix slowly ran his tongue from the base of Hardcase's cock, to the tip of her clit, following the path his finger had traced just moments before.

Both Ahsoka and Hardcase moaned against the feel of Kix's warm, supple tongue. Ahsoka's mind reeled, rebelling slightly against a reality she had never even imagined before. Her eyes slammed shut as Kix buried his nose against the sensitive tip of her pussy, as Hardcase rocked his hips underneath her and moved his cock slowly inside of her. Her eyes fluttered open, confused, as another moan mingled with hers and Hardcase's - she looked over toward Rex, to see him cupping his bared balls in one hand and his own naked cock with the other.

The clarity of the moment dissolved into a jumble of emotions, lust, sensations, cries, and pheromones. Hardcase pinned her arms to his side as he wrapped his own arms below her breasts and bounced her roughly up and down against his cock. Kix barely had to move his head as the two moved underneath his tongue; he lapped hungrily at Ahsoka's slick clit, at Hardcase's tightening balls. Ahsoka found her gaze alternating between the sight of her breasts bouncing against Hardcase's armored arm, to the sight of Kix's closely-shaved head between her thighs, and to the sight of Rex taking his own pleasure into his hands.

None of them lasted long - Hardcase was too new to the feel of a female's body and Ahsoka could feel, through senses suddenly and almost painfully opened in the Force, as his release spiraled steadily closer to the surface. His pace was rough, unforgiving, and satisfyingly dominant, as he lost his uncertainty in the reality of their lust. He was long enough to reach her cervix and Ahsoka practically screamed each time he pounded brutally against her.

The achingly wonderful pain of Hardcase's rhythm was offset by the softness of Kix's tongue. Ahsoka's clit hardened in response and she was surprised to find that the knowledge of him pleasuring Hardcase as well, lent itself to a powerful mental arousal. Hardcase stretched her taunt and full and Kix's tongue barely had to touch her, to send powerful waves of pleasure through her groin, her breasts, her nipples, her lekku. The medic was a wonder with his mouth, as skilled with his tongue as with his hands. He played with Ahsoka and Hardcase both, using his tongue to enhance their passions, but not to take away from the pleasure they were giving each other. Ahsoka hovered on the edge of her release from almost the moment Kix lowered his mouth to her clit; he kept her there with skill, teasing her, but never pushing her past the brink.

Rex, too, seemed to be waiting for the inevitable. He held himself firmly, his strokes hard, rough, to-the-point. His eyes watched the scene unfolding in front of him with an insatiable sort of hunger and Ahsoka felt herself aching for him, even as Hardcase filled her to the point of pain. She could feel, through the Force, that Rex was dancing on the edge of his own release as well, but he was waiting for her. The knowledge of that nearly sent her over the edge and her muscles tightened dangerously around Hardcase's pounding cock.

Pain flashed bright against her senses, as Hardcase bit - hard - into her shoulder. His body bucked and spasmed beneath her and she could feel him emptying inside of her. Ahsoka didn't know if it was the Force, or her heightened Togruta sensitivity, or just her imagination, but she could feel Hardcase's warmth spill into her. He came, hard, his body shaking with the force of his release. The sensation of his body, his warmth, and his pain, finally pushed Ahsoka over into her own release.

Kix hardened his tongue against her as she threw her head back and keened. Another, deeper groaning growl mingled with theirs and Ahsoka didn't need to look, to know that Rex had come as well. Both her and Hardcase grunted and gasped, their bodies bucking wildly against each other and Kix's face. Warmth flooded between Ahsoka's thighs and she panted heavily as she slowly spiraled down from her high. Her body jerked, little mewls dragged from her lips, as Kix lapped at the juices that spilled over his tongue.

Ahsoka's body settled into a warm, pleasant haze of pleasure, as Kix licked her clean. When Hardcase finally shifted and pulled himself out of her, she felt pleasantly empty and spent. She watched, almost thoughtfully, as Kix slowly licked their mingled cum off of Hardcase's cock. The chest behind her back rose and fell heavily, her trooper's breath still heavy against her throat as he rested his forehead against her shoulder.

A shadow fell over them and she looked up to see Rex standing there, a peculiar, pointed expression on his face. Their eyes locked and she watched as he slowly held his bare hand out to her; his fingers were sticky and his intent was clear. A blush darkened Ahsoka's cheeks as she obediently leaned forward and took his forefinger and middle finger into her mouth.

Kix rested his head against her thigh, and she knew both he and Hardcase were watching as she licked their Captain's hand. The taste of Rex's release was warm, salty, and faintly sweet; Ahsoka decided rather quickly that she liked it and didn't complain when he gently forced her to suck each finger until it was clean. Rex never shifted her gaze from her face, nor hers from his. The lust in his eyes told her that this was just a short reprieve, a brief pause before he made good on his word.

He cupped her chin after she was done licking him and tilted her head up for a kiss. It was demanding and thorough - the taste and feel of his mouth was completely different from either Hardcase or Kix. Ahsoka was breathless again, as Rex leaned back and ordered his soldiers in the low, no-nonsense voice that she'd heard a thousand times before on a thousand battlefields.

"Hold her down, you two. It's my turn."

+ + + + +

Ahsoka woke up suddenly and immediately rolled over to moan into her pillow. She'd wandered - inadvertently - into one of Kix's kinky dreams. Again.

*I really need to stop this*, she thought and resisted the urge to lift her head and smack her forehead into the wall. *This is becoming waaaay too habit-forming.*

And worst of all, she knew Kix knew. It was becoming increasingly difficult to look at him in the galley at breakfast every morning. She didn't know why she always found herself wandering into Kix's dreams - maybe it was because he was the most open of all the troops. Maybe it was because his dreams were always the most imaginative. Maybe it was because he seemed able to pick up on her cues, even in dreams, and turn them on her in surprisingly inventive ways.

She had to wonder now, about him and Hardcase, though.

*Really*? she tried to distract herself from what was really bothering her, by remembering the way Kix had pleasured his brother with all-too-familiar ease.

But, distractions didn't last for long. Her mind wondered to Rex and she realized - with another groan - that even after such an amazingly satisfactory dream, she was still left wanting.

She wanted the stoic Captain - even Kix could tell. So, it begged the question, why couldn't she find the courage to approach Rex? Why didn't he approach her?

Then, it hit her.

He'd already approached her. In the dream.

It had ended so suddenly, when it did, because, somehow, Rex's dream had joined with Kix's, with hers. She hadn't been able to "find out what happened next", because Kix's dream had ended. And she hadn't been aware enough to step over into Rex's dreams.

Ahsoka moaned and buried her face in her pillow with a theatrical face-plant.

*Ugh! I'm such an idiot!*

Her body ached, her underlying lust unsatisfied. She wasn't going back to sleep any time soon and by the time she did, there was no guarantee Rex would still be dreaming. Or, even, dreaming the same dream.

*Guess I missed my chance*, she finally rolled over on her back and huffed. *Might as well go for broke, I guess.*

Her hands drifted slowly down the tight muscles of her toned stomach. She slept naked most nights, especially when she knew she wasn't going to be disturbed. She glanced at the chrono by her bed - it was just after midnight. The barracks was sound asleep - Kix's dream was a testimony to that - and she was alone in the room she had insisted on having.

She was a general, now, in command of a whole battalion. The Council decided to leave her with the 501st, though, she suspected it was because they wanted someone there to keep an eye and calming influence on her more-than-unstable Master.

Most Jedi stayed in the Temple. But she knew some who chose to stay with their men. She chose to stay with her men, in the barracks, where they could find her if they needed her.

Her fingers slipped a little lower and she closed her with with a sigh as she slowly circled her aching clit. Something moved in the darkness and her eyes slammed open. She had just enough time to reach for her lightsaber, when a strong hand curled around her wrist and the familiarity of the presence looming over her made her gasp.

"Need a hand with that, General?" Rex's voice was just as low and sexy as it had been in her dream.


"Rex?" Ahsoka squeaked, not really caring how undignified she sounded.

*How did he get in here? When did he get in here?*

"Is this another dream?" she asked, uncertain, as he swung a leg over her and the bed dipped underneath the settling of his weight.

"Does it feel like a dream?" Rex practically purred as he hovered over her and slipped two fingers smoothly into her.

Ahsoka cried out in instant pleasure and arched her back. Rex stroked her, his rhythm far more demanding that Kix's had ever been. His touch was persistent, greedy, demanding, and very warmly welcomed.

Her head rolled back onto her pillow with a moan.

"I asked you a question, sir," Rex spoke with proper courtesy, but his tone was usurping; she blushed and gasped helplessly underneath his hands.

"No," she whispered breathlessly.

"No, what?" her second-in-command leaned down and brushed his lips suggestively over hers.

"No, it doesn't feel like a dream," her breath hitched as he slipped his thumb over her clit.

Rex just chuckled, his words dark and sexy against her slightly parted mouth.

"Good girl. Remind me to thank Kix in the morning..."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Please update

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago


i love ahsoka.

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