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Just One Kiss Pt. 02

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Buzzed and a bit confused, Keri makes out with Carmen.
4.7k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 03/05/2024
Created 01/26/2024
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Just One Kiss, Part 2

"Wow, that was really something," Chris said, as he inched over towards where Keri was sitting.

She giggled and her face turned beet red while her crush ran his fingers through his hair nervously. 'He seems even more nervous than me,' she thought, a smile spreading across her lips.

"Well, it sure as hell wasn't in my plans, I am quite straight," she emphasized, hoping to steer the conversation away from the spectacle that had just happened. Plus, she wanted to make it clear where her interests were.

"Can I sit?" Chris asked though he felt certain it would be okay.

Keri smiled and nodded, pleased at how considerate and polite he was, which just made his winning smile and good looks shine all the more. She could tell that he was very fit, as evidenced by his biceps, which were toned, but not grotesque like a bodybuilder's would be. As she breathed in, she caught the aroma of cologne, just enough to be appealing.

"Thanks for coming to say hi, I honestly have wanted you to do that for a while," she said with a slight giggle, twisting her hair around her neatly painted right fingers.

Chris grinned as he lowered his body into the chair that Carmen had just vacated, noting that he had noticed the girl before but now had his full attention. "Well I wish you had let me know, I thought you might not be interested...or unapproachable," he admitted.

Keri's red lips dropped open in absolute shock. "Well, that is one word I have never heard used about me," she said, with a tone of extreme surprise.

Chris threw his hands up playfully, smiling and laughing in response. "Whoa, I wasn't accusing you, I promise!" he said with a jovial tone. 'She is even more awesome than I thought, love the sense of humor, he thought to himself.'

Keri giggled, already feeling comfortable with him, surprised at how well they seemed to click. For about the next half-hour, they talked and laughed, hands occasionally making contact with one another, giving her a warm feeling inside. Periodically, she would look around and make eye contact with Carmen, who just smiled in response, as if encouraging her to continue hanging out with her prospective beau. Carmen was happy for her of course, but also felt a pang of envy, even though their brief kiss had been forced more by circumstances than consent.

Later on, Chris scooted his chair closer and took Keri's feet in his lap, gently massaging her calf muscles. It was not deliberately sexual but rather an act of genuine affection that she appreciated. Given their increased comfort with each other, she did not object when he leaned in to give her a single, soft kiss on the lips.

Keri had wanted this to happen ever since she first laid eyes on Chris the last semester, but she never seemed to be able to draw him in. The kiss was nice but only lasted a few seconds, which disappointed her. "That was really nice." she said, trying to hint that she wanted more, but that just brought back the breathy whisper Carmen made into her ear, "If you ever want more..., she remembered before pushing the thought aside. She leaned forward and offered her lips to Chris again, hoping he would take the hint.

She needn't have worried, Chris wanted more too, but had been worried it might seem pushy if he dove right back in. His second kiss was firmer, as he tried to match every bit of her mouth with his own, with lips still closed. Keri savored the feeling, it was warm, sexy, and strong without being aggressive. She tried to simply lose herself in the experience, though the scratchiness of his barely-there facial hair was distracting. Determined to get past it, she tried to block out the sensation.

Chris gently pulled her on his lap, purposely avoiding having her straddle him, reasoning that feeling his erection might make it seem like things were moving too fast. The very last thing he wanted was to scare off this angelic creature that he was growing to really like. Positioning her somewhat sidesaddle, he gently pulled her face back to his, claiming her lips and kissing her with a little more fervor.

Keri sighed into the kiss, enjoying the sensory input that her lips were feeding to her feverish brain, losing herself in the simple pleasure it created. This felt good, right, and amazing, but she still found the roughness of his face a bit bothersome. Still, Chris was a great kisser and she wanted more, signaling that by parting her lips a bit to invite his tongue in to play.

Chris felt an inward thrill at Keri's body language, gently slipping his tongue and playfully touching hers. The first brush of their tongues made both of them shiver, pushing their bodies to move together more tightly. Keri could feel his breathing increase, signaling that his own arousal was mounting along with hers. At that moment, she could taste his mouth, and while it wasn't at all unpleasant, it was neutral at best. Ignoring that distraction, she continued actively participating in their mutual lip-lock and enjoyed it.

Carmen was having a fun and playful conversation with a slim redheaded girl that she had dated a time or two. The girl had recently become single again and had fond memories of their time together, and hoped to possibly rekindle something. As the girl stepped away to refresh her vodka cranberry drink, Carmen caught sight of Chris and Keri making out back where she had originally been sitting and smiled with satisfaction. They made a cute couple, and she was happy that their little episode had worked in her friend's favor, but still got the sense that it had meant more than she let on. 'Ah, screw it, straight girls can be a confusing headache anyway,' she thought, though the idea still excited her.

After what seemed like an eternity, Chris broke the kiss and pulled back from Keri, studying her body language. Her quivering lip and flushed face clearly shouted her enjoyment and arousal, prompting him to invite her back to his dorm room. Still, it seemed a bit too soon to jump into sex, and since he genuinely liked her, he dismissed the idea. "Hey, can we go out--actually go on a date kind of thing--? I am having a great time with you but want to get to know you better before..." he said, his voice dropping off, but the intentions clear.

Keri felt jarred back to reality when Chris pulled back, so it took a second for her mind to register what he had just said. 'Wow, what a gentleman, I thought he might be getting ready to ask for sex', she said to herself, nodding in assent at the request.

"Cool, I would really like that," she responded.

One of Chris' friends, who dared not interrupt while he was busy making out with Keri, waved his hand to get his attention, pointing at his wrist. "Dude, we're late, let's go." he mouthed from across the crowded room.

Keri looked to see what had gotten his attention and got the message without hurting her feelings. "Hey, it's ok, I get it, just call me all right?" she asked, holding out her hand for his phone. Once in her hands, she typed in her phone number and handed it back.

"Thanks, beautiful!" Chris said, now hurrying off.

Smiling, Keri brought her fingers to her lips, recalling to mind how good the kissing had felt, and how she wanted more of it. Surprisingly, images and sensations of her reluctant kisses with Carmen started seeping into her conscious mind. Chris was a great kisser and she loved it, but there was something strangely haunting about what happened to her earlier. Feeling her lips, and her body against her own, it was foreign but intoxicating. Even the way their mouths and tongues danced was astoundingly erotic and very different from the experience with Chris. It seemed as if her lips were itching now, wanting more of that feeling, but that was just wrong. She was straight, not into girls, and that was that.

Keri had a couple more drinks even though it was getting late; she was having enough fun that she didn't want things to end quite yet. She talked to a few other friends for a bit, and as she was riding the full buzz of her drinks, Carmen inadvertently bumped into her.

"Oh, hey, sorry about that," Carmen said with a chuckle, feeling equally tipsy.

Keri giggled. "What's a little bump between friends?" she said, shocked by the words that had come out of her mouth.

Carmen's left eyebrow arched up involuntarily out of sheer surprise. Quiet Keri was being quite playful! "Wow, you must be feeling no pain," she said loudly.

"Maybe." Keri laughed, clearly not full-on drunk but less inhibited for sure.

Carmen smiled. "Happy to see that you got to make out with your crush." she teased.

"Yeah, finally, he is a great kisser!" Keri said, not noticing how her eyes had drifted to the other girl's lips as she spoke.

Carmen grinned, catching her body language. "Yeah? Well maybe, I mean girls do kiss better," she said, deliberately teasing now.

The blonde rolled her eyes, but her pupils were dilated all the same. "If you say so," she said, eyes flitting around, from her eyes to her breasts and back.

Still surprised at the reaction, the Latina stepped closer and leaned in to whisper in Keri's ear. "Well you have tried both, what's your verdict?"

The movement caught Keri off guard, making her freeze in place, but as she took a breath she unexpectedly caught a whiff of the scents emanating from her friend. Just like earlier, the smell of her perfume, hair, and breath joined together and sparked an instant recall of earlier, whether she wanted it or not.

"I...well...I like guys..." she stammered.

Carmen leaned in a bit more until their bodies made light but substantial contact. Lingering at her ear, she replied, "Maybe so, but that isn't what I asked. Did you like my kiss?"

Keri shivered, knowing that she was straight but with her inhibitions lower she felt obliged to admit it. "Yes, I did but I am straight." she insisted.

"Kissing another girl doesn't make you gay. Even enjoying it doesn't mean you are a lesbian, hun. No labels, no scary decisions. Did you enjoy it?"


"So was it better, about the same or what?" Carmen said, her lips brushing the girl's ear periodically.

Keri squirmed despite standing upright. Carmen standing that close felt too much like what had happened earlier and it made her head spin. "I---uh--" she stammered.

"Tell me"

"It was amazing, yes, better, ok?" she blurted out, suddenly embarrassed.

Carmen pulled back to a safe distance. "See, was that so hard to admit?" she said with a grin, fighting the urge to kiss her again.

"Are you trying to kiss me again?" Keri asked, eyes lingering on her lips again.

Carmen reached out and cupped the girl's cheek, gently caressing it with her thumb before speaking again. "Nope, the last time was kinda pushed on you. I told you if you wanted more to come find me," she said, pulling away. She turned and walked towards the sliding glass door leading to the deck outside, where it was dark, glancing back at her friend as she slipped into the darkness.

Keri shook her head to clear her thoughts, trying to will away the strange feelings that had come over her. It was simple, she was straight and didn't feel the urge to kiss girls. 'Kissing a girl doesn't make you gay...even if you enjoy it...enjoy it,' she heard echoing in her mind.

No. No, she couldn't. She shouldn't. Yet her lips started itching again, craving the contact, making her wish that her boy toy had stayed with her. 'Maybe if I just talk to her about it...clear the air..,' she thought as she struggled with it.

Carmen smiled as she heard the glass door slide open and closed, with the light shining around Keri like some kind of aura. As her eyes adjusted to the light, Keri saw the brunette leaning against the wall on the right, her figure dimmed by the shadows. "Hi," she said.


Keri walked over to lean on the wall next to the girl. "I just wanna talk," she said firmly.

'If you followed me out here you are going to do more than that, babe,' Carmen thought but simply nodded at her.

"OK, glad that's out of the way. Look, yes it was surprisingly good, but I...just can't," Keri said, trembling. Confrontations, no matter how friendly, always rattled her.

Carmen turned to look at her, their faces far enough apart not to seem like a prelude to more. "Well glad you admitted it at least. I can't say I hadn't wanted that for a while," she said, biting her lip.

"So, yeah, but I really can't do that again," Keri said in a low voice.

Carmen shifted a bit, invisibly moving closer to the nervous blonde. "Oh? Why not? Tell me your reasons." she said, allowing a smile to creep onto her face.

Keri turned, making her face-to-face with Carmen as well. "Well, I am straight, and--" she started.

"---and kissing another girl doesn't change that." she finished.

"Well, umm, yeah, I guess so." the girl said and shrugged.

"OK, tell me this, what did you like about it? Then tell me what kissing your crush felt like?" Carmen said, crossing her arms defiantly.

Keri was caught off guard by the question, but something about Carmen made her feel comfortable to open up. "Well it was a lot softer and sweeter, more romantic than every other kiss I have had," she admitted.

Carmen smiled. She liked where this was going. Given a few well-placed questions her friend would practically talk herself into it. "I don't hate guys, but most of them kiss to take, even if it's wanted. Girls kiss to give, to bring pleasure to the other person," she explained, hoping it made sense.

Keri tried not to look at her lips again but couldn't keep herself from doing it anyway. Carmen was right about that, their kiss felt like she was trying to give pleasure, not feed on it somehow. And as much as she didn't want to admit it, Keri felt sensual pleasure, her favorite kind, and regardless of who provided it, it had felt amazing. "I could...feel that," she admitted.

Carmen took a step toward her. "Good, mission accomplished then. What else did you enjoy about me kissing you?" she pressed.

"My senses were on fire, the smell, the feel, the taste. Your mouth had a sweet taste to it." Keri said, regretting letting that fact slip out.

Carmen bit her lips, preventing her from making a blatant sexual comment about how the best part of her tasted. "I care about things like that, smelling nice, looking sexy, and it takes time for sure. You know what I mean." she shared.

Keri did know, she lost count of the hours she would take doing her hair and makeup, shaving, and prettying herself up to look sexy. What sometimes irked her was how casually guys would get ready for a date, like they just rolled out of bed or something. It was nice to hear someone else place a value on all of that preparation. "Yep, exactly," she responded.

"Okay, what else?" Carmen probed. She could see the wheels turning, and the telltale signs of female excitement on her friend.

Keri started to mentally sort through the myriad pleasurable sensations she had experienced, including some just now coming to mind. 'Oh damn, I could feel her heartbeat, how her breasts felt pressing into mine, some ever so quiet moans, and that she is feeling the same,' she thought, almost panicking now.

"Maybe about how you could feel the warmth from my skin, how our bodies fit together..."


"And it felt amazing," Carmen said, stepping closer.

"Y...yes...no...maybe....yes..." Keri stammered. She remembered it, felt it, and did enjoy it, so why fight it? Carmen was right, kissing didn't make her gay in the least.

"And I did say if you wanted more to find me. And here you are. Do you want to?" Carmen asked.

Keri fidgeted. Should she? Probably not. Did she want to? Yes. "I...don't know." she breathed.

"I won't push this, you have to want to. You have to ask," Carmen said, her breasts almost touching Keri's now.

Keri's eyes met the other girl's, and then down at her lips. Yes, she was buzzed, but no matter how well Chris had kissed her, the one from her friend kept haunting her. Maybe it was wrong, but she wanted it anyway. 'And it's just kissing, no more than that ever,' she rationalized.

"Yes. I want you to kiss me again. More. Please." Keri squeaked out, willing herself to admit it before she lost the nerve.

'Victory!' Carmen thought as she gently guided her friend up against the wall and pressed her body against hers. She lowered her lips to Keri's and gave her a wet kiss that popped when she pulled back for a moment. When she heard the other girl moan, she lowered her mouth and kissed her again, sweetly but earnestly.

The two girls exchanged about a dozen closed-mouth kisses before Carmen repeated the same technique she had earlier, inviting Keri's mouth to surrender. When her lips parted, Carmen slipped her tongue inside, pulled back, and then inside again, teasing her.

Keri let out a quiet but impassioned moan into the kiss that made her whole body shake. Carmen's tongue wrapped around her own and teased it endlessly, eventually both of them engaging in an equally sexy dance. Keri could feel her own breasts straining as Carmen's pushed against and rubbed one another. Hardened nipples poked and rubbed periodically, sending shock-waves through them both.

Without warning, Carmen detached her lips from Keri's and descended on her neck like a predator pouncing on its prey. "I love kissing necks too," she cooed, making her friend jump at the contact.

"Oh my...oh gawd that feels so good," Keri said in a voice that was somewhere between a shout and a whisper.

"Oh the sounds you make are just so sexy, don't stop," Carmen said in a husky voice.

'No, kissing a girl won't make you gay, but it will make you want things that will,' she said in her mind, relishing the very real possibility of Keri between her legs licking her pussy.

Keri's whole being was on fire on a level she never knew was possible, and that was just from kissing! Carmen's hands never once ventured away from her waist, but the work of her lips and tongue on her neck had her so horny she couldn't see straight. She could feel the vast wetness between her legs and the ache her pussy had with all of the stimulation she was getting. "Oh fuck yes, yes, yes don't stop!" she begged, gasping.

Carmen, of course, had no intention of stopping, she wanted to wind her friend up so tightly that the experience would be imprinted on her mind forever. Craving more. And coming back over and over. "I've got you, girl," she answered, sucking on her neck for a moment. She had to restrain herself because as a very vocal lover, there were a thousand things she wanted to say while doing that.

Keri felt the Latina's lips return to her own, giving her the urge to open her mouth immediately, an impulse she obeyed. The moment she pushed her tongue inside, Carmen's lips claimed it, wrapping around and using a sucking motion that made her knees almost buckle. This time the moan from deep inside her was lustful, and hungry, not to mention loud. Carmen felt the powerful desire to touch the girl and finger her to an orgasm that would top anything she had felt before. Even in the heat of the moment, she sensed that would probably keep her friend from ever coming back for more. But that didn't mean that the kissing had to stop, quite the opposite in fact.

Anyone lucky enough to be watching the two girls would never have guessed one had never before experienced feelings for the same sex. Keri was far from passive, she was an active participant in the passionate moment taking place. Surprisingly, she lowered her lips to Carmen's neck and began kissing and nibbling at it.

"Oh damn, girl, that feels so good." Carmen moaned as the breathy kisses and nibbles began in earnest. In response, Keri started sucking and gently gnawing on the skin just under her ear, turning it bright red, which the girl knew would leave a visible mark. Something about the primal nature of that excited the Mexican girl and made her gasp and moan even more.


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